Hi everyone:
Hope all are having a great weekend.  I would like to post a couple of 
reminders on behalf of the moderators of the list.

There have been quite a few new members, and we could all use a refresher of 
things to keep in mind when writing:

1.  This list is open to people with interest in things Mac/apple.  However, 
the process for subscription has generally been to submit a request via 
Googlegroups.  Please refer potential subscribers there to keep the list from 
being taken up with matters the mods can manage.

2.  This list is for exchange of resources related to mac computers and Apple 
products.  It is *not* a chat forum.  If you want to express thanks, or carry 
on a conversation with another member, please select their address from the 
header of their note and do this off list.  We all don't really need to witness 
every conversation between  individuals on the list.

3.  When you are responding to a question, keep in mind that around 800 people 
are sifting through the large volume of messages here.  Please make you post 
count by indicating to what you are responding, and by making a relevant point. 
 Missives such as, "I'm going to try it." or, "great.  Thanks," or "I'm in a 
hurry but I'll check it out later,.",  are not terribly productive for 800 
people to know.  Please take a moment   to consider your audience, and value 
their time.

And lastly:
4.  There are currently 3 people actively moderating the group:
The list owner, Cara quinn: modelc...@gmail.com,  
Geoff Waaler:  geoff.waa...@gmail.com  
and Carolyn Haas:  chaas0...@gmail.com

If you have questions, concerns, or aren't sure about something you want to 
post, please write to us privately.  That's what we're here for.
We have an awesome combination of talents and resources and some great 
interchange going here.  Let's keep it from getting too chaotic by observing a 
few very simple guidelines.
Thanks very much for taking a minute to read this, and for being a valuable 
contributor to this  list.

Carolyn Haas

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