I submitted a ticket to Dropbox Support using the simple form at this URL:

Pasted below is the initial response I've received. Is this the same response 
other folks are getting? I'd be interested to know exactly what your response 
was, what further communication occurred between you and Dropbox, and where 
your ticket stands at this point.
Please Note: I've read enough flames and am just interested in hearing the 
dialog you've had with Dropbox.

Begin Forwarded Message:
> Marshall, Feb-22 05:32 pm (PST):
> Bryan-
> Thank you for writing to us.
> Our development team recently discovered that changes in the most recent 
> version of the Dropbox client may have inadvertently caused VoiceOver to work 
> improperly for some users. We're working to resolve those issues, but we'd 
> appreciate any specific feedback you may have about specific parts of the 
> client that are not accessible using this technology so that we can address 
> those areas. If you could provide us with that feedback, that would be much 
> appreciated.
> If you have any additional questions or feedback, please let us know.
> Best,
> Marshall
> opensesame, Feb-22 02:33 pm (PST):
> Blind Mac User considering Dropbox, but I am told it has become inaccessible
> Dear Dropbox Team,
> I am a blind Mac User and am considering using Dropbox. Unfortunately, I've 
> been informed by a number of my fellow blind Mac Users that your product has 
> recently become almost unusable for blind Mac folks due to its lack of access 
> with Apple's built-in VoiceOver screen reader. Before I make the decision to 
> go with a Dropbox competitor I wanted to ask if you have plans to add 
> VoiceOver accessibility back into your Mac OSX application. My research has 
> shown Dropbox to be highly regarded and I'd prefer to use it instead of 
> another product, but full accessibility is a requirement for me.
> Thank you very much for your consideration,
> Bryan Jones
> openses...@me.com

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