Hi Nic:
Thanks for this.  I've simply shied away from sendspace on the Mac mostly due 
to my own ignorance.  Thank you for giving me the tools to try it.:)

On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Geoff!
> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first unknown 
> item after the toolbar.
> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
> use the trackpad commander.
> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
> do.
> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file you 
> would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually found 
> a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands don't 
> appear to work for me.
> So, let's continue.
> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can use 
> F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to download 
> specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you remember 
> to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, which is very 
> important to remember.
> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - Command-F
> Download File - F7
> Rename - F2
> Copy Link Location - Command-L
> Cut - COmmand-X
> Paste - Command-V
> Delete - Forward Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Send Folder Link - Command-E
> Refresh - F5
> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - COmmand-F
> Upload file - F8
> Rename - F2
> Delete - Forward-Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Refresh - Command-F5
> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the issue 
> temporarily.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me: nic2...@me.com
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> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>> Hi Sarah and list,
>> Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in the 
>> archives where Nicolai Svendsen recommended that vary remedy.  As indicated 
>> in my initial post I tried control-click with and without the trackpad 
>> commander enabled.  More over, moving the mouse to the file or folder of 
>> interest (vo-command-F5) before pressing control-click had no affect.
>> Thanks again Carolyn and Sarah, but there must be another step I'm missing.
>> Geoff
>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I don't think you can do that from the sendspace wizard. You can do that 
>>> from the site but not th e wizard.
>>> Good luck.
>>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>>> Hi Geoff:
>>>> Sometimes when all else fails, I use command shift and arrows or vo+arrows 
>>>> to select the url, command C to copy, and command V to paste.  Otherwise, 
>>>> attempt to use the data detector menu (vo-shift-m) to bring up choices.
>>>> HTH
>>>> Carolyn
>>>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 11:14 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>> Nic S once posted that one can copy a link in the SS Wizard by pressing 
>>>>> control while physically clicking the mouse, and the resulting menu would 
>>>>> show command+l as the shortcut.
>>>>> I first tried command+l and when that failed I turned off trackpad 
>>>>> commander and routed the mouse via VO+Command+F5 before pressing 
>>>>> control+physicalDoubleClick, but have not yet seen a way to copy the file 
>>>>> URL.  What am I missing?
>>>>> TIA for any suggestions.
>>>>> Geoff
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