Hi. I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space) while retaining midi output. The purpose is to add the drone to a bagpipe part. Currently I've done something like the attached file.
The problem is that the "\drone" takes space and pushes the violin staff downwards. Also (in the complete file) I get a lot of: [...] warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns What would be the incantation to make those notes totally "neutral", graphically speaking (and, if possible, make the warnings disappear)? Or is there another, better, way to achieve this? Thanks and best regards, Gilles
\version "2.10.10" drone = \relative c' { \override Tie #'transparent = ##t \hideNotes <g g,>1~ | <g g,>1 | } bagpipeNotes = \relative c'' { << \new Voice { \oneVoice d4 c8 ees d4. ees8 | fis4 d16 d g8 fis2 | } \new Voice { \drone } >> } bagpipeStaff = \context Staff = "Bagpipe" { \clef G \bagpipeNotes } violinNotes = \relative c' { d4 c8 ees d4. ees8 | d4 d16 d ees8 d2 | } violinStaff = \context Staff = "Violin" { \clef G \violinNotes } \score { \context StaffGroup << \context Staff = "Bagpipe" { \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-4 . 2) } \bagpipeStaff \context Staff = "Violin" { \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-4 . 2) } \violinStaff >> }
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