That works perfectly, thanks!


On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 1:34 PM Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:

> Le jeudi 02 mars 2023 à 12:11 -0700, Alexandre Loomis a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble defining a harp pedal spanner. I'd like to be able to
> write code like
> \relative c' { f4 _\startPedal "F♮" g fes \endPedal "♭" }
> and get as output the notes, with F♮ below the f natural, ♭ below the f
> flat, and a line connecting the markups. So far the closest I've been able
> to get is
> \relative c' { \startPedal "F♮" \endPedal "♭" f4 _\startTextSpan g fes
> \stopTextSpan }
> where startPedal and endPedal are defined as
> startPed =
> #(define-music-function
>   (text)
>   (markup?)
>   #{
>     \once \override TextSpanner.dash-fraction = #1.0
>     \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = #text
>     \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y =
>     \once \override TextSpanner.font-shape = #'upright
>   #}
> )
> endPed =
> #(define-music-function
>   (text)
>   (markup?)
>   #{
>     \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.text = #text
>     \once \override TextSpanner.bound-details.right.stencil-align-dir-y =
>   #}
> )
> This produces the correct output, but needing to call all four of
> startPed, endPed, startTextSpan, and stopTextSpan is inconveniently verbose.
> With \override, you need to put the command before the note, but LilyPond
> also has \tweak, which attaches to the event itself, so you can do
> \version "2.24.1"
> startPed =
> #(define-music-function (start-text end-text) (markup? markup?)
>   #{
>     \tweak dash-fraction #1.0
>     \tweak bound-details.left.text #start-text
>     \tweak bound-details.left.stencil-align-dir-y #CENTER
>     \tweak font-shape #'upright
>     \tweak bound-details.right.text #end-text
>     \tweak bound-details.right.stencil-align-dir-y #CENTER
>     \startTextSpan
>   #})
> endPed = \stopTextSpan
> \relative c' { f4 _\startPed "F♮" "♭" g fes \endPed }
> Note that this isn't exactly your wished syntax because the end text is
> given to \startPed, not to \endPed. There are no built-in ways to
> override the properties of a spanner at a later point than the moment it
> has been created in, so it would require custom Scheme code to make your
> original syntax work. Unless you really want that, I suggest you just use
> this syntax, which isn't more verbose than yours.
> HTH,
> Jean

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