Hi all,

>> That would presumably lead to
>> {
>>   \once \override NoteHead.color = ...
>>   \once \override Staff.NoteHead.color = ...
>>   ...
>> }
>> getting the events reordered so that the Staff.NoteHead override
>> starts before graces and the NoteHead one starts after, which I
>> would definitely find surprising.

As long as it’s logical, predictable, and consistent, “surprising” is no worse 
than what we have now — and the number of cases where users would be surprised 
would probably drop significantly from the current implementation.

> Well, this was sort of saying that there may be no silver bullet, but we
> may have to pick between chrome and aluminum ones.
> Sometimes there is a solution that blends better into human expectations
> than strict logic.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.  ;)


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