When I tried to recompile a piece I had written in 2.22.1 with 2.24.0, I
got a mysterious error message:
"Exited with return code -1073741784."

Commenting out things until it would compile, I found the problem was
specifically when articulate was applied to a music group with an

\version "2.24.0"
\language "deutsch"

acctest = {\time 6/8
           \relative c' {
            d8 e f g a \acciaccatura c h}}

\score {

The above exits with an error.
With \articulate commented out, it compiles and displays the result, 6
quavers with a grace note on the last, as expected.
With the accacciatura commented out, it compiles and plays back correctly
(and displays something a little odd, one bar of 6/8 with 6 eighth notes
and 6 eights rests - but that is just it trying to display something
intended only for MIDI export on the screen.)

Please let me know if you get the same error, and if this is a matter for
the programmers rather than for me to worry about.

Thank you!


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