Thanks for your answer.

Since combinaison of dot and line whith line closer to the notehead seems used,
but less than the oposite, may I propose that the notation "-_" "-.--" should be
reversed ? ( "-_" for the most common case (the dot closer to the notehead), and
-.-- for the line near the notehead).
It will save keystrokes for the most common case, isn't it ?

Graham Percival wrote:

On 30-Oct-04, at 5:03 AM, Alexandre Beneteau wrote:

I am wondering if the new articulation _ (which produce a dot and a _ over the notehead) does not print it wrongly.

If you use "-.--" then Lilypond will print the dot closer to the notehead. "-_" is supposed to be used when you want the line closer to the notehead. I think I saw it in a Britten unaccompanied cello suite; I'll double-check if you want.

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