Le 07/01/2023 à 20:45, Xin Guo a écrit :

I’m new to lily pond. Somehow when I try to export “N” in markup command. It’s 
shown up as an I with an underlying dot in the PDF. When I copy it and pasted 
in the browser, it’s shown up as “N”. Not sure what’s the issue here. Can 
someone help me?

Code snippet I used.

\version "2.24.0"

\language "english"

\markup "N n N n”

I have attached the example output.

It's a Homebrew problem, see the recent thread


(it continues here: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2023-01/msg00009.html)

In short: use the official binaries provided on lilypond.org for now.


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