Mats Bengtsson <mats.bengtsson <at>> writes:

> Quoting alexandre reche e silva <recheesilva <at>>:
> > I still need help because of a strange side effect: using /mark to
> > "titling" adds a empty staff at the top of the others?!?! (This is really
> > embarrassing. Imagine. An uninvited blank top staff...).
> If you include short but complete example .ly file that illustrates
> this problem, it will be much easier for us to tell what mistake you do.
>     /Mats

Peace and Health in Jesus Christ

Well, the task of reduce a symphonic piece to a "short but complete example"
was finally done. Nevertheless, the ensemble was reduced to flute and oboe
only, and just the first section was quoted bellow (because I don't know yet
how to attach a .ly file to this post). You will witness the strange effect of
a ghost staff (probably a side effect from self-teaching ;)

It would be interesting to criticise any other aspect of the labour too -- just
for newbies' didact purposes involving tabbing, spacing, line breaking,
structural format,hierarchy... (The editor used is jedit.)

I insist on this because we newbies have problems with possibilities of such
openness allowed by lily "language". From this point of view, orthography and
semantic rules will help as well as syntax.

Someone said "limitations are highly creative". We are not interested in
martial rules, but instead, in the art of writing,e.g., to put together, to
compound: to compose. We hear that a program well structured (I mean, well
wrote) demand less work.

The software is growing fast and maybe there is no spot for that.
But, it would be interesting also to think in a task front to show some
blueprints to lily writing expanding the manual section (3.1 in version 2.4.5)
'Suggestions for writing LilyPond files'.

   As some editors use to respond to certain languages --
      in terms of tabbing and highlighting --
   we (non programmers programming because want to "see" music) could be
   encouraged to observe some points:
      * open braces (or whatever) and after that break line and give a tab (or
      three spaces to be more economic, visually speaking) just to make the
      block easier to see and to understand better the code;
      * make this recursively if one nests grub inside grub;
      (* remember that this is usable for long sentences)
      * global stuffs remains at the top of the file;
      * do not repeat information along the files;

      * give more spaces between groups of notes to differentiate them from
      notes inside the group;
      * ...

What I am trying to depict (almost overloading my English) is that some
conventions on this way help "people" to:
   - question less and precise more;
   - "see" better the whole picture;
   - help lily (and ourselves) to understand our files;
   - migrate from front-end environments;
   - help bug tracking (who knows? :)
   - ...

In spite this is the adequate occasion or not, I want to thank you anyway by the
opportunity to comment (and indent) this ideas, present daily in our thoughts
while dealing with lilypond -- in some autodidact mode. Thanks to \Mats,
Graham, Han-Wen and of course Pedro Kröger: the responsible for introduce me to
the app.

%The Flute file:
\version "2.4.5"

\include ""

#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column )

fluteINotes = \relative c'' {
  \set Staff.instrument = #"2 Flautas "
  \set Staff.instr = #"fl "
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"flute"
%1                              I - This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well 
  \tempo 4 = 116 b'4~\fp\<( b8 b)->\!\mf r2 |
  \time 2/4 R2 |
  \time 5/4 <b cis>4~\fp\<( <b cis>8 <b cis>)->\!\f r4 r2 |
  \time 4/4 R1 |
  R1 |
  \time 2/4 R2 |
  \time 4/4 R1 |
  R1 |
  <ais b>8 r8 r8 <fis' g>-> r2 |
  r4 cis16 <b d> <ais e'>8~ <ais e'>2~ |
  <ais e'>2. r4 |
  r2 ais,16\mf cis e gis r4 |
  R1 |
  r2 r4 ais16 gis fis e-> |
  \time 2/4 R2 |
  \time 4/4 R1 |
  R1 |
  b'16 ais fis b, r4 r2 |
  cis'16 b gis cis, r4 r2 |
  R1 |
  <b cis>16 <ais b> <gis ais>8~ <gis ais>2.~ |
  <gis ais> r4 |
  r4 <cis d>16-> <b cis>-. <ais b>-. <b cis>( <b' cis>8->) <b, cis>-. <ais' b>(
  [<gis ais>)] |
  <ais, b> r8 r4 r2 |
  R1 |
  d'16\f cis ais d,~ d2. |
  cis'16 b gis cis,~ cis2.~ |
  \time 2/4 cis2~ |
  \time 4/4 cis2\> r2\! |
  <d e>16\mf  <e fis> <fis gis>\fp <fis gis>\< \repeat unfold 12 <fis gis> |
  \repeat unfold 15 <fis gis> <fis gis>\ff\! |
  R1 |
  R1 |
  <ais b>16\mp \repeat unfold 7 <ais b> \repeat unfold 8 <gis ais> |
  R1 |
  <ais b>16\p \repeat unfold 15 <ais b> |
  \repeat unfold 16 <b cis> |
  \repeat unfold 8 <ais b> \repeat unfold 4<gis ais> \repeat unfold 4<fis gis>|
  R1 |
  <ais, b>16 <ais b> <ais b>8~ <ais b> <ais b>-. <gis ais>16 <gis ais>
  <gis ais>8-. <fis gis> r8 |
  \time 2/4 R2 |
  \time 4/4 R1 |
   R1 |
   <cis' d>16\< \repeat unfold 7<cis d>   <cis d>\f\! <cis d>\>\repeat unfold 2
   <cis d> \repeat unfold 4 <cis d> |
   \repeat unfold 15 <cis d>   <cis d>\! |
   R1 |
   R1 |
   R1 |
   R1 |
   R1 |
   R1 |
   R1 \bar "||" |   

%The Oboe file:
\version "2.4.5"

\include ""

#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column )

oboeINotes =  \relative c'' {
  \set Staff.instrument = "Oboe"
  \set Staff.instr = "ob"
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"oboe"
%1                              I - This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well 
  \tempo 4 = 116 gis'4~\fp\<( gis8 gis)->\!\mf r2 |
  \time 2/4 R2 |
  \time 5/4 fis4~\fp\<( fis8 fis)->\!\f r4 r2 |
  \time 4/4 R1 |
  R1 |
  \time 2/4 R2 |
  \time 4/4 R1 |
  R1 |
  gis8 r r ais,-> r2 |
  r2 cis,16 d e8~ e4~ |
  e2. r4 |
  b''16\mf ais fis b, r4 r2 |
  R1 |
  r2 b16 d fis ais r4 |
  \time 2/4 R2 |
  \time 4/4 R1 |
  R1 |
  r2 ais,16 cis e gis r4 |
  r2 b,16 d fis ais r4 |
  R1 |
  cis,,16 d e8~ e2.~ |
  e2. r4 |
  R1 |
  R1 |
  r4 d8\f( cis) d4 fis-> |
  r4 cis16 gis' cis b~ b2 |
  r4 b,16 fis b ais'~ ais2~ |
  \time 2/4 ais~ |
  \time 4/4 ais\> r2\!
  fis'16\mf e d \fp\< d \repeat unfold 12 d |
  \repeat unfold 15 d d\ff\! | 
  R1 |
  b16\mp \repeat unfold 15 b |
  \repeat unfold 8 ais \repeat unfold 4 gis \repeat unfold 4 fis |
  R1 |
  ais16\p \repeat unfold 15 ais |
  \repeat unfold 16 b |
  \repeat unfold 8 ais \repeat unfold 4 gis \repeat unfold 4 fis |
  R1 |
  R1 |
  \time 2/4 R2
  \time 4/4 r2   b\f |
  b2. cis4~ |
  cis1~ |
  cis4   r   r   d~ |
  d cis2. |
  d1~ |
  d~ |
  d4   r   r2 |
  fis1\mf~ |
  fis~ |
  fis~ \bar "||" |  

%The Header file:
\version "2.4.5"

\header {
  title = \markup { \italic \bold { "The Vine" } }
  subtitle = \markup { \small \italic \column
        \center-align < { "And he saith to him, Verily, verily, I say to you,
        Hereafter ye shall see heaven open," } >
        \center-align < { "and the angels of God ascending and descending
        upon the Son of man." } >
  subsubtitle = \markup { \small \italic { "(Jn 1:51)" } }
  composer =    \markup {\small { "alexandre reche e silva (2003/2005)"} }

%The Section I file:
\version "2.4.5"

\include ""

\include ""
\include ""

thevineI= {
        \context StaffGroup ="madeiras"
                \new Staff \fluteINotes
                \context Staff ="oboe" \oboeINotes
                %\context Staff ="clarineti" \clINotes
                %\context Staff ="fagote" \fagINotes
%{      \context StaffGroup ="metais"
                \context Staff ="trompa" \corINotes
                \context Staff ="trompete" \tptINotes
                \context Staff ="trombone" \tbnINotes
        \context StaffGroup ="percussão"
                \context Staff ="perc I" \perciINotes
                \context Staff ="perc II" \perciiINotes
         \context StaffGroup ="cordas"
                \context GrandStaff ="violinos"
                        \context Staff ="violino I" \vniINotes
                        \context Staff ="violino II" \vniiINotes
                \context Staff ="viola" \vlaINotes
                \context Staff ="violoncello" \vcINotes
                \context Staff ="contrabaixo" \cbINotes
        >> %}

%The Score (at last) file:
\version "2.4.5"

\include ""
%{ \include ""
\include "" %}

#(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column )
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
#(set-global-staff-size 16)

\score {
      \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #-1
      \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #4.0
      \mark "I - This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." \thevineI
      %\mark "II - This is my beloved Son; hear him" \thevineII
      %\override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #0.8
      %\mark "III - I have both glorified [it], and will glorify [it] again."
   \midi {\tempo 4=116 }
   \layout {}
   \header {}

\paper {
   raggedbottom = ##t 


Sincerely yours,
<a r s>

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