Re: [Bulk] regarding Apple's announcement

2011-06-06 Thread carolyn Haas
t; >> >> Sincerely, >> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! >> >> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! >> >> Skype name: >> barefootedray >> >> Facebook: >> >> >> >> >> On Jun 6

Re: iBooks, iCloud and the Mac

2011-06-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Howard: Don't know about reading on the mac. If the files ae in pub format, and even if they're PDF, at least currently, they can't be read. ICloud is just the storage device. They wold have to make some major changes in iTunes to be able to erad them on the mac. imho Carolyn On Jun 6, 2011,

Re: selecting a scanner?

2011-06-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: Vuescan was around $40 us last I looked. On Jun 7, 2011, at 9:38 AM, Goldfinga Productions wrote: > What is the cost of this "vuescan?" > > > On Jun 7, 2011, at 8:53 AM, Donna Goodin wrote: > >> Hi Anne, >> >> thanks, just downloaded Vuescan. The setup looks to be straight-forward >> e

Re: selecting a scanner?

2011-06-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: There is also a list of supported scanners on the vuescan site. On Jun 7, 2011, at 6:56 AM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello Donna, > > I don't know the answer to your question, but Ed Hamrick is usually happy to > answer questions. Just look for the contact details on the Hamrick site. > >

Re: ITunes In the Cloud

2011-06-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Gee, that's not what I understood from the presentation. I'm confused by what you're saying here. I read everything yesterday, and nowhere did it mention iSync. On Jun 7, 2011, at 12:04 PM, Shen wrote: > Hi, > Cloud is not an accurate term. It's iSync. > There is no cloud in iTunes. It is a m

Re: ITunes In the Cloud

2011-06-07 Thread carolyn Haas
ening, I believe. Confusingly, iSync is > also an unrelated Apple program on OS X. Even more confusingly, Apple calls > the service iCloud, or iTunes in the Cloud, leading to some mistaken > impressions. > Best, > Zack. > On Jun 7, 2011, at 1:57 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >

Re: adding recipient to address book

2011-06-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ron: I believe the only way to do this is to VO-shift-M on that address, copy it and create a card in address book. Perhaps someone will correct me with a better way.:) Take care On Jun 7, 2011, at 2:29 PM, Ronald McEwan wrote: > Hi, > > How does one add a recipient, not the sender, in

Re: ITunes In the Cloud

2011-06-07 Thread carolyn Haas
happening, I believe. Confusingly, iSync >>> is also an unrelated Apple program on OS X. Even more confusingly, Apple >>> calls the service iCloud, or iTunes in the Cloud, leading to some mistaken >>> impressions. >>> Best, >>> Zack. >>> On Jun

Re: Openning a file before my job interview on Monday

2011-06-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Christopher: You asked about a simple database program. That's why Bento was suggested. On Jun 7, 2011, at 5:39 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > Maybe I was mistaking but by the looks of this thread, I thought it was set > that Bento was a program Apple suggested for doing PowerPoint stuf

Re: First time trying to use a flash drive with my Mac

2011-06-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christine: A couple of ideas come to mind here and I'll share them for what they may be worth.:) Press Command-shift-c to get to your computer. You may be able to just vo arrow down, or you may need to interact first. But you should find something like "Christine's Hd, Network, and the nam

Re: First time trying to use a flash drive with my Mac

2011-06-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christine: I don't believe you can copy more than one at a t ime, unless they're in a folder. The other thing to keep in mind is you may need to interact in order to paste. VO should be telling you both when it copies, and when it is pasting, it should say, "paste, copying from ..." Someti

Re: [Bulk] transition from pc to mac

2011-06-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Joanne: There are a few different ways you can go when tackling the mac switch. One thing I found really helpful was to look at the "switching 101" articles on the Mac. While they don't specifically address voiceover, they clarify some of the similarities and differences between PC and Mac.

Re: First time trying to use a flash drive with my Mac

2011-06-08 Thread carolyn Haas
t then I'll have to go through and delete; > I'm putting together some music files for my husband's iTunes library, since > I was told this is the easiest way to share music files. (We have different > iTunes accounts.) > Christine > On Jun 8, 2011, at 12:22 PM, ca

Re: Static text and Magic Trackpad

2011-06-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Kevin: Some sites work with Safari Reader. When you get to the page that has the article, press cmd-shift-r. Vo will start reading the article on some sites. I never heard of a way to get to text other than trying headings. The other thing you can try is a search for the first word in the t

Re: Buying a mac computer

2011-06-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Wendy: I'll leave the descriptions to others here, other than saying the Macbook air has no cd/dvd drive, is lighter, and it's hard drive is a solid-state as opposed to optical. But you might want to take a look at the Apple site. Under the Mac heading, there are good explanations and compar

Re: Music and iTunes

2011-06-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi David: You should simply be able to transfer stuff on your iPod back into the iTunes library. When you connect, you should receive a dialog asking if you want to transfer them or they would otherwise be lost. Just select transfer, and they'll come into the library. As to your other questio

Re: Updating Stream from a Mac

2011-06-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: You can add books to the Victor Reader Stream from the Mac. You just can't use the companion software. Carolyn On Jun 9, 2011, at 3:16 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > No. It don't work. the companion don't work on the Mac. > > > Sincerely, > The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! > > Now a very

Re: not getting all responses to my email messages

2011-06-09 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Chris: Just a shot in the dark here: Is it possible you have your email set to thread view, and aren't expanding the threads to view all the messages? Just a thought. Carolyn On Jun 9, 2011, at 9:14 PM, Chris Snyder wrote: > Hi all, > For some reason, when I look at the messages from this lis

Re: email questions?

2011-06-10 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Shameless: I believe you can create a group in your address book, though I've never messed with that. Otherwise, and you probably already know this) write them, and then a coma after each one. Carolyn On Jun 10, 2011, at 10:29 AM, ShamelessFanGirl wrote: > And adding to this question, how

sever/network issues

2011-06-10 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi guys: I've recently had my internet go crazy. I can't get VO to go to the status menu. Vo-MM only stops at the Apple menu. CTL-F8 says, "system UI server." And during Apple training today, Melissa noticed that my cursor tracking was intermittently getting separated. I think I'm connected

Re: sever/network issues

2011-06-11 Thread carolyn Haas
west" name and settings At least it allowed me to remove my neighbor's unsecured Netgear server. And, at least it brought in the mail.:) CarolynOn Jun 11, 2011, at 7:31 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > You might try using control f8, this is the mac command for going to the > status menus.

Re: Trouble with PDF files

2011-06-11 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christine: It's possible that they were sent as scanned images, in which case you'd need an OCR program to read them. A long way around option, if you have a scanner is to print the attachment, and run it through your scanner for it's ocr capability. Carolyn On Jun 11, 2011, at 11:33 AM, Ch

Re: NEver mind about Eloquent, it works.

2011-06-11 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Jes: I'm confused why you'd want to run Eloquence on the Mac. Is this the Eloquence that is a speech synthesizer, or some app I've not heard of. Please excuse my not knowing. Carolyn On Jun 11, 2011, at 2:57 PM, Jes Smith wrote: > Just had to turn VO off and back on again. > > -- > You r

Re: sever/network issues

2011-06-11 Thread carolyn Haas
as been reset or experienced a power surge > lately? > > Do you have a Ethernet cable to test the router? > > If you have an iPhone, iPad, etc, have you experienced any problems > initiating WiFi? > > Mark > > > > > On Jun 11, 2011, at 10:03 AM, car

Re: Issues with VueScan 9.x

2011-06-12 Thread carolyn Haas
Ray: This is erroneous info. I've done OCR with Vuescan. Only, it won't do orientation for you. Carolyn On Jun 12, 2011, at 5:23 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Uh, well, sounds to me like your not running OCR at all. YOu need to run > VUScan and then run OCR with Abby Fine reader or some other O

Re: List Messages

2011-06-12 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Dan: It's been going along all day. Not a lot of traffic, but definitely still alive. Might want to reboot and see if your mail has some kind of snag. Carolyn On Jun 12, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Dan Roy wrote: > I haven' received 1 message all day, I am wondering if the list is still up? > > > -

Fwd: VueScan settings

2011-06-12 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ray and anyone else who missed this: Anne posted this a couple days ago. BTW: you can just go to and download the latest. I believe when you do the install, it will update what you already have. Then you can lose those earlier ones if you want. Again, the latest is at the webs

Re: Flashdrive for Christine

2011-06-13 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christine: At the risk of sounding archaic, you might just go ahead and burn a CD from iTunes, and .:) It would be a lot fewer headaches. The fact that you got half of your music to copy makes it seem as though a reformat isn't the answer. Carolyn On Jun 13, 2011, at 7:55 AM, Christine Gr

Re: just submitted report to Vuescan Dev regarding Text edit

2011-06-13 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ray: Thanks for taking the initiative to do this. He is pretty good about at least reading and considering feedback. I'll do the same when I try Vuescan again. Take care Carolyn On Jun 13, 2011, at 4:33 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > For the benefit of those of us having issues with Text edit no

Re: Help, my gmail email account's not syncing to my mac or Ipod

2011-06-16 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Steph: Well, Gmail's kind of like the weather at times. Wait a few minutes and it'll change.:) I've had things go odd like that. You might honestly leave it alone for a couple hours and try again with differing results. It could be anything from server issues, to the mighty cloud having hi

Re: network

2011-06-16 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Clifton: You can simply go into your status menu, with vo-shift-MM. Look for your network's name, and vo-space on it. YOu should be prompted for your password or wpa or WEP. Enter that and it should connect. On Jun 16, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Kliph&Sharrie wrote: > So where do I go to connect

Re: How Are MS Word Tables Handled in TextEdit?

2011-06-18 Thread carolyn Haas
more info would go a long way to making Pages useful. As it is, I'm very very discouraged. Carolyn Haas On Jun 17, 2011, at 11:44 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote: > Hi, all, > > Yesterday I opened an MSWord document that I knew had a table in it. When I > opened it in Pages, as ex

Re: Um, VO Doesn't Seem to Work with the Mobile Me Site?

2011-06-18 Thread carolyn Haas
Hey Teresa: Maybe I'm just being grouchy today. But, I think it's time to perhaps see if we can get the accessibility team to do more than "forward our issues to the developers." I'll go to bat for this company with all my heart and soul. But, I'll also expect them to provide solutions to seri

Re: Braille on the I phone.

2011-06-18 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Kawal and Claus: This should definitely be reported to It's really the only way things are going to be noticed and possibly fixed. Carolyn On Jun 17, 2011, at 2:33 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > Absolutely, it happens when I route my letter with the braille routing cell

Re: Issuing VoiceOver commands on an IPhone with the Bluetooth keyboard

2011-06-18 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Paul: If you go to, search for accessibility and keyboard commands, you should be able to find what you're looking for. Also, you can get this info at On Jun 18, 2011, at 9:59 AM, Paul Hunt wrote: > Hello everyone. I want to know how to issue a VoiceOver Read Page co

Re: Um, VO Doesn't Seem to Work with the Mobile Me Site?

2011-06-18 Thread carolyn Haas
he MobileMe site > will be going away at some point in its entirety. > > Scott > > On Jun 18, 2011, at 2:13 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hey Teresa: >> Maybe I'm just being grouchy today. But, I think it's time to perhaps see if >> we can get the acc

Re: Voiceover on the iPhone

2011-06-18 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: I'd be taking that to the Apple store right away. Shouldn't be doing that, and I don't believe there's a setting that would affect that kind of change. carolyn On Jun 17, 2011, at 6:08 AM, Jeff Berwick wrote: > Hi all, > > When my iPhone battery drops below 20% Voiceover stops working. Gi

Re: ITunes navigation

2011-06-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Just another idea: If for some reason that doesn't work, you can shift-vo-end, and then vo-arrow back a couple and you're there. It beats arrowing all the way across. On Jun 20, 2011, at 3:45 PM, Mary Otten wrote: > Ron, Often Ricardo's suggestion of vo command h does exactly what you want, >

Re: internet

2011-06-21 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Craig: I believe it's a voiceover bug with Safari. I usually turn VO off and then on again, to achieve the same thing. Perhaps Alex is secretly a fan of firefox rather than Safari?:) On Jun 20, 2011, at 7:25 PM, Craig J Dunlop wrote: > when changing pages in safari voiceover will some tim

Re: Contacting a Mod/Owner

2011-06-26 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello Chris: I recently listed the owner and mods. I'll do this again, in case anyone else has concerns or questions: List owner: Cara quinn: email: Moderators: Carolyn Haas: Email: Mark taylor: email: Carolyn On Jun 26, 2011,

Re: Mac book pro running very hot

2011-06-28 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello Mike: You might have missed this. Earlier in the thread, she said Apple Spell was using a high per centage, and resetting it temporarily made the issue stop. Carolyn On Jun 28, 2011, at 8:15 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > You might check the process manager, see if something is running that i

Re: Update on mac running hot, from bad to worse!

2011-06-28 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Kary: This really sounds like an issue to consult Apple's tech support about. Someone there might be able to point you to a more long term solution. I don't know if you have tried doing a search of the Apple site for the issue, but it might be worth a look. Best of luck, and I hope you don

Re: .flack on the Mac

2011-06-30 Thread carolyn Haas
Of course, you could always rehire that a-flack guy who's out of work. On Jun 29, 2011, at 10:42 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > Sounds like some kind a movie title huh. Flack on da Mac. LOL! Anyway... > no, seriously, heheheheh... I have a whole discography here of an artist > that a

Re: need some apple help...

2011-07-01 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Eric: In case someone hasn't suggested this yet: If you look on Craigslist, there are always people offering to unlock a phone for a small fee. At least, here in Denver area there are.:) Good luck. Carolyn On Jul 1, 2011, at 12:10 AM, Eric Oyen wrote: > Hey folks I need some help. I was

Re: Just bought Pages

2011-07-02 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Shannon: Just one little thought. If something doesn't work right, try interacting with it. Also, you should be aware that there are lots of templates. they're meant to make things easy, visually. But they can make for pretty difficult cleanup, since they're in Latin and might confuse you

Re: [Bulk] jumping around the web?

2011-07-02 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Joseph There are a couple of ways to do this. In some cases, such as a clearly defined article, you can use command-shift-r to bring up the reader. If it's going to work, the article will start speaking immediately. You can other wise use search for the first words in text, if you know th

Re: Just bought Pages

2011-07-04 Thread carolyn Haas
sday from noon until > three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point > your media player to: > > or > > > On Jul 2, 2011, at 10:41 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hi Shannon: >> Just one littl

Re: Quick Question About Skype

2011-07-04 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ezzy: Try working from the Address book tab. Also, if you dial a number from the dial pad, it will be with that person's name under contacts. Sounds odd, I know, but that's what happened with a couple of mine. Carolyn On Jul 3, 2011, at 7:51 PM, Ezzie Buenito wrote: > Hi Colin, > > I myse

Re: Success! Help received.

2011-07-06 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Johnny: There are two guides and a tutorial on your computer. There is the getting started VO tutorial, you can access by pressing vo-command-f8. There is the Welcome to Snowleopard, and also user guide all right in that handy-dandy little machine. If you press command-spacebar, you will b

Re: Question about Lion from the app store?

2011-07-07 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Joseph: I believe the Apple people indicated the program would not be sold as a disk. But, there would be a way to reinstall from ICloud. On Jul 6, 2011, at 10:04 PM, Joseph Norton wrote: > Hi: > > Sorry if this has been repeated, but, I'm wondering about the upgrade. > > I understand Lio

Re: Permanently Removing Downloaded Apps From all Devices

2011-07-08 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Teresa: If I understand what you're asking here: All you need to do is to go to your apps table in iTunes, (the one from the actually library, not the device). Command delete on the ones you don't want anymore, then resync should get rid of them from the iDevice. I think You can also keep a

Itunes and syncing: was permanently removing downloads

2011-07-09 Thread carolyn Haas
displayed, because I'd somehow > gotten them into a grid view. Once I switched them to a list, everything went > great. Thanks again. > > Teresa > On Jul 8, 2011, at 9:06 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hi Teresa: >> If I understand what you're asking here

Re: office applications

2011-07-11 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi James: The accessibility of the iWorks suite has been the subject of many a discussion here. There is some room for improvement. But, people are using the applications with some success. Please have a look at the archives from this group for boatloads of commentary on their accessibility a

Re: a couple of trackpad commander questions

2011-07-11 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Donna: Well, I had been using the trackpad with some success, particularly for continuous read text. I have had success previously working with mail in the past. But, I just tried to reply to your post using the trackpad to get in place to type, and got all of nowhere. I can interact with s

Re: Safari Keyboard Reference Posted

2011-07-13 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Doug and others: In the interest of streamline our traffic, and our resourcefulness, Can you please take up the tweaking of Doug's gracious efforts off list? This is in no way an attempt to rain on anyone's parade, but again, to try to keep things streamlined. Thank you for understanding, an

Re: Network problems

2011-07-15 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello Mark and Geoff: With all due respect to both of you, Please take this discussion off list. It really is kind of off topic, and not conducive to the resourcefulness we're striving for. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Friendly, Carolyn On Jul 14, 2011, at 2:56 PM, M. Tay

Re: Prizmo on the Mac!

2011-07-15 Thread carolyn Haas
Hey Colin: I had no idea it was available for the Mac. So, I have no other input except thanks for pointing this out.:) Carolyn On Jul 15, 2011, at 9:14 AM, Red.Falcon wrote: > Hi all! > Sorry to bring up OCR again! > But I've seen on the discussions people talking about vu scan and that one >

Resignation of Moderator

2011-07-15 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello listers: I'm just writing to let everyone know I am no longer moderating for this group or the ViPhone group. I thnk Cara for the opportunity to be a part of something so useful and regret having to give in to the suggestion that my being here was a power issue. I'm not interested in Pow

Re: maybe my macbook is too hot? was Re: can't get my macbook to stay shut down

2011-07-17 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Christina: My answer will not be likely to be very helpful. But, perhaps your computer is haunted? Ok, on a more serious note: Mine only runs pretty warm when I'm running a lot of apps at the same time, forcing it to work harder, or when I operate it on a soft surface. The only other tim

Re: adding to libery in the new itunes?

2011-07-17 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Trahern: It sounds to me like you have gone into list view instead of column or icon. Quite honestly, I haven't clearly memorized how each reacts. But, you can change these with command-1,, 2, or 3. The view settings, as these are called change how VO interacts with lelments. Hope this h

a music question

2011-07-19 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi guys: I've gotten inspired to try again at ripping my vinyl to computer. I have some really intricate classical pieces, and, though I have severe herring loss, others don't,:) so I'd like to get the very best sound quality out of these that I can. The other variable is I'm working with a Gri

Re: trying to download lion?

2011-07-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Tammy: Cmd-shift-A will get you to the applications folder. On Jul 20, 2011, at 2:29 PM, Tammy wrote: > What’s the best way to get to the aps folder? It’s in the doc but it appears > you can’t get there via that shortcut. > > > \Tammy > From: Zachary Kline > Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Re: one bad thing I've found in mail

2011-07-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Hey c'mon Donna, that's not what i've heard. Jus teasing you.:) I know Melissa always tells me to employ the VO-lock. Then I forget it's on and get myself all messed up because nothing works normally until it's unlocked again. It's interesting to be able to stand by and be just a little envious

Italian iPad: was getting more voices for 10.7

2011-07-21 Thread carolyn Haas
Hey Teresa: Sorry to highjack this. But, You've brought up something that I wanted to ask but was hesitant. I'm experiencing strangeness with. My iPad has suddenly become an Italian voice, speaking pigeon English! I'm not kidding! It's making me crazy, as it hard to track down anything wit

Re: What the heck is, and is there any way to make it go away?

2011-07-21 Thread carolyn Haas
There is, Chris: Turn off your computer! On Jul 21, 2011, at 7:30 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > Yes, on your ITunes thing! I flippen! hate it! > > Chris. > > - Original Message - > From: Daniel Miller > To: > Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 7:16 A

Re: Turning off and on VO speech

2011-07-21 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi George: As far as I know, the only way to do this is with command f5 turning off VO. You can also turn it off in the menus under Vo utility, but I'm guessing you want something a little better than this.:) Carolyn On Jul 21, 2011, at 1:34 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote: > I am wondering if there

Re: Making Mail Easier with Activities

2011-07-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Mark and Anne: Could he use them in rears order, starting with 0 or 9 so they wouldn't require a hand cross for the first 5? On Jul 22, 2011, at 10:26 AM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello Mark, > > Have you thought of creating shortcuts in Keyboard commander for a couple of > hotspots? That s

Re: Inputting with grade two braille on the Mac.

2011-07-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi listers: I have a related question: I believe this may have been discussed, but I'm finally getting fluent enough with the Braillino to pair with things. I've found it doesn't work nearly as well with iPad as with iPhone. And this makes no sense since it's the same OS. With the iPhone, I c

Re: The lion sleeps tonight

2011-07-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Carleen: Mine still thinks so, and it's been a year and a half.:) Carolyn On Jul 22, 2011, at 4:08 PM, carlene knight wrote: > Am I missing some voice choices? I'm only finding Alex, Fred, Olivia and > Vicki. I might be missing one or two, but only Alex sounds high quality to > me. Are th

Re: Iphone bluetooth keyboard questions

2011-07-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Red: I just played around a it with mine, and voH actually brought me to Home from favorites. But, don't hold me to that.:) I do know command shift H did nothing, which surprised me. I'm using an Appe Wireless keyboard. But, the keyboard commands are the same. Congrats on getting an iPhone

Re: Inputting with grade two braille on the Mac.

2011-07-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hey David: Had no idea! Wonderful! Thank you. Carolyn On Jul 22, 2011, at 6:31 PM, David Tanner wrote: > Well, go to your settings for Braille and set it for Contracted Braille > input. That is quite easy to do. > > - Original Message - From: "Caitlyn Furness" > > To: > Sent: Frida

Re: Totally bizarre finding with Safari 5.1 in Lion

2011-07-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Chris: Do yourself and all of us a favor: Step away from the computer and chill for a while before writing a pointless rave like this. No one really needs to hear it. On Jul 22, 2011, at 6:37 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > Not exactly that anyone would really want! to download this,

Re: Totally bizarre finding with Safari 5.1 in Lion

2011-07-22 Thread carolyn Haas
hat, but, I will say leave? me, alone! end, > of, discussion! > > This is nonnogociable! > > Chris. > > - Original Message - From: "carolyn Haas" > To: > Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 9:16 PM > Subject: Re: Totally bizarre finding with Safari 5.1 in

Re: Voice over lag and other lion issues

2011-07-22 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi David: Very well said. It's so easy to gripe and start blaming someone when what we did before doesn't work the same anymore. I like the way you've pointed this out. It sounds much better than I could have done. Take care Oh, and BTW: found that iPad setting. Thanks again. Carolyn On J

Re: Absolutely incredibly awesome finding in Safari, Item chooser issue resolved!

2011-07-24 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Zach: I've always used it instead of the item chooser. I set option F to do this for the sake of convenience, and found after that Never messed with the item chooser at all. On Jul 24, 2011, at 2:37 PM, Zachary Kline wrote: > Hi Chris and All, > Maybe I'm missing something, but I always us

Re: Both Braille Table Flavours.

2011-07-25 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Anne: What are these tables? Is this just related to braille printing? Carolyn On Jul 25, 2011, at 1:09 AM, Anne Robertson wrote: > Hello Georges, > > Unfortunately, the CeciMac Braille tables won't work with Lion. There are no > plans to create new ones either since the work required woul

Re: reminder wanted

2011-07-25 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi guys: I'm not in Lion yet. So, this may be irrelevant. But, will shift not work with home or end in the new configuration? Carolyn On Jul 25, 2011, at 2:38 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Ricardo is understanding perfectly what I want to be able to do. Funny thing > is, I know that there's ano

Re: Why use a TrackPad?

2011-07-25 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi: Actually, the trackpad and commander are pretty amazingly useful. A good friend of mine mapped out a lot of the keyboard commands, linking them with gestures. And the result is the ability to do with one hand many of the things that take 6 fingers on the keyboard. I use it so much that I

Re: reminder wanted

2011-07-25 Thread carolyn Haas
; Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! > > Skype name: > barefootedray > > Facebook: > > > > > On Jul 25, 2011, at 5:12 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hi guys: >> I'm not in Lion yet. So, this may be irrelevant.

Re: Voice over lag and other lion issues

2011-07-25 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi David: Can you be bribed? On Jul 25, 2011, at 7:24 PM, David Tanner wrote: > I am certainly glad that I don't see nearly as many bugs in VoiceOver as you > will find in the shark. > > > > - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" > To: > Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 8:12 AM > Su

Re: Why use a TrackPad?

2011-07-26 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Geoff:It really comes down to what you need, and how you prefer to navigate. The beauty of this whole system is it's built-in flexibility, and the choices it affords. Unfortunately, this also makes learning the system more difficult sometimes. Kind of like too many differing kinds of tooth

Re: Booting from the Lion Partition

2011-07-26 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Dan: I'm confused. I haven't had to put my id in once I made the purchase. Install never asked for it. Have I missed something? (darn, thought this was going too easily to be true.:) Carolyn On Jul 26, 2011, at 6:49 PM, Dan Roy wrote: > I want to do a fresh install of Lion. I did the up

Re: for those who's macbooks are running hot, I have a sollution

2011-07-26 Thread carolyn Haas
This is ridiculous! Please apply with a grain of salt and at least two shots of tiquila!!! On Jul 26, 2011, at 9:27 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! This is not! going to be for the > faint at heart. It's all software-sided, you won't be taking

Re: Booting from the Lion Partition

2011-07-26 Thread carolyn Haas
m my external > drive, this will be a full VO with a full OS booted, I think, then, it should > work. So, there is a work around, but, I am still curious about doing it > from the bootable partition that is designed for that purpose. > > > On Jul 26, 2011, at 8:47 PM, carolyn

Re: for those who's macbooks are running hot, I have a sollution

2011-07-26 Thread carolyn Haas
Yes Dear. On Jul 26, 2011, at 10:19 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > Carolyn, BTW, no need to write me anything further. you've been put on my > block sender's list. > > > - Original Message - From: "carolyn Haas" > To: > Sent: Tuesday,

Re: for those who's macbooks are running hot, I have a sollution

2011-07-26 Thread carolyn Haas
> P.S. If either Chris or I are moderated or banned because of this subthread, > we are both leaving the list. He has confirmed this with me. > > Sincerely in Christ, > > Ben J. Bloomgren > > > > On Jul 26, 2011, at 8:39 PM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> This i

Re: for those who's macbooks are running hot, I have a sollution

2011-07-27 Thread carolyn Haas
#x27;s a clone of your main HD, this > indexing will certainly create extra load and thus, extra heat. If you're > not using the drive consistently, disconnect it and you'll notice changes in > behaviour. > > Just my thoughts. > > Later… > > On 2011-07-26, at

Re: can't find the message content column

2011-07-27 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi ray: Awesome explanation here. I've been playing with mail, but didn't have a good sense yet of that layout. Someone described it to me as being similar to how iPad shows mail. Anyhow thank you. This helps. Carolyn On Jul 27, 2011, at 5:32 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > All I have to do when I

Re: Strange thing with folders

2011-07-27 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Jeff and Allison: I have my view set to columns. When I open a folder, I do so by right arrowing, and the list behaves normally. I don't know if this is helpful or not, but you might want to try column. Take care Carolyn On Jul 27, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Jeff Bishop wrote: > I am also seeing t

Re: strange behavior with Lion

2011-07-28 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Shen: I did have this experience---However, mine was only during the process of installing Lion. During that time, a very dreadful, poor-sounding voice with almost indiscernible speech would respond to my keystrokes. I couldn't budge volume at that point either. I was afraid Alex had been

Re: To the Moderators

2011-07-28 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Ron: It is very much like a free for all. There is one owner, Cara, Quinn and one moderator, Mark Taylor. There are no guidelines in place, because according to Mark Taylor there were hundreds of complaints about how the group was being moderated. Therefore, in the interest of those hundr

semi-pro list

2011-07-28 Thread carolyn Haas
Hello list members: I'm writing in response to some of the latest goings on here. I'm Carolyn, a former moderator of the group. When I was asked to back off, and then told summarily that hundred of people had complained about my mod style, I decided perhaps my expectations were just too stringe

Re: semi-pro list

2011-07-28 Thread carolyn Haas
name: > barefootedray > > Facebook: > > > > > On Jul 28, 2011, at 11:16 AM, carolyn Haas wrote: > >> Hello list members: >> I'm writing in response to some of the latest goings on here. I'm Carolyn, >> a for

Re: semi-pro list

2011-07-28 Thread carolyn Haas
>> Why? Simple. I know that, eventually, this too shall pass and the list >> will return to normal. At least, that sure better happen. >> >> >> Sincerely, >> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! >> >> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! >

Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-21 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Geoff: Sometimes when all else fails, I use command shift and arrows or vo+arrows to select the url, command C to copy, and command V to paste. Otherwise, attempt to use the data detector menu (vo-shift-m) to bring up choices. HTH Carolyn On Sep 21, 2010, at 11:14 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote: > G

Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
ed that vary remedy. As indicated >> in my initial post I tried control-click with and without the trackpad >> commander enabled. More over, moving the mouse to the file or folder of >> interest (vo-command-F5) before pressing control-click had no affect. >> >> Th

special request

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi guys: I'd like to request that we make some indication in message subject lines what we are writing about. If for example, someone's discussing the use of bootcamp and fusion, and I don't happen to use those, I'd rather not spend the time going through that thread. Thanks for reading, and e

Re: A Quick Question About The Multi-Touch Trackpad

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Mark: I believe you can do this by double tapping on the left side of the screen in the middle. At least that worked yesterday for me:) Carolyn On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:57 AM, M. Taylor wrote: > Hello Everyone, > > This may be obvious to some but... > > I find that I'm using my TrackPad more an

correction: opening mail on trackpad

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Mark: I sit corredted, please excuse my error. If you find an email you want on the trackpad, with your finger over the subject, (asuming you've interacted with messages) do a control-click. This will land you in the body of the message. Sorry about the bad directions. (More coffee, please?):)

Re: A Clarification Regarding my TrackPad Question

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Mark: Ok, I just closed and reopened your email, based on the scenario you descripbe. I have the messages status, date, received etc showing, on the trackpad. Now, I want to answer your quetion, so I find your email, based on subject, and then touch control-and-click the trackpad. Your mes

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