> how can I get (on linux) the error-messages that lilypond produces in a
> separate text-file, that I can save and read with e.g. kwrite?
"lilypond" outputs its messages to the standard error stream.
So, if you use "bash" as a command interpreter, redirect stderr to a file:
$ lilypond test1
> I'm using bash, but on OSX. And I don't really get the results that I
> was looking for with this. I still get my errors in stdout.
I don't use/have Mac OSX. I have no idea whether lilypond behaves
differently on different OS.
You should post the exact command you are using; hopefully
> The default setting of Lilypond displays the sequential number of the
> first measure of each staff.
> Is it possible to get that number for each measure printed on the pdf
> output?
> If yes, how?
\set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 1)
P.S. I
> > I hoped there might be a seperate context for roman numerals [...]
I use a \Lyrics context.
lilypond-user mailing list
> \score {
> {
> c' d' e' f'
> }
> \layout {
> #(layout-set-staff-size 3)
> }
> }
To get a global zoom out, try to put this
#(set-global-staff-size 13)
at the top of the file.
> How can I force the note... erm... tail to go up or down, instead of the
> automatic orientation based on the note position in the stave?
For automatic adjustment of vertical spacing, you could also try what
is explained here:
lilypond-user ma
> I have a collision between the note and the text of the TimeSig in the below
> quoted example.
Compiling the provided code with version 2.10.33, I don't see that there is
any collision (see the attached pdf).
Description: Adobe PDF document
> What I want to do is install the latest version of LilyPond, but I'm
> unsure how or if I should remove LilyPond 2.10.33. Since I like LilyPond
> so much (despite my lack of knowledge concerning markup languages and
> programming), I'd prefer to avoid fouling up the installation of the ne
> [...]
> For what it's worth.
> And again...thanks for all the help people have offered me since I've
> arrive here. I now have a very good looking score in front of me, as
> fruits for this labor - and more to come. I'm loving the experience I'm
> having here, mostly. I'd love to giv
> If I have
> "#(set-global-staff-size 20)"
> in my code, I get 6 staffs spread across 1.5 pages (#6 is all that's on
> page 2). If I set the size to 18, I get the crowded onto one page with
> 2" at the bottom.
> I cannot figure out what's happening, or how to get better control of
> I've been using Lilypond regularly for several years now with great
> satisfaction. Recently, I've begun using lilypond generated png files in
> powerpoint presentations and I'd like to know if there is a way to
> generate these files with a transparent (rather than white) background
> Does anyone have any ideas about how to get a list of all the pitches from a
> score? ... besides just counting off the sheet music.
> Even better, to get a count of how many times each of the used notes are
> played.
Here is a Perl script that counts the notes in LilyPond files (only the
> I am unable to get the attachment (I get http error 404). What am I missing?
A possible explanation was given in another post.
In any case, here is the script inline (just copy/paste the text between
the "---CUT---" marks in another file):
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use IO::File;
my $
> > In any case, here is the script inline (just copy/paste the text between
> > the "---CUT---" marks in another file):
> Please be aware that this script scans anything, including
> commented-out lines and controls. For example,
> title = "This is a nice song"
> \key d \major
> in a \time 4/4 a sequence of chords is written, patterns like this:
> <> <> <> <>
Please always send a working LilyPond code example. It will make it
easier to understand what you tried.
The above does not compile (I'm using v2.10.33)!
> these 4 chords are beamed together. But I need
> Here's one example that produces the wrong beaming:
> right = \context Voice = "discant"
> {
> \clef violin
> \time 4/4
> \relative b' { <> <> <> < fis b>>
> <> <> <> <> }|
> }
Hmm, this is still not a complete code: The \score part is missing.
Why do you use t
> I want to hide some notes. But, in the below quoted example,
I don't see any example here...
lilypond-user mailing list
> Sorry! I'm not quite sure what you mean by the .ly code, but I typeset the
> indication as
> \mark\markup\normalsize {Maestoso}
Then you probably need something like the following:
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #3.0
> Usually it is sufficient to rename the old executable and point a
> symbolic link to the new one; say you installed the recent version in
> /home/johndoe/bin/lilypond/, and the default choice is in /usr/bin/,
> then you have do
> mv /usr/bin/lilypond /usr/bin/lilypond-2.10.33
> By '$HOME', I assume you mean the path of my local home directory. By
> the way, what is my $PATH? Where do I find it and how may I alter it?
"HOME" and "PATH" are so-called "environment" variables.
You can change them in the initialization files of your shell (command-line
interpreter). Whi
> The layout is as follows:
> \new PianoStaff <<
> \chords { ... } % 24 bars
> \new Staff = "upper" {
> \upperIntro% 8 bars
> \melody% 16 bars
> }
> \addlyrics { }
> }
> \new Staff = "lower" {
> \lowerInt
> > Please send a minimal but *compilable* example: It's a waste of time
> Sorry, I thought advanced users could imagine the output.
Sometimes not so advanced users, or users with less imagination can help
too. ;-)
Here attached a modified version of your code that puts the chords ab
> How can I generate pdf and png but no ps?
$ lilypond file.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Processing `file.ly'
Interpreting music... [2]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Layout output to `file.ps'...
Converting to `file.pdf'...
$ rm file.ps
> Can I adjust resolution of the png? I just
> \include "alto+descant notes.ly"
> \include "alto2 notes.ly"
> <<
> \new Staff \alto+descant notes
> \new Staff \alto2 notes
> >>
This looks quite odd.
Although I'm not sure whether lilypond will be confused by it, using spaces
in a file name is a bad idea.
Morevover "space" characters
> How to put an accidental besides trill?
Try this:
e^\markup{\musicglyph #"scripts.trill" {\raise #1 \sharp}}
lilypond-user mailing list
> I've got a song where several annotations like "Refrain" or "Verse" are set
> in
> the Vocals (because that's the voice at the top of the system).
> Now I'm starting to extract parts, and of course the annotations are only
> shown in the vocal part.
> is there any other way to have the
> changes = \chords {
> c1 c1
> }
> slashes = {
> \override NoteHead #'style = #'slash
> b'1 b'1
> }
> \score {
> \new Staff <<
> \changes
> \slashes
> >>
> }
> ---
> would someone be kind enough to explain?
\new Staff
Maybe that
is what you should use.
lilypond-user mailing list
> If someone could download the music and help me out here I would greatly
> appreciate it.
It is mentioned, on the Mutopia page for that piece that this score uses
LilyPond v2.6.4. Did you compile it with the right version? In fact, I
guess that you have a much more recent version installe
> [...] I can easily change " to \"
> in the text, but perhaps there are other characters that will cause lilypond
> to fail.
As a first step, I'd suggest to filter out (or escape) anything that your
program cannot handle. Languages usually used for web development provide
libraries for regul
> I would like to print on the same staff two parts of wind instruments
> (flutes, clarinettes...) but if I use << { \partI } \\ { \partII } >> or
> \partcombine { \partI } { \partII }, the dynamics are not merged when
> they are the same. I get the same crescendo et decrescendo above an
> > My problem is that when combining the top parts as separate voices, it
> > looks rather messy and confusing. I can combine two parts with
> > \partcombine, and that does give a much better copy, but it still leaves
> > the third part. I know that \partcombine can only handle two parts, b
>> does anyone of you have a script or a way to convert from (simple)
>> html to markup like this:
>> This is a melisma.
>> To get:
>> \markup { "This is a " \concat { "me" \bold \italic "lis" "ma." } }
> sed would do the job, but I'm too hazy on it to offer a solution.
> the question I'm asking You is not directly connected with lilypond,
> but I guess, that some of You could help me a lot.
> I'm searching for instructive examples from the french baroque-music,
> where the so called "jeux inegales" (it's a little bit like swing) has
> Off the top of my head I have a page with multiple staffs, each with its own
> header and I am using \header { piece = "Db major" } and which to replace "b"
> with the correct character.
Maybe something like
\header { piece = \markup { "D" \flat "major" } }
> Thanks very much for that, it works but produces a result where the sharp or
> flat symbol is quite low vertically in comparison with the other letters.
> Is there any way to tweak its vertical position?
Yes, something like the following might do it (adjust the number):
\header { piec
> Having trouble to include \flat in instrument name in the \header block i.e.
> :-
> \header {
> instrument = "Trumpet in B"\flat
> }
Try that instead:
instrument = \markup{ "Trumpet in B"\small\flat }
> What I like to do best, is play a song
> on the MIDI keyboard and then have
> the notes appear on the screen.
To do this, you might want to have a look at the "Rosegarden 4" software.
Best regards,
lilypond-user mailing list
> Working in a Mozart Flute and Harp Concerto, I found a turn mark during the
> flute part. The \turn mark seems have to be placed in the middle of to
> notes. This is logical becouse, turn afects two notes not only one note.
> Lylipond put the \turn over the note where it is wirtten. M
> I'm trying to have a timestamp in the footer of every page. nice would
> also be to have subversion revision as metainformation printed.
> I'm quite new to Lilypnd...
> How can I do that?
Define \today as
today = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time)))
before using it.
> Could you please point out exactly what problems you have noted.
Since you ask, one little thing I've noted is that in "\figures" mode,
the automatic alignment is screwed up when the number is followed by a flat
(minus sign), e.g.:
Then, in subsequent lines, pressing TAB sends
> I want to insert a few (not all) chord names in a sheet.
> I trid the following:
> \relative c {
> ..
> << \chords { cis:m1 }
> { cis,1 } >>
> ..
> }
> but then the Chord name is below the melody.
Not so here; this code
\version "2.10.10"
theMusic = \relative
> Thunderbird doesn't include a "Reply to list" command,
Then, you could file a bug ("wishlist") report, requesting
the feature.
> to lilypond list, and since all other lists follow the practice
> mentioned above, there's no reason for me to change my habits.
It depends. If the l
> I was wondering if someone could please post up an example kit part for me
> to have a look at?
I've attached a tar file of a part I transcribed some time ago.
Hopefully, it will show enough to get you started.
> Code:
> [...]
Sorry to say, but your code is hardly legible.
> After reading in the list, I have built a template for put several
> midifiles in one file .mid
I was once looking for a tool to concatenate the files that lilypond
generates from several \score blocks.
What you propose is *not* that. You just put everything in a single
\score, and of
> Any help would be most appreciated!
I've made some change to your file [see attachment], most
notably to make explicit use of the "Voice" context.
\version "2.6.3"
global = {
\clef "G_8"
\key d \minor
preludemelody = \relative c' {
% \global
> >(Please, tell me if it run for you)
> When you provide a code snippet, you should make sure that it contains
> valid syntax, so that one doesn't have to fiddle to make it compile.
> Hmm...
> Of course, it run for me. It's a valid syntax.
As it is, it's not!
["...etc" (lines 15,
> Why doesn't this code right align the text on the bar line?
> \version "2.8.1"
> \relative c'' {
> a1 c f g^\markup{ \right-align{ "D.S. al Coda" } }
> f
> }
Where do you tell it should? [As expected, the text is right-aligned
with respect to the note it is attached to.]
Try thi
> Ik zou Lilypond graag gebruiken om mijn drummuziek netjes op papier te
> krijgen.
> Op jullie site staat nergens duidelijk uitgelegt hoe dat moet. Weten jullie
> misschien een goede handleiding daarvoor? Of is Lilypond niet geschikt voor
> drummuziek?
> I would like to use Lilypond to get my drum-music on paper in a proper way.
> On your site i couldn't find a clear explanation for writing drummusic.
> Do you know a good tutorial for it? Or is Lilypond not suitable for
> drum-music?
> Thank you for your time.
What's wrong with
In the following code, the figure direction switches: In the second bar
the flat is printed above the 6, and the "6 5" is printed "5 6"!
\version "2.8.7"
\relative c' {
\time 3/4
\clef F
\key c \major
a4 e f |
f4 c d |
\new FiguredBass {
> I had been trying to do that. I show you now a brief example modified
> from the pdf tutorial:
> Version 2.10.0
> \paper{
> printallheaders=##t
> }
> \Score
> \header {
> title = "Miniature"
> composer = "Igor Stravinsky"
> }
> { c' d' e' f' }
> }
> \Score
> \header {
> It seems to be working now. Gilles suggestion (thanks, Gilles) worked
> fine but I couldn't substitute "title" and "composer" for "piece" and
> "opus". Eventually I wrote it thus:
In a \score block, you can use only "piece" and "opus".
["title" and "composer" must be set outside of al
> Is there a predefined constant in Lily which shows the current date
> and/or system time.
today = #(strftime "%d-%m-%Y" (localtime (current-time)))
lilypond-user mailing list
If I understood correctly what you want to achieve, you would
change this:
> upper = \relative {
> \time 7/8
> \key g \major
> \clef treble
> g'16[g] r8 g16[g] r8 g8[a g]
> }
upper = \relative {
\time 7/8
\key g \major
\clef treble
\set count
> I'm editing an early-18th-century French composition.
> As in French baroque music 3/4 time is written just by a great "3", I'd
> like to know if it exist in LilyPond a command to this sign.
Some time ago, I had asked how to define a compound time signature. I got
some hints but couldn'
> Regarding Gilles' problems with compound time signatures, I would recommend
> to use the example in Sect. "8.4.1 Polymetric notation" as a starting
> point.
> Then, you could end up with something like:
> \version "2.8.7"
> #(define (compound-time-2 one two three four)
> (markup #
> Could someone please tell me where I was wrong?
Re-posting the example _without_ the line numbering might get you more
lilypond-user mailing list
> >Re-posting the example _without_ the line numbering might get you more
> >answers.
> Ok, here we go ...
Well, it needed some modifications; there were missing closing braces and
you were creating the "music" contents of the staff before setting the
instrument name. See the attached fi
> > Anybody who wants to play tricks with ps files (and I am occasionally
> > one of them) is free to invoke lilypond --ps, so this is a red herring.
> > I agree with Laura: we should treat the .ps files are temporary and
> > delete them. I have a script that does this automatically,
> > So, I too, would rather have lilypond convert automatically to PS
> > level 2.
> You can do this manually, saying
> gs -sDEVICE=pswrite \
> -dLanguageLevel=2 \
> -sOutputFile=foo-level2.ps \
> foo.ps
That's what I'm doing currently. But I sometimes forget...
> Mak
> I' am a Lilypond-Beginner start working seriously now...
> Although I've studied all the documentation files
> I can't find a
> solution for the shown notation.
[Better to use 2 separate posts for 2 different questions.]
> Also, in the documentation, it's not clear how to use Segno and Coda, e.g.,
> how
> to put a "D. S. al Coda" or "To Coda".
Maybe something like
a^"D. S. al Coda"
> I have a score with 3 voices, A, B, and C.
> Voices B and C have a lot in common. For about half of the score the B
> parts is identical to the C part.
> By specifying rests in voice B where it is identical to voice C, and
> using \RemoveEmptyStaffContext, LilyPond can eliminate printing
I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space) while
retaining midi output.
The purpose is to add the drone to a bagpipe part. Currently I've done
something like the attached file.
The problem is that the "\drone" takes space and pushes the violin staff
downwards. Also (
>> I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space)
>> while
>> retaining midi output.
> Then don't include it in the \score block with a \layout. You can have
> multiple \score blocks in a file.
> \score {
> \new Staff {\bagpipeMusic}
> \layout {}
> }
> \sc
I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space)
retaining midi output.
>>> Then don't include it in the \score block with a \layout. You can
>>> have
>>> multiple \score blocks in a file.
>>> \score {
>>> \new Staff {\bagpipeMusic}
>>> \layout
> I wanted to have something like that :
> \set Score.skipBars = ##t
> \time 12/8 r1*12/8*4
Should be a capital R.
lilypond-user mailing list
> Ah, I understand now. Honestly, I would change the input to reflect what
> you want. What you want is a midi voice that is not present in the score.
> If I understand correctly, you have typeset this voice into the printed
> score. (This is where I learned a lot from Kieren about separati
>> E.g. in this instance, I would have liked to keep the drone notes and
>> the
>> melody notes together (i.e. in the same file) because they both are
>> the
>> bagpipe "content".
>> But that, as we've seen, that makes it difficult to separate the
>> printed
>> from the midi output; hence I ha
> First, the great thing about a program like LilyPond is that one is
> not constrained to templates. You create your own that works for you.
I don't see templates are not a constraint but as a time-saver.
It's nice not to be constrained to a single one. But that doesn't mean
that one templa
> trpta = {
> \partial 8*1 e8-. |
> e4 d8 c4 d8 |
> e4 e8-. r r e |
> e4 d8 c4 d8 |
> e4 e8 r r fs |
> g4 fs8 g4 e8 |
> d2 d8 e |
> \times 2/3 {f4 fs b} |
> \times 2/3 {d c b} |
> g2.\fermata \bar "||" |
> r1*5
> }
> There errors are this -
> Interpreting music... [8]
> F:/Lilypond Files/Scor
> I need something like
> music .. |s-\markup {"Play loud random notes, then burn your instrument (30s)
> "}| more notes...
This seems to work for me (see attached files).
\version "2.10.10"
mm = \relative c'' {
a4 b c d |
s4-\markup {"Play loud random notes, then burn
>> This seems to work for me (see attached files).
> But don't you need an \instrumentSwitch command near the end?
I never used this command. How is it related to what the first poster
lilypond-user mailing list
> [...]
> realized that the notes are one step too high.
> [...]
If I understood correctly, you just need to use "\transpose":
> % -- Trombone 1--
> tbonea = { all the notes of the piece }
> trombonea = \relative c {
> \global
> \key f \major
> \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tro
> [...] I use
> underscore "_" multiple times, e.g. 30 underscores. Is there any more
> convenient way to define multiple skips instead of long row of
> underscores like "_ _ _ _ _ _ _"?
\repeat unfold 30 { _ }
lilypond-user maili
> This solution to the N.C. problem (use r to indicate N.C.)
Will R also work?
lilypond-user mailing list
> Hi, I've copied my complete code at the bottom, but the highlighted part is
> this. The midi plays the piano part only.
> [...]
> I've tried repositioning the \set Staff.midiInstrument everywhere but I
> never hear the part.
Did you try selecting another instrument?
[Maybe it's the
> Hi again. I did some more work and found that "viola" and "vibraphone" are
> silent while "voice oohs", "glockenspiel", and "violin" (and default
> acoustic grand) play ok.
As I indicated in my previous reply, this depends on the MIDI player, and
accompanying data used for rendering the
>>> python script that removes tailing spaces
>>> from lines.
[if: s/Python/Perl/]
perl -i -pe 's/\s+$/\n/' some_file
lilypond-user mailing list
> In this example, is there a way to move the "To Coda" rehearsal mark so
> that it is underneath the Volta Bracket? Also, I'd like to have the
> brackets on the same baseline (after the mark is moved down).
> Any hints?
Things you might try to fiddle with are:
\override Score.Rehear
> I have several instances where instrument names are too high, much higher
> than the staff center line. It happens with both full and short names, but
> only when a volta bracket is over the first measure.
> If this rings a bell and merits further discussion, I can provide examples.
> Is there a way to reuse a \header definition?
Yes; you put all your header items in a file which you then include wherever
you need them:
In file "header.inc.ly":
title = "..."
subtitle = "..."
composer = "..."
% etc.
And, in other files:
\header {
> ...and I'm not getting entirely what I need. The varcoda sign is too
> low and too close to the preceding text. I've been searching through
> the docs to find a solution and have not yet come across what I need.
> Ideas?
Try fiddling with
\raise #1.0
\hspace #1.0
> Thanks in advance. BTW, this is what I did for her three exercises (just
> beginning ;-). Is this maybe rewritable to shorthand in some case? Maybe
> with repeats or so? Any help wouyld be appreciated.
The shorthand for
cymr8 cymr8 cymr8 cymr8
would be
\repeat unfold 4 {
> Anybody volunteers? For, say, making an orchestra example?
I can provide a version of "Adeste fideles"[1] arranged for
SATB, oboe, trumpet, basson and strings.
Let me know whether it would be useful.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adeste_Fideles
> Now, the part of the first piano has to be played an octave higher the
> what is written on the score, so the guy who has written it with
> encore has placed an "8" over the clefs of the piano staves.
> Is this a standard way to specify to play an octave higher?
> If yes, how can I do thi
> can I put "marks" A, B, C etc etc generated by \mark\default in a
> separate file to be included in every staff/staffgroup, [...]
You could proceed somewhat along the following lines.
In file "global.inc.ly":
\version "2.12.0"
global = {
\key d \minor
\time 2/4
> I would have expected something like this to work
> e''8-1^\markup {\bold "#8"} \slurDown
> (
> \slurNeutral
> (f-2 e f) fis-3 (f-2 fis f\))
This "\)" seems unbalanced.
> but it won't compile.
P.S. Please always give a self-contained example
> > Gilles asked for an attachment I don't exactly know what to attach so
> > I've attached the latest pdf output.
> What was wanted was the exact working code to get bad output, which you've
> included in the body of the email. Perfect!
IMHO, perfect would be to *attach* a complete lilyp
> >>> Gilles asked for an attachment I don't exactly know what to attach so
> >>> I've attached the latest pdf output.
> >>
> >> What was wanted was the exact working code to get bad output, which you've
> >> included in the body of the email. Perfect!
> >
> > IMHO, perfect would be to *att
> When I am using Lilypond the program assumes a different octave and
> no matter what I do the the \relative c, it won't change the octave.
> See the code below:
> {
> \clef treble
> \time 4/4
> \key g \major
> \relative c
> \partial 4 d8 d
> d d g g
> I cannot quite find figure out from the manual which is a better practice when
> typesetting transposing instruments (say, a B\flat clarinet):
I use the following (assuming that the music contents is in variable
"clarinetNotes" and that the "global" variable namely contains the "\key"
> Is it possible to override the midi instrument for named chords (to
> change it to a guitar, for instance) or is note format the only way ?
\set ChordNames.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)"
lilypond-user mailing list
Maybe another, non-technical, viewpoint.
I think that, out of respect for those people who are on the list, someone
who intends to ask for help from them, should have made the (little) effort
of subscribing. Or, if he is not subscribed, he should state it in his
message, and kindly request th
> I'm running LilyPond on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala).
> I'd like to run convert-ly against all of my .ly files that I have created,
> without having to manually change directories to each directory that
> contains a file I want to convert, and then run convert-ly against the files
> in t
> You're trying to put 2 rehearsal marks on the same bar line. Does
> something like:
> { r4 r r
>\override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER
>\mark \markup {"D.S " \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" " "
> \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" "Coda "}
> |
> g2 r2 |
> }
> d
On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 09:26:52AM -0500, Tim McNamara wrote:
> While this doesn't solve the problem (somebody else seems to have
> done that), it'd sure be nice if using marks for segno and coda
> would be a lot more user friendly- like
> g1\segno
> g1\coda
That would not solve the problem
On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 03:49:01PM +0100, Mark Knoop wrote:
> At 15:58 on 12 Oct 2010, 106ohm(G.Masetti) wrote:
> > I don't know how to trascript a particolar notation, I had scan the
> > paper and isolate the problem, the little image is here:
> > http://poisson.phc.unipi.it/~masetti/IMG.jpg
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