Re: Git translation branch policy change: merge with and from stable/2.16

2012-09-13 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno gio, 13/09/2012 alle 10.44 +0200, Francisco Vila ha scritto: > 2012/9/8 Francisco Vila : > > Hi John, > > as things are today, can we keep doing the usual merges of > > translation-->staging and master-->translation? > > > > I still had no response, I think the message that started this

Re: Broken time signature glyphs?

2012-09-18 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Dominik, Il giorno mar, 18/09/2012 alle 04.38 -0700, ornello ha scritto: > timesig22-emmentaler16 > > > > timesig22-emmentaler20 > >

Re: Broken time signature glyphs?

2012-09-18 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mar, 18/09/2012 alle 14.11 +0200, David Kastrup ha scritto: > John Mandereau writes: > > David, could we bump Fontforge minimum version to 20110222 for the next > > 2.16 release as well? > > How would that have to be done? By cherry-picking 236559061d0c32fcbe3

Re: Broken time signature glyphs?

2012-09-18 Thread John Mandereau
Le mardi 18 septembre 2012 à 18:50 +0100, James a écrit : > On 18 September 2012 13:55, ornello wrote: > > What about simply increasing the fontforge version check number in the > > configure script? > > > It already is isn't it? Not in stable/2.16. John ___

Re: Outdated help2man; avoiding needing to "build"

2012-09-19 Thread John Mandereau
's at least a > start.] Indeed, we have not updated it for a decade, I've entered a report with a patch showing the update to latest release: Thanks for the report -- John Mandereau

Re: GOP2-5 - GLISS discussions

2012-09-19 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno gio, 13/09/2012 alle 23.13 -0700, Graham Percival ha scritto: > > > ** Summary > > We’ve gone over the same arguments a number of times, so let’s try > to resolve them. Fluff will go on a new mailing lilypond-quacks > mailing list. Serious prop

Re: Patchy email from PhilH

2012-10-05 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno ven, 05/10/2012 alle 08.11 -0700, ha scritto: > Begin LilyPond compile, commit: 4ed5d7710416aff0a9e68f0d751b4e15c30fdf92 > > Merged staging, now at: c9d806f28ab690c3f210e14153c6bd31d506588e > > Success:./ --noconfigure >

Re: [Lilypond-auto] Patchy report

2012-10-08 Thread John Mandereau
ctions.scm:1599:18: In expression (ly:context-property context (quote keySignature)): /home/lilybuild/build-staging/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/music-functions.scm:1599:18: Unbound variable: ly:context-property fatal error: Children (1 0) exited with errors. -- John Mandereau ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [Lilypond-auto] Patchy report

2012-10-09 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mar, 09/10/2012 alle 09.57 +0200, David Kastrup ha scritto: > John Mandereau writes: > > > Hi, > > > > I quote some of the logs below... > > Il giorno mar, 09/10/2012 alle 00.33 +, ha > > scritto: > >> 21:58:01 (UT

Re: 2.16.1

2012-11-12 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno sab, 10/11/2012 alle 14.35 +0100, Francisco Vila ha scritto: > 2012/11/9 Phil Holmes : > > I've just built 2.16.1 and will be uploading it later this evening. All > > seems OK except I tried to create a regtest comparison versus 2.16.0 and > > instead got a comparison of 2.17.6 versus 2.

Re: [Lilypond-auto] Patchy report

2012-11-14 Thread John Mandereau
; % (command, > this_logfilename)) > FailedCommand: Failed runner: sudo -u lilybuild nice make test -j2 > CPU_COUNT=2 ANTI_ALIAS_FACTOR=1 > See the log file > log-staging-nice-make-test--j2-CPU_COUNT=2-ANTI_ALIAS_FACTOR=1.txt FWIW that time

Patchy email

2012-05-14 Thread john . mandereau
Begin LilyPond compile, commit: c597a126f11943be74a98efee056ab54ae729315 Merged staging, now at: c597a126f11943be74a98efee056ab54ae729315 Success:./ --noconfigure Success:../configure --disable-optimising Success:

Re: Patchy email

2012-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Hi guys, I just ran, I'm sorry for the false failure notification, I have changed Texlive version on my computer since my last LilyPond build and did not install txi-??.tex files, so texi2pdf choked on translated manuals. I'm disabling email sending, at least until I ge

Re: Server at Paris VIII

2012-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Graham, Il giorno dom, 13/05/2012 alle 19.24 +0200, Graham Percival ha scritto: > Agreed. I think the most we'd use it for would be LSR. I don't > think we should give ssh logins to developers for testing patches; > that should be done locally otherwise it could easily lead to > major headache

Missing Texinfo/TeX language file [was Re: Patchy email]

2012-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno lun, 14/05/2012 alle 14.44 +0200, David Kastrup ha scritto: > John Mandereau writes: > > > Hi guys, > > > > I just ran, I'm sorry for the false failure > > notification, I have changed Texlive version on my computer since

Re: Patchy email

2012-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Success:pushed to master I hope it had the desired action, I'm not willing to run it again until being up to date with development policies. Cheers, John Il giorno lun, 14/05/2012 alle 14.16 +0200, John Mandereau ha scritto: > Hi guys, > > I just ran lilypond-patchy-s

Re: Patchy email

2012-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno lun, 14/05/2012 alle 15.18 +0200, Graham Percival ha scritto: > On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 03:07:23PM +0200, John Mandereau wrote: > > Ok, this time I got > > > > $ cat /home/lilydev/lilypond-auto-compile-results/log-2012-05-14-14.txt > > Beg

Re: Patchy email

2012-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno lun, 14/05/2012 alle 15.46 +0200, Graham Percival ha scritto: > On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 03:38:33PM +0200, John Mandereau wrote: > > IIUC the "From:" field is not read from a config file but is hardcoded > > in, can we set up to a sensi

Including Texinfo language files [Re: Patchy email]

2012-05-14 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno lun, 14/05/2012 alle 14.16 +0200, John Mandereau ha scritto: > Hi guys, > > I just ran, I'm sorry for the false failure > notification, I have changed Texlive version on my computer since my > last LilyPond build and did not install

Re: Patchy email

2012-05-15 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mar, 15/05/2012 alle 16.55 +0200, Graham Percival ha scritto: > Well, the mail address must be subscribed, but the description > doesn't need to be. I mean, it could be > "patchy %s <%s>" % (os.hostname(), > but then again, if somebody's putting in their, the

Re: [Lilypond-auto] Patchy email

2012-05-24 Thread John Mandereau
hed a commit directly to master? > > Please ignore, I restarted my computer without unlocking the needed ssh key. -- John Mandereau ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Auto-merging translations and master

2012-06-05 Thread John Mandereau
Hello, Now that I have looked at the scripts for building staging and merging it into master, upgraded my Fedora installation, a cron job runs this every two hours on my computer in the lab, and sends an email notification only if something fails or when a build is done. How about adding merging

Re: [translations] Auto-merging translations and master

2012-06-05 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mar, 05/06/2012 alle 11.07 +0200, Francisco Vila ha scritto: > It would be a time-saver for me. But imagine that translations has a > compile stopper and I am not reacheable for 48 hours. Would it mean 24 > alert messages? It should mean an alert message every time a new commit is pushed

Re: Auto-merging translations and master

2012-06-05 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mar, 05/06/2012 alle 11.16 +0200, David Kastrup ha scritto: > The only automatic merges that are actually safe to do are > fast-forwards, and the translation merges are not of that kind. Aren't merges that don't produce conflicts safe to handle with a non-interactive cron job? Such a jo

Re: Auto-merging translations and master

2012-06-05 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mar, 05/06/2012 alle 12.15 +0200, David Kastrup ha scritto: > Change A redefines a function and its callers. > > Change B introduces another call of the function. > > No merge conflict. I see. You're right, in an ideal world change B would always produce a build error, but in the real

Re: Auto-merging translations and master

2012-06-11 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mar, 05/06/2012 alle 10.42 -0300, Han-Wen Nienhuys ha scritto: > it would be best if "make dist" were rewritten to take git's idea of > the tree, and then add any necessary generated files (eg. configure, > README) to that. If we go this route, we should have a fallback for making dist o

Re: Deletes logfiles in build dir with make clean (issue 6300079)

2012-06-12 Thread john . mandereau
I'm not certain cleaning the build tree should include log files cleaning, when a simple "find -name '*.log' |xargs rm -f" does the job. However, if this is a very popular request, then you may want to read a few comments. File GNUmake

Re: Deletes logfiles in build dir with make clean (issue 6300079)

2012-06-14 Thread john . mandereau
LGTM ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Failing patch in staging

2012-06-18 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno lun, 18/06/2012 alle 17.44 +0200, David Kastrup ha scritto: > You don't want it reverted but removed. I'll do that, but there is no > guarantee that no patchy has picked it up and will push to master > nevertheless. In which case we'll need to revert it. My next Patchy runs every two h

Re: Problem with lilypond-extra/patches/

2012-06-19 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mar, 19/06/2012 alle 00.07 +0200, David Kastrup ha scritto: > > This should be fixed now. > > It isn't. OK, default configuration should always be loaded, so when new options are created existing setups don't break. Does my last push to lilypond-extra works for you? John ___

Re: LSR updates and translations

2012-06-20 Thread John Mandereau
Hi Francisco, Il giorno mer, 20/06/2012 alle 12.04 +0200, Francisco Vila ha scritto: > Good, I like it in principle, but how will be changes being tracked > using SHA IDs? > > Currently, translations have a SHA ID which is that of the snippet it > is a translation of. Any change to the original sn

Re: LSR updates and translations

2012-06-20 Thread John Mandereau
ous system commands. Fine. > How does this sound as an outline? I'd like thoughts from Graham, John > Mandereau and some translators as to whether this would work, but it seems > to me a better general plan, and more in keeping with the idea the rest of > the build syste

Re: LSR updates and translations

2012-06-21 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno mer, 20/06/2012 alle 19.40 +0200, Jean-Charles Malahieude ha scritto: > Just a nitpick: since info files are built during the "make" phase, it > might be more judicious to attach "make snippets" to this phase. Oh, that's right, I forgot about those Info files without images; in make lan

Bumps Mike to Frog meister (issue 6338061)

2012-06-25 Thread john . mandereau
IMHO this could be applied to staging branch. File Documentation/included/helpus.itexi (right): Documentation/included/helpu

Helper script for merging/building

2011-03-10 Thread John Mandereau
Hi guys, I used to use the attached script to help me merging master and lilypond/translation (and I'm using it to build fresh binaries and docs to have a look at notes on the build system). Use and adapt at your own risk (you may need to create appropriate directories for build dir and log files

Re: build system work

2011-03-10 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno ven, 04/03/2011 alle 12.16 +, Graham Percival ha scritto: > There is widespread dissatisfaction with our current build system. > Replacing it is estimated to take at least 200 hours, but that's a > total shot in the dark. However, a few people have expressed interest > in working on

Re: build system work

2011-03-10 Thread John Mandereau
Il giorno gio, 10/03/2011 alle 12.25 +, Graham Percival ha scritto: > IMO > > $(outdir)/%.gif: %.xpm > xpmtoppm $< | ppmtogif > $@ > > counts as "difficult". Right, it's not complicated but as you pointed out it's cryptic. > So does > > ls $(OUT)/$$l/*.html | xargs

po/fr.po update ; skeleton maker

2005-05-31 Thread John Mandereau
files and using a makefile : that's why I think a script should help with this boring job. I'll send it when it is advanced and stable enough. John Mandereau [EMAIL PROTECTED] patch.gz Description: application/extension-gz ___ lilypond-dev

LilyPond website in French: delivery!

2005-06-14 Thread John Mandereau
nt. We are 3 translators : the 2 other are Jean-Charles Malahieude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Gauvain Pocentek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> LilyPondWebsite_fr.tar.gz Description: application/extension-gz ___

Re: LilyPond website in French: delivery!

2005-06-14 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau wrote: > > Hi, > > The French translation of LilyPond website is ready to be online! > > All pages marked 1 in TRANSLATION have been translated, plus > > switch/testimonials.html, and fr.po has been edited. Our work is up to &

Fr website: update

2005-06-17 Thread John Mandereau
Hi, Here's the diff file for the website, for French pages update. Is it possible that we send directly future updates to CVS, even if we don't have write access? We are also working on the translation of the other pages. -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> patch.gz Desc

Fr website: update again

2005-06-17 Thread John Mandereau
I'm sorry to split the update, but I have forgotten the ChangeLog entry and an image attribute. -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Index: ChangeLog === RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/newweb/ChangeLog,v retrieving revision

Website: french translation

2005-07-21 Thread John Mandereau
2005 21:58:02 - 1.287 +++ ChangeLog 21 Jul 2005 18:43:42 - @@ -1,3 +1,11 @@ +2005-07-21 John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> + + * TRANSLATION: add about/browser-language + + * fr/faq.html: translation correction + + * fr/about/browser-language.html: new translated file + 2005-07-2

New Python script: skeleton maker

2005-07-22 Thread John Mandereau
#x27;t know how to distribute it: it depends whether it will be included in LilyPond or not. If it should be distributed separately, I'd have to add the GPL license, and maybe an installation procedure (do you think it is really necessary for a so simple program?) -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECT

Re: New Python script: skeleton maker (with erratum)

2005-07-23 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau wrote: > > Hello, > > I've just finished a script that makes LilyPond skeleton files. It > > should work with both 2.4 and 2.6 versions. > > > > Please try it (see README -> Quick Test) and tell me how useful you &g

Re: New Python script: skeleton maker

2005-07-23 Thread John Mandereau
c;-2)](gmx,,Piano,Pno.,piano) Sorry, I made a mistake in this example, in the Piano definition: the correct example is: <(nlm;soprano;Soprano;Sop.;soprano;;-2)>[(n;treble;English Horn;E.H.;engHorn;f, c;-2)(nk;treble;Horn in E flat;Hrn E f

Website: documentation links

2005-07-23 Thread John Mandereau
n "Special notation": shall I do it? -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Website: documentation links

2005-07-24 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau wrote: > > There are lots of links to 2.4 Documentation in the website; shall I > > update them? > > Yes, I guess. > > > I suggest that a new at-variable @STABLE-DOC@ is created, which value is > > the path to th

Re: Website: documentation links

2005-07-24 Thread John Mandereau
> Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > > John Mandereau wrote: > > > There are lots of links to 2.4 Documentation in the website; shall I > > > update them? > > > > Yes, I guess. > > > > > I suggest that a new at-variable @STABLE-DOC@ is created, whi

Website: documentation links

2005-07-25 Thread John Mandereau
Here's another update... with the ChangeLog entry +2005-07-25 John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> + + * fr/: update documentation links to 2.6/2.7 + + * fr/index.html: update to 2.7.3 + -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fr.patch.gz Description: GNU Zi

Re: "Resouces" link on webpage

2005-07-29 Thread John Mandereau
to learn another syntax" > about ETF. The page devel/misc/conferences should be simply deleted, because all links are broken. The page about/publications may also be moved to this new section "resources". So, if you agree, I'll be ready to work on all that when I'm b

Re: Resource list, revised and extended again

2005-08-15 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau wrote: > > > * If the webmasters find it can be soon included in LilyPond website, > > should I move the images to images/, modify the makefile, > > site/ (adding a "resources" entry), and internationalize

Re: Resource list, revised and extended again

2005-08-15 Thread John Mandereau
refer? > > A tarball of the formatted website is a good alternative. I'd like to > see it, but I'd prefer not to tinker with the installation scripts myself. Yes, I understand; so, I'm going to integrate in the makefile, add an url-checker, and ma

Re: Resource list, revised and extended again

2005-08-16 Thread John Mandereau
ic engraving, publishing, and copyrighting. See especially their "Standard Music Notation Practice" #MPA is already referenced in dmoz; just submit the PDF link Musical Notation Links Gerd Castan maintains an extensive hierarchy of musical links at

RE: Resource list, revised and extended again

2005-08-18 Thread John Mandereau
ebmaster, the translators,...) just needn't know the machinery I use to build and maintain this page. So, let's do that: Han-Wen, I'll send you the new files and the patch for modified files that you'll apply to a cvs copy of the site source, then you'll be able to see t

Resource list: starting a wiki? [Was: Re: Resource list, revised and extended again]

2005-08-19 Thread John Mandereau
rces links for LilyPonders. Why not starting a wiki on It's free and it seems to be fast and easy to use. Bruce, what's your opinion? -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Resource list: wiki started

2005-08-19 Thread John Mandereau
- create a link to the wiki in - annouce the wiki creation in news and/or on the user mailing list. Please tell me your reactions. -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Resource list: wiki started

2005-08-19 Thread John Mandereau
dated the link "LilyPond Wiki", because the old one is anyway broken. -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Resource list: wiki started

2005-08-19 Thread John Mandereau
et Lily output its version with \notes { c'4^\markup{ #(string-append "Processed by LilyPond version" (lilypond-version)) } } ) But Lily is probably not embedded in GeboGebo, the engine used by However, this Wiki is certainly better than nothing! -- Joh

Python scripts on Windows native version

2005-08-19 Thread John Mandereau
, 3) compile the C midi lib required by midi2ly into the package. could be done quite easily by the Windows-native packager. -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Resource list: wiki started

2005-08-30 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival wrote: > On 19-Aug-05, at 10:33 AM, John Mandereau wrote: > > > > > My one concern is the "tips and tricks"; I think that should be a link > to the LSR. I've fixed it. > I don't think that we h

typo errors in the essay on website + translations

2005-09-02 Thread John Mandereau
e French translators will be soon unemployed :-))) ) Regards -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ? site/about/automated-engraving/ Index: ChangeLog === RCS file: /cvsroot/lilypond/newweb/ChangeLog,v retriev

Re: doc translations

2005-09-06 Thread John Mandereau
Le vendredi 02 septembre 2005 à 23:21 +0200, Jan Nieuwenhuizen a écrit : > John Mandereau writes: > > are there plans to translate > > the docs? (if not, the French translators will be soon unemployed :-))) ) > > Wow, that's quite impressive! > > We might have a copyright and wiki

2005-09-06 Thread John Mandereau
=start In adition, what do the main developers think about supporting it, i.e. adding a link from Best regards -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: copyright and wiki

2005-09-06 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau wrote: > > And what is the copyright of the pages? I ask this because > > of possible (future) interactions between and the wiki on > > >

Re: copyright and wiki

2005-09-07 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival wrote: > On 6-Sep-05, at 12:13 PM, John Mandereau wrote: > Note that you may dual-license the "mailing list HOWTO" -- I believe > that > the only contributors so far have been you, me, and Fairchild; as long > as > we all agree, we can "release&

Re: copyright and wiki

2005-09-09 Thread John Mandereau
Graham Percival wrote: > On 7-Sep-05, at 9:15 AM, John Mandereau wrote: > > > I don't mind dual-licensing this page, but the 2nd license has to be > > compatible with the first one (CC-NC/SA), which is certainly not the > > case of the GNU FDL, which allows a comme

LilyPond Traffic (Was: Re: copyright and wiki)

2005-09-10 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau wrote: > > Graham Percival wrote: > > > >>On 7-Sep-05, at 9:15 AM, John Mandereau wrote: > >> > >> > >>>I don't mind dual-licensing this page, but the 2nd license has to be > >>>compati

problem when building the docs

2005-09-23 Thread John Mandereau
)...') % i Exiting (1)... make[3]: *** [out-www/lilypond.texi] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/lilycvs/lilypond/Documentation/user' make[2]: *** [WWW] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/lilycvs/lilypond/Documentation' make[1]: *** [WWW] Error 2

Re: New figured bass capabilities and some request

2005-10-15 Thread John Mandereau
tyle = #'baroque 3) Two missing symbols, a slashed "5" for the diminished fifth and a slashed "7" for the diminshed 7th, could be added to the Feta font. How much is it for sponsoring these features? Regards -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: New figured bass capabilities and some request

2005-10-15 Thread John Mandereau
Le samedi 15 octobre 2005 à 16:51 +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys a écrit : > John Mandereau wrote: > > Why not <6c 5> <6 4> for a 6th with a continuation line? > > because "c" is a non-generic. We don't have any other part of the > syntax that works

Re: New figured bass capabilities and some request

2005-10-16 Thread John Mandereau
apping it (if > Trent agrees, that is), as it was relatively hairy to do. I can easily > add a property to switch this off, though. > It's better adding a property IMO. Could you tell me about the cost of each of these features: - "+" sign - slashed 5 and 7 - noContinuation, and one continuation line per figure ? -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: New figured bass capabilities and some request

2005-10-16 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau wrote: > > +4 is enough; there are never both "+" and an alteration on a number. > > I'd like the "+" behaves like an alteration: it can be appended to any > > number (not only +6 and +4 are used, but also +7

Re: New figured bass capabilities and some request

2005-10-16 Thread John Mandereau
y default to -1 like figuredBassAlterationDirection, so that all signs next to numbers are at their left. -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Figured bass doc patch

2005-10-23 Thread John Mandereau
mplemented ;-) I tested my changes; I had to run 'make web-clean' before 'make web' to see the changes, which took a while. Is it possible to simply rerun 'make web' to avoid rebuilding the docs from scratch? Regards -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

Re: Figured bass doc patch

2005-10-23 Thread John Mandereau
Le dimanche 23 octobre 2005 à 18:09 +0200, John Mandereau a écrit : > Hello, > Here's a patch for the figured bass docs. I tried to follow the "Hints > for style". In general, I wonder whether the snippets should be > real-life examples (I mean, music that that sounds

Re: Figured bass doc patch

2005-10-23 Thread John Mandereau
John Mandereau wrote: > Hello, > Here's a patch for the figured bass docs. I tried to follow the "Hints > for style". Very sorry for the wasted bandwidth, here is really the patch now Index: ChangeLog === RCS

Re: Glossary PDF shows ugly UTF-8 characters

2006-05-26 Thread John Mandereau
that read UTF-8 by default (unlike pages, UTF-8 is not declared in the HTML header docs). -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: using new fall and doit features in 2.9.13

2006-07-26 Thread John Mandereau
Paul Scott wrote: > Can someone tell me how to use the new fall and doit features. I > guessed incorrectly \fall and \doit. > Just like any new feature, go to the NEWS page in documentation and click the image. Regards -- John Mandereau <[EMA

Re: (no subject)

2006-08-20 Thread John Mandereau
/ > > that has lead to the French website. > You may also find useful tips on , where it is explained how we made the translation. Cheers, -- John Manderea

Re: irc channel?

2006-08-30 Thread John Mandereau
g/archive/html/lilypond-user/2006-05/msg00416.html for the announce. It seems to be low-traffic, and I haven't met LilyPond developers there yet. Is it worth adding a link on Anyway I'm going to add it on the wiki -

make web fails

2006-10-08 Thread John Mandereau
directory `/home/lilycvs/lilypond/input/regression' make[2]: *** [WWW] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/lilycvs/lilypond/input' make[1]: *** [WWW] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lilycvs/lilypond' make: *** [web] Erreur 2 Cheers, -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: draft release announcement

2006-10-31 Thread John Mandereau
Mats Bengtsson wrote: > The second bullet point below "New Stuff" ends with "nested", I guess > some text > has disappeared. I guess Han-Wen meant "nested tuplets", didn't he? -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _

Re: documentation translation

2006-10-31 Thread John Mandereau
of the docs, or offering to participate in doing it has (finally) urged me to have a look at the makefiles infrastructure. So, here's a [LONG] follow-up of Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > John Mandereau writes: >

Re: documentation translation

2006-11-02 Thread John Mandereau
The infrastructure needed for translating the docs is mainly made of makefiles and scripts, the original input files shouldn't need to be modified. Regards, -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list lilypond-devel@gnu.o

Re: documentation translation

2006-11-02 Thread John Mandereau
le for 2.10 before the next stable release, I think it's better > > we stick with 2.10, and update to the development branch only when > > everything is translated. > > Sounds fine. I'm sure you will keep an eye on development, to see if > you're not translat

Re: documentation translation

2006-11-03 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau escreveu: > > It's important to have the same html filenames, but the node names > > should be translated, otherwise all that hard translation work is not > > very worthy imho. > > I don't understand (bear

Re: documentation translation

2006-11-06 Thread John Mandereau
Le dimanche 05 novembre 2006 à 15:02 -0800, Graham Percival a écrit : > John Mandereau wrote: > > A number of French users have created a page or a section about Lily on > > their personal sites, sometimes with briliant ideas and words explaining > > what LilyPond is and does.

Re: documentation translation

2006-11-06 Thread John Mandereau
example. 2) get sources (module newweb from the CVS repository), and follow instructions in README, TRANSLATION and Good luck! A French translator -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___

Re: lilypond development moved

2006-11-12 Thread John Mandereau
ry at, but when I'm writing this is not updated. Cheers, -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Documentation translation: first patch

2006-11-19 Thread John Mandereau
be used by the packager to get one docs tarball per language. If you agree with this plan, and if you don't find my Python coding too ugly, I'm going to rewrite As 2.10 is released now, I think I can now wake up all French translators to work on the user manual aga

Re: Documentation translation: first patch

2006-11-21 Thread John Mandereau
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > Thank you for bearing with my patch. After that, what do you think the > > most efficient plan is? Should I keep working on the > > makefiles/buildscripts even if you have to polish my work,

Re: Documentation translation: first patch

2006-11-21 Thread John Mandereau
John Mandereau wrote: > Besides that, I hope I don't have to download the entire git history to > track the `fr-doc' branch. I'm sure there is an easy way to tell git to > push to/pull from 'fr-doc' instead of 'stable/2.10', but I'm relatively >

Re: Snapshot branch?

2006-11-21 Thread John Mandereau
recently behind the scenes > --- getting the GUB right, moving to git, sorting out the translation > infrastructure and so on. However, the payoff could be a much larger > tester base. Just a little precision: the docs translation infrastructure is still in development stage. Best regard

Re: Documentation translation: first patch

2006-11-22 Thread John Mandereau
Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Do you mean we must not translate the snippets until that's fixed? > > I intended for the snippets not to be translated at all. Do we > really want translated snippets? Not for most snippet

Re: Documentation translation: first patch

2006-11-25 Thread John Mandereau
s done. Besides that, .html and .png extensions in HTML links are stripped by default, so we should add a switch (makefile variable?) to disable this for the local docs tarball. Moreover, the "Other languages: ..." footer generated by add-html-footer n

Re: Documentation translation: first patch

2006-11-26 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > Jan Nieuwenhuizen escreveu: > > No idea. I also only see commits on master on my rss feed? For branches other than master, I update my local copy, then I use gitk to track the changes. Thanks to it I could check in 5 minutes that the French tutorial.itely was almost up t

Re: Problems using git on savannah

2006-11-26 Thread John Mandereau
commands I give you will work, but you get the idea. Cheers, -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Documentation translation: first patch

2006-11-26 Thread John Mandereau
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > John Mandereau escreveu: > > I hope this plan shouldn't involve ugly/clever hacks. How does it sound? > > Sounds ok to me. So, if you and Jan are not in a hurry to release 2.10.1 or to merge fr-doc after 2.10.1, I volunteer to work on GNUmakefile

Re: Participating in Lilypond

2006-12-04 Thread John Mandereau
ave been last revised 4 years ago!). Cheers, A LilyPond French translator -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ___ lilypond-devel mailing list

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