>>>> I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space)
>>>> while
>>>> retaining midi output.
>>> Then don't include it in the \score block with a \layout. You can  
>>> have
>>> multiple \score blocks in a file.
>>> \score {
>>>     \new Staff {\bagpipeMusic}
>>>     \layout {}
>>> }
>>> \score {
>>>     <<
>>>             \bagpipeMusic
>>>             \droneMusic
>>>     >>
>>>     \midi {}
>>> }
> How does this not work for your templates? I'm assuming you have a  
> \score block in your file. It probably has a \layout {} and a \midi {} 
> block in it. You duplicate the \score block, and leave one with the 
> \layout {} and one with the \midi {}.

I already have 2 "\score" blocks (namely to have "\unfoldRepeats" for
the MIDI output). But the thing is that both "\score"s refer only to a
variable "\staves" (defined in another file, that groups all the staves for
all the instruments) and I don't want those blocks to refer to a "\drone"
variable which won't even exist in most projects. [When an instrument
doesn't exist in a score, I comment it out in the file that defines the
"\staves" variable.]

> Then, in the one that has the 
> \layout {}, you remove all references to the "invisible" staff.

Currently, the drone is *not* in its own staff; it's a second "Voice" in
the bagpipe staff.
Hence my question: Is it possible to completely hide that "Voice" (the
same way that some symbols can be made to take no space at all). [That
would be the easiest solution since I wouldn't have to touch any file
other than the one concerned with the drone i.e. the bagpipe file.]
But, if the above is not possible, then I figure I'll have to add a new staff
for the drone, and figure out something with "\keepWithTag" (or
"\removeWithTag") to prevent the staff from appearing in the layout. [In any
case, I'd seek a modification that would be done once for all in the "\score"s
blocks (i.e. no commenting in/out in each project).]


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