Hi Joe and Donna.
I have not received my case either. My understanding from talking to
Greg Stilson about this is that the case which ships with the Mantis
does not include a cover, but something that you can set the display
in while using it. It's not a carrying case. If you want to carry it
around, you would likely want the EP case. Sorry I do not have an
exact answer, I have not received mine yet.


On 8/6/20, joseph hodge <josephlho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have seen the leather case sold by us from executive products, that is a
> real sweet looking notetaker type of case. I have not gotten to see the
> Green nylon case that comes with the product. Scott have you received yours
> yet? We were a little late getting them due to the situation going on in the
> world! So when I was doing quality control on the devices I did not get a
> chance to see them unfortunately. My understanding is that it's more of a
> cover than a full on case but I could be wrong.
>> On Aug 6, 2020, at 2:46 PM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries
>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Hi oe and Scott,
>> Is the case that comes with the Mantis a carrying case or just a cover?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
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