The other thing to look in to is whether the key assignments have
somehow become corrupted. I've seen this happen a few times in the
past, resetting VO preferences may fix the situation. Also, can you
get to an Apple Store or to another Mac to try it?


On 6/17/15, Eugenia Firth <gigifi...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi Stef
> Have you tried to unpair your Braille Sense, maybe even go into System
> Preferences too, and take your Braille Sense out of your computer’s memory
> first? Then, if it were my braille display, I would restart my computer and
> try to pair the braille display again, just in case it’s something weird
> messed up in memory. Also, does your Braille Sense have the latest update on
> it? You might check that, too before you try and start over.
> Gigi
>> On Jun 17, 2015, at 2:22 AM, Stephanie <natureloving...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm having some issues with my braille display and navigating. I'm using a
>> braillesense u2 and I'd find that I cant navigate my mac using space with
>> dot one etc. The mac also stops working when I use the routing buttons.
>> How do I fix this?
>> Thanks,
>> Steph
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