One update they did make is that it works with USB now so you probably 
could get one for your mac. Web site is

The Customizer 101 is $69. I also liked the old school Apple full-size 
ADB keyboards from the early 90s. Not as loud as IBM's but I could still 
type pretty fast on there.


Chris Blouch wrote:
> NPR did a bit about those keyboards back in January. You might find it 
> interesting. They cater to a niche market that still cares and will pay 
> more than $3 for the good feel of a key click.
> CB
> Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> Well, that may be a point.  I do relish the action of a good keyboard,  
>> and it wasn't until I got much better hearing aids that I finally gave  
>> up on my IBM model M keboard; built like a tank, all metal parts, real  
>> springs, and I loved the action on that puppy.  The only keyboard that  
>> could double as a lethal weapon in a pinch, but would also wake the  
>> neighbors when used after 3 AM.  I told them it was rats living in the  
>> pipies that made that clanking noise...
>> Have actually been considering etting an Apple keyboard for this MBP15  
>> lately, just to presever its internal keyboard, which is fine, as far  
>> as it goes... I really liked the old Mac keyboard from the 80's and  
>> early 90's...
>> --
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