Hi Donna:
Well, I had been using the trackpad with some success, particularly for 
continuous read text.  I have had success previously working with mail in the 
past. But, I just tried to reply to your post using the trackpad to get in 
place to type, and got all of nowhere.  I can interact with scroll area to read 
from the top of a message, but trying to double-tap on "reply to" gets me 
nowhere.  Also, I typically interact with my messages list to move down subject 
lines, and enter on anything I want to read But, on the trackpad, I had to stop 
interacting with messages just to select yours to try to work with.  Either 
some things are broken/changed, or I need a quick refresher course.  I'm 
guessing it's the latter.  But, now you've got me curious.  I'll let you know 
what I find.

On Jul 11, 2011, at 11:26 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi Jim, Colin, and all,
> Not sure why, but this isn't working for me.  In fact, I'm having abysmal 
> results with the trackpad commander as a whole.  Does anyone seriously use 
> this thing?  The only column I can get it to read in mail is the mailbox 
> column, despite swiping left and right and having it tell me I've moved to a 
> different column.  Moreover, the text that is spoken when I try and navigate 
> with Trackpad Commander isn't the same as that which is spoken when I use the 
> arrow keys.  I've tried all this while interacting and not interacting.  If 
> anyone is really using the Trackpad commander, I'd appreciate any pointers.  
> I've used an iphone since the 3gs was released in 2009, so I'm really 
> surprised by this.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Jim Fettgather wrote:
>> According to keyboard help, you are supposed to be able to hold down the the 
>> control key and tap to jump to a linked item, such as moving from the 
>> messages table in mail to the text.
>> I can get this to accknowledge this gesture in keyboard help, but for some 
>> reason, I cannot get it to work in the mail program.
>> Thanks
>> On Jul 10, 2011, at 9:12 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Esther,
>>> thanks for this info.  I knew that  there are some gestures that are 
>>> different from or not present on the iPhone, so I'm sure I'll find the help 
>>> section very useful.
>>> I'm really surprised that there isn't a way to open an email message using 
>>> the trackpad.  that seems like a major oversight, particularly given that 
>>> this obviously works on the iPhone.  It's interesting, too, because 
>>> doubletapping does work for opening an app.  But, at least I know I wasn't 
>>> missing something, either in regards to this or having all columns of the 
>>> messages table read (another major oversight imho)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jul 9, 2011, at 2:42 PM, Esther wrote:
>>>> Hi Donna,
>>>> 1. There's a section in the VoiceOver Getting Started Guide (Chapter 11 on 
>>>> Using VoiceOver Gestures) that describes using TrackPad Commander. Use 
>>>> VO-H to bring up the help menu and press "g" to go to the "Getting Started 
>>>> Guide" and return.  Open the web item rotor with VO-U and press "g e s" to 
>>>> get the two relevant sections (Chapter 11 and Appendix A listing the 
>>>> Commands and Gestures). If you want the list of standard gestures, go 
>>>> directly to Appendix A and navigate to the section on "VoiceOver standard 
>>>> gestures". (I'd use VO-U for the web rotor and press "s t".)  A lot of 
>>>> these will be familiar to you from using the iPhone, but there are some 
>>>> other ones like going to the dock or menu bar (two finger double tap near 
>>>> bottom or top of trackpad), or opening the application or window chooser 
>>>> menus (two finger double tap along left or right sides of the trackpad), 
>>>> and changing how VoiceOver reads text (word, line, sentence, paragraph) by 
>>>> pressing the Command key while your finger touches the trackpad, that are 
>>>> different.
>>>> 2. I don't know of a way to get all the columns in the messages table 
>>>> announced at once with TrackPad commander.  
>>>> 3. I press return to open a message in mail
>>>> I'm probably not the best person to answer your questions.  Maybe somebody 
>>>> else can give you better answers.  
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Esther
>>>> On Jul 9, 2011, at 07:18, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I've finally decided to spend some time messing with the trackpad 
>>>>> commander, and have a couple of questions.
>>>>> 1.  Is there any way to view a list of commands?  when I go into the 
>>>>> assign Commands table I can see the gestures, but none of the commands 
>>>>> are displayed.
>>>>> 2.  How do I navigate in Mail?  Single-finger flicking takes me out of 
>>>>> the messages table unless I interact, and if I interact, VO only reads 
>>>>> the column that I'm on.  I'd like to be able to hear all columns like I 
>>>>> do when not using the trackpad commander.
>>>>> 3.  How do I open a message in mail?  I would have thought you would do 
>>>>> this with a double-tap like on the iPhone, but that isn't working.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Donna
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