
> Here's one example that produces the wrong beaming: 
> right = \context Voice = "discant" 
> { 
> \clef violin 
> \time 4/4 
> \relative b' { <<b8. d fis b>> <<bes,16 d f bes>> <<b,8 d fis b>> <<b,8 d
> fis b>> 
> <<cis,8 eis gis cis>> <<cis,8 eis gis cis>> <<d,8 f a d>> <<d,8 f a d>> }| 
> } 

Hmm, this is still not a complete code: The \score part is missing.

Why do you use the << ... >> construct?  A chord is created with something

  <c e g>4

I.e. with single brackets. Also, the duration is specified after the closing

> The compiler produces the correct beaming between the b8. and bes,16 chord
> and between the two b,8 chords. 
> With the default auto-beam setting the next 4 chords are beamed together. In
> this case the cis,8 chords should 
> Be beamed together and the two d,8 chords should be beamed. 

You didn't tell why the solution I proposed does not satisfy your needs.
Similarly to my previous post, your code above can turned into:

right = \context Voice = "discant"{
  \clef violin
  \time 4/4
  \relative b' {
    <b d fis b>8. <bes d f bes>16 <b d fis b>8 <b, d fis b>8 
    <cis eis gis cis>8[ <cis eis gis cis>8] <d f a d>8[ <d f a d>8] |

\score {

See attached pdf.

> I've tried severla options, for example adding \nobeam to the first d,8
> chord. As a result the last two chords are 
> Beamed together, but the first two chords (cis,8) are then separated, not
> beamed. 

I agree that this behaviour looks strange. Maybe someone else can give an
explanation or confirm that this is a bug.
> Also tried overriding the default auto-beam, but that didnot produce the
> correct result (yet). 

In this, I guess that the default behaviour should be what you expect,
without resorting to this.
> Hope you can help or point me in the direction where to look for a solution.

Again, what's wrong with using square (beaming) brackets?
Something like
  a8[ b] c[ d]
produces the right result.


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