Re: Is the disappearance of Voice Over a unique problem, or do others have it, too?

2011-03-15 Thread carolyn Haas
e me to clean things up more often, just to conserve space though.:) And that's not a bad thing. Take care Carolyn H On Mar 15, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Andre Nuno Soares wrote: > On Mar 15, 2011, at 1:00 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hi Andre: >> I really haven't had that i

Re: MobileMe Renewal Hell

2011-03-18 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Chris: Please Please forward this to Apple Accessibility!!! They should be advocating for just this kind of thing. Carolyn H On Mar 18, 2011, at 9:59 AM, Chris Moore wrote: > Hi gang, > > Do any of you have mobileme accounts? Have any of you had to renew your > mobile me account and updat

Re: Is This Normal When Using Text Edit?

2011-03-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christine: Forgive me for being simplistic. But, is it possible when typing that you're hitting backslash when you're hitting enter. They're close one above the other, and perhaps a fingernail is clipping the backslash. As far as the numbers, I think there is a ruler that you can enable or

Re: Alternatives to Dropbox?

2011-03-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Allison: I'm wondering if sendspace is similar. But, I honestly don't have fantastic luck with that either on the mac. For me, though, I think it's operator ignorance.:) I'll be interested to replies to your question. Carolyn On Mar 20, 2011, at 11:33 AM, Allison Manzino wrote: > Hi all,

Re: Making the switch soon, but first, a few preliminary questions.

2011-03-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Vangirl: Navigating in itunes from source to anywhere is pretty easy. The sections are in nifty little tables that you'll learn to "interact with," that work very very well. You'll be using two keys, which are called voiceover keys with arrows to move among items and select them. I'd like

Mod note: Re: OT: for list members in Canada?

2011-03-20 Thread carolyn Haas
his, pleasewrite to Cara, Geoff, or Carolyn privately. Again, thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Carolyn Haas On Mar 20, 2011, at 6:14 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote: > asking, since someone may have an idea. > I am looking for good dial up service anywhere in the countr

Re: New Mac user -- question about function keys

2011-03-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: The function keys at the top of the keyboard are set by default to control things like brightness and volume. When using voiceover, the function keys are often employed to perform software related tasks. Therefore, it is recommended that VO users change the setting to have them do Software

Re: Home, end, page up and page down keys

2011-03-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Kimber: Sorry: should have been more clear about that. When using a laptop, the arrows in conjunction with the FN key at the bottom left of the keyboard perform these functions: with fn up and down arrows being pageup and pagedown, and fn left and right arrows being home and end. Sometimes,

mod reminder about one-line pointless input

2011-03-21 Thread carolyn Haas
Pete: Excuse me? What should work fine for what purpose. This is just the kind of thing that makes for pointless traffic. Please take the time to think about whether all the folks here or any of them will understand what AFAIK means or is refering to. And does it impart any useful knowledge

Re: mail question

2011-03-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Joseph: When you have a contact with several addresses, I believe a menu comes up, offering you the opportunity to choose. If you don't find it when you type in their name, try doing vo-shift-m, or check your header with the arrows. HTH Carolyn On Mar 22, 2011, at 3:49 AM, joseph wrote: > h

Re: Extremely Frustrated trying to copy and paste . . .

2011-03-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: I've had that not work on some sites. Another more painful alternative is to select all with command A. Copy and paste it into a document, and then cut off that you don't want. This is one area where I think things Mac and Vo could improve. On Mar 22, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote

Big time Vo Crash

2011-03-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi guys: Well, it was bound to happen at some point, and when it did, it happened majorly. I was typing an email, when Vo just completely went dead. Command f5 had no effect, command vo f8 did nothing, and rebooting 4 different times after having to force a shutdown with the powerbutton didn't

Re: Extremely Frustrated trying to copy and paste . . .

2011-03-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello Simon: I've heard about this but never got it to work for me. I'm thinking now from what you've said it's probably a timing thing on my part. Thanks for that little detail. Enjoy your day. Ca On Mar 23, 2011, at 12:33 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote: > I have learnt to use yet another techniqu

Re: Selecting section of website

2011-03-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ricardo: I couldn't agree with you more. It's nice to know one can take about 20 steps to do something that should take 2 or 3. ! I'm planning to take this up with my Vo trainer. She's usually pretty good about writing to accessibility about things she encounters in our sessions. The ne

Re: couple questions

2011-03-24 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: Don't get office for Mac. It's not accessible with voiceover speech. You can do most things from the keyboard, in fact. But, You may be surprised at how nice the trackpad can be to work with. I'd recommend looking closely at Mac101 on, which has a lot of good info about the swit

Mod suggestion re: couple questions

2011-03-24 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ashley: If you intend to answer questions, please do so in a way that the the reader of your post wouldn't have to go back and find the original to understand what you're trying to answer. . Otherwise, your useful knowledge may go waisted.:) Thank you. Carolyn Carolyn On Mar 24, 2011,

Re: repairing permissions

2011-03-24 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christina: If you go to dis utilities (through applications), and first aid, you'll find verify permissions and reapir permissions. The process is very accessible. I don't pretend to understand the lingo, but I know both are a good idea whenever one updates. HTH On Mar 24, 2011, at 4:07 P

Re: Pndora and VO?

2011-03-26 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi everyone: Perhaps I've missed something here. How can buttons be labeled? I've never heard of being able to do so, unless Im misunderstanding something. TIA for any info On Mar 26, 2011, at 8:59 AM, Rose Morales wrote: > For an accessible Pandora app, use Pianopub and label the buttons as

Re: Frustrating issues/Needs with Skype 5.1 and Voice Over

2011-03-28 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Michael: I'll agree with you that Skype is kind of a mess these days. I can tell you I managed to find the off-line contacts as "addressbook", which I was able to expand and make some use of. Be sure to interact with every little thing when you're exploring the Skype tables. As far as goi

Re: Navigon tutorial

2011-03-29 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi DJ: There are a lot of people making good use of Navigon on the list. If you have any specific questions, that's what we're here for. Carolyn On Mar 28, 2011, at 9:30 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > You might check out the pod cast I did on blindcooltech comparing GPS apps on > the iphone. That

Re: VoiceOver When Used with Preview Questions

2011-03-31 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Mark: If not, you may find pdf info in the group archives. On Mar 31, 2011, at 1:53 PM, M. Taylor wrote: > Hello All, > > I must read several very large documents in preview. The PDF documents are > correctly formatted so I can use the Outline Table to jump from section to > section. > >

Re: introduction

2011-04-01 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello Sarah: And if like me you're not a huge fan of podcasts, The Apple site offers some good information on making the switch. Just search on Apple's support for mac101. It isn't made specifically for learning with Voieover, but will give you a good beginning understanding of the switch from

Re: cleaning out mac hard drive?

2011-04-02 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Alex: I may well get corrected on this. But, I thought that repairing permissions was the same as cleaning out the registry. Not sure, though. So, I guess we'll both learn.:) Carolyn On Apr 2, 2011, at 7:38 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > Hi all, > Can anyone recommend some free utilities to defr

Re: Audio software recommendations?

2011-04-03 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ashley: I think I got this nifty little app referred to me by Colin. It's called vinyl studio, and works incredibly well for making audio recordings, and probably for some mixing as well. I'm terrible with things like this, but it was a breeze for me to use.:) Think you can find it if you

mod note

2011-04-03 Thread carolyn Haas
ting the group: The list owner, Cara quinn:, Geoff Waaler: and Carolyn Haas: If you have questions, concerns, or aren't sure about something you want to post, please write to us privately. That's what we're here

Re: What software comes with Mac OS?

2011-04-04 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: One big selling point with Apple computers is they don't come pre-installed with a whole bunch of junkware. Some of the things that come standard are: Addressbook, calculator, dictionary, dvd player, garage band, iCal, iTunes, iPhoto, mail, preview (for reading pdf and some other things), Sa

help with downloads, please

2011-04-04 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi All: I somehow messed thing up such that my books from the National Library Service wind up just on my hard-drive. They used to go straight to downloads, which is how I prefer it. But, I'm not finding an option to send them there under Safari preferences. Can someone point me in the right

Re: help with downloads, please

2011-04-04 Thread carolyn Haas
Well, re the pop-up button, my only option is to "Carolyn" which is my home, when I try selecting "other," it seems everything comes up but "downloads." I can interact with the table and all sorts of options are there. But, not the one I want, which is downloads. Wonder what I'm missing.:) Agai

Re: OCR Programs Free Preferably

2011-04-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Angel: You can get good scanning results with a mac, without Krzweil. The best way of doing so is to confine two relatively inexpensive programs: One called Vuescan, (around $40 US,) and Abbyy Fine Reader (around $100 US. Vuescan alone can do some adequate scanning, but doesn't speak page o

Re: Eye-Pal

2011-04-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Chris: I just spent a good portion of my morning trying to get Vuescan to work for me. It is capable of scanning, and is supposed to be easy to use. However, this is my third time spending hours with it, and getting very poor results. I scanned a page, but could not set where it saved to,

Re: What software comes with Mac OS?

2011-04-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Kawal: I was of the impression that iChat doesn't work with MSN. HMMM, I'd be glad to be wrong on this.:) Carolyn On Apr 7, 2011, at 3:45 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > if you want help with this, I can give you an e-mail address that you can > write to and he should help you as you need som

Re: will be starting my first mac class

2011-04-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Sarah: I just completed a year of one on one instruction. It's an awesome way to learn. And, if your experience is anything like mine has been, you'll find it becomes more of an exchange of ideas than a teaching session, and you'll probably wind up learning from each other.:) They will pro

Re: will be starting my first mac class

2011-04-08 Thread carolyn Haas
One to one is $100. They say you have to sign up for it when you buy your Mac. However, ever, they have been known to make acceptions with people having to learn voiceover. Honestly, I'm really pretty much blown away with how decent I've been treated by my Apple store. (Now, having dropped my

Re: Can we put a few things in my dock, please?

2011-04-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Chris: You can copy and paste apps into the doc. I'm not sure you can do so wht documents and folders, as I've never tried this. Here's just a thought that comes to mind as I read through today's posts. It might be worth it to check into one to one if there's an apple store nearby. There a

Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Chris: I'm guessing you'd put one call on hold to call a second one. But, how to bring them both up then is a mystery to me.:) On Apr 8, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > Yeah, but then how do you hang up on one person in the call individually > without cutting everyone?

Re: Making a Skype Conference: is it Possible?

2011-04-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Chris: Settle Down! Step away from the computer! Warning Warning! You're trying to do everything at once. When you're in a call, you can hit command shift h, which us in theory supposed to hang up the call. If it doesn't, press command-w to close the window. This will bring up a dialog ask

Re: Itunes playlist question.

2011-04-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: To move within a playlist, you can use cut and paste. To delete from just a playlist, you delete from the area of the playlist, and it should not tke it from the library. If you delete from the library songfest then it will delete from the library. CH On Apr 9, 2011, at 2:07 PM, Phantom.

Re: Aha! I know what it is!

2011-04-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Chris: Turn off voice-over, and the cursor won't show. However, neither will voiceover speak. On Apr 9, 2011, at 8:12 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > It's the little text caption thing that tells visually on the screen what the > last thing was that Voiceover said. > > That's exactly!

Re: Aha! I know what it is!

2011-04-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Pete: Ok, it sounded to me like the VO cursor was the issue. I'm glad you mentioned the caption thing, as more than one of us learned something new.:) Enjoy your weekend. Carolyn On Apr 9, 2011, at 8:53 PM, Pete Nalda wrote: > Here's where to turn this "Caption" feature off. Open System Pr

Re: how can I best view messages in threds?

2011-04-10 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ray: I stopped using threaded view for those reasons. It seems to work better on the iPhone, where you get the thread, and a number, and then when you click on that thread it expands and gives you the windows. Perhaps the Applemail does this and I just haven't figured it out yet. But, try

Re: how can I best view messages in threds?

2011-04-10 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Simon: This is great info. Thanks. But, what is online buddy status? I thought that was related to chat. Tia Carolyn On Apr 10, 2011, at 12:13 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote: > If you interact with the messages list, you should be able to use vo+arrow > keys to move through the columns in yo

Re: Lost my Voiceover sounds on iPad

2011-04-10 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Simon: Check your side switch. if it got moved to mute, this could account for it. Otherwise go into settings/sound and check your volume for sound. Sometimes it gets tweaked and acts differently. hth Carolyn On Apr 10, 2011, at 4:06 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote: > Listers, > > I've lost m

Losing voiceover and sounds on iPad and iPhone

2011-04-10 Thread carolyn Haas
he fact - that the > same switch is supposed to lock the screen orientation. I've got my sounds > bakc, and i am a happy man again. I have so many questions regarding iPad and > the learning curve is so very steep but I'm doing my best. Thank you all for > your support. >

Re: making folders in mail

2011-04-10 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Matt: I can figure by your email address that you are working from gmail. So, the easiest way to get the mail to behave is to create filters in googlemail that basically tell Gmail to put messages slated to go "to" somewhere, for example the macvisionaries, in a folder, (which Google calls a

Re: Tips for importing audiobooks?

2011-04-11 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello Zach: I have a very nicely said out description of how to do this with iTunes from a former post from Jane. If you are going to do this with iTunes, I'd ve happy to send you the post. Carolyn On Apr 11, 2011, at 11:06 AM, Zachary Kline wrote: > Hi All, > I have a couple audiobooks for o

Re: Voiceover improvements when updating OS

2011-04-12 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: a couple other things: Handytech NorthAmerica has a tutorial that looks great. There are also a couple useful user guides right on your Mac that are good to check out. On Apr 12, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Ashley Cox wrote: > wait for lion, get a mac. > yes, there are significant improvements. >

Re: be ware the new click to flash. Can't even watch youtube now

2011-04-12 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Darcy: What does that youtube html extension do Is it just for flash content? On Apr 12, 2011, at 5:04 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote: > Hi. I've not tried the latest click to flash, because I currently don't have > flash installed at all, but one thing you might try is the youtube html5 > safar

Re: dom to group mode, vo h h tells me nothing

2011-04-14 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi ray: I pretty much just use Dom mode. My experience with group mode has often just resulted in confusing me. The funny thing is when I work with Melissa at Apple, and she uses VO, she prefers group. Guess that's what makes Vo nice is it's adaptability. Carolyn On Apr 14, 2011, at 5:19 AM,

audible and victor reader stream on the mac

2011-04-14 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: I'm trying to activate a new victor reader stream from my mbp. Because audible works with iTunes, there isn't any way to download the audible manager to the mac so as to activate the stream. Has anyone been able to activate a VRS from a mac? And, if so, can you give me any pointers? TIA fo

Re: Anyone using Vuescan?

2011-04-15 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Matt: I've spent too many hours with Vuescan. I so wanted it to work, and I have on occasion gotten it to read some things. But, the set-up is pretty strange, or perhaps I'm just not getting something. I have trouble configuring how/where to save files. When I do get it to scan, it lacks

Re: braille and voice over?

2011-04-17 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Priscilla: Another option to consider is the Btraillino. I've worked with it only once with a mac and an iPhone. But, it left such a strong and a good impression that I'm happy to say I will be getting one as soon as Handytech NA ships. That is, assuming DVR placed the order on Friday as th

Re: braille and voice over?

2011-04-17 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Pricilla: Welcome! I didn't notice your scan question before I replied about braille displays. Scaning is an area that in my very humble opinion is not well addressed on the Mac platform. There are some applications that can perform scanning. But, they are not as simple as for example an

a website quandary

2011-04-17 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi everyone: I'm having difficulty with my banking website. It makes statements available as pdf files. However, it won't allow the download until one selects an adobe reader. Has anyone seen this? Anyone have any suggestions how to get around that? TIA for any help. Carolyn -- You rece

Re: Reminder for how to set a mail rule

2011-04-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Marlaina: Press cmd-comma to get to mail preferences. Interact with the toolbar and vo-arrow right to "rules." Stop interacting and vo right to "add rule." From there you can enter criteria and action to be taken. HTH Carolyn On Apr 20, 2011, at 11:47 AM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote: > I am te

Re: Reminder for how to set a mail rule

2011-04-21 Thread carolyn Haas
nto a folder or mailbox which is designated for that purpose. HTH Carolyn On Apr 21, 2011, at 4:24 AM, Christine Grassman wrote: > I'm sorry if this is a completely ridiculous question, but what would > constitute a "rule" -- what is this used for? > Christine > On Ap

Re: a few questions about my new Mac

2011-04-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Tony: It's the nature of things mac that we do tend to share a lot. Glad you're enjoying the list and your Mac. On Apr 22, 2011, at 7:04 AM, Tony Hernandez wrote: > Hey, Great. Thank you. > > Thanks to everyone who responds to my queries. This is the friendliest list > I've ever been on.

Re: a few questions about my new Mac

2011-04-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Tony: I think you can set those Skype notifications in preferences, (command comma). Also, you can read conversations by interacting with their window. One simple rule I teach is when using the Mac, if something appears not to be working, don't give up unless you've tried interacting with

oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Oh, great! So, just don't go where you don't belong, and what's the big scare here? Maybe I'm overly Apple loyal. But, really, do we all have so many secret places we go? What about onstar? That lovely service that can respond in minutes to your emergency with the push of a button. Quite h

Re: MikeH: Hardware questions for late 2009 macbook.

2011-04-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Mike: I looked in mine under about this mac, and the only mention of memory says two gig plus. I'm not sure I understand this accurately, or if I'm even talking about the same memory you are. But I think this one could be upgraded to eight. Carolyn On Apr 22, 2011, at 4:29 PM, Mike Huckaba

Re: extremely frustrated re: reading pfd files

2011-04-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Tony: People have done well with getting preview to do this. I haven't ever done well with pdf documents. However, the Pages program will also work with pdf. And you can buy just that app from the mac store, which you'll find in your Apple menu, (vo-shift-M and vo-arrow down to mac store.

Re: oppinion: Apple Tracking

2011-04-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Also, what people don't realize is that all smart phones do this, not just > apple. Android does, and most likely, blackberries do too. So, it's not just > an Apple thing. > On Apr 22, 2011, at 6:09 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Oh, great! So, just don't go w

Re: mud clients

2011-04-23 Thread carolyn Haas
Chris: Please excuse my ignorance. But, what are muds, and what is a mud client. Thanks in advance. On Apr 23, 2011, at 2:54 AM, Chris Snyder wrote: > There's an Ios mud client that works really well with VoiceOver called, TMC > Game Client. Of course, there are no sfx for it, but it's really

Re: Free Eyenote Software Application

2011-04-25 Thread carolyn Haas
This app was discussed quite a bit over the weekend. Kind of old news already. You might want to look over the past few day's postings. On Apr 25, 2011, at 6:40 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > The app is out there. From what I hear, though, it is inferior to the > Money Reader app, which costs $0.99.


2011-04-26 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Tony: Don't know about lists. But, would you please try to remember to fill in the subject line of your posts? Thanks very much and I'm sure someone else will answer this one.:) Enjoy your Mac and your day. Carolyn On Apr 26, 2011, at 9:32 AM, Tony Hernandez wrote: > Hi all. > > Are the

Re: Such a fantastic day!

2011-04-26 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Shameless: I think most of us have been there. there's absolutely nothing comparable to anticipating and getting started with that sleek gorgeous electronic beast. Think you'll be very happy. Do keep us posted. Carolyn On Apr 26, 2011, at 11:18 AM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote: > Hi all, > >

imho: the cost of Mac vs others and their solutionsWas: docuscan is available

2011-04-29 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Brandt: Couldn't disagree with this point of view more. First you're comparing Apples and raspberries.:) The Mac is a totally different system, and built to some stringent specifications. You don't see any Macs for $300 as you do for PC machines. And there's a good reason. They're worth mo

Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.

2011-04-29 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: You can also search for your particular scaner's drivers for Mac. One helpful source: is (note: not the actual link.) HTH someone. Carolyn On Apr 29, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Brandon Misch wrote: > even if it doesn't out of th box, some scanner manufacturers have drivers o

Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.

2011-04-29 Thread carolyn Haas
Ok, you've said this twice. Think we've got it. On Apr 29, 2011, at 7:58 AM, Tony Hernandez wrote: > Hi. > > I think looking at this price in a positive light just because it's lower is > what keeps the prices high. It's accepted. > > Tony Hernandez > > Let us hear the

Re: For those who can actually afford this, DocuScan Plus is now on the mac app store.

2011-04-29 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Johnny: I have a Canon lida25, a Canon mp160, and an hp photosmart d10. The mp160 is the fastest scanner by a lot, though it also depends on which scanning program you're using. I've found nothing to be fast with the Mac yet.---Hpwever, I haven't tried Docuscan yet, and I'm hoping. hth Car

Mod request: was for those who can actually afford ...

2011-04-29 Thread carolyn Haas
Ok, think we've dissected price here enough. Could we please try to stay on the topic of things mac related? Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. Carolyn On Apr 29, 2011, at 1:43 PM, Tony Hernandez wrote: > I'd say $150 or so at the absolute highest. Anything much higher than that >

Mod request: re Imho the cost...

2011-04-30 Thread carolyn Haas
Scott and Aman: Please cut it right here, or have this discussion off list. For everyone else, please let's shut this thread down, NOW! Thank you and good evening. Carolyn On Apr 30, 2011, at 8:31 PM, Aman Singer wrote: > Hi, Scott. > You write > Your message does mix a number of things h

Re: progress indicator in safari

2011-05-01 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Denise: Just to add to this, you can move over to the finder, and check in your downloads folder without messing anything up. Carolyn On May 1, 2011, at 7:14 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote: > Hi Denise, > > when you start a download the download window should open. There you can > interact with th

Re: Docuscan pricing?

2011-05-01 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Allison: This has come up in the earlier part of the thread. The app is free in the app store.---And you're directed to a website where you begin a 7-day free trial. After that time, you have to either buy the app to continue using it, or it doesn't work anymore. Carolyn On May 1, 2011, at

Re: document margins

2011-05-01 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Saraii: You can go into menus and find formatting, where you can set these. Also, Pages offers templates to do things within. These can be found in I think, the toolbar, where there should be a template chooser. HTH Carolyn On May 1, 2011, at 10:06 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote: > All: > A

Re: strange behavior with safari

2011-05-02 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Denise: It's a quirk I have observed on several websites using voiceover. Usually, if you shut VO off and restart it, it'll let you type. Once in a great while, I've also quit Safari and started all over. But, that's not often. The other thing to do is try interacting when it does that.

Moderator note: was re: lion install

2011-05-02 Thread carolyn Haas
Joe: This is totally not ok. As you even admit yourself in this post.Anyone who messes with the disclosure agreement they've signed on this list will be unsubscribed.End of discussion! Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. On May 1, 2011, at 4:09 PM, joe quinn wrote: > sorry if th

Mod note: re voiceover words per minute

2011-05-04 Thread carolyn Haas
Chris and Greg: This has really become a chat. Please take it off list. Thank you. Carolyn On May 3, 2011, at 2:43 PM, Chris Moore wrote: > I usually have it at 55 and sometimes 60, but after that I think WTF, mind I > have only been using a screen reader since July last year. > On 3 May 2011,

Re: braille display

2011-05-04 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Erik: I'm wondering since the original question involved a refreshabraille, if that's for all displays or specific ones? TIA Carolyn On May 3, 2011, at 3:17 PM, erik burggraaf wrote: > Hi Kawal, Either it's not supported on baum/humanware/aph displays or you > are very much mistaken. Alth

Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-04 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: I think Microsoft isn't interested in accessibility. I suspect time would be better spent working with Apple to get a better office type program developed. Microsoft knows they have the public by the neck, (for lack of a better word:). Like Adobe, they've pretty much made it clear that ac

Re: Regarding one-handed opperation of a mac

2011-05-04 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Brandt: It is actually possible to perform most of the commands with one-handed trackpad gestures. My Apple trainer is working at using the trackpad exclusively, jus to see if she can do it. Others have actually mapped out their most used commands and primarily navigate with it, other than

Re: the installation, and uninstallation of applications to the Mac

2011-05-05 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Jes: See, no need for a podcast. It's all right here.:) On May 5, 2011, at 4:24 AM, Jes Smith wrote: > You are giving me ideas for upcoming podcasts. > To install an app: > 1. Open the .dmg file with command-O. (Most apps come in dmg files, which are > basically virtual cds.) However, If t

Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Brandt: I've done this a couple of different ways. One: you can export the whole mailbox to an external, or flash drive and bring them over in that way. You could also forward them to whatever your Mac email is set to receive, being sure to disable the windows one from receiving them. Prob

Re: preview

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
over cursor can seriously limit the search. I've learned that the find command often works more effectively if you uninteract with a website. Enjoy your Mac journey. Care Carolyn Haas On May 6, 2011, at 10:07 AM, Zachary Kline wrote: > Hi Terry, > COncerning Terminal, yo

iTunes library back-up Was: iPod OOPS

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Nadine: If I understand your question correctly, your iPod should still contain your iTunes library. When you connect it, iTunes should offer to make the transfers from your iPod to the iTunes library. I've had more stuff be retained by iTunes than I've ever lost.:) Keep us posted. Carol

Re: repairing permissions

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Anne: So, I'm curious, and maybe you can clarify something. When repairing permissions the other day, I discovered a warning at the bottom of the results table that said a certain system UI thing couldn't be repaired. It was preceded by a warning. Is that something I should be concerned about?

Re: Bringing email over from windows

2011-05-06 Thread carolyn Haas
here is the option to export one's mailbox? Thanks. > > Les > On May 6, 2011, at 2:23 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hi Brandt: >> I've done this a couple of different ways. One: you can export the whole >> mailbox to an external, or flash drive and bring t

Re: Potential flaw in Skype 5 for OSX

2011-05-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Jes: And we all need to know this why? On May 7, 2011, at 9:06 AM, Jes Smith wrote: > Think I'll go back to Skype 2.8 for OS X. > > On May 7, 2011, at 5:16 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > >> Not only that, but, as the article states, not until people started blogging >> about it publically did Skyp

Re: Skype for the millionth time.

2011-05-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Shameless: I generally find that cmd-w closes a window and brings up a "do you want to end this call" dialog. Vo-arrow as far to the right as you can go and vo-space to end the call. It's not as bad sit sounds when you get used to it. Care.bear 459 if you want to try sometime tomorrow. Car

Re: A jingle I recorded for a client. All done on a Mac in Pro Tools 9.

2011-05-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Chris: interact with the text before attempting to open the link. Worked like a charm here. On May 9, 2011, at 2:07 AM, Chris Moore wrote: > hmmm for some reason it won't play for me > > On 9 May 2011, at 08:23, Kevin Reeves wrote: > >> Hey folks. Just got through with this jingle I wrote fo

Re: A jingle I recorded for a client. All done on a Mac in Pro Tools 9.

2011-05-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Oh I can open the link no problem, and the play button appears etc, but >> nothing plays. >> On 9 May 2011, at 13:59, carolyn Haas wrote: >> >>> Chris: >>> interact with the text before attempting to open the link. Worked like a >>> charm here. >>

Re: prismo on the IPhone

2011-05-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Erik: I know Sandy T has done several posts on this app, using iPhone 4. She's gotten some pretty impressive results. Check the archives from I believe April. HTH Take care Carolyn On May 9, 2011, at 10:19 AM, erik burggraaf wrote: > Hi, has anyone gotten prismo to work on the ITouch or th

Re: many of the conmands don't work on imac

2011-05-11 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Steph and Scot: The one iMac I met had the Apple wireless keyboard and I think that's what comes standard with it. I can't imagine why it would work any differently, though I know it does perform differently on the IOS platform. CarolynOn May 11, 2011, at 4:47 AM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

Re: ipad ?

2011-05-11 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi John: The iPad works using the same operating system as the iPHone. The short answer is yes, it works with voiceover, just as the iPhone does. As far as using it as your personal computer, the only obvious limit I can think of is if you do a lot of word processing. The Pages program is cur

Re: software compatibility

2011-05-12 Thread carolyn Haas
f you need more specifics on any of this, contact me off list and I'll be glad to help. Carolyn Haas , On May 12, 2011, at 7:46 PM, Tammy Cantrell wrote: > What software can I use to create documents? Is there a way to access a > Microsoft document on a Mac? > > Lots

Re: Other media players than iTunes.

2011-05-13 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Shameless: Just a voice from the dark saying I have no trouble working with iTunes. If there's anything in particular I can be of help with, write me off list, or contact me at care.bear459 on Skype. Carolyn On May 13, 2011, at 6:51 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > Get vlc player, it's great, I use

Re: vizwiz and other non-Mac devices

2011-05-14 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Rebecca: and others: This has absolutely no relevance to Mac computers or iDevices. It does not belong on this list. Please do not carry this on further here. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Carolyn On May 14, 2011, at 12:03 AM, Rebecca Blaevoet wrote: > I know this is a Ma

Re: Apple problem

2011-05-14 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Matthew: I haven't had any difficulty with Apple services either. I'm not running any extras such as Addium,. I did some updating without issue. Carolyn On May 14, 2011, at 9:22 AM, matthew Dyer on Mac Mini wrote: > Thanks Chris, > > It must be a netwlork problem on my end here then. > >

Re: Next Chrome with screen reader support

2011-05-15 Thread carolyn Haas
Does this actually work on the mac? Or, are we discussing a windows program here? On May 15, 2011, at 1:02 AM, Oriol Gómez wrote: > I can't seem to access the chrome menus in windows... can't use > bookmarks either. I am able to browse websites though. so that's a > step forward > > On 5/14/

Re: Apple problem

2011-05-15 Thread carolyn Haas
tore. > Colme to think of it, I am unable to connect to the appstore. > > > Matthew > > > On May 14, 2011, at 11:31 AM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hi Matthew: >> I haven't had any difficulty with Apple services either. I'm not running >> a

Re: Apple problem

2011-05-15 Thread carolyn Haas
> On May 15, 2011, at 4:50 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hi Matt: >> If you updated something yesterday, and downloaded an app, it sounds like it >> may be a system or network issue, rather than an Apple issue. When you say >> the app won't work, is it an possible

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