Hello Allison,
I personally like to have a flat surface between my laptop and my lap, and I
think products such as chill mats are a decent solution, though I usually
settle for a large book, serving tray or something similar. I'm not sure about
your particular situation, but I can tell you hot l
Hi Doug -- After you've unlocked the accounts preference pane, interact with
the "Accounts, Groups and Login Options" list, VO down until you've selected
the item labeled "Login Options." Then stop interacting with that list and when
you VO through the options you should find a checkbox labeled,
control option shift F11
I'd like to recommend that you consider using the built-in VO help system and
google to find answers to basic VO keystroke questions such as this before
posting the question to the list.
A google search for screen curtain on off osx quickly returns the answer.
VO H will g
Firstly, thanks to Anne R for posting her VueScan settings and to Sandy T for
setting a good example of tenacity when it comes to mastering a scanning / OCR
application. I've spent some time with Vuescan now and am liking the results so
far. I'm using the 64 bit trial on a 1.6GHZ MBA with 4GB ra
Thanks Ray, I just submitted one also. I consider it a minor issue as VueScan
has been creating the RTF files and I've just been Command-Tabbing to Finder
and opening them from there. While troubleshooting this, I removed the 64 bit
version and tested the 32 bit version and while I did feel like
For those who don't know, MoveAddict is a small application that runs on Snow
Leopard, is accessible with VO, and adds the following two functions to the
1. Move files and folders using Command-X / Command-V.
2. Merge folders of the same name.
There are some other ways to add these funct
Hi Teresa,
I have some bad news and some good news. First the bad. Believe it or not,
Me.com is pretty inaccessible using VO or any screen reader. Esther has posted
some workarounds that can help in some situations. One of Esther's tips is that
it can be less painful to login if you include the
Here are links to 3 relevant Apple KB articles regarding the supported versions
of Windows, which Mac models they will run on, and which versions of Bootcamp
are required.
The following KB article states that drivers for XP and Vista are no longer
supplied or supported for 3 recent mac model li
Hi Chris -- I have experienced this a bunch of times recently on my 2010 MBA.
I've gotten so used to turning VO off and on several times a day that I hadn't
even bothered to try troubleshooting the issue. I don't think I've seen it
happen since updating to 10.6.8, but it's only been a few days..
Hello Georges,
Scott answered your first two questions and I can answer the third, regarding
how to replace RAM in the Mac Mini. The process is quite simple in the newer
Mac Minis that were manufactured beginning in mid 2010, which I assume is what
you have purchased. The entire enclosure of th
Hello Georges,
I will try to answer both questions.
1. Apple's branded version of the adapter required to connect your Mac Mini to
a VGA monitor is called a "Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter" and here in the US
it has a part number of MB572Z/A. I imagine there are other brands available,
and I'm
Hello Georges -- I've modified the subject line in hopes that it will grab some
attention from folks who have done this with something other than a Mac Mini,
perhaps with an Apple TV which I believe also has an HDMI output like the
current Mini. I suspect there aren't too many folks on this list
Hello Adrienne,
I'll add one note to what others have already said. If you desire to have a non
- English VO voice prior to the release of OSX 10.7 Lion, you can download and
install a fully functional 30 day trial of any of the voices from
Assistiveware, the vendor mentioned by Anne. I've just
Hi Doug,
To add to what Colin said, sorting your music table by Date Added might let you
easily find those recently imported no-name tracks. Here's one way of
performing this sort"
1. Interact with the Sources table and select Music.
2. Stop interacting with the Sources table.
3. Press Command+J
Mary -- I really agree with you regarding the disappearing keys. Every time I
read or hear Apple touting their laptops having "Full-sized keyboards" I roll
my eyes. While their keyboards might contain some full-sized keys, they are
most certainly NOT full-sized keyboards. And before the zealots
Hi Jeff -- Assuming you are running the latest version of iTunes, you can
interact with each App in the list and VO will read the status of the checkbox
for that particular App. Here's a rough list of the steps to accomplish this:
Attach your i-device to the Mac, open itunes, interact with the So
Hi Soren,
I'm not sure if you'll be able to get these. but here are links for 2 animated
movies with descriptive audio. These are the only two I'm aware of currently in
the US iTunes store, but there might be others.
Toy Story 3:
Hello Doug,
When you hear that little popup sound, press VO+Shift+J to move the VO cursor
to that popup menu. You can then use VO left and right to navigate through the
choices and press the Return key when you've found your desired choice.
On Jul 21, 2011, at 4:02 PM, Doug Lawlor w
Hello Courtney and Zach,
It seems Apple turned off this feature by default in Lion, but you can quickly
get it back by either pressing Command+/ or by navigating to the Finder's View
menu and selecting "Show Status Bar." One other tip regarding a way to quickly
get size and file info about a fo
Hello Missy,
I wanted to mention that if your MacBook is indeed a 2011 model, then it might
still be covered under Apple's standard warranty. You can get details of your
Mac's warranty status by taking the following steps:
1. In the Apple Menu select "About This Mac."
2. In the About This Mac d
Hello Peggy,
This might be a silly question, but are you sure you have a Finder Window open
inside Finder? I think most of the Finder menu items will be greyed out if
there are no windows open. You can press Command+N to open a new window.
On Jul 22, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Peggy Fleische
Hello Mary,
Hope this is what you're looking for. I'm using Lion and here's what I get when
I press VO+H and select "VoiceOver Getting Started Guide."
On Jul 22, 2011, at 8:57 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> I don't
Hi Folks,
> The behavior of the Safari downloads window in Lion annoyed me enough to send
> me searching for a workaround. I'm sure plenty of fixes and nice accessible
> third party download managers will arrive soon if they haven't already, but
> for now the following VO-friendly workaround fr
Hello Larry,
I have one suggestion and one verification regarding two of your issues.
Regarding mail freezing when looking at certain types of messages: DO you have
mail set to automatically load remote images? If yes, perhaps you could try
turning off that feature unless you really need them
Hello Chad,
I have been experiencing something similar to this since installing Lion. From
time to time I will not be able to arrow right from the Apple menu, but I can
always arrow left from there and work my way backwards. Can you give that a try
and let me know what your results are?
Hello Garth,
I have a late 2010 11 inch macbook air and can give my opinions. I've never
tried the 13 inch Air, so I won't give an opinion on it.
Regarding RAM: I think there are several good reasons to purchase it with 4 GB
of RAM.
Reason one: Unlike most computers, RAM on the Air is not upgrad
I too am just about ready to unsubscribe. Lately the quantity of low-quality
posts has increased dramatically which has the unfortunate side-effect of
making it difficult to find the quality posts. I've actually added a mail rule
to automatically send one particular high-volume poster's messages
Hello Allison,
I noticed in your error message that you appear to have an older version of
Keynote running on Lion. My first thought was that you might need to upgrade to
the latest version of Keynote, which is version 5.1. Apple released free
updates for Keynote, Pages and Numbers a few days b
Hello Ricardo,
I'm not having that problem. Pressing Command+D pops up the "Save this page
to..." dialog box with VO focused on it in Safari 5.1. For kicks, I also tried
it in the latest webkit and chrome and it also worked OK in both. Lion on late
2010 MBA.
On Jul 29, 2011, at 8:2
I, too, am intrigued by what Applescript might offer in terms of increased
accessibility. Bryan S of VoxKeys fame has some interesting things on his
website as does the Developer of the FastScripts utility (links below). In
fact, I noticed that the developer's notes inside his script to re-enabl
Hi Folks,
I think there's already been some discussion about slowness in iTunes 10.4, but
I'm wondering if other folks are experiencing the following specific behavior:
If I select "Music" in the sources list and then attempt to navigate through my
songs, it takes several seconds to VO up and do
Hello Chris,
After some initial hesitation, I have adopted the new mail layout and the VO+J
keystroke to move back and forth between the message list and message body.
While I used to use the Tab key to move between all sections of mail under SL,
it seems to me that the tab key has lost some of
Hi Mike,
I can confirm that this is happening for me too. First press of VO+F5 just
makes a tone if mouse pointer is anywhere in the menu bar. Second and third
presses behave as designed. Late 2010 MBA, Lion upgraded from SL.
On Jul 31, 2011, at 11:09 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> He
Hello David,
Apple has hidden the User's Library folder by default in Lion. You can use one
of the suggestions in the following cnet article to either unhide the folder
using a terminal command or use the finder to go directly to the folder without
unhiding it.
Hello Paul,
Whichever mailbox is reported as "checked" is the mailbox you will find when
you navigate to your message list. I believe the checkboxes on Mail's Favorites
bar would actually be better described as radio buttons because you can only
have one selected at a time. You'll notice if you
Hello Kevin,
I'm currently running Chrome 13.0.782.109 beta on Lion. It has some flaws but
is mostly accessible and doesn't suffer from the VO lag still present in Opera.
I still do most of my surfing in the nightly builds of Webkit, but when I come
across an issue on a particular page I apprec
Hello Oriol,
Go to www.webkit.org for a thorough explanation and download links for Webkit.
My quick and dirty definition is Webkit is the base upon which Safari, Chrome
and several other browsers are built. When folks are having problems with
Apple's Safari browser, it is often recommended the
Hello Teresa,
I can try to answer your question regarding the use of VO+Shift+J to navigate
pop-up items in Lion. First let me say that I'm still not sure I have this
feature totally figured out myself, but hopefully this will make sense and will
shed at least some light on the feature. To star
Hi Folks - I've been lurking here and on the iphone list for a while and
appreciate all the great info & discussions that pass through here. I have my
first big question for this group. Can anybody recommend a good, easy to learn,
accessible web design software package? I'm a beginner at web des
I am having mixed results on my macbook running 10.6.4 with the latest webkit.
The first podcast, named "Accessibility out of the box audio presentation"
launched and ran OK in webkit after a short delay.
The second podcast, names "VoiceOver voices audio samples" did not play
directly in webkit.
I just called my local Best Buy in Downingtown, PA. That store is one of the
ones with the special little "apple store" inside. They told me they do not
have it in stock and it is not yet in their system.
On Jul 27, 2010, at 12:08 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> Mary,
> I bought it from
Hi Kevin - I've also been wondering about where to find DVS movies. The only
DVS movie I was able to locate in the US itunes store is the animated film,
"UP." It is available for purchase only, not for rent, and costs $14.99. I
posted the question to the viphone list but haven't received any le
Try downloading the linked mp3 and playing it in itunes or some other media
player. A number of folks, including myself, have reported trouble playing the
visionaustralia podcasts directly within safari.
On Aug 2, 2010, at 5:28 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> the link sucks. I can't hear it
Hi RIcardo - I'm not sure if this will help with your command-click questions,
but to enable the standard secondary click I needed to go into the Trackpad
Utility in System Preferences and make a few changes from the default settings.
There are a couple of options with regard to the "Secondary C
I'm not being dense, but what are the secondary click and secondary
> tap used for, i.e. can somone present a situation when you would use them?
> TIA,
> Donna
> On Aug 5, 2010, at 6:47 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Thanks to all. I got it figured out now.
>> On Aug
Sorry - I replied to the wrong email last time.
Hi Mary - I think you may be right. I haven't had a chance to figure out all
the options and ins-and-outs of the magic trackpad yet, but I'll post anything
interesting if/when I find it.
On Aug 5, 2010, at 12:42 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> On Aug 5, 2010, at 6:47 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Thanks to all. I got it figured out now.
>> On Aug 5, 2010, at 5:16 AM, Bryan Jones wrote:
>>> Hi RIcardo - I'm not sure if this will help with your command-click
>>> questions, but to enable
Hi Geoff - A couple of thoughts.
1. Portability. If you have a macbook or macbook pro you will be able to use it
anywhere: desk, couch, bed, porch, breakfast table, when traveling, etc.
Perhaps this is not so important since you already have a portable computer in
the form of the iphone, but I t
Al - There is a freeware utility named rightzoom that will change the behavior
of the OSX "zoom" button/function to make it more closely mimic the Microsoft
Windows maximize button/function. I use rightzoom because I personally prefer
to have my current application window fill the screen complet
Yes, I think this has been happening to me lately in iTunes and Safari. I'll be
working and Alex will be chattering away and all of a sudden he'll get quiet,
then after a few seconds VO announces "VoiceOver On." I haven't gotten
proficient enough with VO to do any real customization, so I can't
I realize the question might sound strange and even off-topic, but I really
want to hear this advice from fellow Mac and VO Users. When I last used Windows
I was able to get by with a screen magnifier and didn't use a screen reader. By
the time I needed to start using a screen reader I had alrea
Does anybody know if Microsoft has an email address for their accessibility
team like Apple does with their accessibil...@apple.com address?
I'd be interested to ask Microsoft if the forthcoming Office 2011 for Mac has
been redesigned to work with VO.
Thank you,
On Sep 2, 2010, at 11:03 A
Folks - If you have an SSD (solid state hard drive) in your Mac, would you mind
telling me about your experience with the performance of VoiceOver and other
day-to-day functions? I'm in the market for a larger hard drive for my macbook
and am considering an SSD or maybe purchasing a new or refur
Hi Kimberly - I usually work with my macbook closed, but I have an external
monitor attached. When I'm done working I will put it to sleep by pressing
Command + Option + Eject on my external apple bluetooth keyboard, and when I
want to wake it up I will just press the Control key on the bluetoot
Hi Christy -- I'm assuming you have an iphone 4 and are experiencing the
well-known proximity sensor issue. If your phone is a 3GS I don't know if the
following information will help. We've had an ongoing discussion about this
issue on the viphone list. For some folks the 4.1 update seems to hav
Hi Mark -- Can you tell us the year and model of your macbook pro? On most
models the RAM is relatively easy to access and we might be able to do some
standard troubleshooting steps such as reseating the RAM modules. Of course, if
your book is still under warranty and you live near an apple stor
Hi Listers -- If you're using SL Server as either a server or client OS would
you mind answering the following 3 quick questions? I've done lots of research
on this and read the literature, but am looking for some feedback from folks
with real-world experience.
1. Using VO, are you able to acce
Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> The question I have is this. Since we're using Macs, do we really need anti
> virus of any sourt? I've never felt the need of it, but, I would like to
> hear other views on this matter and why.
Hi Ray - I'm of the opinion that computers running OSX should at least have
IMHO it all boils down to the last line in the referenced article. That line
is, "No system is totally safe, but Macs have a lot of architecture working in
their favor."
Wen somebody tells me my system is not "totally safe" then I'm the type of
person who is willing to spend a little time, ener
Folks -- I'm interested in learning to connect my guitar, banjo & keyboard to
my mac and then learning how to record and edit music. I've researched and read
lots of info on the web but have a couple of questions for any of you folks who
are really using this stuff to make music.
1. I'm probably
I thought the issue where a Mac Mini required a monitor in order to function
properly only applied to the 2009 Mac Minis, aka "Macmini3,1."
I recently purchased a mid-2010 Mac Mini aka "Macmini4,1" and have no problems
running it headless. I also have an older 2007-2008 Mini, aka "Macmini2,1" and
Hi Allison,
I'm in the US and also prefer to use the Australian voice; however, I have no
problems with the default weather app. Can you supply some details about what
isn't working for you? I have an iphone 4 with IOS 4.1, but I think we have the
same voice engine and default weather app on bo
Hi Louie,
The magnification feature built into OSX is called "Zoom." You can turn Zoom on
in System Preferences / Universal Access, or use the following key combinations:
To toggle Zoom on and off, press Command + Option + 8
To zoom in, press Command + Option + =
To zoom out, press Command + Optio
Hi Sarai,
Sounds like a fun time. If you do consider mounting an iMac on your wall, here
are a couple of things I learned about the process:
1. Regardless of the wall mount you choose, you will need to purchase Apple's
VESA mounting adapter kit for the iMac. I think it currently costs around US
Hi Ricardo - The only way I was ever able to get my macbook or mbp to stay
awake with the lid closed was to have an external monitor attached. When I did
that, it worked great and I could access everything, put it to sleep, wake it
up and restart it using the external USB keyboard, but whenever
FYI - Today Apple released version 5.0.3 of Safari. The last bullet in the
list of "improvements" is "Improved stability when using VoiceOver with Safari."
In the US the download is available via the standard software update procedure:
Apple Menu / Software Update.
The install required a restart
Hi Neil - I had the same problem with my mobileme account login on my mac and
for me the issue was resolved by clicking on the item labelled "underline
button" rather than clicking on either of the items labeled "sign in" and "sign
in to mobileme."
Here's a more detailed description of what I he
Hi Les - Can you explain a little further about the issue you're having when
trying to shut down using the Command + Option + Control + Eject keystroke? I'm
not having the Safari issues you mentioned, but I began to experience a similar
issue after applying the 10.6.5 upgrade to my mid 2010 mac
I like the free utility called right zoom. It changes the zooming behavior to
mimic the maximize behavior of MS windows.
Sent from my iPhone?
On Dec 9, 2010, at 11:22 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
> I was working with my wife who is fully sighted. I was trying to get her to
> visually des
Hi Caitlyn, Here are 3 differences off the top of my head:
1. You can purchase an ipad that comes with 3G wireless.
2. If you get the 3G ipad you also get GPS built in. I don't believe you can
get either of those built into the ipod touch.
3. You can run a true word processor and spreadsheet on th
Hi Teresa,
I'm not sure if you're in the US, but the ipad 3G does not require a data plan
in the US. It is somewhat progressive in it's handling of 3G data usage in that
there is no contract and you can start and stop and restart your 3G data on a
monthly basis directly from the ipad with no pe
Hi Vaughn,
I had the same positive experience you mentioned when I first set up my
mid-2010 Mac Mini, but at some point I started to have the VO issues that other
folks have mentioned regarding the previous generation of Mini. I then
connected a monitor using the included HDMI to DVI converter
Hi Ricardo,
I would also be interested in hearing a basic audio tutorial if you were to
create one. Like Oriol, I too get overwhelmed each time I think of jumping into
Thank you,
> On 12/30/10, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> I can create a basic audio tutorial if enough people are
Hi Kawal,
1. While in the message thread, double-tap the "Edit" button in the top right
corner of the screen.
2. Swipe through the messages in the thread and next to each message you will
hear, "Select, switch button off."
3. Double-tap to toggle the switch button on. You can select as many mess
Hi Zack,
Sounds like you've got the right idea. Are you getting results from any other
gestures on the trackpad, such as swiping left or right? Did you turn on the
Trackpad Commander in your VoiceOver Utility / Commanders screen? Are you using
the external Magic Trackpad, or is it the built-in
I also had the opportunity to do some more walking with he Garmin StreetPilot
App today. As Mike mentions, the pedestrian mode did not speak at all for me,
and the feature called "Pedestrian Alert" only gave a brief series of beeps and
a short vibration when approaching turns, and those did not
Hi William,
The App is named "Garmin StreetPilot," However, according to the Garmin website
it is currently only available in the US and Canada.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:54 AM, William Windels wrote:
> I was trying the gamin app on the Belgium app-store but it seems not to
> exists.
Greetings All,
Today Apple approved and released the accessible versions of Marcel Nijman's
Chess-wise Apps! In addition, Marcel modified three of his other game apps to
make them VO accessible. Those Apps are: Checker-wise, Draughts-wise and
Xiangqi-wise. These apps are all now available world
Hello Brandt,
If you are unable to locate Marcel's Apps in your country's App Store, please
send him a brief friendly email at:
In my experience, he has been very quick to respond in a polite and helpful
Also, one other suggestion given to another individual from Sou
Greetings All,
For those Sudoku players on the list, I'd like to pick your brains a bit. I've
been evaluating IOS Sudoku Apps (more details at the bottom of this email) and
have found a good one whose developer is very receptive to making the App
accessible and would like some input from the Li
Hi Antonio,
Thank you for your feedback. I've passed along the notes from your first email.
To address the points from your second email:
1. Regarding braille: At this time all options are still being considered, but
this process is still in the "one step at a time" phase.
2. Regarding apps on m
Folks - Here's another GPS App to consider if you're in the US or Canada:
MotionX GPS Drive. I've been evaluating it and am very impressed so far. The
initial review on Applevis, posted last August, says this App was inaccessible
at that time, but the version I'm testing, version 9.1 released on
Here's the Us App Store link, or search for motionx to find both this general
ios version as well as the ipad specific version.
> Folks - Here's another GPS App to consider if you're in the US or Canada:
> MotionX GPS Drive. I've
Hi Erik - I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that there were no
settings to permanently enable or disable switching to speakerphone. During a
call or when checking voicemail, there is a button labeled "speaker" that can
be used to toggle the speaker during that call, but I'm pretty
Hi Kary,
I am able to access profile, messages, friends, etc on m.facebook.com and have
no problems reading, posting and liking.
What's your mac make, model, OS version, browser version? I assume you've
rebooted and tried the same thing with no other apps or web pages open?
Is anything else li
I previously used ClamXAV but switched to the free Sophos product when it was
released a few months ago. Both are strictly anti-virus, no firewall or other
security bits are included, which is how I personally like it. Both are
accessible with VO, though Sophos seems to be using some non-standar
Hello Christina,
Can you tell us which service your library is using to loan their audiobooks,
or send us a link to your library's website so we can take a look?
On Feb 21, 2011, at 1:21 PM, Christina wrote:
> Hello all,
> I hope you're having a nice Monday. :) I was searchin
Hello Ray and All,
Ray - I agree with you on this, and please forgive me if the following
information has already been provided somewhere in this thread. Could somebody
supply the correct contact email address, URL and / or phone number for Dropbox
support? While I am not a Dropbox User, I cons
Hello Christina, Esther and All,
In addition to Esther's excellent post, I want to add that you might be able to
avoid some of the hoops by using the latest version of the Overdrive App which
allows patrons of at least some library systems to browse and download titles
directly from the iphone,
competitor I wanted to ask if you have plans to add
> VoiceOver accessibility back into your Mac OSX application. My research has
> shown Dropbox to be highly regarded and I'd prefer to use it instead of
> another product, but full accessibility is a requirement for me.
Does it show up in your application chooser?
On Feb 26, 2011, at 8:50 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> what I mean is I can cmd tab and see mail, night owl and skype and back to
> mail. no finder at all. I can still get to it but if I cmd tab away I cannot
> get back.
> Sarah Alawami
> If you need
Hello Denise,
Below I've pasted two recent posts regarding Overdrive: My brief post gives
some information about the Overdrive iphone App and a more detailed post from
Esther gives additional Overdrive info and links to past notes..
Begin forwarded messages:
> In addition to Esther
Hey Mark, or should I call you Rip Van Winkle?
Apple has released a beta of OSX 10.7, also known as Lion.
You can get it by registering as an Apple Developer and paying US $99 for the
OSX dev tools.
If you're not already an Apple Developer, you can get started here:
Hi Joseph,
Congrats on your new mini! I have one and love it. Here's one thing you might
consider trying If the sluggishness of VO becomes too painful before your VGA
adapter arrives: If you have a TV or other device with an HDMI input, you might
try connecting it to your mini via the HDMI port
Hi Esther and All,
I just wanted to add a note to clarify that the new Mac Mini, sometimes called
the "Mid 2010" or "Unibody" model, has a vastly simplified process for adding
and removing RAM. I know the older Minis required putty knives and hammers and
sometimes chainsaws to accomplish this,
Hi Esther and All,
I just wanted to add a note to clarify that the new Mac Mini, sometimes called
the "Mid 2010" or "Unibody" model, has a vastly simplified process for adding
and removing RAM. I know the older Minis required putty knives and hammers and
sometimes chainsaws to accomplish this,
Hi Denise,
That's a bit of a tricky question because different libraries apparently offer
different selections of titles. You might consider starting from OverDrive's
own search page, a link to which I'll paste below. There you can select the
format you're interested in (MP3, WMA, EPUB, etc) an
Hi Marlaina,
1. Go to the Finder.
2. Choose the Finder Menu / Preferences.
3. In the Finder Preferences window, interact with the toolbar, navigate to the
"Sidebar" button, and VO Spacebar on that button.
4. Stop interacting with the toolbar, then VO Right Arrow to navigate down the
list of chec
I get the same crash in safari when attempting to navigate that site using VO
Right Arrow. Tried it with and without click to flash, but no difference. All
open safari windows close and I am presented with the Apple problem reporter. I
didn't try any other methods of navigating around the site.
Eric - I had the same problem this evening on both the pitchfork and opera.com
sites. Same symptoms, same steps to cause the crash, and I submitted problem
reports for both. These two crashes in one day equal the total number of safari
crashes I had last year, so it makes me itchy. BTW - today's
1 - 100 of 139 matches
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