Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Ok, so the plus and slash refer to the harmonical function, whereas the 
> sharp and flat refer to the alteration within the scale?
Yes, this is the principle.

> So a
>    <des f as ces>
> in 3rd inversion would be denoted by +4 flat ?

+4 is enough; there are never both "+" and an alteration on a number.
I'd like the "+" behaves like an alteration: it can be appended to any
number (not only +6 and +4 are used, but also +7 and +2), and its
direction can be set the same way with figuredBassAlterationDirection.

About the slashes, you can find them only on a 5 or a 7. You may find in
a baroque figured bass something that looks like a slashed 6; in fact
it's a "6+" with the two characters merged. Concerning new symbols, I'm
only asking for the slashed 5 and 7, not the merged 6+. I tried to make
a slashed 5 with

\markup { \small { \number 5 } \hspace #-2 \huge \bold / }

and the result was unpleasant: I expect the "/" slope to be a bit more
horizontal. I didn't find any suitable Unicode character, that's why
something better than a markup is necessary for the slashed 5 and 7.
And what about the possible syntax for these symbols?

> > The "+" sign is so common in bass figures that it would be tiring for
> > the user to type a long command for that, which would not be better than
> > using a \markup. I guess you have good reasons not to modify the parser
> > (in case you need do so to implement this syntax), but it would be
> > convenient that a "plus" could be added to a bass figure by simply
> > appending a single character, * or ~ or whatever is possible.
> I'll have a look. It's unfortunate that we already have + for alteration 
> upwards. Maybe we can use \+
I hope this.

> > I wonder why there is only one continuation line for two bass figures
> > continued with the same duration. You must read the score carefully to
> > see that the continuation line vertical position is between the two
> > numbers, which is not obvious when you quickly read the score for the
> > first time. IMHO it would be more legible if there was one line for each
> > figure.
> This was by special request of Trent. I wouldn't mind scrapping it (if 
> Trent agrees, that is), as it was relatively hairy to do. I can easily 
> add a property to switch this off, though.
It's better adding a property IMO.

Could you tell me about the cost of each of these features:
- "+" sign
- slashed 5 and 7
- noContinuation, and one continuation line per figure
John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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