Hello Jodie.
I'd like to second what Adrienne said, especially the part about
already being familiar with VoiceOver on the iPhone. Many of the
gestures you have used on your iPhone you will be able to use on the
trackpad on the Mac. Gestures such as flicking left and right, double
tapping to activate items, using the rotor, etc. I actually did a
podcast on this topic, you're free to check it out if you wish.

Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy your new machine!

On 9/10/13, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers <chalmer...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jodie
> If I remember correctly, when you plug your new MBP in and switch it on for
> the first time, as it boots up it will speak to you and ask you if you need
> help with seeing and give you a simple keystroke to perform, can't remember
> which one:)
> If you tell it you do, it will next ask you if you know how to work
> Voiceover already, or if you would like a very short practice on a few basic
> commands which are the ones you need in order to set up your computer
> yourself. As you haven't used VO on a Mac before, I think it would probably
> be a good idea to have a go at this.
> By the way, when your computer is in this mode, it reverts to one of the
> older voices. You will soon get to have a nice HQ voice instead, so don't
> worry about that.
> Then you get to spend ages telling it who you are and where you live and all
> that sort of thing. I warn you it will at some point take a picture of you,
> so don't do what I did the time I was setting up a computer and sat there
> with wet hair with a towel wrapped round it. Not a good look.
> After you've done all that,  it chunters away to itself for what seems like
> ages Then it should, again if I am remembering correctly, or if they haven't
> changed the procedure since I last did this,  start speaking with an HQ
> voice.
> The key is to be patient. I don't think there are any short cuts. it's all
> just stuff that has to be done.
> You will be off to a head start with this because you are at least used to
> VO on your iPhone.
> Two final points, if VO seems to go off, that command f5 should always
> switch it back  on. If it's in a particularly bad mood, sometimes you need
> to do it a few times to wake it up
> Control Option h will get you the VO help menu. This is really useful as it
> has a whole load of things in it, such as all the VO commands, the sort of
> noises it makes when various things happen and some more detailed
> instructions, as well as the usual interactive help.
> Very good luck with it all.
> Best
> Adrienne
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