Hi all.
I'm writing this with the Mantis, but I no longer have access to a
Mac, so I'm not able to report on that.
With iOS 13.6, it works quite well. The thing to remember is that you
are using a QWERTY keyboard with this set up, so many of the things
you may have learned about Perkins-style keybo
> Thanks, Scott. The wifi feature sounds very cool. Do you like the braille?
> One article I read described it as mushy. Also, how is the keyboard. I
> remember the Braillenote having HUGE keys. That never made sense to me, and
> I didn't care for it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
Hi Joe and Donna.
I have not received my case either. My understanding from talking to
Greg Stilson about this is that the case which ships with the Mantis
does not include a cover, but something that you can set the display
in while using it. It's not a carrying case. If you want to carry it
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com on
>> behalf of Scott Davert
>> Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 11:38:22 AM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: Mantis Q40?
>> Hi all.
>> I'm writing this wit
I would think both the Mantis and the Chameleon would eventually
support NLS, given that Humanware is one of the companies contracted
out to provide the braille displays that will be distributed by NLS.
On 8/6/20, Scott Davert wrote:
> Hi Donna.
> Thanks for posting the rev
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Aug 6, 2020, at 3:30 PM, Scott Davert
>> wrote:
>> Hi Joe and Donna.
>> I have not received my case either. My understanding from talking to
>> Greg Stilson about this is that the case which ships with the Mantis
well as one
> would wish.
> Like I said, he's obviously new to AT, but I figured I'd share the review
> for anyone who wants to read it. I'm sure yours will be much more
> comprehensive,. :)
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Aug 6, 2020, at 3:38 PM, Scott Da
I'll post it to the list when it is released next week. It's with the
editor now...
On 8/7/20, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries
> Again, I agree. Would love to see your review.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Aug 7, 2020, at 10:54 AM, Scott
Hi Peggy.
It could be done with Narrator on Windows I expect, though I've never
run an update with Nerrorator to try an update from Orbit Research. If
your husband's computer is running Windows 10, Nerrorator does a
decent job for things like this most of the time. You can bring up
Nerrorator by pr
I didn't have a Mac to test on, but covered iOS. There were some
questions on the list, so I thought I'd pass my article along to this
A Review Of the Mantis Q 40 QWERTY Braille Display by APH and HumanWare
Scott Davert
In the curre
I heard a rumor that the Chameleon may be rebranded as the Brailliant
20 for those outside the U.S. who would work with a Humanware dealer.
I have no idea if it's true or not.
WHEN the new Brailliant 40 launches, HW claims in December, it is
expected to have all of the features of the Mantis, but w
I upgraded from an SE 2 to an SE 3 and have no regrets. The battery
life has improved and the internals are much more reliable. I wrote
the following review after having the SE 2022 for a week or so. My
observations haven't really changed.
It's never worked for me either. Even if I dump VoiceOver, it isn't
ending the call here. Good thing I don't like to hang up on people I
guess, though I hardly make phone calls these days anyway.
On 11/3/22, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries
> Thanks for posting this. I will report
Hi E.T. I have recently used iOS 16.1 and the 16.2 beta with a Focus
40 5th generation without any trouble. Have you tried resetting all
settings? I'm not sure if iOS 16 back-ups work under 16.1, but if they
are, why not give it a try? Please let us know how it goes.
Wishing you the best of luck,
That would depend on your access needs. There will never be a blanket
statement put out that says everyone should upgrade. That never
happens because we are all different and thus have different needs.
For example, there are a lot of braille bugs in 16.3 that wouldn't
impact a speech only, or not a
> I don’t need blanket assurances or anything, I just asked because I thought
> I remembered hearing a little more chatter than normal about this new
> version 16 having more troubles than most. Anyway, I think I’ll go ahead and
> update. Thanks
> Sent from my IPhone
Well, it was an answer, just not one you wanted. LOL. Yay for
reporting broken stuff, hopefully more people do so.
On 7/13/23, mattias jonsson wrote:
> now a bug report are done.
>> 14 juli 2023 kl. 02:04 skrev mattias jonsson :
>> if you dont want to answer dont write
>> anyone hav
Hello Sarai.
I was quite happy with my Logetech K380 as well, but I think it would
take a larger purse to carry it around. The iClever Tri-fold keyboards
are decent, but like Donna said, the keys are kind of small. That
said, they have to be more small to fit in that physical form factor.
Nice review, Donna!
Part of why I have not published an article on this device is because Dream
Vision never responded to a couple of questions I had. One of them being
the lack of ability to connect to Android. I was hoping to get official
confirmation of this before throwing it into the universe,
lude it.
> What do you mean by your comment that Launching apps is as simple as
> pressing dot 8 and then typing the app name? Which display are you talking
> about there?
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Jan 11, 2024, at 9:35 AM, Scott Davert
>> wrote:
Many of the gestures you know from the iPhone are the same: double tap
to open, flick left and right to go to previous and next item, flick
up and down to move through whatever the rotor is set to, etc. There
are also gestures to do things like interact, move to certain parts of
the operating syste
Sorry to say, but no displays and no screen readers are currently
supporting the format indicators as far as I'm aware. Quite
disappointing indeed!
On 7/25/16, M. Taylor wrote:
> Hello Caitlyn,
> Yes, I have tried almost every configuration I can think of, including
> enabling Status cel
What bugs are you reporting? I'm running Watch OS 3 also.
On 8/1/16, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Chris,
> I’m not running those betas, but interested to know what your bugs aare,
> I’ll flick you a message later.
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.
Hello all. I'm going to address several messages at once on this thread.
Jonathan: you are 100% correct about the access issue for those of us
who wear hearing aids and who are blind. Sadly, the market is rarely
designed wit our needs being considered because, as you say, we're
such a small minorit
Hello Bill.
This podcast may help:
On 4/15/15, William Gallik wrote:
> The first thing I would like to know is this; how do you get DJ to access
> any or all of your iTunes play
I agree with Kim. I had to play a form of chess trying to outsmart the
system in to moving apps around to where I wanted them. It was very
timely too, as the list of Apple apps that they put on your phone that
you can't remove got an adition for me in the form of the Apple Watch
app. Just another a
> * * * * * * * * *
> Bill Gallik
> wfgal...@icloud.com
>> On Apr 15, 2015, at 1:02 PM, Scott Davert
>> wrote:
>> Hello Bill.
>> This podcast may help:
>> http://www.applevis.com/podcast/episodes/transform-your-mac-full-fledged-dj-system-algo
Eloquimnce is the main reason I stick with Windows, as it's the only
synth I can clearly understand with my type of hearing loss, for
whatever reason. While I can use the decent braille support already
built in, Eloquince would still be way faster. isn't the current
version of this synth on the Mac
Hello Myrna and Kawal.
No, the watch itself does not have braille support, but you can
control most, if not all, aspects of the watch through the iPhone app.
Myrna: I think the store on west 14th is my favorite in Manhatton,
followed by the one up by Central park. I was a bit underwhelmed at
the st
Hi Gene.
I'm sure others on the list may find the answers helpful. I have not
connected mine to my Mac yet, but have been using it with my iPhone
for the past couple of months. What questions did you have? You may
also find my review at:
;ve mentioned before with the
> JAWS driver. But I'm very pleased with all my apple connections.
> On 5/5/15, Scott Davert wrote:
>> Hi Gene.
>> I'm sure others on the list may find the answers helpful. I have not
>> connected mine to my Mac yet, but have b
The other thing to look in to is whether the key assignments have
somehow become corrupted. I've seen this happen a few times in the
past, resetting VO preferences may fix the situation. Also, can you
get to an Apple Store or to another Mac to try it?
On 6/17/15, Eugenia Firth wrote
They did announce the smaller iPad and the smaller iPhone. I kind of
wish I hadn't gotten a 6S, since the se has all the specs of the 6S
but with no 3D touch, which I almost never use anyway.
On 3/22/16, Basioli George wrote:
> here is a better question. does this mean no september event
Here's an article that may help:
Among the announcements at Apple's latest event, was the introduction
of the iPhone SE. IT has most of the same features as the current
flagship 6s and 6S Plus models, but was much smaller. After learning
of this a
$399 for 16 GB $499 FOR 64 GB on SE. Don't have price points for 6s
and 6s Plus handy, but you can always go look that up on Apple.com
yourself. Sound quality is about the same with the exception of what I
wrote below.
On 4/18/16, Jessica Moss wrote:
> What’s the price compared to the 6S/6
I think that not everyone likes even the larger screen. I'm a braille
display user, for example, so I'm happier with the smaller screen
size. I'm also not a huge BSI user, so that is another reason I'd like
the larger screen thrown out the window. Battery life? I purchased a
case with a battery onb
Does anyone know if the Braille Pen Slim is compatible with the Mac? I
know the pen itself is supposedly supported, but someone was asking me
about the keyboard itself that doesn't include the display.
Thanks for any help!
The following information is important for all members of the Ma
If you don't want to pay for it, and you feel so strongly that it
should be free, why not go out there and do all of the work yourself
for free and publish your own independent guide that is better for no
charge? $35 is quite affordable, when you consider a comprehensive
tutorial on, say, JAWS for
Also, for those who want a free resource, which isn't quite as
comprehensive on pages, you may wish to check out:
It's certainly not as extensive as this book, but it should get you started.
On 2/29/16, Caitlyn
Hi all.
I developed both a guide and podcast on this, so for those struggling,
maybe one or the other will help. The guide can be found at:
The podcast can be found at:
If you plan to use 3D touch, I would think it would be worth it. I've
also noticed some improvement of battery life over the 6, though this
could be iOS 9 or something else. I know the battery in the 6S is
actually slightly smaller.
On 9/29/15, george b wrote:
> Chris,
> I went from a 6 pluse t
No, it's not just you. Braille support is still sub-par in many cases
on OSX, with bugs I've reported 2 years ago still not fixed. Because I
only have one mac, and am heavily dependent on it, I cannot put betas
on it or risk upgrading because I'm afraid of the bugs I may
encounter. I'm still runnin
Hi Blee and others.
I quit upgrading my mac, but am hoping to bring a mac with EL Cap
online soon to test the latest build. The other issue, beyond what
you've outlined quite well, is that I cannot get the rotor to work on
the braille display. I can press space with dots 2-3 or 5-6 to move to
the n
Hi Eileen.
Many of the iOS commands you have come to know will work great on OSX.
here's a podcast which may also help you get started.
On 10/6/15, eileen.misr...@gmail.com wrote:
> As I use the app MBraille to compose this po
Hi all.
I'm playing around with the ability in the Smart Beetle to emulate a
bluetooth keyboard. Wow, what a complicated set of commands, and what
an inconsistent performance of such commands. I'm running iOS 9.0.2,
and was able to pair the bluetooth keyboard emulation and the
bluetooth pairing for
me as vertical flick with
> one finger (if memory serves, I prefer to use gestures on the touchscreen).
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 9 Oct 2015, at 02:15, Scott Davert wrote:
to the HIMS listserv? That would be a good place
> for your feedback to go.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
> On 10/8/2015 6:15 AM, Scott Davert wrote:
>> Hi
HI all.
Has anyone been able to connect to the Mac via USB with the Smart
Beetle? I've tried this under Yosemite and El cap, and neither appear
to work. I've also connected other displays via USB on this Mac, and
they function just fine. According to the manual, this is supposedly
working. I've eve
Hi Michelle.
If you have no vision, Bootcamp may be an issue for you once you have
switched to the Windows installation. I have found that Bootcamp makes
Windows run a bit faster on my macbook Air, which has 8 GB of ram, but
even with a virtual machine, things weren't too bad. As Caitlyn
pointed ou
Hi Matt.
I can confirm what Alex is saying. The Apex works fine with Bluetooth
and USB. The Focus displays seem to be having Bluetooth issues though.
At least, from my testing yesterday. Everything functions fine on USB
from what I can tell, it's the Bluetooth connections that seem to be
having iss
Hmm. My Braille Edge is functioning fine with Bluetooth and Mavericks.
I didn't get to test the Braille Sense products yet. The Mac I tried
this on had never been paired with the Edge before, so I'm not sure if
the problem is speratic or what.
On 10/24/13, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi there
Hi Teresa.
The rotor kinda sorta works, bu tnot quite. I cannot seem to get space
with dot 3 or space with dot 6 to work. Have you found a way around
this when only using a braille display?
Thanks for any help!
On 11/26/13, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, all,
> A few weeks ago, some of us h
Hi all.
You can't blame a guy for dumping a project that was free. if it
happened to QRead itself, or Hope, you'd have a valid point, but for
things that are free, it essentially means you support it out of your
own free time.
This seems like a good Kickstarter campaign to me. Since I purchased
It's usable, but there are some bugs and you just have to work around
them until they get fixed. As noted before, don't expect it to be like
what you would find running JAWS or something on Windows. If you have
used braille on iOS, the experience is fairly close to that in terms
of typing with the
something that shows people how to use
>> braille on the Mac? I love using it on the iPhone, but wanna learn how to
>> use it on the Mac. I mean, come on, I bought those things :-)
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 4, 2014, at 2:38 PM, Scott Davert
For the record, iOS 7 will be available for the iPhone 4 and higher,
all iPads except for the original, and only the 5th gen iPod. They did
confirm that it will be a fall release, but didn't specify a date. My
somewhat educated guess would be September, but you really never can
tell with Apple.
Hi all.
I think the voices they were using in the demo were Vocalizer
Expressive. The male voice, at any rate, sounds like an expressive
version of Tom. However, for me at least, there was not a long enough
sample to really be sure that's what it was.
On 6/11/13, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
Hi all.
I've had to fight with the Edge to get it installed on 64-bit versions
of Windows, and have found that it only works with Bluetooth on
Windows 8. So if you are considering purchasing this device and run
bootcamp, that's something you should be aware of.
At this time, NVDA only supports inpu
Hi all.
I assume if I want to upgrade my MacBook Air, I have to send it back to Apple?
On 7/16/13, Phil Halton wrote:
> That's my thinking too. I'll upgrade from the baseline processor to a
> mid-level, then get 8GB ram and a 256 SSD (ccan't really afford a 512 ssd)
> - Origi
Eric is correct about the Pen. I, too, would recommend the Brailliant
24, if you can find one. Also, if you wish to use a display and need
to unhide the virtual keyboard, press space with 1-4-6 and it will
toggle it on and off.
On 7/24/13, erik burggraaf wrote:
> I'm not sure but I th
Hello Christina.
I echo Annie's thoughts. Also, I noticed with some magazine content
that sometimes, when pressing space with o to turn pages, the display
does not advance. However, pressing it a second time will move you
forward 2 pages. So I'm guessing there is some sort of refresh issue
with bra
Hi all.
Just thought I'd pass this along. I did this podcast after recording
my Using Braille Displays with the Mac and getting some requests for
it. I go through some general info, demo pairing a braille display,
show some commands, and finally how to get help.
I hope this helps someone, somewher
Hi Buddy.
The Alba kind of reminds me of the old Braille Lites in that sense.
You had a lot of flash memory that you couldn't do much beyond reading
with, and very little in the way of memory available for editing of
Cait: As for the Brailliant, if the Edge isn't an option, I would also
Hi again Kait.
If they did not allow you to see the Brailliant BI, it has expanded
quite a bit. There are now thumb kieys on the front, braille input
keys, and it will of course connect to iDevices. however, I will say
that I do not like the design of the input keyboard, as the spacebars,
yes there
Hi Daniela.
I assume you mean for the Mac?
On 8/15/13, Daniela Rubio wrote:
> Hello all:
> I have been trying to find the VoiceOver online manual latest version in the
> Apple accessibility page, but I just can't
e back, perhaps? for regular lion, I created a text edition of this
>> manual sending it to anyone who wrote me privately. Let me do the same
>> for this one. as nice as on line can be, there are advantages to simply
>> using a manual outside of the device as you learn.
es due to major size. requires less
> effort in my person ale
> experience. Your experiences clearly vary lol.
> Karen
> On Thu, 15 Aug 2013, Scott Davert wrote:
>> Here's a Mountain Lion version of it. This may be easier so that
>> anyone can just grab
Hi Chenelle.
I'm assuming you're running iOS 6. Find the song you wish to delete,
and then flick up with one finger to the delete action, and double
tap. That's it. If you're running something with iOS 5, I think the
process is more involved, unless there was a more simple way to do
this before tha
n the site itself.
> Has the ml manual been updated since you created the one you shared?
> Kare
> Kare
> On Thu, 15 Aug 2013, Scott Davert wrote:
>> Hi Karen.
>> Do you have the same version I have? I'd be curious to know. And, as I
>> said, I wasn't
below is a review I wrote concerning the product mentioned in the
subject. I tried to describe it as best I could for those who cannot
see pictures of it.
taken from:
The Limeade lin
Hi all.
I have an iPod 4 here that I would like to return to iOS 5.1. I have
the IPSW file from Apple, so I assume I should be able to do this with
no trouble?
Thanks for any help!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsu
Hello Jodie.
I'd like to second what Adrienne said, especially the part about
already being familiar with VoiceOver on the iPhone. Many of the
gestures you have used on your iPhone you will be able to use on the
trackpad on the Mac. Gestures such as flicking left and right, double
tapping to activa
Just like the last several Autumn seasons, this one comes with another
new iOS release. And just like other releases, this release brings a
lot of new features
Hi Wayne.
My questions to you are: 1. how much do you want to spend?
2. How many charges do you wish to get out of the external battery? TO
charge an iPad once, it requires a 2.1 amp output port.
On 9/27/13, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi there
> I can't send you a link because I got mine from
I don't think it's fare to criticize Brandon, it's not like he is the
one demanding that you solve catpchas for creating accounts and
whatever other things you need to do to be productive. He's offering
the solution to a problem that currently has no other solution for the
Mac. If you can de
Well, the sky isn't always blue, sometimes it's different colors. LOL.
If you don't wish to help others on this list, or any other for that
matter, it's your choice. No one is saying you have to do it. People
help others because they want to. I really don't see how you can
interpret a disagreement
I'm not an iTunes fan. In fact, if Android ever gets their
acessibility act together, it will be the biggest reason I change from
an Apple portable device to an Android one. Why should I have to run a
piece of bloated software to simply transfer data from my computer to
my phone? Yes, there are alt
;re all resistant to change to some degree.
> I'll stop now.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-12-11, at 7:07 AM, Scott Davert wrote:
>> I'm not an iTunes fan. In fact, if Android ever gets their
>> acessi
Hi all.
Kim: I'll have to look into syncing iCloud with my documents, I have
Pages for iOS, but not the Mac. I'm quite new to the Mac world, so I'm
still trying to get on my feet from that perspective. I love how you
can use braille displays to essentially control the entire computer,
without ever
Wait So if I want to read iBooks I've purchased for my iPhone on
the Mac, I cannot do this? That seems a bit stupid on Apple's part.
You would think they would want to make things you do work just as
well with the Mac as with iDevices. Wow. That's a shame.
On 12/12/12, Cheryl Homiak wr
erything and don't be afraid to keep sending any
> questions to us here on the list. There's always someone who can help in
> some way.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-12-12, at 8:49 AM, Scott Dav
I'm not sure why this function is useful, but maybe it was before Snow
Leopard? I think that QuickNav also pretty much eliminates the need
for this.
On 12/14/12, Alex Hall wrote:
> Yes it does. It is basically as though you had managed to glue your control
> and option keys down, so any ot
I've already recommended to the few people that I know who are
studying contracted braille with iDevices that they get this one. I
like how it lists the rules associated with the translation along with
the dot combinations. I hope they'll develop one for UEB as well. The
dev indicated that it i
NO worries Shawn. Again, I know most software has its own flaws, and
while I'm glad iTunes is reasonably accessible, I just wish I wasn't
required to use it. Oh well, I'm about to load my iPhone on my new
Macbook air, and from what I've read, it should be a more enjoyable
experience than working wi
way of doing something. On just about all of
> the screen readers, there's usually more than one way for getting something
> done.
> On Dec 14, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Scott Davert wrote:
>> I'm not sure why this function is useful, but maybe it was before Snow
HI all.
In my quest to eliminate the need for my keyboard, I'm I have been
giving some common commands like VO plus J a braile keyboard
equivalent. However, there are a couple of taks I can't seem to
accomplish. One of them being closing a window (Command W on the
keyboard), and another being to qu
If you were having so much trouble purchasing the gift card in iTunes,
why not just go to apple.com, click on the store, and purchase the
giftcard from there? That would probably have saved you much of the
head ache. Glad it was resolved anyhow.
On 12/25/12, Chris H wrote:
> Hello all
> I
Hi Chris.
You can purchase iTunes giftcards or Apple store ones via the website.
As for giftcards on iTunes, first select the featured tab and then
proceed as outlined previously. Works fine here.
On 12/26/12, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi there
> It made me wait too late to say this, but I ha
Hi Anne.
As I'm a fairly new Mac user, and do most of my reading through
iBooks, I have very limited experience with iText Express using
braille. However, from the few files I used it with, it seemed to
respond fine to my Braille Edge 40.
On 1/2/13, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
> Thanks so much
You can email me off list, but I think this discussion can most likely
help others. Even if not imediatley, someone may later wish to search
the list archives for this topic and will find the thread you started.
On 1/3/13, erik burggraaf wrote:
> you can email me off list if you like.
x27;blind want to make sure
>>>>>> you have the braille display turned on before you tell Vo to find it.
>>>>>> That sounds obvious, but these things can be kind of sensitive if they
>>>>>> don't find each other right away.
And this, folks, is a prime example of why we need UEB. I wish Bana
wasn't taking their sweet time on the transition. Hopefully the UK
will be onboard sometime soon as well.
On 1/4/13, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> Actually I kind of like typeinbraille but I think I will be much faster with
> Bra
HI Gigi.
She was asking about VO plus J, which jumps to the text content of an
email mesage. This is different than interacting with an item. I'm not
trying to be rude or anything like that, I just thought I should
clerify. Unless I'm the one off base here?
On 1/4/13, Scott Dav
Not only that, but if there is not a command associated with a
VoiceOver keyboard command, you can assign a command to it on your
braille keyboard. I did this with VO plus J. It's now J-chord on my
Braille Edge.
On 1/9/13, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Alex, thanks for this. As is often the case,
this to occur, but I could have missed it.
> Les
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 3:09 PM, Scott Davert wrote:
>> Not only that, but if there is not a command associated with a
>> VoiceOver keyboard command, you can assign a command to it on your
>> braille keyboard. I did this wit
Hi Les.
Well, I was able to do this at one time, but I'm missing a step in the
process now as well. I'll have to contact someone I know off list and
get this info for you. Sorry about that. I know it's possible, because
I sat at a table a few months ago and went through the process with
someone, bu
n Jan 10, 2013, at 8:02 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Okay, thanks for the assist on this one. I'll look forward to hearing the
>> resolution.
>> Les
>> On Jan 10, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Scott Davert
>> wrote:
If all you are looking to do is basic word processing, I'd say Text
Edit should work fine. Although, iText Express is free as far as I can
remember, so if you're not getting enough out of Text Edit, you may
want to give it a try.
Best of luck,
On 1/17/13, Becky Knaub wrote:
> You could use
I have also had this issue the few times I used it. If you have access
to Bookshare, I would think there would be a way to open the xml file
in the text only Daisy version of the book and read it in Safari? Has
anyone been successful with this?
On 1/19/13, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> I've noticed thi
I suspect you will be disappointed in iOS 6.1 in terms of
accessibility enhancements. However, avid users of Siri will most
likely enjoy it from what I've read.
On 1/27/13, Michael Babcock wrote:
> I don't know, if you watch the video series, you learned that they
> completely redesigned t
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