Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Hello all,
> we've recently switched to GIT for version control.  As a temporary 
> measure, we  had a repository at repo.or.cz. However, in collaboration 
> with the savannah hackers, I've now successfully set up a git repository 
> at savannah. Check it out at
>    http://git.sv.gnu.org/gitweb/
> the repo contains both lilypond and the website (branch web/master). All 
> the CVS committers have push access to the git repository as well.
> The push/pull URL for developers is
>    ssh+git://git.sv.gnu.org/srv/git/lilypond.git


I have just switched to git for lilypond source code and lilypond.org,
so I have a few questions (about both master and master-web heads):

1) Is comitting to CVS strictly forbidden from now?

2) Are the committers going to receive email notifications from
lilypond-cvs@gnu.org like with cvs?
(or shall we just track the RSS feeds?)

3) How are we supposed to write commit messages?
(Shall we just copy the ChangeLog entries?)

4) As a consequence of 3), are ChangeLog entries still necessary?

At first sight, git seems to me a bit more complicated than cvs, but
it's so more featured and flexible!

Besides that, I'm sorry about the little delay in lilypond.org
translation, I was not at the computer at 2.10 release time; the most
serious is that the French download page is broken. I fixed it this
morning and pushed to git repository at sv.gnu.org, but when I'm writing
this lilypond.org is not updated.

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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