Hi Jean,

> Um, that is exactly the current default. And it is what makes
> \version "2.24.0"
> <<
>   \new Staff { \grace c'8 c'1 }
>   \new Staff {
>     \clef bass % zero-length => after graces
>     c'1
>   }
> >>
> return output that most users are not expecting.

In this case (as with so many!) the problem isn't moment-bleed, it's 
context-bleed: the grace music doesn’t apply to the lower staff, and thus 
shouldn’t be included in decision-making there; likewise, the clef doesn’t 
apply to the upper staff, and so shouldn’t be included in the decision-making 

a.k.a. This still isn’t evidence that disproves my theory of how things 
could/should work.


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