Hi. > First, the great thing about a program like LilyPond is that one is > not constrained to templates. You create your own that works for you.
I don't see templates are not a constraint but as a time-saver. It's nice not to be constrained to a single one. But that doesn't mean that one template cannot be arguably better than another. Then, it might be interesting to have some template repository so that we can compare their respective merits and bring some ideas to improve our own. [It has been said a few times that LSR wasn't suitable for that (because of the multiple files approach).] > Second, the problem is that you may learn over the course of several > projects that your current template is somehow deficient. Much better > to improve your template now and save yourself potential hours of > working around an old template that may not suit all your needs. I > can foresee many types of workflow for large projects, but I for one > like to have many small files that feed into one or more parent files. > Editing is much easier that way (at least in vim) and it offers > maximum flexibility in the end. But it's taken a couple years to get > a template I'm happy with. > > I know that's not too helpful - but I've never regretted a few hours' > work getting my templates right. My templates are not too bad either, also built up for several years with nice tricks from here (the ML) and there (the Manual). In the end, fo the problem that started this thread, I just needed to add this \tag #'no-layout { \context Staff = "Drone" { \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-4 . 2) } \droneStaff } to my "StaffGroup", and this \removeWithTag #'no-layout \staves instead of just "\staves" to my "\score" block (the one with "\layout{}"). Best, Gilles _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user