In Leopard, using any VoiceOver command would cancel system speech. Any events
in Skype will be spoken by your default voice on the Mac. Meaning, these events
have nothing at all to do with VoiceOver. However, in Snow Leopard when trying
to navigate with VoiceOver while an event is being sp
Hi guys,
I'm currently learning LaTEX, and I've been looking for a Macintosh
interpreter. Can anyone help with this? Google interestingly leads me to Latex
rubber and fetish sites. It's kind of creepy. I figured I'd just stop Googling.
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvd
Hi Nick,
I use TeXShop. By the way, know what you mean about the dangers of googling
this... To improve your hits, spell it "L Aa T e X" (that is, the L, T and X
On 4 Dec 2009, at 11:54, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm currently learning LaTEX, and I
On 4 déc. 2009, at 20:54, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> I'm currently learning LaTEX, and I've been looking for a Macintosh
> interpreter. Can anyone help with this? Google interestingly leads me to
> Latex rubber and fetish sites. It's kind of creepy. I figured I'd just stop
> Googling.
This shou
Hmm. Yeah, I heard of TeXShop. I've always spelt it LaTEX, with L capitalized,
including TEX but not the a. It didn't seem to matter much how I w typed it,
though. But thanks for the recommendation. I assume TeXShop is accessible, then.
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: nico...@home
Yep I find TeXshop fine. I use it to prepare academic papers and lectures.
Another useful utility by the way is the BibDesc one. It's a very very useful
tool for organising bibliographies.
As you're learning LaTeX, feel free to contact me off list if any questions
On 4
Hi Donal,
I definitely will. Thanks a lot for the tips, and great someone knows about
this. It's a requirement in my country for mathematical studies. I'll
definitely throw some questions your way.
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger
No bother Nick. Have to say that I wholeheartedly approve of that
requirement... If you've never tried to insert equations into a word doc, be
very grateful. That kind of experience should be reserved for the truly
masochistic. *smile*
On 4 Dec 2009, at 12:11, Nicolai Svendsen
I have, and it's a pain. I do find LaTEX a much easier solution. The code you
write can practically determine the appearance, which makes it amazing. But I'm
going to experiment with this as a newbie. Again, thanks a lot for your help.
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: nico...@home3
I've looked with some curiosity at the speech recognition capabilities of the
Mac. I wonder if I can create my own custom phrases that the mac will obey. For
instance, if I'm in the finder and I want to move something to the trash, can I
create a rule to say "trash this" or "kill this" instead o
Hey, Jes, are you the same Jes who once lived in North Carolina? if so,
please write me off list, as I have a question for you regarding some audio
production things I'm trying to accomplish.
Chris - A K A: Mark.
? ? t?? Te?? 畫 sa?.
- Original Message -
From: "Jess Smith"
You could try the MacTex package which can be found at:
The TexShop application which comes as part of the package is an all-in-one
package for creating and compling Latex.
On 4 Dec 2009, at 11:54, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi guy
The same goes for me too. If you have any questions.
On 4 Dec 2009, at 12:06, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Yep I find TeXshop fine. I use it to prepare academic papers and lectures.
> Another useful utility by the way is the BibDesc one. It's a very very
> useful tool for organising
Thanks Nic,
I'll try this.
On 4 Dec 2009, at 09:14, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> In Leopard, using any VoiceOver command would cancel system speech. Any
> events in Skype will be spoken by your default voice on the Mac. Meaning,
> these events have nothing at all to do with VoiceOver. How
Hi to the list.
I am wondering if anyone has attempted to create audio recordings using the
Quicktime player in Snow Leopard?
There is a menu selection under the file menu for new audio recording, but
then, I cannot find a way to control what happens, initiating or stopping a
I'm pr
Hello folks.
This is a bit off topic - but still it is on topic since it is speakong
of iTunes (in Windows).
Before I loaded lots of music into my library in iTunes, they all had
the right id3-tags.
When I playd the music with Foobar2000, I found out that some of the
songs had no id3-tags in it
Is anyone out there using vo with a database application?
Isn't file maker pro the standard database app for the mac? Is it supported
thru vo?
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What exactly is it?
-Original Message-
From: Nicolai Svendsen [mailto:chojiro1...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 6:37 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: LaTEX
I have, and it's a pain. I do find LaTEX a much easier solution. The code
you write can practi
I dunno. As long as the primary form of stored and forwarded
communication is written text, the fastest way to generate that text is
either going to be strong native speech recognition or a physical
interface that makes use of all 10 fingers, if possible. Even though
voice recognition keeps pro
Keyboard, or touch-input alphanumerical devices, sure, but they'll be
touch screen or nonstandard shapes and sizes; it behooves the blind
person, I think, to get used to the fact and start breaking away from
traditional QWERTY; I never learned DVORAK or any other of the
keyboard configurati
HEllo, I just tried buying vmware fusion online because I want to use win7 on
my mbp.
I find the vmware site a bit confusing to use and I got a bit confused about
the price. First it says its 80 dollars but then when I am about to checkout it
says its 239 dollars.
Does anyone know of another pla
On 3 Dec 2009, at 22:15, Brett Campbell wrote:
> I thought the join files option would do the trick. Another idea that comes
> to mind is going into iTunes, select your created audio book, use command I
> to get info, select options and check the box that says Part of a gapless
> album.
> .
widget you could just use the google dashboard widget, f12, and there
you are then.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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There is a VNC server built-in to OSX 10.5 and later. For earlier
versions you have to run a sandalone VNC server like Vine. While you
could use a VNC client on the Mac, such as Chiecken of the VNC, to
display his screen, under the hood it's just transmitting a bitmap of
his display to a window
I don't understand. Why can't you just type something like 4x=20 into a word
document? That is, unless this isn't what you mean by an equation.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:31 AM, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:
> No bother Nick. Have to say that I wholeheartedly approve of that
> requirement... If you've
I wouldn't count on the traditional style keyboard going out any time soon.
The technology to make a perfectly flat keyboard has been available for many
years. You probably have a perfectly flat control panel on your microwave
oven. It hasn't caught on for keyboards because people like being abl
I am righting to see if enny one knows how to get Itunes to play Ogg files and
ogg streams. I think there may be a plug in or something but am not sure so
enny help would be grate thanks.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group
Hi Ryan,
Ryan Mann wrote:
> I don't understand. Why can't you just type something like 4x=20
> into a word document? That is, unless this isn't what you mean by
> an equation.
The answer is that most professional mathematicians, physicists, or
(in some disciplines) engineers have to us
Seems like there ought to be a better solution. So we still need the DVI
to VGA adapter and then need to trigger the sense pins on the VGA
adapter to make it think there is a monitor. Apparently this site has
instructions to make your own:
Well, that may be a point. I do relish the action of a good keyboard,
and it wasn't until I got much better hearing aids that I finally gave
up on my IBM model M keboard; built like a tank, all metal parts, real
springs, and I loved the action on that puppy. The only keyboard that
could d
Hi Mike,
Michael Huckabay wrote:
> I am righting to see if enny one knows how to get Itunes to play Ogg
> files and ogg streams. I think there may be a plug in or something
> but am not sure so enny help would be grate thanks.
You don't mention whether you're trying to play Ogg files in Sno
John, that is true and in talking to a friend of mine who has really taken to
the iPhone as I have and he is sighted, has also said that having some sort of
tactile feedback would be preferred. I have to agree, it would seem and this is
purely my own opinion, but not having some sort of feedback
You can generally do better buying it elsewhere. Start with dealmac.com
which tracks a number of specials. One deal was $56 for the electronic
anouk radix wrote:
> HEllo, I just tried buying vmware fusion online because
I haven't tried this at all so I am just providing a reasonably well educated
guess based on what we did to get JAWS to work with MS Access:
The table view was, in our case, already pretty accessible but we had to label
some graphics and put in some scripts to read the column headers. We may
NPR did a bit about those keyboards back in January. You might find it
interesting. They cater to a niche market that still cares and will pay
more than $3 for the good feel of a key click.
Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Well,
Esther and list,
I am using the XIPH plugin for ogg vorbis files. It does work with snow
leopard, even though there is no documentation about it.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Michael Huckabay wrote:
>> I am righting to see if enny one knows how to ge
Actually, the latest and greatest voice recognition systems are amazingly
accurate after they have been adequately trained. "Adequate" training does
thak hundreds of hours of use and being incredibly faithful to correcting the
mistakes the software makes. Few people who can type are willing to
What is an MBP15?
On Dec 4, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Well, that may be a point. I do relish the action of a good keyboard,
> and it wasn't until I got much better hearing aids that I finally gave
> up on my IBM model M keboard; built like a tank, all metal parts, rea
MUAHAHAHAHA! I should have never given up my model M! I'm such a
loser! I wonder if they'd make me an Apple Model M *big dreamy eyes*
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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I kept my IBM AT keyboard until the SPACEBAR fell of for the lst time and
SuperGlue was no good anymore. I loved that keyboard. I must say, though,
that I really dig the MacBook Pro keyboard even without the old IBM punch back
Oh... I just realized what an MBP15 is...
On Dec 4, 2009, at
Mac Book Pro 15.
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Hi Esther and Ryan,
I just wanted to chime in here with some of my own experiences regarding LaTeX
- hope that's okay. When I first began using Mac OS X, there was no accessible
way for me to insert footnotes and other information into my assignments.
After doing some research on the net I di
Is there a specific reason you want to use ITuns for playing OGG files? VLC
player will play OGG and pretty much anything else you can throw at it. It is
the Winamp of the Mac for me and for me Winampt is the best media player ever.
I think too that there is Mac Amp and a player called MPl
Hi Anouk,
The web site for purchasing VMware Fusion 3 with an academic discount
is tricky to use. Here's where I would go for the U.S. site that
points to VMware Academic Store :
Use item chooser menu and start typing in "button". There
Hi Chris,
I realize that since I spent all of my post answering Anouk's question
about how to make an on-line purchase of Fusion 3 with an academic
discount I never addressed your pricing remark. The academic discount
for VMware Fusion is 50 per cent, so the standard academic discount
Hi folks,
I'm sure most of you were aware of this and have already updated, but if not,
there is a new Java update for Mac OS X. It apparently fixes a bug which causes
Safari et al to crash. It also affects Windows machines and Sun brought out
patches for Solaris and Linux some time back acco
Just noticed that a relative handful of music files are out of place
on the external drive that holds my iTunes music. I've got a Mac Mini
with an attached drive. There, inside a folder inside another folder,
there are hundreds of other (artist) folders, each containing albums,
each of those contai
The deals on dealmac of course vary over time. Some of the expired ones
went down to $19 for Fusion 3 but the academic deal sounds like the best
one going so far if you qualify. I also noticed that Fusion download
from newegg.com is now $61.99 plus a $10 rebate making it $51.99 for
those who ca
One update they did make is that it works with USB now so you probably
could get one for your mac. Web site is
The Customizer 101 is $69. I also liked the old school Apple full-size
ADB keyboards from the early 90s. Not as loud as IBM's but I could still
Hi all,
I just got off the phone with a mac adviser. I was told that the new
Mac mini does not need any special adapter to work with out a monitor.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to t
Are you sure that the $19 expired dealmac price wasn't the standard
one for upgrading to Fusion 3 from Fusion 2? I forgot to mention that
I think there are also academic discounts for upgrades as well as
straight purchases.
Chris Blouch wrote:
> The deals on dealmac o
Hi Louie,
What we're concerned about is the VoiceOver performance hit with
Safari, DVD Player, iTunes, and some other apps when the Mac Mini is
run without a monitor and without any adapters attached. The new Mac
mini can work without a monitor attached -- it's just that when you
use this
Right, but at best you still have the contextual phonetic issues of
which witch is which. Also, a keyboard won't require training to figure
out what letters you meant. The new automated closed caption system from
Google is going to be interesting as they refine the algorithims:
Well that's good but doesn't help those of us who know better!
On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:27 PM, louie wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just got off the phone with a mac adviser. I was told that the new
> Mac mini does not need any special adapter to work with out a monitor.
> louie
> louiem...@wavecable.com
I ask about Safari and was told works fine. I will go to the Mac store
and find out iif a mini will work with a monitor.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 1:32 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Louie,
> What we're concerned about is the VoiceOver performance hit with
> Safari, DVD Player, iTunes, and some other apps w
Hi, has any one ever done this. I read the readme file and it was like another
language. I'm not even sure the folder paths they were referring to exist on
my mack. I think the readme is for linux installations even though I got the
mac package. I'd be greatful for any help.
erik b
Hi Erik,
I remember that Greg Kearney wrote something, so a search of the old
archives popped up a post about an eSpeak installer for the Mac
available at:
If you want to read the archived post and its discussion, it was at:
This is the simple response I received from apple concerning file maker pro and
I believe a fully accessible database application for the screen reader user
community to be a signifigant problem far over due.
Ms access is a terrible application and screen reader support is far from w
Yeah, I noticed the USB model. :) Wonder if they make a FireWire
version of that. I wrote my first novel-length work on one of those
Apple 90s style keyboards; if I had cash to drop, I'd consider one of
those. The MBP keyboard is fine, but should probably be preserved for
when it's not j
I tried the QT Pro route and that worked fine. I loaded up the WMV file
in QuickTime Player, chose export and then chose Sound to AIFF. That
gave me an AIFF which I could then pull into iTunes and convert to MP3
or whatever.
Esther wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
I was able to open a PPT file with Preview and walk through it with
Voiceover. Maybe not all PPT files are simple enough for this to work.
Christina wrote:
> Hi,
> How do you convert the power point to pdf?
> Thanks,
> Christina
> On Nov 22, 2009, at 4:31 AM, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:
Hi Ester,
Nope. I think you explained it really well. I'm not sure if you covered using
it for anything, but you definitely can. It's not just limited to mathematical
equations, however. I think that is important to note, though I'm sure Ester
did cover it. People have been seen using it to wr
This is not very helpful, but speaking from past experience - excluding the
times I've pestered them about Spaces, Apple have been very forthcoming with
advice and support.
You should also try to remember that Apple are a very secretive company and you
may very find that in some future u
Yeah, as long as we continue to deal with the written word, I don't know how
normal keyboards can go away. Human beings are designed to do things with
their fingers.
I'm not poo-pooing technology. I think it won't be long until we all have
telepathy. They already have sound systems that can be
The problem is that, because every brain is pruned differently, it
responds differently to "identical," stimuli; thus telepathy is a very
slim shot indeed. However, I think the conventional keyboard is on
its way out in favor of more efficient ways to use all ten of those
fingers to get mo
I'm a new mac mini owner and just purchased the november version of the
mini. I unhooked my mini DVI to VGA adapter and tried to play a DVD and got
a DVD initialization error and DVD Player busy notice. SO I'd say this
advisor is wrong.
- Original Message -
From: "louie"
Hello rick. Keep one of the monitor adapters pluged in to your Mac
mini. It will cause your mac mini to think there is a monitor and it
should work as you want it to. If not I'll see what I can do to figure
this out.
On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon wrote:
> I'm a new mac mini owner and just purchased the
Has anybody tried Spaces lately? I think I'll give it a go.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 2:39 PM, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi,
> This is not very helpful, but speaking from past experience - excluding the
> times I've pestered them about Spaces, Apple have been very forthcoming with
> advice and
Good luck. It is an excellent idea but as I say, it is a broken concept. Wish I
could get Apple to see it and fix it. If after using it, you feel the same
way, do you think you could send Apple a gentle prod please?
On 4 Dec 2009, at 23:59, carlene knight wrote:
> Hi:
> H
Hi David,
Yes I realize this, I was just commenting on the post where the person said
the newest mac minis didn't require a display to be plugged in to the mini
for VO to work right. I have a brand new mac mini here and it does not work
as the poster stated when no adapter is used.
Oh alright I see. well yes then you are correct there. I don't know if
you read my profile or not but but I beta test VO so that is my hole
reason for coming on here. I want to get any feedback possible
whethere it be negative or postitive feedback.
On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon wrote:
> Hi David,
So does the new mac mini run correctly with the adaptor plugged in and no
monitor attached. I bought mine in April and it has to have the monitor
On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:16 PM, David Denne wrote:
> Oh alright I see. well yes then you are correct there. I don't know if
> you r
Just one more time so I have this correct.
A DVI to VGA adapter will allow the mini to work with out a monitor.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:16 PM, David Denne wrote:
> Oh alright I see. well yes then you are correct there. I don't know if
> you read my profile or not but but I beta test VO so that is my
I happen to have one of those adaptors. Works like a charm. I lost
the original one that came with the machine when I first bought it,
but I ordered one from Apple and it works like a dream. Richie
Gardenhire, anchorage, alaska.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 3:20 PM, cougar1...@gmail.com wrote:
I would, as one post advised, keep an adaptor plugged into your Mac
Mini; better to be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt the machine
having the adpator plugged into it. Richie Gardenhire, Anchorage,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Yes it does work correctly with the mini DVI to VGA adapter plugged in to
the mac mini with no monitor hooked to the adapter. I'm currently playing a
DVD with no problems.
Not sure if this enough to prove it needs no monitor or not though but it
looks to be a good sign if you have the november
Ok, yes I am verifying this to be true now.
- Original Message -
From: "louie"
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: mac mini
Just one more time so I have this correct.
A DVI to VGA adapter will allow the mini to work with out a monitor.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:
It doesn't work with an adapter either.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:16 PM, David Denne wrote:
> Oh alright I see. well yes then you are correct there. I don't know if
> you read my profile or not but but I beta test VO so that is my hole
> reason for coming on here. I want to get any feedback possible
The new Mac Mini, with or without a mini dvi adapter, will NOT work unless a
monitor is connected.
End of story.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:25 PM, louie wrote:
> Just one more time so I have this correct.
> A DVI to VGA adapter will allow the mini to work with out a monitor.
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:1
It does here, I'm playing a DVD with no problems or busy messages.
- Original Message -
From: "David McLean"
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:40 PM
Subject: - Re: mac mini
It doesn't work with an adapter either.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:16 PM, David Denne wrote:
> Oh alright I
Apparently then there must have been a hardware update between September and
November because mine which was purchased in September doesn't work.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:37 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
> Yes it does work correctly with the mini DVI to VGA adapter plugged in to
> the mac mini with no moni
Funny I'm using one here and it's working just fine.
- Original Message -
From: "David McLean"
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:42 PM
Subject: -- Re: mac mini
The new Mac Mini, with or without a mini dvi adapter, will NOT work unless a
monitor is connected.
End of story.
Hi David, This is a brand new november model. I'm glad that I waited a few
additional weeks until these new ones came out.
- Original Message -
From: "David McLean"
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:44 PM
Subject: -- Re: mac mini
Apparently then there must have been a hard
Rick, How does it work using Safari?
On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
> Funny I'm using one here and it's working just fine.
> Rick
> - Original Message -
> From: "David McLean"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:42 PM
> Subject: -- Re: mac mini
> The ne
Ok. The mac should work without a monitor with an adapter. Its not
something that's supported officially though so the keyword there is
On 12/4/09, David McLean wrote:
> Rick, How does it work using Safari?
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
>> Funny I'm using one here and
Well then they may have taken that unsupported convenions away unintentionally.
On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon wrote:
> Hi David, This is a brand new november model. I'm glad that I waited a few
> additional weeks until these new ones came out.
> Rick
> - Original Message -
> From: "David M
try getting on the internet
On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
> It does here, I'm playing a DVD with no problems or busy messages.
> Rick
> - Original Message -
> From: "David McLean"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:40 PM
> Subject: - Re: mac mini
> It
Well I do feel foolish now. I completely turned the mini off instead of
just a restart and with no monitor plugged in it does not work, just as you
said. My apologies for this error.
- Original Message -
From: "David McLean"
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:44 PM
go to mlb.com
On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
> It does here, I'm playing a DVD with no problems or busy messages.
> Rick
> - Original Message -
> From: "David McLean"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:40 PM
> Subject: - Re: mac mini
> It doesn't work
Why would the internet have anything to do with that issue? It has no
relationship to monitors and video stuff.
On 12/4/09, cougar1...@gmail.com wrote:
> try getting on the internet
> On Dec 4, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
>> It does here, I'm playing a DVD with no problems or busy mess
Hi David,
See my latest post. I was in error and you are correct.
- Original Message -
From: "David McLean"
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 7:48 PM
Subject: -- Re: -- Re: mac mini
Rick, How does it work using Safari?
On Dec 4, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Rick Harmon wrote:
> Funny
Oh now I see about saphari. sorry for the unrelated post then.
Rick thank you for pointing out the obvious, sometimes I need that.
My appoligies
On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon wrote:
> Hi David,
> See my latest post. I was in error and you are correct.
> Rick
> - Original Message -
> From
You are correct richy.
On 12/4/09, Richie Gardenhire wrote:
> I would, as one post advised, keep an adaptor plugged into your Mac
> Mini; better to be safe than sorry. It doesn't hurt the machine
> having the adpator plugged into it. Richie Gardenhire, Anchorage,
> Alaska.
> --
> You rece
Sorry for my mistakes here, I'm a mac newbie. What the other posters said
is correct. regardless of adapter it does not work without the monitor
plugged in. Once I shutdown the mac completely and powered back up it
didn't work any longer with the monitor unplugged from the adapter.
Oh its alright we were all newbies at some point right? I'm going to
have to unfortunately say since I just talked to one of the hardware
engineers I keep in contact with and from what you guys are saying
here that it was probably of course unintentionally removed.
On 12/4/09, Rick Harmon wrote:
It's too bad too. it would be nice to not have to have a monitor hooked up.
Not a problem here as I had one handy and was warned that I'd need one to
use it properly.
- Original Message -
From: "David Denne"
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: -- Re: -- Re:
Hello and Greetings from a rather tired Anouk,
I have tried all afternoon and evening to get win7 up and running on my big pc
and virutally on my mac. The latter was successful when a sighted friend
assisted me via teamview.
We now have windows7+windoweyes both 64bit up and running virutally via
Secretary? Do they really even have such creatures or even call them
secretaries? :) Seems the secretary role has changed significantly over the
years. However, to keep this somewhat on topic, the written word is likely not
to go anywhere any time soon. :) I have heard of various systems people
I think that if you get a touch screen device of any kind really it's
just something to get use to.
On 12/4/09, Scott Howell wrote:
> Secretary? Do they really even have such creatures or even call them
> secretaries? :) Seems the secretary role has changed significantly over the
> years. However
Here is a direct quote clarifying issues somewhat that I posted on
another thread
Ok I see there is a lot of too-ing and fro-ing about what works and
what doesnt and why not with the 2009 mac mini's.
here is the lowdown. for a start the mini dvi to composite video
adaptors which did work o
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