Jean Abou Samra <> writes:

> Le 07/01/2023 à 16:48, Kieren MacMillan a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>>> [  It sometimes makes me wonder if we need a concept of "infinitesimal
>>> time", to allow disambiguating  ]
>>> Yes, the concept of 0-cycles, that can be allowed to execute in
>>> order for decisions to be made at the end of the timestep once all
>>> the 0-cycles have completed, seems like a good idea.
>> That might even be a liminal space in which the infamous Grace Music
>> Bug™ could be handled grace-fully…?
> Actually, that is what originally made me muse about this ...
> Issue #34 is, in my opinion, a perfectly unsolvable problem, because
> it's asking LilyPond to guess things that can't be determined with
> certainty from the user input, and it is practically impossible in
> general to guess these without reading the user's mind.

I disagree.  We have grace fixups in sequential music that do this
(zero-length events before grace music are executed before the grace)
and the same reasonably could be done with simultaneous music.  That's
more complex, but not terribly so.  Some of the restructuring by Dan
might provide a better template to work with than previously.

David Kastrup

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