There were some questions about C/G Range last week. I would like to add my two cents to that. I ran some calculations yesterday about my first 12 flights of a stock KR2S with a GPAS engine. I have a 1,4in engine mount spacer installed, and had problems during the first flight with nose up trim. I installed a lead weight in the tail. Now I will remove the spacers and calculated an anticipated C/G Range based on the first data. I will add a spacer (1,4in) between the prop and engine.
And sorry guys, it is all in KG and Meters (1kg = 2,2lb) (0,33m = 1ft) The Range is still in percent, that is the most important figure. Here is the data (out of an EXCEL Spreadsheet): <<...OLE_Obj...>> Christian OE-VPD