One thing more concerning these, after you add a bookmark through the
bookmarks window (Press Command-B to open), you need to create a
playlist and save it. The bookmarks get saved in the "extended m3u"
file. I'm asking these questions on the list because I can't figure
anything more out. I was hoping someone else on the list might have
tried using bookmarks with VLC. I from time to time encounter large
sound files over 2 hours in length and bookmarking would be essential
in saving one's place and resumption of listening at a later time.

The documented hotkeys for saving and jumping to bookmarks doesn't
work at all here. But this method of saving in the bookmarks window
works for saving but no way to jump to that location in the media

On 6/19/13, Maria & Joe Chapman <> wrote:
> HI.  if you figure this out please let me know the answer.  I didn't even
> know it was possible to create bookmarks.
> Maria Chapman
> "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
> Mahatma Gandhi
> On 19/06/2013, at 11:18 PM, Steve Holmes <> wrote:
>> Has anyone successfully used bookmarks in VLC? I found a way to add
>> bookmarks to selected parts of a long file but can't seem to find a way to
>> jump to them. You can open the bookmark window with Command+b and I can
>> add, delete or clear all bookmarks but there is no jump available. The
>> documentation claims there are hot keys to create and jump to bookmarks
>> but I can't get that part to work at all. It seems like to me that much of
>> the documentation does not match what I see in my version here. I'm using
>> version 2.0.6 which is the latest you can download from the videolan
>> site.
>> Any ideas? I would love to be able to use bookmarks in these four hour
>> long files.
>> --
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