When I tried to recompile a piece I had written in 2.22.1 with 2.24.0, I
got a mysterious error message:
"Exited with return code -1073741784."
Commenting out things until it would compile, I found the problem was
specifically when articulate was applied to a music group with an
Once I added an include for articulate.ly it compiles just fine here.
\version "2.24.0"
\language "deutsch"
\include "articulate.ly"
acctest = {\time 6/8
\relative c' {
d8 e f g a \acciaccatura c h}}
\score {
results in:
Hi Gordon,
Am 07.01.23 um 10:00 schrieb Gordon Bower:
When I tried to recompile a piece I had written in 2.22.1 with 2.24.0,
I got a mysterious error message:
"Exited with return code -1073741784."
Commenting out things until it would compile, I found the problem was
specifically when artic
> Le 7 janv. 2023 à 10:42, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit :
> Hi Gordon,
>> Am 07.01.23 um 10:00 schrieb Gordon Bower:
>> When I tried to recompile a piece I had written in 2.22.1 with 2.24.0, I got
>> a mysterious error message:
>> "Exited with return code -1073741784."
>> Commentin
Le 06/01/2023 à 00:37, Lukas-Fabian Moser a écrit :
The Staff_symbol_engraver is not really equipped to deal with multiple
\startStaff / \stopStaff events at the same point of time.
I would not call the current Staff_symbol_engraver behavior a bug,
but a feature.
You will see that your engra
A bit late, I know, but I finally got round to rebuilding all of my scores
(141) and parts (1623) with the new release. Two scores had errors for things
that were previously warnings but that I had been ignoring. These were trivial
to update and now work fine. Everything else worked like a charm
[ It sometimes makes me wonder if we need a concept of "infinitesimal
time", to allow disambiguating ]
Yes, the concept of 0-cycles, that can be allowed to execute in order
for decisions to be made at the end of the timestep once all the
0-cycles have completed, seems like a good idea.
I im
Yes, you’re right Jean,
using Scores in Desktop you can update all your files in batch mode. One more
question: the updated files remain in Terminal and the files in Scores are not
updated… Possibly another Terminal command is necessary?
Many thanks for your very useful suggestions
Le 07/01/2023 à 16:20, Mario Bolognani a écrit :
Yes, you’re right Jean,
using Scores in Desktop you can update all your files in batch mode.
One more question: the updated files remain in Terminal and the files
in Scores are not updated… Possibly another Terminal command is necessary?
using: "/Users/mariobol/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox/ M U S I C
A/lilypond-2.24.0/bin/convert-ly" -e /Users/mariobol/Desktop/Scores/*.ly
the updated files are in Scores!
Mario Bolognani
> Il giorno 7 gen 2023, alle ore 16:20, Mario Bolognani
Hi all,
> [ It sometimes makes me wonder if we need a concept of "infinitesimal
> time", to allow disambiguating ]
> Yes, the concept of 0-cycles, that can be allowed to execute in order for
> decisions to be made at the end of the timestep once all the 0-cycles have
> completed, seems like
Le 07/01/2023 à 16:48, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
Hi all,
[ It sometimes makes me wonder if we need a concept of "infinitesimal
time", to allow disambiguating ]
Yes, the concept of 0-cycles, that can be allowed to execute in order for
decisions to be made at the end of the timestep once all
Hi Jean,
>> That might even be a liminal space in which the infamous Grace Music Bug™
>> could be handled grace-fully…?
> Actually, that is what originally made me muse about this ...
“Great minds think alike…” ;)
> Issue #34 is, in my opinion, a perfectly unsolvable problem, because
> it's as
Jean Abou Samra writes:
> Le 07/01/2023 à 16:48, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>>> [ It sometimes makes me wonder if we need a concept of "infinitesimal
>>> time", to allow disambiguating ]
>>> Yes, the concept of 0-cycles, that can be allowed to execute in
>>> order for decision
Le 07/01/2023 à 17:11, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
Could you explain this a bit more, please? This is a position I’ve never quite
understood about Issue #34: I would love to see an input where I can’t
determine the output with certainty just from the input.
Just take the example I gave earlie
Le 07/01/2023 à 17:17, David Kastrup a écrit :
I disagree. We have grace fixups in sequential music that do this
(zero-length events before grace music are executed before the grace)
and the same reasonably could be done with simultaneous music. That's
more complex, but not terribly so. Some o
Hi Jean,
> Just take the example I gave earlier and remove the grace skips.
> \version "2.24.0"
> <<
> \new Staff { \grace { c'8 d'8 } c'1 }
> \new Staff {
> \once \override Staff.TimeSignature.color = "red"
> \once \override NoteHead.color = "red"
> c'1
> }
> >>
> Do the over
Hi Jean,
> That sounds like you want to make all zero-length events happen
> before the grace by default, but that is not always desirable,
> as \once \set/\override shows.
I would say the exact opposite: by default, all zero-length events should
happen between the grace music and the restarting
Le 07/01/2023 à 17:50, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
Hi Jean,
That sounds like you want to make all zero-length events happen
before the grace by default, but that is not always desirable,
as \once \set/\override shows.
I would say the exact opposite: by default, all zero-length events should
Jean Abou Samra writes:
> Le 07/01/2023 à 17:11, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
>> Could you explain this a bit more, please? This is a position I’ve
>> never quite understood about Issue #34: I would love to see an input
>> where I can’t determine the output with certainty just from the
>> input.
Hi Jean,
> Um, that is exactly the current default. And it is what makes
> \version "2.24.0"
> <<
> \new Staff { \grace c'8 c'1 }
> \new Staff {
> \clef bass % zero-length => after graces
> c'1
> }
> >>
> return output that most users are not expecting.
In this case (as wit
Kieren MacMillan writes:
> Hi Jean,
>> That sounds like you want to make all zero-length events happen
>> before the grace by default, but that is not always desirable,
>> as \once \set/\override shows.
> I would say the exact opposite: by default, all zero-length events
> should happen betwe
> In this case (as with so many!) the problem isn't moment-bleed, it's
> context-bleed: the grace music doesn’t apply to the lower staff, and thus
> shouldn’t be included in decision-making there; likewise, the clef doesn’t
> apply to the upper staff, and so shouldn’t be included in the de
Kieren MacMillan writes:
> Hi Jean,
>> Um, that is exactly the current default. And it is what makes
>> \version "2.24.0"
>> <<
>> \new Staff { \grace c'8 c'1 }
>> \new Staff {
>> \clef bass % zero-length => after graces
>> c'1
>> }
>> >>
>> return output that most use
Hi David (et al.),
>> In that case, the NoteHead one has no effect, because \once applies to
>> the next time step only, and the next time step is for a grace note
>> another voice.
> The recovery action of \once should likely occur after the next _local_
> timestep.
>> Do they occur after?
Kieren MacMillan writes:
> Hi David (et al.),
>>> In that case, the NoteHead one has no effect, because \once applies to
>>> the next time step only, and the next time step is for a grace note
>>> another voice.
>> The recovery action of \once should likely occur after the next _local_
>> t
Hi David,
> That's just wild hand-waving. You cannot let the second Staff start
> after the grace note. That would look like
You have inferred things about my suggested implementation which I neither
stated nor implied.
(These kinds of discussions always go better when people don’t make
Kieren MacMillan writes:
> Hi David,
>> That's just wild hand-waving. You cannot let the second Staff start
>> after the grace note. That would look like
> You have inferred things about my suggested implementation which I
> neither stated nor implied.
> (These kinds of discussions always g
Le 07/01/2023 à 17:58, David Kastrup a écrit :
In that case, the NoteHead one has no effect, because \once applies to
the next time step only, and the next time step is for a grace note
another voice.
The recovery action of \once should likely occur after the next _local_
OK, that
Hi all,
> You cannot let the second Staff start after the grace note.
David’s interpretation of my idea isn’t correct. I never suggested letting the
second Staff start after the grace note, simply that decisions for that Staff
should be made independently of the Staff that contains the grace mu
Hi David,
> Then I will wait until I see your actual implementation instead of
> reading any meaning into your words.
“Non-implemented” and “implemented” are not the only two possible states in the
development of computer code.
I look forward to any discussion, with any developers, of possible
I have a question about using a custom engraver to modify how grace notes
appear when LilyPond’s new string bending is applied to them. This is the first
custom engraver I’ve attempted to write, so I think I’ve overlooked something
rather basic. The repository for the engraver is at
Jean Abou Samra writes:
> Le 07/01/2023 à 17:58, David Kastrup a écrit :
>>> In that case, the NoteHead one has no effect, because \once applies to
>>> the next time step only, and the next time step is for a grace note
>>> another voice.
>> The recovery action of \once should likely occur after
Hi all,
>> That would presumably lead to
>> {
>> \once \override NoteHead.color = ...
>> \once \override Staff.NoteHead.color = ...
>> ...
>> }
>> getting the events reordered so that the Staff.NoteHead override
>> starts before graces and the NoteHead one starts after, which I
>> wo
Le 07/01/2023 à 18:32, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
David’s interpretation of my idea isn’t correct. I never suggested letting the
second Staff start after the grace note, simply that decisions for that Staff
should be made independently of the Staff that contains the grace music.
Here’s a set o
Le 07/01/2023 à 18:41, Nate Whetsell a écrit :
I have a question about using a custom engraver to modify how grace
notes appear when LilyPond’s new string bending is applied to them.
This is the first custom engraver I’ve attempted to write, so I think
I’ve overlooked something rather bas
Le 07/01/2023 à 18:43, David Kastrup a écrit :
Well, this was sort of saying that there may be no silver bullet, but we
may have to pick between chrome and aluminum ones.
Sometimes there is a solution that blends better into human expectations
than strict logic.
That's possible.
In my opini
Le 07/01/2023 à 19:16, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :
"\dt + warning if not used"
Come to think of it:
For sure, we don't need a warning about \dt (or grace skips) not being
used in the case where there are no zero-length events at that point.
The grace note problem is extremely general. However,
Hi Jean,
> I think this would handle quite a number of cases without
> the user thinking about it, while still avoiding ambiguity
> at all times.
That would certainly be an improvement over the status quo!
Thank you! Glad to hear there is already a solution.
> This has already been fixed. It was
> https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/6489
> It will work fine with the upcoming 2.24.1 version, and you can work
> around it by editing the file articulate.ly inside of LilyPond’s internal
I’m new to lily pond. Somehow when I try to export “N” in markup command. It’s
shown up as an I with an underlying dot in the PDF. When I copy it and pasted
in the browser, it’s shown up as “N”. Not sure what’s the issue here. Can
someone help me?
Code snippet I used.
\version "2.24.0"
Le 07/01/2023 à 20:45, Xin Guo a écrit :
I’m new to lily pond. Somehow when I try to export “N” in markup command. It’s
shown up as an I with an underlying dot in the PDF. When I copy it and pasted
in the browser, it’s shown up as “N”. Not sure what’s the issue here. Can
someone help me?
At the moment I’m doing quite a few lead sheets. The slightly unfortunate
thing is some of these tunes are a stave or two over a page in length.
I thought I’d reach out and see if there is such a thing as a macro or
music function like \fitToOnePage that would fit in a layout/page and can
> Le 8 janv. 2023 à 06:02, Mark Probert a écrit :
> Hi.
> At the moment I’m doing quite a few lead sheets. The slightly unfortunate
> thing is some of these tunes are a stave or two over a page in length.
> I thought I’d reach out and see if there is such a thing as a macro or music
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