
> You're trying to put 2 rehearsal marks on the same bar line.  Does
> something like:
>  { r4 r r <fis a c>
>    \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER
>    \mark \markup {"D.S " \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" "   "
> \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" "Coda "}
>  |
>  g2 r2 |
> }
> do what you want?

In many cases, that won't do since what usually happens is that "D.C."
must appear at the last bar, then there is a "\break" and the next line is
the coda (with the "scripts.coda" sign).

The workaround which I use is to put the "D.C." \mark one bar earlier with
a "#LEFT" alignment (so it looks like it is on the last bar, albeit not
aligned on the end of it).

Indeed it's strange that LilyPond cannot write both marks even if they are
not on the same line.


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