s at some point as well.
I don't have an ETA on all this. Please anticipate this taking the
better part of the day.
Thanks guys,
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On 2014-04-25 14:16, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> On 2014-04-25 14:14, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> This weekend I'm going to spend some time migrating the LFS mailinglists
> I forgot to mention: the archives will be re-instated. New server
> hosting allows 16 TB/month tran
On 2014-04-25 14:14, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> This weekend I'm going to spend some time migrating the LFS mailinglists
I forgot to mention: the archives will be re-instated. New server
hosting allows 16 TB/month transfer (old host only 100 GB/month which is
why we took the archi
ers fail.
In the event Mailman won't (easily) let me do this, consider this a
head's up. Perhaps it's not a bad idea to modify filters to include a
wildcard so it'll match both versions.
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some tests.
By the time I realized my mistake the mail queue was already empty.
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On 2014-04-24 07:15, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> On 2014-04-23 15:53, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> Hosting company (Linode) has changed price plans and how offers
>> additional resources for same monthly cost.
>> This upgrade for us includes:
>> * RAM
On 2014-04-23 15:53, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Hosting company (Linode) has changed price plans and how offers
> additional resources for same monthly cost.
> This upgrade for us includes:
> * RAM from 8 GB to 16 GB
> * Shared outgoing bandwidth from 250 Mbps to 2 Gbps
rs so have to schedule around this.
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On 2013-11-29 22:31, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> On 2013-11-27 21:54, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm preparing to shut the (new) LFS server down for maintenance Friday
>> evening to take advantage of a free upgrade to double our disk space to
>> 384 GB
On 2013-11-27 21:54, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm preparing to shut the (new) LFS server down for maintenance Friday
> evening to take advantage of a free upgrade to double our disk space to
> 384 GB.
> The upgrade requires a storage migration and
close to
midnight CST (give or take 1-2 hours) so the impact should be relatively
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On 2013-11-02 22:47, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
On 2013-11-02 22:29, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
I decided on an early shutdown. It's currently half an hour before
actual planned shutdown. Going to reboot Quantum to see if it'll come
back online as it should. If it does, then I won't b
On 2013-11-02 22:29, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
I decided on an early shutdown. It's currently half an hour before
actual planned shutdown. Going to reboot Quantum to see if it'll come
back online as it should. If it does, then I won't be up at 3:00 AM
local time to wait for it to c
On 2013-11-02 20:57, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
started on it. Quantum has not been rebooted in a long time so we're
not entirely sure how it'll behave on the first attempt.
I decided on an early shutdown. It's currently half an hour before
actual planned shutdown. Going to reboot
On 2013-11-01 14:27, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Quantum (old'ish server, the one running email) will be shutdown
> tomorrow just prior to 10:00 PM MST.
> The datacentre it's hosted in is shutting down power for electrical
> maintenance (new UPS among
y timezone. I may or may not be
awake still at that time to check on services so it may defer until
morning time.
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On 2013-06-05 00:03, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> On 2013-06-04 21:15, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> Still planned to start around 9:00 PM PDT (approx two hours after
>> sending this email). Gerard
> Migration is well underway. If the transfer speed doesn't drop from its
> curren
On 2013-06-04 21:15, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Still planned to start around 9:00 PM PDT (approx two hours after
> sending this email). Gerard
Migration is well underway. If the transfer speed doesn't drop from its
current 93 MB/sec this should be done in about an hour. Fingers cross
On 2013-06-04 11:40, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> I'll send more info tonight when getting closer to pulling the trigger
> on the upgrade.
Still planned to start around 9:00 PM PDT (approx two hours after
sending this email).
On 2013-05-22 12:30, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Stay tuned for more details coming soon.
I had to leave town on business and did not have enough time while away
to take care of this so it's come down to the wire. The maintenance
window is happening tomorrow starting at 8:00 PM PD
Original Message
Subject:Re: [blfs-dev] LFS Server Upgrade
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 15:47:49 -0500
From: Gerard Beekmans
Reply-To: BLFS Development List
To: BLFS Development List
CC: Bruce Dubbs
On 2013-05-22 12:48, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
t for our purposes already.
Stay tuned for more details coming soon.
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e in a way like this.
(Any funds donated to the LFS project are always put toward the monthly
server hosting fees)
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On 2013-02-27 10:23, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> I'm making the final DNS change to move Trac to the new server. It will
> be offline for about half an hour or so while I wait for DNS to propagate.
> Gerard
Move completed and tested. All seems well.
On 2013-02-27 10:23, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> I'm making the final DNS change to move Trac to the new server. It will
> be offline for about half an hour or so while I wait for DNS to propagate.
> Gerard
Move completed and tested. All seems well.
I'm making the final DNS change to move Trac to the new server. It will
be offline for about half an hour or so while I wait for DNS to propagate.
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On 2013-01-23 10:56, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
>> Just checked I can access LFS on svn. r10101 and r10102 to add a
>> testfile and then delete it. Seemed fine, but I got two mails like
>> this - guess I'd better hold off testing that BLFS still works.
>> ĸen
>> Date: Wed, 23 Ja
On 2013-01-23 00:03, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>>> I am continuing the final testing and migration into the morning after
>>> taking a break for the night.
>>> I've taken the latest backup files so please don't make changes. I
keys so SSH
will fail and svn along with it.
Please test it out, try a test commit or two to ensure it's working
correctly and your account on the new server is also still working.
When this is verified to work we'll do a round of tests on Trac and call
it a day.
On 2013-01-21 15:13, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'd like to call a freeze to SVN and Trac for all LFS related activities
> (LFS, BLFS and everything else). I plan to finish its migration to the
> new server between late tonight and tomorrow morning depending when
a start time mid to late evening: between 9:00 PM (21:00) and 11:00
PM (23:00) CST.
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On 2013-01-08 09:27, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm going to start the process of moving over the websites now. I have
> disabled all cron jobs that render books and update the website in some
> way. These will remain disabled until everything is done which may b
Hi guys,
I'm going to start the process of moving over the websites now. I have
disabled all cron jobs that render books and update the website in some
way. These will remain disabled until everything is done which may be
longer than just today.
due to the fact I'll jump on every
bit of free time I end up with. I won't have much advance notice myself.
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Backups are taken before anything is de-activated so if you do
inadvertently find your user account is no longer working, our apologies
in advance and we'll chalk it up to happy trigger fingers. Please
contact me directly and we'll get things fixed up right away.
On 2013-01-01 13:21, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Hi guys,
> After reviewing logs I ended up having to block the wget user agent in
> Apache for the time being. Pages such as
> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/downloads/stable/ are causing issues
> with wget.
The block ha
Hi guys,
www.linuxfromscratch.org has temporarily been redirected to
lfsbook.linuxfromscratch.org to help facilitate in the sever migration.
lfsbook is hosted on Anduin (by way of Bruce).
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> Nope, that page is served out by Apache using its autoindex module.
> Gerard, we could just configure Apache to use
> 'SuppressColumnSorting'
> (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_autoindex.html#indexoptions) - it
> won't stop bots from downloading mass
files and not have to worry about updating HTML files after the fact.
All this will be a moot point before this month (January) is out. Later
today I will try an experiment to reconfigure Apache to turn off the
sorting headers and allow wget again and monitor usage and make a final
files. Nor do they show up as "wget/x.yy" user agents in
Apache logs.
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vider offers 1.6 TB/month with a soft cap so a few GB over here and
there won't cause problems. We'll have more breathing room.
Until then, this will cause some issues with the wget-list file provided
for easy patch downloads. Hopefully not too many people will find
themselves st
On 2012-12-31 11:29, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> BLFS Trac wrote:
>>Also, someone broke pipermail ...
> Unfortunately that was done on purpose. Gerard had 500 GB over his
> normal download limit last month and got hit with a huge change. Most
> of it seemed to be d
ber those early days? "Up hill. Both ways" comes to mind
from that early era. Tons of fun, though!
Well, here's to another 13 years of LFS.
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enough. When Eddie shared a little of Andy's life it
really drove the point home. I had no idea he was educated in
Astrophysics which is something I'm working towards myself as well. I
would have loved the chance to sit down with him and talk about our
shared passion over a cup of co
On 29/02/2012 12:45, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I completely forgot to send along this notification sooner. My apologies.
> The LFS server will be powered off tonight around 11:00 PM CST until
> 4:00 AM CST and again tomorrow during the same window. The data centre
including work on the UPS.
The guys on-site will restore power once the work is completed and I'll
verify connectivity in the morning.
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hichever shell) processes to run and less disk IO.
Readability is out of the window of course if you're looking for
something. I find scripts cleaner, personally.
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by the
VM helps. Using solid state drives has also dramatically improved
performance for me; it negated the performance hit.
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was pre-loaded with a CentOS version that needs to be modified and
replaced with LFS. It may even be two months. It's a bit too early to tell.
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On 31/01/2012 09:51, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
> On 31/01/12 14:37, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> If the LFS IRC channels are to continue a new home will need to be found
>> for them. I'd like the current channel admins to give this some thought.
>> Let me know if you have any
ll of text"
on a mailinglist would be overwhelming but you're always free to ask
questions for people to elaborate. As for myself, I never mind typing
long emails if people don't mind reading them.
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some thought.
Let me know if you have any suggestions you would like to see implemented.
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There are days I like pulling the rub out from under me just so learn
something new. Other days I'd like things to stay the same so I can take
a breather once in a while and not be out of date within a few months.
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on" was welcome, but often only in the
very end. While we were going through the changes we grumbled a lot. Now
I feel silly that I ever did. I would have pushed harder and advocated
for more changes in the distant past if I knew then what I know today. I
hope to learn from those revelations and not always push back against
new ideas in present day.
Just some food for thought.
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ocess and communicate the
plans of attack.
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d' command in GRUB2, only 'linux', 'linux16',
> 'search', 'initrd', and 'initrd16' with respect to this discussion.
That was a typo on my part. I even opened up my grub.cfg file to make
sure and still managed by combine the "linux"
and some useful utilities if
decided upon. We can leave it to hints & user's own imagination to add
RAID, LVM, iSCSI and other such capabilities. If we give a starting
point, the community will run with it and find interesting new ways of
doing things. Innovation is good. :)
off the top of my head if it supports labels. I've always used the UUIDs
because every partition is guaranteed to have one even if they read a
bit awkward. It's also not likely to change as the years go by as
opposed to labels.
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names if they don't end up being statically assigned. You can use a
partition's Label or UUID and reference them in /etc/fstab. Running
"blkid" will obtain the values you'll need. This makes the partitions
persistent in terms of mount point even if the underlyi
to repartition (presumably you're referring to
the LFS partition created in Chapter 2) in Chapter 5?
> Have you looked at section iv recently?
The Appendices, sure. What are you getting at? Put LVM/RAID/etc
information in an appendix with a forward-reference in Chapter 2 for
those use
Some are more clear-cut than others (autotools vs util-linux components).
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8.4 (Grub Config) would be
> appropriate.
My "gut" feeling says that a combination of LFS changes along with
forward references to BLFS for other/more detailed/exotic options would
be the best of both worlds. You can't put everything in LFS. I think
everybody will
On 14/01/2012 07:14, Andrew Benton wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Jan 2012 01:22:45 -0800
> Zachary Kotlarek wrote:
>> But yes, if you want to do a modules-only build you do need to rebuild the
>> initramfs when you change kernels. Or at least the /lib/modules bit of it.
>> My point was just that, since
;I wish
I had seen this hint sooner or read a section in BLFS sooner; now I have
to redo all/most of the LFS system from scratch, again". There is great
value in rebuilding an LFS system many times if you want to. Being
"forced" to do so is nothing but tedious and not alway
Good afternoon guys,
I'd like to wish you all a Happy New Year. Hopefully you all are well on
your way to recover from last night's partying.
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dy exist and could be leveraged. I'm not
sure this is something we can just slap together for the new LFS server
during its initial launch due to the time involved. But I do like it.
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ix what isn't broken?" Very valid.
"Change and experimentation are good". Also valid.
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s down again.
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On 11/09/2011 18:09, Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 01:40:27PM -0500, Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> This period of time where we discuss migrations would be a good time for
>> us to discuss any wholesome changes we might like to implement. We can
>> start off with a n
On 11/09/2011 14:20, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Gerard Beekmans wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> The LFS server recently passed its five year mark. While there are still
>> no indications yet of hardware problems or degraded performance due to
>> aging components yet, I
ing the current setup and methods without any thought to it.
As always I'm open to any and all suggestions regarding both the server
itself and the aforementioned potential changes that could be implemented.
Gerard Beekmans
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t the following to really drive the point
home (and to explain that it's the way it is, not because we decided it):
As a cross-compiler by its nature cannot rely on anything from its/the*
host system, this method removes any potential contamination...
* pick the better of the two words. I'm
t going to have a be a show-stopper but something just
doesn't feel right about leaving this the way it is. Or close it for now
if you prefer. It can always be re-opened again in the future as part of
a bigger overhaul.
now hint toward issues if we don't build a
cross-compiler (even if it's only a cross-compiler that compiles for
itself as we only change the vendor portion of the TGT, not the
fundamental architecture itself).
y explained.
Please keep in mind the above comments are written by ignoring any knowledge
that somebody might actually have. Put yourself in a reader's shoes who is
pretty new to this compiling thing and in particular cross-compiling.
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next day (as the book re-generated during that time) but it being a 24
hour window, the risk is a reduced one at least.
I'll leave status quo for the time being and sit on this for a while.
Maybe we'll revisit it at a later time.
les in the gcc/config
directory and only looks in sub-directories. Right now that'll drop at
least one file that I know of (gcc/config/linux.h).
This ticket will be closed wontfix. The current way of doing it is the
easiest to type and least amount of code.
Thanks for that, Trent.
to see
how we might go about this.
Any comments are welcome.
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of running a test. If so, it'd be appreciated if
you can try out the suggested change in that ticket.
Its milestone is currently 7.0 but I think it makes a fine 6.5 candidate
as it's a quick & easy one.
ly generated
While I was at it, I rescheduled the cron job to generate the nightly
files at 1:00 AM rather than 4:15 AM it used to be.
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> Looking at the dingbats, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dingbat, I don't see
> where
> italic or bold dingbats make sense. We can just ignore these warnings.
Alright. I've enabled the PDF section in the nightly LFS render script.
I'm running it through cron ahead of schedule in a few m
The line overflow has been fixed by creating individual index entries
rather than one long one in shell-syntax presentation. Makes it easier
to read as well as discussed elsewhere in this thread.
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> Some lines are wrapped, but one or more of the 3 lines that have:
> /usr/include/{asm{,-generic},drm,linux,mtd,rdma,sound,video}/*.h
> are causing the problem. We can probably fix it by breaking that up into
> multiple entries in the seglist item and multiple varlistentry items.
> Go for it. I've gost several other items working.
Working on it right now.
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ormatting it, I'll let you finish it off otherwise I'll
tackle it tonight.
Let me know.
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> I tried running make pdf on quantum, but got:
> /bin/sh: fop: command not found
I didn't add the JDK and FOP directories to the global $PATH yet.
Add the appropriate lines to your .bash_profile or .bashrc:
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk
export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant
and to .
> Gerard, I took the liberty of making several grammar/wording changes in the
> preface. If you are OK with them, I think you can close #2326.
> I've been going over the book for a couple of days now and no 3rd person text
> jumped out to me. We may be OK with #2092 also.
out it too much
right now. Maybe there ends up being an easy to way to track down the
exact location in an easy way. I'm sure there's a way. I just don't know
it yet. :)
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idxml' so it's not a big deal. Except it's clutter *after*
generation unless there's a reason to keep those files around? Besides
for debugging purposes that is. For that we could easily introduce a
variable to switch on/off that behaviour.
Have a look, see if you can spot any obvious issues. If it appears
decent the daily snapshots can include PDFs again.
The warnings mentioned earlier on this first attempt are as follows.
May 26, 2009 8:03:58 PM org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo
> #2326 Modifications to Preface gerard
> Some changes have been made. Waiting for final review to close.
> #2092 Switch all text back from third person to second person pronouns
> gerard
> Some fixes have been made. We can probably promote this
k there are any
issues to accept them as-is.
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ke a
look at it.
I had an on-site tech restart the server instead and things appear to be
fine now.
If you notice something not working right, just let me know.
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gt; Pleasure gone... :(
lol yeah I do think it might be time for a new logo one of these days.
It's getting a little dated, eh?
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we still need to choose something. We can
back pedal later if we have to. At least we'll learn tons from the
exercises either way, right?
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h margin of error we have just launched
into our 11th year. I think that's pretty note-worthy in and of itself.
Anyways, just wanted to share that. That realization came with a lot of
Good job guys and there's to 10 more years! :)
s updated to not show download links anymore for the archives. I will
re-evaluate this again soon to see if it can be turned back on,
compressed, or something else.
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> Or compress them. Maybe make them only available to subscribed
> members. I wanted to grab the last two months of the blfs-support
> mailing list archive.
> Maybe someone can email me the files.
Compressing is an option but would also require some Mailman
modifications, or a helper script
ill. Granted, I admit I
didn't look very hard either so I'll give it another shot and perhaps
RTFM while I'm at it...such an add concept.
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ds about 5 GB of data so you
can imagine it doesn't take many people trying to conveniently
download everything available to cause problems.
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1 - 100 of 348 matches
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