Your code is much more readable, but I'm not sure I understand the
difference between first and second take?
I just noticed, where I have -3 it is a typo, it should be positive 3
Alex Loomis
On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 9:24 AM David Kastrup wrote:
> Alexandre Loomis writes:
> >
st work by default. It still requires some
tweaking, but far less.
On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 1:53 PM Kieren MacMillan
> Hi Alexandre,
> > I'm trying to notate harp pedals
> It would be great to have more complete/robust harp pedal support in
> Lilypond!
Hi all,
I'm trying to notate harp pedals. This should looks something like
[image: mwe1.cropped.png]
I currently have code where it's straightforward to get pretty close, like
[image: mwe2.cropped.png]
However, making it look like the first image involves a ton of time
starting the new spanne
I'd translate it as aliénation or another antonym of assimilation.
On Wed, May 10, 2023, 5:45 AM Vincent Gay wrote:
> Le 10/05/2023 à 14:26, Andrew Bernard a écrit :
> a word that does not really exist in English
> DeepL translate Othering in French by altérisation, which is not really
> Fre
> given some of the other impressive things it can do
I think that's been exaggerated. It's very good at generating
plausible-sounding text responses to prompts, everything else looks
On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 3:54 PM Nate wrote:
> Hah yes. It once said \begn{music} and i said "are
> Le vendredi 17 mars 2023 à 11:35 -0700, Alexandre Loomis a écrit :
> Hi, I'm running into an issue using \autoChange. I'd like CrossStaff to
> share the lower staff (and upper with another voice, but that doesn't seem
> to cause any issues), but it's creating
Hi, I'm running into an issue using \autoChange. I'd like CrossStaff to
share the lower staff (and upper with another voice, but that doesn't seem
to cause any issues), but it's creating its own.
\version "2.24.0"
CrossStaff = \autoChange f {
\relative c' {
c2 c,
VoiceTwo = \relative
You could also use \jump, for example
\version "2.24.1"
\repeat volta 2 {
c'1 1 1 1
\jump "4×"
On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 9:46 AM Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le mardi 07 mars 2023 à 10:29 -0600, Matthew Probst a écrit :
> I'm not quite sure how to construct an example--I'm working on my scor
That works perfectly, thanks!
On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 1:34 PM Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le jeudi 02 mars 2023 à 12:11 -0700, Alexandre Loomis a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble defining a harp pedal spanner. I'd like to be able to
> write code like
I'm having trouble defining a harp pedal spanner. I'd like to be able to
write code like
\relative c' { f4 _\startPedal "F♮" g fes \endPedal "♭" }
and get as output the notes, with F♮ below the f natural, ♭ below the f
flat, and a line connecting the markups. So far the closest I've been abl
\context { \Staff
\override BarLine #'hair-thickness = #0.5
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-6 . 5)
\context { \Score
proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/6)
%\override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t
\override Flag.stencil = #
\translate #'(3 . 0) \musicglyph #"clefs.G_change"
Em ter, 22 de out de 2019 às 11:31, Alexandre Ficagna <> escreveu:
> Beautiful. Thanks!
Beautiful. Thanks!
-- Forwarded message --
> From: Malte Meyn
> To:
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 15:23:48 +0200
> Subject: Re: Double clefs (or even triple)
> Am 19.10.19 um 14:56 schrieb Alexandre Ficagna:
> >
ot; }
But the ":" in the first F clef keep it away from an elegant solution.
Any help?
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Caio, did you manage to find a Double Bass Clef?
Lilypond now has a \clef GG, but still missing a \clef FF
Sent from:
lilypond-user mailing list
o do what I'm failing to do and I'm
just using them wrong?
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:07 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
> Alexandre Araujo Moreira writes:
> >> Alexandre Araujo Moreira writes:
> >>
> >> > \version "2.16.2"
On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 10:01 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
> Alexandre Araujo Moreira writes:
> > \version "2.16.2"
> > simpleMusic =
> > #(define-scheme-function (parser location melody) (ly:music?)
> > #{
> > \score {
> > $melody
> > \
nction (in this case, the
\layout), but it seems it doesn't work that way.
Alexandre Araujo Moreira.
lilypond-user mailing list
values on bound-details but it didn't work.
Avenida Juscelino Kubitschek 3117 apto 603
Bairro: Vila Ipiranga
CEP: 8601
In early versions of lilypond it was possible to create glissandi which
conected directly to the stem of the transparent headed note.
In 2.16 version, an annoying problem is: this space remains empty, as if
the note head was there. Does someone know how to do that? I tried to
specify negative valu
In early versions of lilypond it was possible to create glissandi which conected
directly to the stem of the transparent headed note.
In 2.16 version, an annoying problem is: this space remains empty, as if the
note head was there. Does someone know how to do that? I tried to specify
negative valu
I've read that with \tweak command this is not possible. I really need
two differente notehead styles inside the same chord (in different
notes), does someone know how to do it?
does someone know why, even with \stopStaff and \RemoveEmptyStaves,
the barlines on the upper staff stand still?
Below the code:
up= { \stopStaff s2*8 \startStaff
% \set Staff.instrumentName = "m.e."
s8 d8-> s d->
center=\relative c {
\time 2/4
\clef bass
You're right, it worked better with relative for melody.
Still, it seems that changing from-pitch alters the note of
transposition, while to-pitch changes absolutely nothing.
2012/6/13 Trevor Daniels :
> ALEXANDRE FICAGNA wrote Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:57 PM
I still didn't picture exactly how \inverse works in its from-pitch
to-pitch variables, but I tried an example and what I got is the
correct inversion of pitches, but each one was an octave above.
Here's the code:
\version "2.14.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 15)
\paper {
#(define dump-extents #t
Nobody knows how to do it?
2011/5/25 Alexandre Ficagna :
> Hy all,
> I'm trying do create a score with the individual parts after the
> global one, but the global part in landscape and the individual parts
> in portrait style.
> I'm using \book and \bookpart command
Hy all,
I'm trying to quote some music inside ossia staves. It's working, despite the
fact that the \override commands doesn't seems to get quoted.
As I'm doing contemporary music, I use a lot of tweaking things with overrides.
How can I quote music handling this alterati
and for the parts:
\bookpart {
\paper {
#(set-paper-size a4 'portrait)
What should I do?
lilypond-user mailing list
Mats Bengtsson> writes:
> Quoting alexandre reche e silva>:
> > I still need help because of a strange side effect: using /mark to
> > "titling" adds a empty staff at the top of the others?!?! (This is really
> > embarras
alexandre reche e silva> writes:
> Peace and Health in Jesus Christ
> \version "2.4.5"
> Is it possible to have a 1 line staff (as in RhythmicStaff) to type non
> pitched instruments and then when the percussionist will change to marimba,
Peace and Health in Jesus Christ
\version "2.4.5"
Is it possible to have a 1 line staff (as in RhythmicStaff) to type non
pitched instruments and then when the percussionist will change to marimba, for
example, the staff at this precise measure became 5 line with G clef and after
change again -
Graham Percival> writes:
> On 2-Feb-06, at 5:02 AM, alexandre reche e silva wrote:
> > A) Nevertheless, marks alignment cannot be tuned and is centred “by
> > nature”. How to force left align?
> This is explained in section 8.1.3 Text marks in
Peace and Health in Jesus Christ
\version “2.4.5”
I'm about a orchestral piece. As a lily newbie it have been an endure to
me. It is like to learn driving with a truck.
The piece has 3 parts but they are not distinct movements, instead,
sections to be played continuously.
What have I been done:
Peace & Health in Jesus Christ
Hi all. I am searching for a way to force continuous
movements, e.g., without line breaks between them.
I have a 3 movements work (i mean 3 long "sections"
separated with double bar lines only) and it must be
played continuously to the end.
If I use the stuff docum
--- Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Data: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:36:15 +0200
> De: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Para: Alexandre Reche e Silva
> Assunto: Re: midi don't ties...
> Please always keep t
Peace & Health in Jesus Christ
I've noticed that the ties between same notes do not
generate the equivalent sound in the midi file, e.g.,
two quarters notes tied sounds as two quarters indeed
(and not as one half note). Why?
a r s
PS: I'm an old newbie in Lily and would like to know
> Alexandre Aractingi wrote:
> > Le jeudi 30 juin 2005 à 00:34 +0200, VSD a écrit :
> >
> >>if an example from the documentation doesn't work, then report a bug
> >>to
> >>bug-lilypond
> >
> >
> > It does
(why would it still be in the doc?)
Alexandre Aractingi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
lilypond-user mailing list
and tricks section)
> and
> (probably) arpeggio and glissando commands.
Thanks for your answer...
I actually tried the tips given in the "tips and tricks" section, but
they don't work in 2.6 (slurs)...
As for arpeggio and glissando, do you know where I can find how to do
them (even
under Mandrake Linux
Thanks for any hint!
Alexandre Aractingi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
lilypond-user mailing list
Pedro Kroeger has build and maintained 2.2 and 2.4 branch for Debian
unstable... add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list :
# lilypond
deb ./
deb-src ./
Branch 2.4 (actually lily 2.4.2) is named lilypond-snap
Using \partcombine for orchestral score, I would like to change the
"Solo I", "Solo II" text to "1." and "2."...
I suppose it is somewhere in de doc (?) but I could not manage to find
it :-(
Just saw that I can disable such text by setting
Staff.printPartCombineTexts to false...
Does anob
>% Second repeat of the verse:
>\lyricsto verse \context Lyrics = repeatlyrics \lyricmode {
> dodo rere mimi fafa solsol }
> >>
> }
> Always tell what version of LilyPond you use, when sending a question
> to the mailing list, otherwise you may get an
7;t find that in documentation.
Best regards.
Alexandre Leclerc
lilypond-user mailing list
y to name each subvoice? It doesn't make
> intuitive sense to have to name each one.
Try giving it a \context Voice = "name" first.. then send your comments and
results .. so that it helps others looking for similar solutions.
> The full .ly file is here:
> http://triplehe
y to name each subvoice? It doesn't make
> intuitive sense to have to name each one.
Try giving it a \context Voice = "name" first.. then send your comments and
results .. so that it helps others looking for similar solutions.
> The full .ly file is here:
> http://triplehe
-.-- for the line near the notehead).
It will save keystrokes for the most common case, isn't it ?
Graham Percival wrote:
On 30-Oct-04, at 5:03 AM, Alexandre Beneteau wrote:
I am wondering if the new articulation _ (which produce a dot and a _
over the notehead) does not print
I have the same problem.
Since directory listing seems note possible on Pedro's web site, impossible to
search for the packages...
Paul Scott wrote:
Has anyone been able to install Pedro Kroger's Debian sid packages >
2.3.24? says that 2.3.26 is available
of course, feel free to propagate the announcement to any other
relevant mailing list or website.
I did on, announce is waiting to be moderated.
lilypond-user mailing list
I am wondering if the new articulation _ (which produce a dot and a _ over the
notehead) does not print it wrongly.
I explain myself : I think the dot should be near the notehead and the _ (don't
find the english word !) should be after it, like this :
But actually, lilypond pri
Thanks for your reply,
I have no problem with missfonts (anyway kpsewhich ecrm10.pfa returns
Xdvi runs fine with dvi generated by lily ; but gv displays strange symbols for
graces notes and fermata on bar.
Anyway, I dug a little
I have similars problem using like you lily 2.3.24 (Debian Sid) from Pedro's
repository, having installed latest ec-fonts-mftraced and cleaned my
To complete your bug-report, I would notice that :
At default staff size :
- dvi produced by lily is correctly displayed in xd
Trying to put a fermata on a bar, following the manual, I use :
\mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts-ufermata" }
But it does not print a fermata but "L" :
I use Pedro Kroeger lilypond-snaphot package on debian unstable.
Is anybody has the same problem ?
\score {
\new Staff {
Jack Mason wrote:
I am running Linux, Fedora Core 2, Lilypond 2.3
What do you mean run convert-ly on
When I run convert-ly I get:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] jackmason]# convert-ly
/usr/bin/convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.3.19
When I try this, I get:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] jackmason]# convert-ly
A quick answer :-)
Use this syntax :
altoMusic = \notes { . bla bla bla bla bla
<< { high split music expressions } \\ { lower split music } >>
back to single voice etc...
Hope it will help you...
Chris Caudle wrote:
I am just learning Lilypond, and am having trouble understandi
Using pedro's packages on debian unstable, I experience fonts problem : running
lily generates good .dvi file, but wrong postscript file (gv or ggv show score
without noteheads)...
I tried to delete the font cache, but the problem remains.
More : using dvips -f -Z on the dvi file built a
the website ? That
would ease very much the update/review of the Wiki :)
Alexandre Bourget
Lilypond-user mailing list
while putting the lyrics in the middle of the two staves. There *must* be an
alternative, isn't there ?! :)
thanks for your help
Alexandre Bourget
Lilypond-user mailing list
This does the job for the whole score :
\paper {
\translator {
TimeSignature \set #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
If you want to suppress this printing only once in the score you may write :
\once \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'break-v
In the paperblock set pagenumber to 'no' :
\paper { pagenumber=no }
Oleg Eterevsky wrote:
How can I suppress printing page numbers?
Best wishes,
Oleg Eterevsky.
Lilypond-user mailing list
and without the:
\property Score.timing = ##f
line. So, that omitted.. this score is really nothing weird!
I'm posting an excerpt of the file for reference. I'm new to this list.. so if
sending large scores through it isn't something the users want.. please tell
me in a reply :)
You can find the latest syntax file for vim (maintained by Heikki Junes) at this
adress :
Arthur Moore wrote:
hey is there a lilypond/vim howto? I've got the point and click thing
setup, I'd like to have syntax
I'm trying to raise text markup with lilypond 1.7.13.
I believe I've followed the manual instructions... but can't achieve
what I'd would like to.
Please see the source and png output attached...
\include ""
\header { tagline = "" }
\score {
\notes {
Just about your last question :
You can't have markup on 'R', but you cant on 'r'
If you use lilypond 1.7.x, you may use :
\once \property Voice.MultiMeasureRestNumber \override #'text = #'(roman
"my markup")
before the 'R' you want to mark...
Stef Epardaud wrote:
On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 a
uge example and send it to
Alexandre Beneteau wrote:
I get this warning in a score I'm typesetting :
Calculating line breaks... programming error:
Multi_measure_rest::get_rods (): I am not spanned! (Continuing; cross
As Lily sa
I get this warning in a score I'm typesetting :
Calculating line breaks... programming error:
Multi_measure_rest::get_rods (): I am not spanned! (Continuing; cross
As Lily says 'programming error', I assume, I've made a mistake while
typesetting and this error concern measure c
First of all say what version of lilypond you use, what system etc. !
when i type lilypond --help nothing happens what should i do
Lilypond-user maili
I'm typesetting a flute part and I am very surprised by the following
problem :
Having R2*2 (in 2/4 time), I get the following error :
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Calculating line breaks... programming error:
Multi_measure_rest::get_rods ()
olving and not fixed in standards).
David Boersma
On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Alexandre Beneteau wrote:
Considering this example with error a line number 6 :
\header {tagline = ""}
\score {
\notes \relative c {
\time 3/4
c4 c c
\gasp % error
c4 c c
When co
Considering this example with error a line number 6 :
\header {tagline = ""}
\score {
\notes \relative c {
\time 3/4
c4 c c
\gasp % error
c4 c c
When compiling lilypond 1.7.13 report error by printing line 5 :
ly2dvi (GNU LilyPond) 1.7.13
Percival wrote:
On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 10:51:57 +0100
Alexandre Beneteau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Would you agree if I would say lilypond's error messages are sometimes
confusing ?
I'll agree that some programs have more useful error messages. However,
I don't intend tha
You were right, that :
> Then I'd try a few things, such as adding {}s. I'd stick everything in
> front of the \\ in a {}, and everything behind it in another {}.
was the solution :-)
Thanks again,
Would you agree if I would say lilypond's error messages are sometimes
confusing ?
That's because the fonts have changed.
You must clean the fonts (they are build when LaTeX need them and then
cached ; you must clean the cache...)
See /buildscripts/ in lilypond src directory...
neuro wrote:
> Need help to my problem...
> I installed Lilypond 1.6.5
The problem is perhaps Acrobat 4.0. : Several monthes ago, I sent a
score made by lilypond to a friend of mine who described the same
problems ; he upgraded to acrobat 5.0 and all worked fine...
You may try :-) (And tell me about the result...)
Jonathan Kelly wrote:
I'm v
Compiling this ly file with lilypond 1.7.12 give me strange results (and
errors messages)
Has anybody an idea ? Is it my mistake ??? (See png file joined for result)
\header {tagline = ""}
\score {
\notes \relative c {
\time 3/4
\clef "bass"
% one after the
What system do you use ? What software do you use to read the PDF ?
Jonathan Kelly wrote:
Hi there,
I downloaded the PDF version of the lilypond manual, but when I view
it, it looks like I'm missing the music font; I get the staves but the
note heads and other symbols just look like random charac
Daniel Ashton wrote:
Two more:
1) Is there a command to typeset the dim. (for diminuendo) marking?
In lilypond 1.7.12 (with the patch provided two days ago on this
mailing-list), I am using \dim... I don't know for lily 1.6.5. (make a
grep in ly directory ?)
2) Do I really need \endcresc ? Is t
Thanks very much, works fine now :-)
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
Alexandre Beneteau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
You found a bug, try this patch. (Font selection doesn't work yet).
--- 2002-11-18 01:09:27.0 +0100
+++ 2003-
Hello again :-)
I am surprised to have this kind of error message (see at the bottom) as
I am trying to use \cresc (not to mention \decresc which seems to not
exists ??? Why ?)
In previous versions, I believe it worked... It is a bug or my mistake ?
\decresc is it planned to be implemented.
Despite having followed (I think) the manuel advices (by setting
\property Staff.NoteCollision \override #'merge-differently-headed =
##t), I can't convince Lylipond (1.7.12) to merge different voices with
same notes...
I join an example source ( and the png output.
Has anybody
Thanks very much for your answer :-)
I've had forgotten to mention I use the Lylipond version 1.7.12...
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Alexandre Beneteau wrote:
Hello again,
I have read and read again the documentation about the autoBeamSettings
Hello again,
I have read and read again the documentation about the autoBeamSettings
and can't achieve to use it (I know, I can be a bit
stupid sometim
David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
On Sunday 16 February 2003 02:07 pm, Alexandre Beneteau wrote:
I'm presently writing an orchestral score an have a question about
\markup :
I have to instruct 1st violins to put the mute several bars before
they have to play.
I've tried to attach a
I'm presently writing an orchestral score an have a question about \markup :
I have to instruct 1st violins to put the mute several bars before they
have to play.
I've tried to attach a markup to a R2., but it does not work (why ?),
attach a markup to r2. works...
But I'm wondering if I
Sorry for this off-topic question. It has to do with Beldon Dominello's
"rhythmic oddity" and ternary measures. My formal music theory is far
behind and it's not something I use regularly
It's not very important but I just want to check.
I thought that, at least in French, beats in ternary measu
wget -l 1 -nd -r -A pfa,map
These do work. Their names are consistent: GNU-LilyPond--.
BTW, what do the numbers mean? I assumed size but it doesn't make sense
to have a size of 0.
Thanks for pinpointing this problem.
My pleasure.
They have numbers in their filenames but not in their titles:
% grep Title *
feta-braces0.pfa:%%Title: feta-braces
feta-braces1.pfa:%%Title: feta-braces
feta-braces2.pfa:%%Title: feta-braces
feta-braces3.pfa:%%Title: feta-braces
feta-braces4.pfa:%%Title: feta-braces
feta-braces5.pfa:%%Title: feta-
wget -l 1 -nd -r -A pfa,map
also the file corresponding to the PFA files will
be downloaded!
That map doesn't work on my system. It has numbers at the end of font
names while the pfas don't have numbers in their titles.
I caught my problem. Mats' map for 1.5.43 PFAs clashed with the font
names of the 1.6.7 version. Must have to do with the changes between
pktrace and mftrace.
In the 1.5.43 version, the fonts were all called TeX-. In
the 1.6.7 version, they're either just or (for
the -nummer and -din fonts).
The -fpdftex option to lilypond isn't very actively supported
I saw that and I know the -p option for ly2dvi. But must of my
documents are typeset through pdftex and I wanted to integrate lilypond
in this.
Lilypond-user mailing list
I'm also trying to use the PDFTeX option and it doesn't seem to work.
Isn't it supposed to be like this?
lilypond -fpdftex
Lilypond-user mailing list
I recently installed lily 1.6.7 (through fink MacOS X 10.2) and it
didn't produce the pfa files (possibly because mftrace doesn't seem to
work). Is there a reliable place where I can get the pfa files for use
with this version of lily? I installed Matts' 1.5.43 fonts but the
noteheads are i
Here is it :
Bye :-)
Aaron Mehl wrote:
Hi I see in the lilypond installation file reference to lilypond.vim but
try as I might I can't find the file anywhere.
Can someone give me a url to download it from??
Sorry to reply to myself, but I've have to admit my mistake : I had
managed to not find that page before :-( :
Please excuse the noise on this mailing-list...
Alexandre Ben
Since I need to customize FiguredBass (and -- dreaming is not expensive
! -- even add some functionnalities), I must understand Lily better than
Is anybody among Lilypond gurus in this list will advice me some
particular documentations to read ? (I've dig in the online manuals, b
I think \sustainDown and \sustainUp output should be horizontally
aligned (at least by matching pair) even if \sustainDown output is
lowered to not clash with notes...
As my english is weak, I post a small png picture with demonstrate the
problem :-)
I've a problem trying to compile lily 1.7.6 :
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lilypond-1.7.6/stepmake/stepmake'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lilypond-1.7.6/stepmake'
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/lilypond-1.7.6/Documentation'
make PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C u
Le mar 29/10/2002 à 16:08, Chris Jackson a écrit :
> Should be no problems with building 1.6 from source and putting it in
> /usr/local.
> However as you're running Mandrake 9.0, even after you've got configure
> to run, you might
> run into problems doing the compile. This distro has a buggy ve
Le mar 29/10/2002 à 15:54, Simon G. P. Bailey a écrit :
> is your python.h in the default include path?
> guile 1.6 is needed for lily 1.7, iirc.
> greetings,
> simon.
Thanks for your answer!
My python.h is in /usr/include/python2.2/Python.h, and I even created a
symlink with /usr/include/py
... actually I can't get past the ./configure stage...
I am using a Mandrake 9.0 Linux distribution, and I have tetex, python
and libpython-devel installed (from Mandrake packages). I downloaded
Lilypond 1.6.6, but ./configure says :
ERROR: Please install required programs: python.h (python-deve
1 - 100 of 109 matches
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