I havent used the wallet yet but the app switcher seems to be working fine
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 20, 2021, at 7:30 PM, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries
> wrote:
> I just upgraded my iPhone XS. I read the list of bug reports on applevis.com,
> and there was
Hello all,
Is there an easy way to select a bunch of messages in iOS Mail on the iPhone to
perform actions such as mark read, Move, Delete, etc? I see an Edit option, but
when I clic'k this I am able to select one message at a time. I can't figure
out a way to select multiple messages.
Does an
Hi Joseph,
I'm running 15 here and don't see a Select all option when the edit mode is
enabled. I've never done this before on iOs 14 so am not sure what to expect
here. I may give Apple a call regarding this later today.
This is interesting to say the least.
Sent from my iPhon
Thanks Jonathan,
My problem was I had Filtering toggled on which makes the Select all button
disapear. Turning off Filtering solves this problem.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 23, 2021, at 6:55 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> In IOS 15 it is two swipes to the left after pressi
>From what I'm seeing here it isn't. Its looking like the filtering is only for
>display perposes only. I hope i'm wrong about that.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 23, 2021, at 10:10 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> That does not sound good. What if you want to delete all messages with
Hi Paul,
I can use the workout app here just fine. I can have music playing if I choose
too, but music comes threw my phone by default. When music starts playing, does
it play threw the watch or the phone? If music is playing threw the phone you
should bee able to just double tap the phone scre
As the president of the CFB, I see a lot of older people who use these
features. I understand that we should all do our best to learn the iOs
interface but we also have to understand that a lot of older people just want
to get the basics done. Even accomlishing the basics on these devices c
I also prefer to use a keyboard as well. I only use Siri for the most simple of
tasks such as a fast way to open an application or using it on the Apple watch
to get my location if I realized I passed a street I was supposed to cross. So
I'm not a Siri expert by any stretch of the imagination.
All of these assistants will always have to go to the cloud to get something.
The main problem I see is that some of the older demographic, who prefer a
device that has buttons for doing things, have a great deal of trouble
adjusting to a touch screen environment. These people would be satisfied
I don't see anything regarding hand gestures here, but I have the SE. I've
rooked in the watch app and don't see them:
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 11, 2021, at 6:35 AM, Ian Harrison wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’ve enabled this on my watch series 6 in IOS 15 but the watch is not
> reacting. I’ve
You can fix this by going to Settings, Accessibility, Accessibility Shortcut,
and making sure this is set to VoiceOver.
Best, Doug
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 19, 2021, at 6:29 AM, 'Andy Logue' via MacVisionaries
> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I used to press the home button, on my iphon
What is happening here is when you select a product Voiceover can't see any of
the product description: Very strange!
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 19, 2021, at 2:10 PM, Katey Jackson wrote:
> It’s broken with voiceover on the iPhone as well as without voiceover. Very
> strange.
I'm interested in knowing the same thing. It seems if I do it on the phone
after a certain time it will let me turn off Sleep mode. If I do it before this
time just the focus mode gets disabled.
This message has been sent from a mobile device.
Email: doug.law...@gmail.com
> On
Hi Mike,
I just did a quick web search and found the following page which I believe is a
part of the iPhone user guide. Take a look at the following:
Douglas Lawlor Email: doug.law...@gmail.com
> On Mar 24, 2022, at 8:56 AM, Herb
I use mainly Braille Screen Input for typing. Although it takes getting used to at first, It is the best method for me. I started learning bsi after FlickType went away. best, Doug Douglas Lawlor Email: doug.law...@gmail.comOn Jan 19, 2023, at 6:30 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:Well, perhaps because I
Hello all,
It's been a long time since I posted here. I'm in the process of purchasing a
new Mac and was wondering how much ram and storage people are going with these
days? I mainly want a machine for web and app testing, some word processing /
text editing, and some single track audio record
Thanks all. That's what I was sort of figuring. Get as much ram and storage as you can afford. Makes sense too. Best, Doug. Douglas Lawlor Email: doug.law...@gmail.comOn Feb 6, 2023, at 11:32 PM, Dave Carlson wrote:No matter what you think, and no matter what others think, you will always want mo
I can never get iCloud to work from the Windows side. I eventually gave up on
it from a Windows perspective. I'm not sure why you can't see your files
especially since you are uploading them from a mac. Could your data still be
syncing by any chance? How much data did you upload?
Hi Lorie,
Yes you can do this.
1. Use the iOS roter and navigate to "Text Selection"
2. Swipe down and you will hear a number of options related to selecting text.
I just chose Select all and the text of the email minus the signature was
3. Now roter to "Edit" and choose "Copy".
To add to this, if you select characters, words, or lines as options, you have
to then swipe right and you'll hear the text as it's being selected. You can
then roter to the "Edit" option and select "Copy" to copy it to the clipboard
then navigate to another app ,and paste it their. Here is part
Hi Skott,
As of this writing Drobo Dashboard is not accessible. When you launch the
program VoiceOver does not see the program's controls. It would be nice if we
could get in contact with the developer and get them to do something about this
problem. I havent been able to update a Drobo FS in mo
demand and the potential market for these products.
> On Mar 20, 2012, at 9:28 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hi Skott,
>> As of this writing Drobo Dashboard is not accessible. When you launch the
>> program VoiceOver does not see the program's controls. It would be ni
Hello list:
I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the RosettaStone language learning
software. Looking at there FAQ pages I see that it can work on the Mac. I'm not
sure about accessibility however. I suspect they use a cross platform
development solution which is always not the most accessible
he expense of the supplier.
> sorry to break this to you but that's what it's going to be.
> lew
> On 11 Apr 2012, at 12:30, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello list:
>> I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the RosettaStone language learning
Hello list:
I am working with a binary options broker who has live regions on their web
site that update with pricing information. I can find the region and get it to
speak by arrowing over it using quickNav. I'm sure VO/left and right arrows
will do the same thing. The problem I am having is wh
g a hotspot and monitoring it?
> EN TWITTER: @macneticos
> www.macneticus.blogspot.com
> http://macneticos.libsyn.com
> El 07/05/
Hi Christine,
Yu should be able to upgrade your macbook just fine. Mine is just the white
macbook from February, 2010 with 4 GB ram and I upgraded it fine today.
On 2012-07-25, at 3:31 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> I'm having trouble determining if I can upgrade my MacBook. On the tec
When your system reboots for the first time you can turn on VoiceOver at this
point to get your percentage of your install progress and the approximate time
left. When my system rebooted for the second time VoiceOver came up speaking.
On 2012-07-25, at 2:53 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> O
Hello list:
I just purchased Dragon Express for the introductory price of $49.99 and can't
figure out how to go about accessing the program. There is supposed to be an
icon in the menu bar but it is the usual problem where VoiceOver can't access
it. Any other way to access this program? I'm very
Hello list:
I've never had to use this since I got my mac. In fact, I've never had to share
an Internet connection in the past 10 years or so from a computer.
I know this should be quite simple. I go into Preferences, select sharing, and
navigate through the table of sharing items until I see I
be able to now check the checkbox in the
> On column. It will then prompt you with the usual "are you sure..." dialog.
> CB
> On 12/9/11 5:37 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello list:
>> I've never had to use this since I got my mac. In fact, I've
Hello list:
I can't seem to remove a bluetooth device. The process sounds simple enough.
Open bluetooth preferences, select the device you want to remove from the
device table, navigate to the remove device button and press it. My problem is
that this button is dimmed. I've also tried routing th
I would love to see a version of Kursweil 1000 for the Mac. I have a lot of
stuff in Kursweil format that I'd like to access.
Sent from my iPhone
On 2012-01-28, at 6:18 AM, "Lisa Salinger" wrote:
> Hello,
> For what it's worth, you do have the option to save your scans to Serotek's
> s
Hello list:
I am trying to do the equivalent of right clicking the mouse on a link so I can
save the pdf files that these links point to. My problem is I can't seem to get
the menu with the save as option in it. I get a menu for the current page I am
viewing. How does one save a file from a web
the link. But if you do want the context menu anyway, press VO shift
> M.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 7:14 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello list:
The sim card hole is next to the head phone jack a push pin will work if you
get it positioned just right.
Sent from my iPhone
On 2012-02-09, at 2:04 AM, Hank Smith wrote:
> Hello where exactly is the hole to put a paper clip, to get the sim tray to
> pop out on the 3gs?
> is it buy the pow
Hello List:
How do I go about printing an invoice from the Apple store? I log into my
account and successfully see my orders. I click on the Print Invoice link for
an order but nothing happens. I get no dialogs or anything. Actually what I
want to do is to generate a PDF of the invoice from the
Hello list:
I just recently purchased Radium from the mac app store. This is an app that
has access to a number of radio stations and gives you full keyboard control
over the app from any other application. I really like this app accept for one
I can't see a full list of my favourite sta
Hello List,
This is really driving me nuts! I need to stop mail speaking every message
being downloaded. Can this be done? I took a look through the view menu but
can't find anything that would be related to this. Would something have to be
changed in the notifications window?
Hello all:
I'm getting the same problem here as well. I've got two third party items in my
status bar. The first is the dropbox icon and the second is the icon for
1Password Mini. If I Vo+Space on Dropbox I get the window opening sound and
hear the word "app" which is then cut off. The window c
If I issue the following commands this is what happens.
Press Vo+m+m to focus on the status menu.
Vo+arrow to the DropBox icon.
Press Vo+Command+f5 to move the mouse pointer to the VoiceOver cursor.
Double tap the track pad.
VoiceOver gives me the following message:
"Dropbox 2.4.11
Up to date
Hi Alex,
I don't know of a Mac specific utility, but I used to use a console utility
called "mmap" quite a few years ago when I was doing a lot of experimenting
with Linux. I don't have the links handy but do a search for a package called
home-brew. It is a packaging system for Mac OS that will
Hello everyone,
What I don't like about Docuscan plus is that it requires the image to be sent
to Serotek's servers for processing. If scans could be processed locally this
would be a good solution.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 28, 2014, at 1:11 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> It's not that bad
What version of Mac OS are you running? How old is your iMac?
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 2, 2014, at 2:48 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie
> wrote:
> At an office supply store near me. It's called Beatty's Basics.
> Any ideas as to my question?
> Cait
>> On May 2, 2014, at 2:14 PM, Isaac
Speaking of you EB, does anybody know where I can find a description of all of
the UEB character set?
Thanks in advance,
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 6, 2014, at 11:27 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> UEB is the default table as I set it up myself when I connected my Focus 40
> Blue.
D what formats does fine reader scanned into?
Sent from my iPhone
> On May 4, 2014, at 12:49 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
> I suggest Abby Fine Reader. If your a student you can get aa discount too.
> It normally costs $99.95 but if you get the 30% discount you get it for
> $65.95.
fy to type on.. But it's not
> worth the hassle unless I can figure out something relatively soon..
> Thanks for any help!
> Cait
>> On May 3, 2014, at 3:52 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> What version of Mac OS are you running? How old is your iMac?
> Hello Doug,
> Here is the list of formats for FineReader Pro.
> PDF, ePub, Word, FB2, Excel, Image, PowerPoint Presentation, HTML, ODT, CSV,
> TXT, and RTF.
> Cheers,
> Anne
>> On 7 May 2014, at 01:16, Doug Lawlor wrote:
Hello list:
I am trying to figure out why I can't access a URL contained in the text "View
full job posting" on the following page. When I am using VoiceOver I get the
text some like: "View full job posting dimmed" When I do a Vo+space on this
text I get an indication that I'm in a group. When I
Hello everybody:
I'm just wondering if anybody has used the square payment system? As I
understand it the credit card reader plugs into the headphone jack of the
device. How can one access what's going on on the screen then?
DougSent from my iPhone
You received this message because
> Trydar / Twitter: @valleyswordwork
> Weplyfr / Facebook: www.facebook.com/vww.tvg
> Registered Offices / Swyddfeydd Cofrestredig:
> 39 Cardiff Road / Heol Caerdydd
> Llandaff, CF5 2DP
>> On 19/06/2014 2:39 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello everybody:
>> I
I would like to know the the same thing as well. I find when you are using the
terminal output from commands sometimes does not get spoken.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 17, 2014, at 10:04 AM, Justin Mann wrote:
> HI all,
> Are there any particular settings that you should use with
input area. Then, use vo-up and
>>>>> vo-down to review output, and regular up and down to navigate commands.
>>>>> It isn't perfect, but interacting makes it a lot better.
>>>>>> On Jul 17, 2014, at 10:22 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
I remember using mutt back in the early 2000s under linux and loved it. I could
zip through tuns of mail by just using key commands and the action would just
happen. I can’t find anything today that can match mutt and the speakup console
screen reader for mail processing.
You receive
Hi Rena,
Notes is the app used for taking quick notes. These notes can then be synced
across your Macs and any IOS device you have.
Maps will display apple Maps on your mac.
Keynote is a presentation program something like Microsoft PowerPoint.
You received this message because you
Hi all,
I have an iPhone 5 and the screen will not lock. Pressing the lock button will
take a screen shot. It almost seems like the home button is getting activated
some how. Restoring the phone from a backup will fix it for about half a day
and then the whole thing starts again.
Has anyone se
I wish there was a way of doing Thisb in iOS as well but I can't find a way of
doing this. Anybody know if this is possible in iOS?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 14, 2013, at 1:29 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> That works, thanks. I also re-discovered cmd-shift-h, which shows full
> informati
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 14, 2013, at 10:41 PM, Helena Fehr I can
> get type to phone working but I can't get control keys to pass to the phony
> for some reason. Running 10.9 and latest type to phone.
> Dougwrote:
> Wow! You too? The thing is I can't even get my Type2phone thing t
On Jul 20, 2014, at 4:09 PM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
> Hi!
> Yes.
> I certainly did.
> /A
> 20 jul 2014 kl. 00:25 skrev Doug Lawlor :
>> Did you try a sudo make instead of just make?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 19,
I am using it on the iPhone now. The only thing I am seeing is that open vpn is
not supported. I contacted them through there live chat and asked them if I
could use open vpn connect. They told me that this is not compatible with there
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 8, 2014, at 6:
Hello list,
The subject says it all. I am using a braille display and I would like the
phone to be completely silent when using the braille display. How do I go about
turning off the sounds that seem to emanate from the phone while using the
braille display?
Sent from my iPhone
You receive
> On Aug 13, 2014, at 8:44 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> Hello list,
> The subject says it all. I am using a braille display and I would like the
> phone to be completely silent when using the braille display. How do I go
> about turning off the sounds that seem to eman
That turns off speech but not the sounds.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 13, 2014, at 8:59 PM, The Believer wrote:
> Space 1-3-4
> From The Believer. . .
> What if it were true?
> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
>> On 8/13/2014 5:44 PM, Doug Lawlo
I've always used my travel agent. I've always found that using a travel agent
is the best when you want to make sure that assistance is requested properly.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 14, 2014, at 8:17 PM, Jamie Tachiyama wrote:
> I use Orbitz.
> Jamie T
> Blind Dragon Hobbies
> One
Anybody else having problems using the app store in iOs 8? When I bring it up
the only thing I see are the tabs on the bottom of the screen and nothing else.
Sent from my iPhone
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsu
could close it in the
> App Chooser then re-open it to see if that makes any difference.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Sep 18, 2014, at 5:39 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Anybody else having problems using the app store in i
Hi Donna,
Have you tried going into the app swicher, closing iBooks with a 3 finger swipe
up, pressing home to get back to the home screen, then opening iBooks again? I
was having similar problems with the app store here and doing the above fixed
the problem.
DougSent from my iPhone
> On S
Hello everyone,
I'm just wondering if anyone has tried using the KNFB reader with a battery
something like the mophy juice pack attached? Is there a difference in using
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 21, 2014, at 8:55 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> In 1990 Vocational Rehab and an associat
I think for some reason Apple has all of this sourted out in some way. I
am of the firm belief once we start using this new cloud stuff we will
wonder how we lived without it. I for one am looking forward to all of
this! Bring it on Apple.
Cool stuff!
On 6/8/2011 8:34 AM, Kaare Dehard wr
Hi Wendy,
You can get all of the details fro Apple but here are a few key
differences that come to the top of my head.
MacBook pro comes in three sizes, 13, 15, and 17 inch screens. Contains
a built-in DVD drive, SD card reader, Can take up to 8 GB ram I believe,
Nice large hard drive, USB, Fir
Hello list:
I am looking for an accessible tool to record a video on the mac. I need
something in particular that will allow me to record a video of a running
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To p
I am looking for a task manager for the mac. I found something on the app store
called "Things". Has anyone used this?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@
Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> www.mobileaccess.org
> On Jun 12, 2011, at 4:16 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello list:
>> I am looking for an accessible tool to record a video on the mac. I need
and I thought that QuickTime was just a player. I learn something new everyday!
On 2011-06-12, at 9:33 AM, Ashley Cox wrote:
> quick time will do this, simply use the screen recording option in the file
> menu.
> ash
> On 12/06/2011 12:10, Doug Lawlor wr
I'm not talking about a process manager, but something like Active ToDo List
for Windows.
On 2011-06-12, at 11:45 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> The mac already has one, it's called activity monitor, and it's in the
> utilities folder.
> On Jun 12, 2011, at 3:
I am looking at my system here now and don't see a start VO at logon check box.
I'm running all the latest updates here as well. I went into the system
preferences, selected accounts, selected my account which is the admin account,
unlocked system preferences, but still don't see any start VO at
Hi Klifton,
If you have an app that is non responsive you can force quit it by doing a
command-option-escape. This will bring up a window with a table of running
applications. Just interact with that table, highlight the non responsive app,
stop interacting with the table and navigate right unti
Hello List:
I am noticing on my system that my Windows VM under Fusion tends to slow to a
crawl after using it for a while. I have it set up to use one processor core
and 2 GB of ram. I am running Windows 7/64. What is the best version of Windows
7 to run under Fusion? I've heard some people say
Just find the control you want to label and do a VO-/ on it. You get an edit
box prompting you for the name of the label.
On 2011-06-14, at 10:57 AM, Ronald McEwan wrote:
> Is there a way in VO on Mac to label buttons and such? I bought a new
> all-in-one printer and the scanning softwa
Hello again list:
Is there an easy way to move row by row in a table on a web page? I cam move by
what seems like column by column using the normal left and right VoiceOver
commands but I can't find any commands that will let me move row by row. Does
anyone know an easy way to do this?
ething, but have you tried vo-up and down
>> arrow? These keys always work for me in moving between rows in a table, on
>> a web page or otherwise.
>> Best,
>> Zack.
>> On Jun 15, 2011, at 12:30 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> Hello again list:
VO/up and down arrows do work. I was using Quicknav and never thought of using
On 2011-06-15, at 8:23 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> Cantcha just use vo+up and down arrows?
> Chris.
> On Jun 15, 2011, at 3:30 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello ag
Hello list:
How does one go about selecting a VM from Fusion's virtual machine library? I
interact with the table of machines, move the VO cursor to the machine I want,
and then stop interacting with the table but the first machine in the library
is still selected. I then do the same thing but r
Has VoiceOver gotten turned off by mistake? Try turning the Mac on, wait for a
minute or 2 for the system to fully boot, then try turning VO back on with
command F5. Has the system volume gotten turned down or muted somehow? Try
pressing f10 or if you have the function keys set to perform softwa
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Doug Lawlor To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Date sent: Sat, 18 Jun 2011 17:41:21 -0230
> Subject: Re: HELP!!! My Mac won't turn on!
> Has VoiceOver gotten turned off by mistake? Try turning the Mac
Hello People:
Just a quick question about working with the save dialog presented by
applications. I have the disclosure box checked. I use the side bar to select
what device or place I want to save the file. I then use the file list to
narrow it down and select a directory where I want the file
n the
screen. This is the strangest thing.
On 2011-06-20, at 7:40 AM, Larry Skutchan wrote:
> Confusing as it is, turning off Quick Nav and using the Right Arrow to expand
> that folder seems to work.
> On Jun 20, 2011, at 12:10 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello People:
u are not in Column view. Just press
> Cmd-3 while in the dialogue box and all will be well.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 20, 2011, at 1:29 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Strange, I can't seem to get this to work here at all. Here is what I just
I hope they fix this in Lion. Really really annoying.
On 2011-06-20, at 11:08 PM, Ezzie Buenito wrote:
> I'm not sure why it does it. It's really annoying though.
> Another thing you can try is to turn off VO and turn it back on.
> Ezzie
> - Original Message -
> From: Craig
I'd be curious why you would have to do this? Doesn't the disk properly
initialize when the computer is turned back on in the morning? My mac seems to
do all things properly here when going into any type of power save mode.
On 2011-06-24, at 11:25 AM, William Windels wrote:
> Hello,
> Be
Hello list:
Does anyone know of a simple reminder app that does something like the
1. launch the app and a screen pops up asking you for the text of the reminder,
time you want it to go off, and a check box to have it repeat so many times per
You received thi
ad into the future, to
> handle it then. Forgetful. It's in the app store.
> - Original Message - From: "Sarai Bucciarelli"
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:18 AM
> Subject: Re: Simple reminder app?
>> Hi:
>> iCal will work
Hi Craig,
In the finder do the following:
Press command-comma to open the preferences window.
Navigate to the toolbar at the top of the window, interact with it , and select
sidebar, and press that button.
In this window you get a list of devices, shared locations, places, and
searches for the p
e disc
> isn't properly unmounted.
> best regards,
> William
> Op 24-jun-2011, om 19:18 heeft Doug Lawlor het volgende geschreven:
>> I'd be curious why you would have to do this? Doesn't the disk properly
>> initialize when the computer is turned b
Twitter has authorized the app fine here. I always find it better to paste the
password into password fields rather than hand typing it.
On 2011-07-01, at 1:09 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Hi folks. Is anyone having issues with Syrinx 2.4.3, the just-released
> update, in which
Hi Robert:
when you have Safari open just do a VO-m to bring up the menu, right arrow once
to get on the Safari menu, arrow down until you see click to flash, right arrow
to open the sub menu then you can access the preferences. I must admit I'm not
having great success with this app either. I n
> Quick to Flash is not in my Safari menu. The plugg-in is installed and
> running. Does anybody know why it isn't in the menu?
> Robert
> On Jul 1, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hi Robert:
>> when you have Safari open just do a VO-m to b
Hello list:
Last evening a friend gave me a cd that was burned on another computer. I took
this and imported it into iTunes. Naturally iTunes could not find the names of
the tracks. I did not see this as a problem so I went ahead and imported it.
The problem is it is not showing up in my iTunes
"sort column down."
> 7. If you've sorted the column down you should find your most recently
> imported tracks at the top of the list. These will hopefully be the unnamed
> tracks you are looking for.
> HTH,
> Bryan
>> On 5 Jul 2011, at 23:06, Doug La
It would be nice if it came out today. But I suspect next week we will see
Lion. I can hardly wait for it to come out. Looking forward to the new
On 2011-07-06, at 11:05 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
> I have heard from several very reliable sources that today at 9 pecifi
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