
>> I'd like a "Voice" to be totally invisible (i.e. taking up no space) 
>> while
>> retaining midi output.
> Then don't include it in the \score block with a \layout. You can have 
> multiple \score blocks in a file.
> \score {
>       \new Staff {\bagpipeMusic}
>       \layout {}
> }
> \score {
>       <<
>               \bagpipeMusic
>               \droneMusic
>       >>
>       \midi {}
> }

Unfortunately, that doesn't fit well with my current "templates": I use one
file for each instrument, then another file for the full layout (that refers
to the "Staff" variables defined in those other files) and then still others
that contain the "\score"... Well, in short, I'd rather keep the reference
to "\drone" in the bagpipe file, if possible.
Hence seeking the eventual "\set" or "\override" that could get the result.
I assumed that something akin to "[...] #'stencil = ##f" would have been nice
but, if that doesn't exist...


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