Sorry I screwed up with my excel file, next try:

                                0,573   0,766                   
        Total(kg)       Arm(m)Moment(kgm)%Range Trim T/O        Trim Crz
Trim Ldg        
1       408,7           0,629   257,47  29,02   full nose upfull nose upfull
nose up 
2       419,2           0,63    266,645 29,53   nose up full nose upnose up
3,8 kg tailweight added
3       468,2           0,68    322,745 55,44   nose up neutral nose up 
4       475,2           0,689   327,32  60,10   nose up neutral nose up 
5       483,4           0,696   336,57  63,73   nose up neutral nose up 
6       470,2           0,686   322,55  58,55   nose up neutral nose up 
7       477,4           0,701   334,71  66,32   nose up neutral nose up 
8       487,1           0,693   337,56  62,18   nose up neutral nose up 
9       476,7           0,697   332,25  64,25   nose up neutral nose up 
10      473,7           0,705   334,01  68,39   nose up neutral nose up 
11      490,4           0,688   337,491 59,59   nose up neutral nose up 
12      481,8           0,695   335,115 63,21   nose up neutral nose up 

GPAS engine weight:                             90      kg

Existing Distance from Firewall                         0,4293  m       
Planned Distance from Firewall                          0,3937  m       also
-1,5 kg for spacers

Actual W&B (empty)                                              
                316,2   0,567           179,265                 
remove  90      -0,4293 -38,637                 
add             90      -0,3937 -35,433                 
new W&B 316,2   0,5771  182,469                 

Anticipated C/G Range                                           
1       408,7   0,6391  257,475 34,23           
2       419,2   0,6401  266,645 34,75           
3       468,2   0,6901  322,745 60,66           
4       475,2   0,6991  327,32  65,32           
5       483,4   0,7061  336,57  68,95           
6       470,2   0,6961  322,55  63,77           
7       477,4   0,7111  334,71  71,54
8       487,1   0,7031  337,56  67,39
9       476,7   0,7071  332,25  69,47
10      473,7   0,7151  334,01  73,61
11      490,4   0,6981  337,491 64,80
12      481,8   0,7051  335,115 68,43


-----Original Message-----
From: Kogelmann Christian - OS ETA 
Sent: Donnerstag, 05. Juni 2003 17:33
To: 'KR builders and pilots'
Subject: KR>Weight & Balance Flight Data

There were some questions about C/G Range last week.
I would like to add  my two cents to that.
I ran some calculations yesterday about my first 12 flights of a stock KR2S
with a GPAS engine.
I have a 1,4in engine mount spacer installed, and had problems during the
first flight with nose up trim.
I installed a lead weight in the tail.
Now I will remove the spacers and calculated an anticipated C/G Range based
on the first data.
I will add a spacer (1,4in) between the prop and engine.

And sorry guys, it is all in KG and Meters (1kg = 2,2lb) (0,33m = 1ft)
The Range is still in percent, that is the most important figure.

Here is the data (out of an EXCEL Spreadsheet):



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