I noticed after upgrading to Mavericks a couple weeks ago that all my mail box
folders are sorted in reverse alphabetical order under each IMAP account. This
always used to be in ascending alpha order and not backwards like it is now.
Has anyone else experienced this? Also, is there a way to tel
I noticed for the first time tonight that when I send messages from my
steve.holme...@gmail.com account, mail keeps trying to send them from
my other address, st...@holmesgrown.com. I checked both accounts in
system and mail preferences to make sure they have the right account
hooked to the smtp se
I noticed after upgrading to Mavericks a couple weeks ago that all my mail box
folders are sorted in reverse alphabetical order under each IMAP account. This
always used to be in ascending alpha order and not backwards like it is now.
Has anyone else experienced this? Also, is there a way to tel
il header lines.
On Apr 26, 2014, at 2:18 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> I noticed for the first time tonight that when I send messages from my
> steve.holme...@gmail.com account, mail keeps trying to send them from
> my other address, st...@holmesgrown.com. I checked both accounts in
> sys
I noticed after upgrading to Mavericks a couple weeks ago that all my mail box
folders are sorted in reverse alphabetical order under each IMAP account. This
always used to be in ascending alpha order and not backwards like it is now.
Has anyone else experienced this? Also, is there a way to tel
> 8. Close your Mail Prefs and everything should be sorted properly again.
> Sometimes, if it is a Gmail account, you may need to Quit the Mail app and
> re-open it again so that the sync works properly.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMur
for you and
> consequently fix the problem.
> You'll need to do this for each Mail account that has this issue. Note the
> word "should". This is my favourite word in computer-land as it covers my
> behind in case things don't work as I planned.
> Lat
I noticed with some recent changes to Safari and LastPass that now whenever the
LastPass plug-in is active, I can't keep focus from jumping over into the
LastPass HTML pane. I never had this problem before. It makes it impossible to
spend any time on a given site such as filling forms without th
Yeah, I had a lot of performance issues shortly after a Mavericks update too
last month. I wasn’t aware of spotlight index rebuilds or any of that but the
only real outstanding issue here now is Mail still seems sluggish at times but
over all, the machine is quite workable now. Another thing tha
can use CTRL + Command and F. Might help if you write to last pass and tell
> them the problem. The more that write the better.
> Max
> On 2 May 2014, at 10:26 am, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I noticed with some recent changes to Safari and LastPass that now whenever
I like to use a program called id3 edit. I don’t remember the original source
right off top of my head; they aren’t in the app store. I use that all the time
before placing tracks into iTunes. that way iTunes can store them in their
proper places in the library.
On Apr 30, 2014, at 1:05 PM, 'Ch
#x27;ll need to do this for each Mail account that has this issue. Note the
> word "should". This is my favourite word in computer-land as it covers my
> behind in case things don't work as I planned.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
I like to use a program called id3 edit. I don’t remember the original source
right off top of my head; they aren’t in the app store. I use that all the time
before placing tracks into iTunes. that way iTunes can store them in their
proper places in the library.
On Apr 30, 2014, at 1:05 PM, 'Ch
Is there any way to work around this? What if the stuff in triple brackets is
necessary and you want VO to speak it? If these are related strictly to speech,
what about Braille displays? does that “unspoken text” get shown on the display
or is it not shown there either?
On May 2, 2014, at 10:45
e in safari, and LastPass works fine. I suspect
> it might be an incompatibility issue with VO and LastPass in Safari.
> Teresa
> On the other hand, there are different fingers.
> On May 2, 2014, at 3:48 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I wasn't sure who
I use a Refreshabraille mostly with my iPad Mini and at work via USB to a yucky
windows box. The device is great and has nice crisp Braille output.
Unfortunately, the programs to update firmware only come as windows
executables. Besides, they haven't released any software updates since 2011 or
I've been seeing this with my Mac Mini too. I thought it was in conflict with
time Machine or something. I have seen more sluggishness lately with Mavericks.
Mountain Lion was much more snappy in my opinion.
On May 16, 2014, at 1:57 PM, Gary wrote:
> This is also true on an iMac running Maveri
The hotkey to speak hints on the fly would be VO-Shift-N.
On May 25, 2014, at 12:03 AM, Lisette Wesseling
> Jean,
> I think somebody answered your question about the image reports of no faces
> earlier. It's in the VO Utility / speech / help tags. By setting it to "do
> nothing", he
I've been working on my resume in Pages and for the most part, all was pretty
easy once I learned to interact in the right places. But I did run into an area
I can't figure out. I have several tables in this document and I can interact
with the tables but when I try to interact with each cell, V
his in keyboard shortcuts under the help menu.
> On May 29, 2014, at 1:40 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> I've been working on my resume in Pages and for the most part, all was pretty
> easy once I learned to interact in the right places. But I did run into an
> area I can
The Movie Reading app is the one you're looking for. You have already found it
though, based on your earlier messages in this thread. Problem now is Solo DX,
the original developers of this app have gone belly up. the better news is that
apparently another group is going to offer a similar servi
the company is no more. I'm glad I didn't spend
>> money buying the audio description track. It did seem odd there was only one
>> film there which was making me suspicious.
>> Thanks to all who answered my original question.
>> Lisette
>>> O
reen mode. you can just press VO-m to go
>> into the menus as usual, and the toolbar is still available as well.
>> Teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P.
>> Feynman
>> On May 5, 2014
The option is "when a new tab
> or window is open, make it active". the vault opens in a new tab or window,
> depending on how you have your Safari set up.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
> On Jun 1, 2014, at 8:52 AM, Steve Holmes
Checkbook Pro is a nice app too. it can be found in the Mac App store.
On Jun 1, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> if you can develop your own spreadsheet banking registers, then Numbers is
> excellent. I do all my personal accounting on home-grown spreadsheets, bank
> registers, etc.
I don't know. I just ripped a CD a week or so ago and it worked OK for me. I
encoded into MP3 at 192 KB stereo. I didn't encounter any problems except I had
to manually tag the files because this CD was an artist demo and that disc was
never submitted to Grace Notes.
On Jun 1, 2014, at 4:59 PM,
I would go to Rogue Ameba's website and look for Fision. It can split and merge
MP3s. Not sure about transcoding. Might have to use Amadeus pro to do that. I
need to spend more time with these apps to give better answers in the future.
On Jun 1, 2014, at 8:04 PM, Hank Smith, and Seeing-eye dog I
I use a standard Apple bluetooth keyboard all the time on my Mac Mini. Only
time I have keystrokes not getting processed is when I wake the machine out of
sleep mode. Then I think VO is more the problem with lack of responsiveness. I
may also experience much sluggishness or whatever when Time Ma
I wish there was a way to create events that occur every month on a particular
week. For example, say the third Wednesday of every month. You can do monthly
but that implies a specific date on each month; not a given week. Any way to
get around this? Otherwise, I have to build them all manually
Yeah, I just looked here under both Composing and General and no checkbox for
that option. I'm running latest Mavericks.
On Jun 4, 2014, at 5:15 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe that option has been removed, At least I couldn't find it anymore
> so I didn't mention it in my post.
That's right. they're toast!
This other group is picking up the charge but they will use new apps and all so
Movie Reading is another orphaned app .
On Jun 5, 2014, at 12:23 PM, Christina C. wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am confused.
> I do not follow soloDX on twitter to know the latest. I don'
Sometimes I don't find them there but find it under the window choose (VO-F2
F2). But even then, I had to roll through several apps with Command-Tab before
I found a system dialog in the window chooser.
It hasn't always been consistent for me over time.
On Jun 5, 2014, at 12:47 PM, isaac wrote
This used to be easier under Mountain Lion. At least there, I didn't have to go
into classic mode and I think I could just use the arrow keys to adjust the
slider too. Yes, I fully agree; this should be a simple check item in the View
menu as far as I'm concerned.
On Jun 6, 2014, at 8:12 AM, Al
I like the article detailing how to build a bootable image but the damn site
started up autoplaying other videos. How the hell do I stop them? It’s still
babbling away while I’m writing this mail. I can close the window of Safari byt
then I can’t read the article. I hate auto play. I can’t find
tion just to see a descriptive movie.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 6, 2014, at 1:06 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> That's right. they're toast!
>> This other group is picking up the charge but they will use new apps and all
>> so Mo
you go into it deeply enough.”—Richard P.
> Feynman
> On Jun 6, 2014, at 10:34 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I like the article detailing how to build a bootable image but the damn site
>> started up autoplaying other videos. How the hell do I stop them? It’s still
urray, AB Canada
> On Jun 6, 2014, at 11:34 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I like the article detailing how to build a bootable image but the damn site
>> started up autoplaying other videos. How the hell do I stop them? It’s still
>> babbling away while I’m writing t
All on the page, go into TextEdit, up to its Format menu and choose
>> “Make Plain Text”, then paste in the stuff. You can then read it without
>> all the extraneous garbage.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On
started auto-playing for you. It’s never happened
>>> to me on that page before. If it keeps doing that to you, try a cmd-a to
>>> Select All on the page, go into TextEdit, up to its Format menu and choose
>>> “Make Plain Text”, then paste in the stuff. You can then
SoloDX is dead. They never charged for anything as far as I know. Zagga did not
acquire SoloDX. They are going from the ground up with new service and new app.
So Movie Reading is yet another orphaned app! I didn't recall their pricing but
I also feel $25 for 6 months isn't bad at all.
On Jun 6
I've considered buying a Brother 2240 USB printer to use with my Mac Mini. Does
anyone know how accessibility the software is for this or other Brother models?
I like the fact that this model and a similar but network enabled wireless
model (2270) does not have a visual control on the unit so al
n't give you the answers, it merely stops you from asking the
> questions.
> On Jun 14, 2014, at 2:45 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I've considered buying a Brother 2240 USB printer to use with my Mac Mini.
>> Does anyone know how accessibility the software i
Hey thanks for the suggestion. I do have one question about this method though.
Say the files being joined are MP3s; will the editor transcode the files to
something like wave or aiff to do the work and then go back or will it work on
the MP3 format directly? I ask about this because transcoding
Could anyone moderating the Mac Developers list follow up on my
pending request to subscribe? I forget the exact name of the list now
but it is a developers companion to this Mac ?Visionaries
list. Unfortunately, it has been over 3 weeks since I subscribed via
the google troups form. I guess that l
I wonder what it will take to get Google to just get on with implementing HTML5
and dump this fuckin' flash! I refuse to install that parasite on my system
under any condition. I may be missing lots of youtube content, but I refuse to
compromise my computer with inaccessible flash players and Ad
I thought there was a problem installing 64 bit windows. Can you clarify on
that matter? I'm considering doing something similar either on my Mac or my 64
bit laptop. So you actually installed 64 bit windows?
On Oct 10, 2013, at 4:57 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Hello Georges,
> Your answers ha
I don't know if Audacity can work with MP3 files directly or if you have to
decode them to something like wave format. Transcoding files from MP3 to wav
and back again will ruin the audio and should be avoided at all cost.
One program that will work directly with MP3 files without any transcodin
I have been hearing about so many issues with Mail under Mavericks while using
gmail and IMAP. I seem to hear more bad news than good news on this matter so I
am obliged to stay back on Mountain Lion till this can be resolved or I find a
different mail client. Using POP is a non-starter for me.
I also find that if Mail is left running then it begins syncing up with my IMAP
gmail folders and stuff and this tends to cumber my machine and cause VO to be
slugish until all is caught up.
On Oct 26, 2013, at 6:18 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> When your computer goes to sleep, Voiceov
So, does this mean you cannot turn off preview in standard mode with Mavericks
Mail now?
If this is the case, then another reason for me to stay back on Mountain Lion.
On Oct 27, 2013, at 12:35 PM, Michael Marshall
> hey,
> i love modern view it stops a lot of the VO chatter so i think
Another reason I would never use POP on any mail server is, I like to filter
all my inbound email into separate folders like one for each list I'm
subscribed to. You *CANNOT* do this under pop. I use gmail's host based rules
to do this and this way I get the same folder structure on all my devic
This sounds exactly like what happened with Final Cut Pro. they dumbed it down
to a more consumer grade product, angered a bunch of power users, Apple AFAIK
put back some of the features. I wonder if iWork has to go through the same
cycle? You'd think Apple would have learned from previous mista
Hi Annie,
You might wanna try and contact the developers of Mac Update Desktop and ask
them about Mavericks compatibility. Some companies like Rogue Omoeba are
working on updates to their apps to be compatible with Mavericks. Hopefully
these guys will do likewise.
On Oct 28, 2013, at 4:13 PM,
I thought I had read some while back that there could be a way to tell gmail to
use standard IMAP behavior instead of their approach. I think it was in Google
Labs or some such. Anyone know about this or given it a try? Maybe if that were
set, Mail might work better with gmail hosted accounts.
I have also experienced this but I am not on Mavericks yet. I think it
came with the most recent version of Safari regardless of OS
version. The main place where I experienced this was on the safeway
shopping site and I have to login to demo this. thus, I would have a
hard time reporting this to Ap
Yeah and I just read the other day that Linkedin had actually done some a11y
work on their site some time back. Well, what's up. I think their site is
absolutely horrid in its present state.
On Nov 24, 2013, at 3:52 PM, eric oyen wrote:
> I am still on OS X Lion here and I have never been able
I don't know if you have a keyboard in your Braille display but I know on my
Refreshibraille I can hold down the space bar and press the letter m (dots 1,
3, 4) to toggle speech on or off. That seems to work on both Mac and iOS.
On Nov 22, 2013, at 4:40 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
> Hi Teresa,
> T
After having read some 74 messages in this thread, I thought I would
chime in here with a further explanation of VO + J and how I
personally prefer to use Mail.
First off, VO-J jumps VO to the next control at same level. I
absolutely love using this key combination in iTunes; it jumpss me
from the
There may be a couple different things going on here. Some bluetooth
speakers may automatically go off line when the computer sleeps. I
know my Sony speaker doc often shuts itself off if inactive for a
period of time. I use the speaker for playing media content but have
VO permanently assigned to s
I had this problem earlier this year and the cause for me was the mouse was
following the cursor. I unchecked that and my problem has never come back. I
don't remember ever turning that on but I shut it off just the same.
In VO, I have everything following everything else except for the mouse.
I know some of you had been looking for an alternative to the standard
Apple mail client so I would like to offer you all another option. I
am running mutt, a popular text based email client on the Linux
platform. I installed homebrew, which is like macports to support the
shell environment. I run
nce it?s very easy to use and configure. It?s meant to be used by
> > computer novices.
> >
> > Teresa
> >
> > "We're made of star stuff."--Carl Sagan
> >
> > On Jan 9, 2014, at 7:30 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> >
> >> I know s
I hope this discussion can continue on the list because I have similar
questions. I keep hearing sighted people rave about PDF Pen but I thought that
was still inaccessible to VO users. I looked around AppleVis for PDF Pen
references and could not find a thing.
When I used to use Word for Windo
Of Christopher Hallsworth
> Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2014 1:01 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Mac Developers List
> Can you help me please as well since I received absolutely nothing since I
> tried to join and now I know why. Thanks!
> On 19/07/
I think this would be a whole lot easier if mail.app would support external,
rather than inline attachments but that is probably more an issue with outgoing
mail more so than receiving. But still, I usually prefer to use the main menu
bar and select File -> Save Attachments and work from there;
The Mutt Unix command line mail client seems to support private replies pretty
well. Even when the list forces the normal reply function to go to the list,
Mutt offers you the choice of sending to original sender or to the list. On the
opposite side of the coin, Some lists make it nearly impossi
One thing that might make Clifton's solution work is if he has mouse pointer
set to follow the VO cursor. I'm sure changes in this option could impact this
operation. Personally, I haven't added any mail boxes to the favorites so don't
have any additional personal experience to go on.
On Jul 20
The one area in Terminal I would really like to be able to do is cursor up and
down a column and have it stay in that column and not go back to the beginning
of the line each time. An example of what I'm talking about is take the output
of 'ls -l' (detailed file listing) and read just the file n
I might add here concerning flash. Apple has nothing to do with flash. Flash is
developed by Adobe and quite frankly, I don't think Adobe cares much at all
about accessibility. This is my opinion; yes, Adobe has funded NVDA development
but PDF documents are more less accessible on Windows but th
e on an automatic acceptance of subscriptions.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Steve Holmes
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 5:49 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Mac
> so it might just be the nature of that particular topic. Of course, anything
> on that could always be discussed here.
> On Aug 12, 2014, at 5:17 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Does anyone know if there are any other lists where blind developers
> might discuss
Has anyone successfully used bookmarks in VLC? I found a way to add bookmarks
to selected parts of a long file but can't seem to find a way to jump to them.
You can open the bookmark window with Command+b and I can add, delete or clear
all bookmarks but there is no jump available. The documentat
Has anyone successfully used bookmarks in VLC? I found a way to add bookmarks
to selected parts of a long file but can't seem to find a way to jump to them.
You can open the bookmark window with Command+b and I can add, delete or clear
all bookmarks but there is no jump available. The documentat
didn't even
> know it was possible to create bookmarks.
> Maria Chapman
> bubbygirl1...@gmail.com
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
> Mahatma Gandhi
> On 19/06/2013, at 11:18 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
I asked several times in the past on this list about bookmarks in
iText on this list and got no replies. I guess nobody bookmarks
anything or it can't be done in iText. I downloaded this app some time
back and really have not used it since. Bookle is a much better way to
read epub books on the mac
Bad news dude,
Blind Cool Tech programs seem to be 404 now. I found the entry you referred to
but can't download - not found. Bummer for sure.
If they are going to throw away their files, then they should throw away the
links too. Nothing like link rot.
On Jun 19, 2013, at 6:52 PM, Chris Gilla
am sorry. I was just trying to help. You don't have to blame me.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Steve Holmes"
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 6:45 AM
> Subject: Re: logic pro 9
> Bad news dude,
> Blind Cool
I use it with an Epson Perfection 600 scanner. Works good here.
On Jul 17, 2013, at 1:56 PM, Yolanda Thompson wrote:
> I use it with an epson v33 flatbed.
> On 7/17/13, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi, Is any one using docuscan with a standard flat bed scanner?
>> Thanks,
>> Erik Burggr
Yes, they can. It's really cool. I had no idea this would work. The video gave
me some skeptical feelings about it but I just went into the finder on my
machine and pressed the suggested modifier keys and the menu option changed and
VO spoke the difference. Even the enter key works when you hold
I don't see any link to click here. I just see the title of whatever this
article is supposed to be.
On Jul 16, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Jane wrote:
> Saw this and thought it would be useful. I haven't actually tried this with
> anything yet.
> How To Request A Refund for An iTunes or App Store Pu
I have one other question related to saving files in Text Edit. In my case, the
default location is always iCloud and I have to change it to one of my local
folders each time I save a new file. Is there a way to make it not default to
On Jul 12, 2013, at 1:05 AM, Nicholas Parsons
I never used that service so cannot help you with any further information but I
do use another service which is configured from the website which is accessible
That would be
They used to be called Dynamic DNS and they used to be free for some services.
They charge n
Thanks for that answer. I had not seen any options in the regular preferences
for TextEdit. I guess there's a lot of more powerful options out there that can
be set through terminal.
On Jul 20, 2013, at 4:07 PM, Daniel C wrote:
> Sure. In terminal, you can type this, exactly as it's written an
Here's another way to open the menu. First, route the mouse as has been
described so far by pressing Ctrl-Option-Command-F5. Then tap the option key
five times to turn on mouse keys. Then Hold down the option key and press the
letter i on a small keyboard or the #5 key on the numeric keypad of a
Another way to clear this out is if you have a Linux machine some place; just
mount that drive on the Linux box and rm -fr the folder and it won't care. I
realize you might not have that option available to you but I do and it came in
handy to do just that and additionally go after files on a br
I want to personally thank you for the tips and references you have offered
here. I'm an experienced programmer though I have barely touched programming
with xcode. I have one of those books I recently bought for introducing iOS
programming but I think I would rather start with something on the
It usually will automatically catch up when you wake up your machine. When this
doesn't happen, you can refresh the timeline or you can refresh all views. I
think Command-r refreshes main timeline and shift-command-r will refresh all
views. In case I have the wrong keys listed here, you can chec
My first thought would be to use a sound editor like Amadeaus Pro or perhaps
the other mentioned apps like Garage Band might allow you to manually run
through the sound recording and drop markers at the end of each track and then
instruct the program to split out into files delimited by these pl
Another command I like to use for this sort of thing is dig. I understand it it
is supposed to be a replacement for nslookup. Anyway, I'm glad it is available
on the Mac.
On Jun 25, 2013, at 11:13 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> You can inspect some stuff while you're waiting to make sure things are
Has anyone gotten Prizmo to work with an iPad? I have had horrible results with
Prismo where other apps like Goggles or Tap Tap See seem to work better. The
iPad Mini does not have a flash with its camera.
On Jun 14, 2013, at 6:36 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen
> Hi Anne.
> I used goggles w
Another thing I like to do with Docuscan is to select all from the HTML view of
the text and copy/paste it into Text Edit. Seems to me to get better formatting
that way rather than capture the RTF from Docuscan; for whatever reason, the
resulting RTFs for me looked all messed up.
Also, I have n
One example of zips that the standard archive utility won't open by default are
epub books where you can rename to .zip and then open up for internal tweaks. I
run into this all the time with the Linux Journal magazines so I use Unarchiver
to deal with them. Not sure why this is the case but I'm
If you have the music browser available, just select the desired artist and
then in my case, I would use VO-j to jump over to the songs list and since the
artist was selected and not a single album, I would get all tracks from that
artist. Then just select all tracks with Command-A and add to pl
nes or the dark brown ones).
> These
> French lentils are a bit smaller and a bit crunchier than the lentils
> sold
> in American supermarkets. This recipe suggests adding rice for the
> simple
> reason that the combination of rice and lentils produces the complete
> protein nee
I don't remember exactly how I did it but I encrypted the USB external drive I
use for my time machine backup. I probably did it with Disk Utility. All I
remember is it seemed to take forever for a 1 TB partition.
You might also look for PGP aware tools like gpg (gnu privacy guard). That is
It sure doesn't work well on an iPad Mini. I gave it a try and even while
holding it really still, it kept vasalating between "No page detected" or
"Ready to scan" but most of the time if I got anything at all, it was a total
mess! I don't think this app will get much use from me. I'm not impres
I like Id3 Edit. I had to get it from a 3rd party site; not in the app store. I
can look for the specifics if you're interested.
On May 16, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Good day.
> I wish to know something. Which Music Tag editor do the folks here find most
> accessible? I need
Is there any way to do this without having to transcode to wave or aiff? I
generally hate transcoding as it often ruins the audio quality.
On May 14, 2013, at 7:15 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> If you don't mind playing around with terminal and MacPorts you can get the
> free sox audio manipulatio
It works on my machine too; just tried it. Yes, you could use the say command
in shell or apple scripts for audible messages or prompts or whatever. I
noticed it uses the system voice at default speeds which is slower than what VO
does on my setup.
On Jul 22, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
Another way to do it is to press VO-F2 twice in succession to open the window
chooser. Here you will have a vertical list of all currently open windows in
that application. Then just arrow through the list to the one you want and then
hit Return or VO-Space to focus that one.
I often prefer thi
201 - 300 of 480 matches
Mail list logo