
> the question I'm asking You is not directly connected with lilypond,
> but I guess, that some of You could help me a lot.
> I'm searching for instructive examples from the french baroque-music,
> where the so called "jeux inegales" (it's a little bit like swing) has
This should be "jeu inégal" or maybe "notes inégales".

> tu be used. Mostly I'm interested in examples, where some of the notes
> has to be played "inegal", and some not.

There is an article on Wikipedia which mentions the "rule":

> If You know some good example, please send it to me, if possible in
> Lilypond-code.

In article referred to above, they point to Bach's "Contrapunctus II"
which is on Mutopia:

[Although the uneven notes are spelled out explicitely with dotted

> I'm searching for this for my students. I brace myself
> for a lecture about rhythms, ornaments and so on during the baroque
> era.

I have a sonata by "Boismortier" which I encoded quite some time ago (with
"\version 2.4").
[Now I've just converted to 2.10 but the result has a problem: the bass
figures are too far from the bass staff (a lilypond bug?). I don't have
version 2.12 so cannot tell whether it's solved with it.]

I think that there are a few passages in the first movement that contain
notes to be played uneven.

If you want I can send you the files.


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