Hi Jean, > Just take the example I gave earlier and remove the grace skips. > > \version "2.24.0" > << > \new Staff { \grace { c'8 d'8 } c'1 } > \new Staff { > \once \override Staff.TimeSignature.color = "red" > \once \override NoteHead.color = "red" > c'1 > } > >> > Do the overrides occur before the graces?
No: “obviously” (to me), all \once \override or \tweak commands are attached to the moment they occur in, not to some “liminal space” created by another context. This example doesn’t convince me: I can still easily find a single rule that covers this case [as I understand it] and the alternative [given clear documentation/instructions on how to apply the override before the grace music]. In my mind, grace time exists like the dialogue over a barline-with-fermata in a musical or opera: If you say that the downbeat of the next measure is spoken by Frank, that doesn’t retroactively change the dialogue over the barline to be spoken by Frank. (It's a twisted analogy, but it’s essentially what you’re suggesting.) Cheers, Kieren.