For any users of the plus models, can you tell me what you were found to be the
advantages of the plus over the regular model? Does the extra screen space have
any effect on your ability to use certain apps? I'm thinking about Safari etc.
I know that the iPad air is larger screen real estate act
The sum function is simply one of potentially many terms in an arithmetic
expression. All you would need to do here is to tack/60 at the end of the
formula after the closing parenthesis for the sum function.
That would look like the following
Now it has become a two-term arithmetic
Thanks, I noticed the sound improvement as well when I was at the Apple store
yesterday. I'm going back this morning and picking up the 6S +64 gig model.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Dec 22, 2015, at 6:41 PM, Sandy Finley wrote:
> I find two additional advantages; it is easier to write Braille
I'm currently using Fusion5.03 with windows7 in a virtual machine. is it
necessary to upgrade to fusion 6 for my win7 virtual machine to be usable
under Mavericks?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this g
I bought a LaCie 2tb external drive from the apple store. It is both USB and
Firewire800, and can be used as an external boot drive. This model (2tb) is no
longer made, but LaCie is good stuff, and Apple sells it in their stores. It's
good to have a combo drive USB/Firewire, so you can use it as
Hi Ricardo, has there been any change to the ability to do audio editing in the
latest GB? Can you still split, join, cut, copy and paste regions, and all the
other stuff you can do in GB6?
I'm about to do a little podcast on audio editing in GBB and was just wondering
if it'll be obsolete info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Nov 9, 2013, at 11:26 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo, has there been any change to the ability to do audio editing in
>> the latest GB? Can you still split, join, cut, copy and
is it a group? you may have to interact in order to access the various links.
On Nov 9, 2013, at 8:01 PM, The Smiths wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to use the Mac to access my account settings on the Apple
> website. I went to the store page and found the account option which
> voiceover told m
I'd say to listen to Ricardo's series on GB, but if you have the latest
GarageBand, some of the crucial functionality has been broken, so I'm told.
I'm talking about the ability to have VoiceOver read out the measure and beat
information as you navigate through a file.
Search for "garageband"
Ramey, I repeat, goto, and in the search field, type
"garageband". That'll bring up five podcasts on the GarageBand app. More than
that, I cannot do for you.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubsc
oted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Nov 10, 2013, at 6:12 PM, ramy moustafa wrote:
>> Is it fully accessible?
>> I don't mind trying gb but phil told me that it has major accessibility
>> problems
>> Ramy moustafa saber
That has happened to me on my win7 virtual machine. Restarting the VM has
always corrected the problem. Sorry I can't be of more help than that.
On Nov 11, 2013, at 1:01 AM, May and Noah wrote:
> Hey there.
> Hopefully someone can help out. All of a sudden the sound on my virtual
> windows
But the demo in the mac App store?
> Ramy moustafa saber
> licturer at:
> faculty of musical education
> music arranger and sound engineer
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 11, 2013, at 4:44 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> I have a few podcasts on Amadius. It actuall
I think that the best way to accomplish a test drive of Mavericks is to first
image your existing OS, using SuperDuper or carbon copy cloner, and then just
upgrade to Mavericks through the app store. If you're not happy with it, you
should be able to just copy the image of the previous OS back o
turn up the track or master volume,, either by command up arrow for the
master, or with the volume slider for the track in the track headers section
of the arrange layout area.
On Nov 13, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Hello,
> I hooked up a midi keyboard to GB. I can hear the n
don't forget that pasting is different in list view than in column view. In
column view, you can just highlight the folder you want to paste into and hit
command v. In list view, you have to first open the folder. A good way to make
sure you're on the right destination folder is to check what fo
I'm getting really tired of hearing row and column announcements on webpage
tables - especially in layout tables. Is there any way to shut them off? I
have VO set to announce table header, but I don't think that's it, is it?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Ann's description of VuesScan setup sounded so good that I downloaded and
installed it, but I'm finding it uncooperative at best.
After dropping the .app file into my applications folder and opening it, I am
presented with the registration screen, which I close. Then I have the tip of
the day d
all the above, make sure you can't stop interacting at the
> preview button.
> --
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
Andrew, I refer you to my post "VueScan Troubles". I'm sorry you're having this
trouble, but it verifies for me that it is the version that is problematic and
not me or my machines.
I'm going to give the previous version a try and hope ham rick gets the bugs
worked out of this latest and great
contact VMWare about this. They're very helpful and will work it out for you -
even giving you a direct download link etc.
On Nov 24, 2013, at 7:43 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Further to my previous message, I tried to enter the code on my Mini. It says
> it is invalid and wants me to get a valid c
Well, I installed the previous version (9.2.25) and everything works as
advertised. I was able to setup vuescan, do a scan, and have it open in ABBYY
FR Express.
StillAm I correct in saying that the sole advantage of using VuesScan is the
ability to scan multiple pages and then OCR the file all
If numbers can be used for this level of activity, then I might have to
reconsider my thinking about numbers accessibility.
On Nov 25, 2013, at 9:25 AM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> Hi friends,
> I'm running a random walk simulation in Numbers with a number of cells
> generating random numbers and t
Ann, what version are you running, and have you encountered the instability
problem with the most recent V9.3.22? Actually, V9.4 just came outlast night
and might be a fix, but I haven't looked at it.
On Nov 25, 2013, at 12:53 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Phil,
> Vu
> Hi Phil.
> The latest build should fix the problem, has just got a message from the
> developer. The build is from today.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den 25 Nov 2013 kl. 16:13 skrev Phil Halton :
>> Ann, what version are you running, and have you encounter
capslock is not passed to VMWare Fusion as a key press. it is handled more as a
hardware function by the mac than as a key press. it can be remapped either in
mac or windows using various key remap programs. I use SharpKeys from within
windows to swap the functions of the grave accent and the
I haven't encountered any such behavior, but maybe its time for a safari reset.
I reset the whole enchilada from time to time and it usually clears up any
problems or weirdness I am experiencing with safari.
On Nov 26, 2013, at 10:53 PM, eric oyen wrote:
> hello all.
> has anyone encountered t
can't specify any other
Any idea how to specify a viewer other then preview?
On Nov 27, 2013, at 6:16 AM, Andrew Lamanche wrote:
> Dear Phil,
> I’ve checked again, and I’m not having problems with Vuescan any more. The
> version that I have installed is 9.4.02. Pleas
I have the windows volume set so that VO and Jaws sound at approximately the
same level. Then I can boost or cut the volumes with the fn 11 & fn 12 keys if
needed. Also, as to ram, I have windows 7 using the fusion recommended 1GB
and 1 core on a 8GB MBA and I have no lag problems at all, exce
only one thing I would add here - read the fusion help system voraciously
before doing anything. It always helps to hear what the manufacturer has to say
about the matter.
On Nov 30, 2013, at 8:25 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> See my answers below.
> On Nov 30, 2013, at 7:01 AM, Lee Jones wrote:
Because Mac OSX grabs the caps lock key and doesn't pass it through to VMWare
windows in a normal way, its necessary to remap another key to the caps lock so
it can be used as a jaws or NVDA laptop modifier key. On both my USB full
keyboard and the bluetooth keyboard, I have them setup so that p
doing any experimentation - I know I'm not. Anyway, as long as you got
something going, that's what matters.
On Dec 3, 2013, at 11:30 AM, David Taylor wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for this. I did manage to set this up, though I can't find the grave
> key listed at all, so h
I'll tell you an old computer axiom - "when all else fails, reboot!"
honestly, it's amazing how many quirky, inexplicable things that will clear up.
On Dec 4, 2013, at 2:25 AM, Brandon Olivares wrote:
> Hello,
> My option key works technically, as if I press ctrl-option-space it works
> just
one of the first things I did when I got my Mac was to change the way the
function keys operate. By default, when you press a function key, it performs a
built-in hardware function like brightness, volume etc. to use them for
software functions, like opening VoiceOver utility, you have to press
wow! I'm never upgrading to mavericks!
On Dec 5, 2013, at 11:00 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie
> Well, that’s the kicker.. Sometimes I can command tab back into mavericks and
> sometimes it doesn’t work.
> I’m having a devil of a time with my vmware right now.. nothing is working
> since I
I have the express for mac version and it is section 508 compliant, as is the
pro version (according the the website). If the pro version is as accessible as
the express version then I assume it is probably highly accessible.
Also, there is a $20 discount for upgrading from the express version,
ve a
>>>> supported scanner, you can scan directly from a supported scanner without
>>>> vuescan, this is a major step forward.
>>>> There could be unlabled buttons but the helptags works, but most of the
>>>> buttons are labl
ther if i can.
>> Just me, though.
>> I hope you get your problem figured out. Fusion is very useable, once you
>> get it configured. it just might take you a while.
>> Good luck!
>> Cait
>> On Dec 5, 2013, at 2:37 PM, Phi
no problems here yet with Marsedit, I'm using ML and not mavericks
> Hey fellow Mars Edit Users,
> When I got a little free time a few hours ago I opened Mars Edit to
> make a change to one of my pages at When I finished the changes
> I hit send and got an alert saying my pas
I usually run in full-screen mode and when I command tab into fusion, I use the
tab key or jaws "read current line" command to get windows awake and
responding. sometimes focus gets screwed up and in those cases I use command
control F to switch screen modes which usually shakes things up and le
is is a major step forward.
>>>> There could be unlabled buttons but the helptags works, but most of the
>>>> buttons are labled correct. In my experience it is more accessible and
>>>> easier to use than the windows version. My only problem is
:10 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Yes, I know that a lot of scanners are supported. But when I scan a book on a
> flat-bed the old-fashioned way, i.e. pressing the book down so as to get a
> good view of both pages, I pay for it with all kinds of muscle pain in the
> shoulder
this is precisely why I keep windows with JAWS running in a fusion VM, and
make extensive use of MS Office Word for word processing. I have total control
over formatting and there are no "work-around" issues. It works so well for
word processing and spreadsheeting that I don't think iWork wil
I always use the method below to add apps to the dock,
1) open the app
2) find it in the dock while the app is running.
3) from the context menu (VO shift M) go into the options submenu and select
"keep in dock".
On Dec 8, 2013, at 4:12 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> I have tried multiple t
grabbed by the Mac instead. I'll try changing
>>> screen sizes as you suggested; i usually leave it in full screen, but maybe
>>> switching back and forth will help.
>>>> On Dec 6, 2013, at 7:55 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
>>>> I u
ed; i usually leave it in full screen, but maybe
>> switching back and forth will help.
>> On Dec 6, 2013, at 7:55 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
>>> I usually run in full-screen mode and when I command tab into fusion, I use
>>> the tab key or jaws "read curre
I remember listening to a David Woodbridge podcast on this topic on It was done in Lion, and Mountain Lion changed one of the
keystrokes - I can't remember which one. Check out the podcast., the crucial
keystroke changed from one of the modifiers. like from command x to control x
Well, I was hanging back on purchasing FRPro and it paid off. I have ABBYY FR
Express which entitled me to $20 off the price of $99. Then they sent me a
email with an additional $20 off the upgrade price - total $59.99. Too good to
pass up - I am downloading the massive .6GB app now.
Finally, a
I bought the express version from the website. I'm having a little trouble
getting the pro version working, but I'm sure I'll get it figured out - others
are using it successfully, so I will too.
On Dec 11, 2013, at 5:54 PM, Georgina Joyce wrote:
> Hello Phil,
Currently all the files and folders in my documents folder are sorted and
presented alphabetically. I would like folders to appear at the top of the
list, followed by files. How can I set up finder to do this?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I'm coming to this thread late and don't know exactly what started the thread,
though it sounds like the old VO not talking bug. I learned this from Ricardo a
while back and it works flawlessly every time.
I simply hold command, and then press F5 four times quickly.
VO comes up talking, sayin
the command to get into and out of the header is VO+shift+backslash. backslash
being the key above the enter key.
On Dec 12, 2013, at 5:34 PM, Agent086b wrote:
> Hi,
> what is the jump to header command?
> Thanks.
> Max
> On 12 Dec 2013, at 5:09 pm, Anne Robertson wrote
nd is exited by
pressing escape, ;-) ;-)
On Dec 12, 2013, at 9:13 PM, Agent086b wrote:
> Is that the same in Mavericks?
> Thanks again.
> Max
> On 13 Dec 2013, at 12:49 pm, Phil Halton wrote:
>> the command to get into and out of the header is VO+shift+backslash.
>> b
its in the advanced tab of dropbox preferences, under "change setting". it
presents a list of folders in the dropbox folder with checkboxes to the left of
each folder. those that are unchecked will not be synced onto that device.
unfortunately, it is not VO accessible and requires sighted assis
FineReader Pro is an absolute dream as far as I am concerned. I am scanning a
book now and the results are flawless. It's one more activity I can eliminate
on windows and do with complete satisfaction on the Mac. Now, if Pages and
numbers would only come up to a par with Office.
On Dec 15, 2013
wow! that explains so much! I finally understand myself now! (huh?)
On Dec 17, 2013, at 9:42 PM, David Tanner wrote:
> Well, Robert it probably does more to hurt all blind users of Apple devices
> than it ever will to help make things better. But, as I am sure you known
> blind people have a
perhaps manually copying the remaining files?
On Dec 24, 2013, at 11:36 PM, Daniel Chavez wrote:
> if you told migration assistant to transfer documents and data, the data
> should have been transfered.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Mac
is it possible to adjust the volume of the various VoiceOver sound effects? you
know the thunk, bonk, click and other noises . I want to adjust their volume
relative to VO so they aren't so loud, but still audible.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
onestly don’t miss them. For me, they never
> gave any usable feedback, and they make Voiceover navigation slower since,
> the effects and speech aren’t played simultaneously.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
I wonder if you have the mouse set to "announce when mouse enters window" in VO
look in the navigation pane of VO settings for this checkbox and clear it if
it is checked.
On Dec 26, 2013, at 8:17 PM, Vic wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> From a couple of days ago I am getting the "Apple s
I believe thats done in the info pane for the particular file. In the info
pane, you can set a particular file type, .xls in your case, to open with a
particular app, again, in this case, Tables.
Not sure on exactly how its done, but fiddle around with it and you'll probably
find easily enough.
in bootcamp utility, there is an option to download/read a help file, or
"installation guide" as I think it is called, for the bootcamp process
As to no CD player, no problem, as long as you have the ISO (disk image) file
for windows. You just point bootcamp utility to that file instead of a di
Fusion is a virtualization program that will let you install and run Windows on
your Mac is completely accessible. the other one that isn't is called parallels.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Dec 29, 2013, at 11:04 AM, Daniel Hawkins
> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I’m very new to list, and still ver
Abbyy FineReader Pro is completely accessible on the Mac and works great. It'll
cost you around $90 - $100 U.S. As far as scanners go, There is a listing of
supported scanners on the website, and it is extensive. Basically,
any scanner that apple sells for the mac is supported by finer
I don't suppose you're in full-screen mode are you? the menu isn't available in
full screen. Try pressing command control F. That's a toggle that'll kick you
in or out of full-screen mode.
On Dec 30, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> I wouldn't quit vmware fusion without shutting down
Here are links to both the ABBYY webpage for FineReader Pro for Mac, and the
Apple support article referenced there for supported scanners. The scanner list
is extensive, and it looks like there are nearly 800 scanners of various
manufacture and models listed.
FineReader Pro:
This has been hashed over and over. its a known but mysterious bug that happens
on all OSX, not just the mba.
All I do is press command F5 four times quickly and VO comes up immediately -
it's never failed. I've given up on finding the cause. If you find it, let us
know and we'll all throw you
Your best friend for learning all about the Mac and VoiceOver is the help
system. Press control option H. that brings up the VO help menu. I think that
the getting started guide at the bottom of the list is the most helpful source
for understanding VoiceOver and how to use it in Mac apps like sa
Are there keystrokes for controlling playback in Mactubes? I can start and stop
a video, but I'd like to be able to fast-forward and rewind as well. I have the
player set to quicktime player, and I can find nothing for ff and rw functions.
any help?
You received this message because you are
And don't forget, you only have to do that once.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Jan 5, 2014, at 7:30 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I must recommend not turning off keeper. The way around that is to focus on
> an app, and open the short cut menu and from there, choose open. That will
> work.
2:38 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Up/down control volume, and some combination of option and command with the
>> left/right keys is supposed to control the play direction. Playing it
>> backward, then, is sort of a real-time rewind, but that is the best you can
>> get from
:35 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hi, I’ve tried to answer your questions below. :) There are 3 stars just
> before my answer.
>> On Jan 5, 2014, at 10:29 AM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> Hi tracy, and thanks for getting back to me on this. I've embedded my
I set mouse to follow VO when working in GB. that's because you need to do a
lot of mouse clicking to select regions, and routing mouse to VO seems to crash
GB. So, having it follow VO avoids the routing problem and makes it available
for clicking whenever needed.
On Jan 6, 2014, at 10:45 PM, M
have you tried to learn VoiceOver basics by opening the VoiceOver help menu and
selecting the quick start tutorial? Once you've worked through that tutorial
you can read through the getting started guide?
Me thinks you're making it far more complicated than it is. Honestly, start at
the begin
ty to work this thing. Everyone else here has done it
and we're not geniuses, believe me!
On Jan 13, 2014, at 6:15 AM, April Brown wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Yes I have attempted to complete the tutorial three times. I can't get
> VoiceOver to work in it either. It beeps
If I may say, the Quickstart tutorial is for people who have never even touched
a Mac
Before. It's not a review for experts.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Jan 13, 2014, at 1:10 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello April,
> Looking back over your posts, I see that you said you had to relabel your
Bravo Shawn! I completely forgot about that! If you don't have that setting,
then every keystroke that requires VO with a Function key also requires holding
down the FN key as well. So, VO F8 would have to be VO FN F8.
I hope that makes the difference for April, if she's still with us.
On Ja
To change the rate of speech, press VO+Command and right and left arrows until
you hear "rate". Then use VO+Command + up or down arrow to increase or decrease
the rate of speech.
On Jan 14, 2014, at 9:55 PM, Terje Strømberg wrote:
> Hi
> How do i set the speech rate slower when pressing vo+
I don't believe the tutorials are accessible on GarageBand. Best look around
for another "learn to play" course/app/program. GB is a good audio editor, in
my opinion, but not all that great for anything more.
On Jan 15, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera
> is anyone here using
I received an invite to a chat room using the TeamSpeak3 client. I see that
there is a Mac version and am wondering if its accessible with VO? I also have
a Windows VM and am pretty sure I can use the TeamSpeak windows client with no
problem. But, I'd like to give it a try on the mac if possible
and channel tree. There is, however,
> a teamspeak 3 beta you can update to (instructions on their forums), which
> uses QT 5. This makes the channel tree accessible.
> On 16 Jan 2014, at 05:37 am, Phil Halton wrote:
>> I received an invite to a chat room using the TeamSpeak3
>>>> Team speak and team talk are useable for the blind. On the mac platform
>>>> team speak has some issues with accessibility. You can’t move from channel
>>>> to channel on the server but for the most part it is useable.
>>>> On Jan 17, 2014, at 8
> telling you there’s a new version is available.
> On 18 Jan 2014, at 01:50 am, Phil Halton wrote:
>> I just downloaded and tried out the stable version of TeamSpeak, and
>> couldn't get past the setup wizard screen. In fact, I couldn't even command
I use MacTubes a lot for viewing videos on YouTube and between it and safari,
if one is being problematic, the other one seems to work. MacTubes is great and
might be worth your trouble investigating.
On Jan 18, 2014, at 9:57 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can search for youtube videos
to check for updates from the help menu.
> On 18 Jan 2014, at 04:26 pm, Phil Halton wrote:
>> I've done the below instructions and still no update.
>> 1) enabled access for assistive devices in system pref/accessibility
>> 2)created and installed update.ini i
I've just added four albums (76 songs) to my iTunes library. These songs show
in the newly added playlist as "needing upload" under the iCloud header. In the
LCD section of both the main iTunes machine and my MBA, it says sending
information too Apple. What do I do now? Just wait for the materi
The button is right there under the Gen. tab somewhere just tab along or bowl
right arrow and left arrow and you'll find it. It's not hidden.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Jul 25, 2014, at 1:13 PM, "Bill Holton" wrote:
> Hi.
> I have no snapshots on my current VM machine, and I have done a disk
> Hello Phil,
> This is Leon from Apple. Thanks for leaving us feedback regarding your
> concerns with VoiceOver usability with iMovie for Mac.
> Your feedback mentioned that the previous version of iMovie was more
> accessible and usable by the blind c
That's because you're in full screen mode. The menu bar doesn't show in full
screen mode. Press Control+Command+F to switch to single view mode and the menu
bar will be available. Either mode works fine and doesn't affect the operation
of the VM - but full screen comes at the cost of the menu ba
You said something that caught my ear. you said that Jaws intercepts the
control+command+F keystroke, which is basically a OSX hot key combo. This leads
me to believe that you need to check your Fusion settings, somewhere under
global commands and check that they are enabled. Such key combos as
A simpler method would be to simply copy the column, then insert a new column
where you want the data, and then do a paste. Move to the top of the column,
then do a shift command down arrow to select the entire column. Then do an
option right arrow at the column after which you want the data to
addressing conflicts, the formula will be negatively affected.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 7, 2014, at 11:43 PM, Nicholas Parsons
> wrote:
> Hi Barry and Phil,
> Thanks both for your help.
> Barry, your tip of first VO-spacing on the column referenc
in reading Tim Sniffen's book on mastering the Mac, I came across the term Loc
dots, which evidently are unobtrusive tactile markers that can be placed on the
keyboard to augment the tiny markers on the F and J keys.
Currently I use the tinniest bump dots I can find and they still are pretty
4, at 1:35 AM, Nicholas Parsons
> Hi Phil,
> With respect, I think you're wrong. I experimented by creating the same
> formula referencing the same data table, with one version using relative
> references and a second version using absolute references. When I
nt if you say they are
> for a keyboard hope this helps
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Phil Halton
> Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 11:57 AM
> To: Macvisionaries
> Subject: what
Like the old saying says, no good deed goes unpunished! Wish I could help, but
I can't.
Sent from my IPhone
> On Aug 13, 2014, at 11:54 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi all, I installed a piece of malware on my mac on purpose. It's a bit
> unfortunate, but I was trying to help some one ou
There is something I do normally that requires three or four open programs. I'm
a little tired of opening each one manually. Is there a way on the Mac to open
all the necessary programs with one move. It has something to do with
activities or desktops I think, but I'm not sure.
Sent from m
rst thought is Applescript. Write and save the script, then run it
> whenever.
> tell application "Safari" to run
> tell application "App Store" to run
> and so forth for each app you want. The keyword might be "open" instead of
> &quo
How accessible is the multi-boot process - in order to select the operating
system you want.
Also, how accessible are the two partitions, if you want to migrate files
between those two systems.
Thanks, Me.
- Original Message -
From: "Christopher Hallsworth"
Sent: Tuesday, August
Ok, thanks for all this, all.
- Original Message -
From: "Rob"
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: Installing windows on my mac using bootcamp
there are 2 podcasts on doing a demo of installing BootCamp.
and below is what I did to install windows 7
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