alexandre reche e silva <recheesilva <at>> writes:

> Peace and Health in Jesus Christ
> \version "2.4.5"
> Is it possible to have a 1 line staff (as in RhythmicStaff) to type non
> pitched instruments and then when the percussionist will change to marimba, 
> example, the staff at this precise measure became 5 line with G clef and after
> change again - according the instrument he has to play?
> thanks in advance,
> a r s

Peace and Health in Jesus Christ

I was searching the list (with keywords: line percussion staff) and found not 
necessary help to the unanswered question once posted by us.

But it seems that the "command" \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #n 
(where n stands for the number of "willed" lines, of course) is used just once 
(on the "top" of a score) and does not seem to work (to be changeable) "on the 
fly", like this:

   b |
   \acciaccatura b8 b1 |
   R1 |
   \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #5 \clef G b4 r8 b b4 b |
   b16-> b b b \repeat unfold 12 b16 |
   \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1 \clef percussion b4-> r8 b b4 
   b1\f |
   b1 |
   \time 2/4 R2 |
   \time 4/4 R1 |

Either the problem is quite simple (and so do not inspire further suggestions 
or it is a kind of forbidden action (at leat to my version), or even a bug... 

Any help will be really appreciated,
#'a r s

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