KR> stability challenge

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
I would be interested to know what, if any, modifications your KR has that might be responsible for its better than average stability? Ken, I have a stock KR-2S and the modification I've just completed was a spanwise extension of the stock horizontal stabilizer. The extension is 15cm(6in) on eith

KR> stability challenge

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
I did experience the same. I standard KR2S cannot be trimmed. It will keep the trim speed for a maximum of 30 seconds before it will climb or descend and not return to the trim speed My authority would not certify such a longitudinal static and dynamic instability. I am currently experimenti

KR>I-KRFN first flight

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Congratulations How did you get it that light (283 is great my KR2S is 20kg heavier)? enjoy your KR Ciao Christian OE-VPD -Original Message- From: Aripo [] Sent: Montag, 15. März 2004 09:35 To: Subject: K

KR>Ellison TBI

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
A couple of years ago I called Ellison and they told me that the main-diaphragm in the TBI cannot handle the alcohol content in the auto gas. That's why I still fly AVGAS. AVGAS does have another advantage over the auto gas application. If you have a low pressure fuel system it is more likely to g

KR>Flight Characteristics - Longitudinal Stability

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
I thought I share the final authority check on my KR-2S/GPAS2180 plans build, taildragger, but with belly board. After the paperwork check the inspector wanted to fly. It should be the inspectors first flight in KR. I wasn't keen on letting the inspector fly, but he insisted as he had more than 10

KR>Flight Characteristics

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Netters, thanks for your comments: -) the flight was in LOGF Austria (Europe) -) I build an will have to register the airplane in Austria under the following conditions: -) 51 percent like with the FAA -) extensive 60 page test protocols to complete -) 50 hours total test

KR>Help me use that veeery long drill bit!

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Serge, good luck. As I said I tried this with the spar web blocks already drilled and on the workbench with airline equipment. Your plan sounds good, I would be very careful and check the drilling progress after each spar web block is drilled through. Our companies longest 6mm borescope probe is 2,

KR>Facet Pump endurance- sticking Check Valve

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
ok, I have 2 Facet's parallel (one runs straight of the generator, the other is selectable). The only problem I had was the sticking pump ball valve/check valve. I removed the pump, cracked the valve open and it worked againcoming up for 50 hours now. Christian OE-VPD http://www.members.aon.a

KR> Re: Get it certified outside U.S.territory / Entering eur opean airspace

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Ralf, Serge, I know Herbert Fürle in Germany, he is building a KR-2S and I believe his link is on Mark Langford's page. Herbert is not messing with the LBA+OUV either, instead he is going to the French authority. For more info on the French authorities you should contact him directly, his e-mail a

KR>How to inspect the wings?

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Serge, Netters, I've left a air ventilation hole/expansion hole in the center of the Spar Web Blocks (Solid wood pieces between the upper and lower spar capstrips). They are about 8mm or 0,32" in diameter. I know not everyone might have access to a borescope inspection tool, but with this tool an

KR>rain and the kr

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
I flew my KR-2S in rain, it is reasonably waterproof. However the water comes in from the tail elevator and rudder cutouts. Drainholes are needed in the aft fuselage. However the propeller suffers most. it is truly amazing what rain (soft water) does to a (hard wood) propeller. Basically I hade to

KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Mac, I did use a very expensive synthetic engine oil on the VW GPAS2180. (I thought that only the best is good enough for my airplane) After the first flight and loss of oil pressure I went back to the GPAS specification - never had a problem since, and the oil is a lot cheaper too. I learned my

KR>Fw: Revmaster oil - GPAS engine oil

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
The engine was broken in with conventional 30W oil. However for the flights I thought I need something special and expensive. I shared my low oil pressure experience with an experienced VW mechanic and he told me that the synthetic is ok, if you get the right one. Anyway, since the switch I have a

KR>KR-2S Maneuvering Speed and yellow arc

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
wing rib centerline. Worked out great . No trim tabs required. Regards Chris Gardiner - Original Message - From: "Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA" To: "'KR builders and pilots'" Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 7:00 AM Subject: RE: KR>KR-2S Weight and Ba

KR>KR-2S Weight and Balance

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Chris, I believe you fly a KR-2S with VW engine? Does you airplane have a neutral or even slightly negative stability. Did you do the Stability test as described in the EAA Sport aviation (stick force measurements?)? I haven't gotten to the stick force measurement's yet, but there is a strong ind


2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Pat, they are still there (at least on B737/767/777's), about 4 inches long and wire, hard plastic coated. If lightning decides to hit in the vicinity of those straps, they melt away like butter. And I guess that's what there main reason is, lightning protection... Cheers Christian OE-VPD http:/

KR>KR-2S Weight and Balance

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
fuel). Full flap ( 3 notches ...40 degrees ?) puts the trim tab down approx. 1" at the TE. Regards Chris Gardiner - Original Message - From: "Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA" To: "'KR builders and pilots'" Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:58 AM Subjec

KR>(no subject)

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
There is a certain amount of neutral stability in my KR-2S. I can trim for 100kts hands-off , nice, if I give a control input or a gust and the KR continues at say 90kts or 110kts. It does not return to the trim speed. However it does not start de- or accelerate, it just stays wherever you pointed

KR>what glide ratio?

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Larry, Steve I have about 300 ft/min descent rate on the VSI (KR2S GPAS 2180 / 900RPM idle). If I deploy the combined flaps/bellyboard the descent rate goes to 600 ft/min. If you leave a little power in (about 1100RPM) it will not settle onto the runway. I flew gliders in my early days, but t

KR>Vx and Vy Speeds

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Netters, did anyone test the Vy and Vx speeds? I have plotted them on an Excel sheet from a test series done at a Press Alt of 3000/6000/9000ft. With a standard KR-2S(RAF48 wings & GPAS2180) at a take off weight of 1105lbs I got Vx=80kts (observed) Vx=76kts (CAS) and Vy=84kts (observed) Vy=80k

KR>diesel engines

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Netters, I have seen the twin diesel engine aircraft flying. They do the the flight test next to were I have my house and the (VW engined) KR. Check out the web site, they are serious. Those airplanes will be fairly successful in Europe were you

KR>Carb fuel pressure

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
The EFS works well, Ellison's Customer support is very good too. I had initial troubles of adjusting it correctly. And now I still keep adjusting it (on a monthly basis when temp or humidity changes). What I have problems still is the correct setting when it is cold and humid. During these conditi

KR>Oil coolers

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Justin, Steve, I guess this is just a reminder that we need to baffle up the VW very well otherwise you have oil temp and cyl head temp problems like I have. I had a Baffle system which was obviously to leaky. Oil was ok cyl head was only good if the outside temp was below -2°C. Anything higher m

KR>Carb fuel pressure

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Colin, I run 2 Facet pumps (from ACS) parallel because I do not have an engine driven pump. I have one pump running whenever the alternator has output, the other is additional through a switch in the dashboard. My fuel pressure reads just on 1 psi with standard fuel tank full, and a little below 1

KR>Carb fuel pressure

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Sorry forgot to mention: GPAS VW 2180 with Ellison (I think) EFS-2. Cheers Christian -Original Message- From: Dan Heath [] Sent: Freitag, 04. Juli 2003 13:42 To: Subject: RE: KR>Carb fuel pressure Christian, What kind of Carb and engine are you

KR>Synchro alternator

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Brian, I have the GPAS Engine&Alternator and I have just complete my yearly inspection with an engine run 2 days ago. My alternator values were 13,5V, 2A at 2000RPM (Using a dual V/A gage from Westach) Christian OE-VPD -Original Message- From: Brian Kraut

KR>hot battery

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Tim, I can confirm this. I have a friend were his battery exploded on his motorbike. Luckily he was not riding it. Electrolyte was everywhere, it did not bend anything but the frame started to corrode in places where he didn't wash the stuff off. I have never heard of a car battery exploding. Doe

KR>revmaster and posa and ellison tuning

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
I can confirm that Ken's procedure applies to an ellison throttle body as well. My first engine idle was set to 1000 RPM which was too high, the airplane will not land. Currently running around 700 RPM on a GPAS engine. The other thing is, with change in season (temperature/humidity) you will find

KR>Weight & Balance Flight Data

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
There were some questions about C/G Range last week. I would like to add my two cents to that. I ran some calculations yesterday about my first 12 flights of a stock KR2S with a GPAS engine. I have a 1,4in engine mount spacer installed, and had problems during the first flight with nose up trim. I

KR>Weight & Balance Flight Data

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
0,7071 332,25 69,47 10 473,7 0,7151 334,01 73,61 11 490,4 0,6981 337,491 64,80 12 481,8 0,7051 335,115 68,43 Sorry Christian OE-VPD -Original Message- From: Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA Sent: Donnerstag, 05. Juni 2003 17:33

KR>WAF bolts sizes

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Serge, I use a 9/16 for the main spar and 3/8 for the auxiliary spar. BTW there is a KR2 (former TD now converted to Tri Gear) with 5 hours on it for sale in Germany. It was build by a flying club but it was decided after 5 hours of flying that the KR is not really suitable as a club airplane. R

KR>Moisture meter

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
I have experienced water coming in from the elevator cut-outs. My KR collects about 2 quarts (which is approx. 2 liters) per 1 hour of flying in the rain. The water will stay right at the tail end, and I have added a drain hole and inspection hole ( 4" in accordance with FAA AC 43-13) below the ho

KR>draft KR-2S web site

2008-10-12 Thread Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA
Hi guys, I have finally made it. I uploaded my first web site, please be gentle with you critics as I will continue to improve the site quality. Here we go: Mark Langford, if you would be so kind and link it on your page? Suggestions welcome. Cheers Christian OE