KR>Engine run??

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
that the signal vacuum port underneath is not plugged up, or blocked. If no vacuum signal, no fuel flow; same with my Mikuni carbs on the Yamaha V-Star. Colin Rainey <> ___ Search the KRnet Archi

KR> Carbon fiber

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
With the possible exception being the actual control surfaces themselves, if things work out that you have to fabricate them separate. Otherwise, invest in something else that yield actual improvements, i.e. better engine, wheel pants, lighter high quality paint, Sensenich Prop, etc... Colin

KR> gap seals

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
deflected do they cause the designed drag to balance the outboard lift/drag induced (but that is another story)... Colin Rainey

KR> help with aileron linkage

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
down. Colin Rainey <> -Original Message- From: []On Behalf Of John Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 10:41 PM To: Subject: KR> help with aileron li


2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ing the "gecko" hands down. So being a member does have perks, as well as protecting our airports, and privileges to fly! AIG is an umbrella company with many subsidiary insurance companies, auto and aviation just a few... Colin Rainey

KR> Any trailer plans for KR's

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ns the wing for easy attachment, and a tray to roll the wings onto and off the trailer. Colin Rainey N96TA

KR> LSA Certified ?

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
d and proven, so the more documentation the better. Otherwise plan to use/get a PPL... Colin Rainey <>

KR> Corvair engine

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
Netters There is a Corvair engine for sale on eBay Item number: 220098284796 Big jump for any who need an engine already assembled for a great price. >From the looks of it you cannot buy and assemble it yourself for this price. Colin Rainey

KR> engine sold

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
Netters Engine sold thanks. Now back to other KR news... Colin Rainey

KR> Sterba prop data vs. Sensenich

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ld 50 feet in a KR you can hold any plane! Colin Rainey <>

KR> LSA Question

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
iance, there is no reason why the plane cannot be certified as all KR2 and KR2S models previously have been, and then operate under LSA rules. Source: website Colin Rainey <>

KR> Termite

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
. Good luck. Just cleaned the house out of infestation. Took out one whole side of the living room and one bedroom. Colin Rainey <> -Original Message- From: []On Behalf O

KR> mixtures?

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
you still have a problem with 3 running that rich, look at that cylinder specifically: compression, valve seating, intake valve hanging open, etc... Colin Rainey

KR> Speed vs. HP

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
got, I think the Mazda is too heavy, and high output. Better to use a different engine with slightly less HP but just as much torque after the re-drive and stay with what your firewall/airframe can handle... JMHO... Colin Rainey N96TA

KR> ICOM A-200?

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
a good radio. It also comes with its own built in intercom, though I did not set mine up that way. Colin Rainey <>

KR> Controls

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ld convert mine except I am still in the engine swap mode. I may still later... Colin Rainey

KR> "fly-off" period after engine change

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
acteristics (we used to include reliability for cya) needs a maintenance flight by a rated pilot certifying the airplane is safe and can return to service. Just a flight and log entry signed by the pilot making the flight and all good... Colin Rainey <>

KR> Timing for VW and others

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
add a carb or fuel injection that offers vacuum advance, and add a vacuum advance distributor. If you are compelled to have separate ignition systems, get the universal MSD crank trigger system and MSD box for complete redundancy. I published the numbers a while back for the parts needed. Colin Raine

KR> push pull cables

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
crimper. The must use it due to space issues, etc... If it were alot more economical, I know Cessna and Piper would use it and they are not except maybe on the throttle, mixture, or prop controls. I would think that even a pushtube system would be should be cheaper... Colin Rainey brokerpi

KR> Timing

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
add a carb or fuel injection that offers vacuum advance, and add a vacuum advance distributor. If you are compelled to have separate ignition systems, get the universal MSD crank trigger system and MSD box for complete redundancy. I published the numbers a while back for the parts needed. Colin Raine

KR> Thrust Line issues

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
change in the behavior of the plane to speak of at all. Just some ideas for thought. I was once considering a PSRU or re-drive as some call them, for my 1915 cc VW original engine. Had I installed that, I would have been 4 to 5 inches higher. This may be an issue many builders have contemplated o

KR> Good carbs

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
the lower rpms, with less cfm demand. Use The Auto Mathbook to find you engine demand, then match the carb to it). The Averovee and of course the Ellison are other examples of drastic improvements. And of course then there is fuel injection made easy: Colin

KR> Propeller book

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
For those that it matters to, here is the book that I spoke of; I finally found it. It is the reference that I used when analyzing what size pitch, blades etc... "Propeller Making for the Amateur" by Eric Clutton with forward by propeller maker Ray Hegy. Just food for thought. Co

KR> 51% stuff

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
3 etc... It cannot qualify as an Amateur Built Plane "...built for the builder's education and enjoyment". Colin Rainey N96TA

KR> Raising the Thrust line 5 Inches

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
. Biggest safety issues seem to be power on stall behavior, and how large changes in power settings up and down would effect pitch. If it is in the same centerline position I find it hard to believe there would be any yaw change to contend with. Then again I am not an engineer... Colin Rainey brokerpi

KR> Wing incidence and washout

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
The only advantage that I can see to make the changes suggested is if the airplane was going to be a dedicated high altitude flyer. This suggested set up would eliminate the situation Mark L is describing of having his plane nose up at high altitude. The problem is that based on what I am hearing

KR> Poll - KRnet email list or new forum?

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
I like what I have got. Not going online to vote, Virg Same here... Colin Rainey <> ___ Search the KRnet Archives at to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a m

KR> fuel lines

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
igher fuel pressure requirements than TBI units did. These lines are good for at least 80 psi, and if gotten from an early Volvo or VW fuel injection are good for over 100 psi (GM units are designed for 30-45 psi with 60-80 psi max; VW or Volvo early 240 & 760 models 80 psi max 100 psi). Col

KR> rudder size

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ve at low speeds. I have successfully landed my KR2 in 25 knot 45 degree crosswinds, gusting to 35 knot (which puts the 90 degree winds at a total of 18 knots gusting to 25 knots according to my trusty E6B). Colin Rainey

KR> Belly Board use

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
o reason not to have one. As Larry F says, your results may vary (ALOT!).... Colin Rainey

KR> belly board use

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
r the fence at 75 mph; numbers at 65 mph Colin Rainey

KR> Hydraulic brakes

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
applied), and parking. Colin Rainey N96TA Taildragger ___ Search the KRnet Archives at to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to please see other KRnet info at

KR> Head studs treatment

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
lways look for a set of cases that has intact studs." My manual doesn't come straight out and say so, but almost does, that they should be pulled and helicoiled. I guess the later manuals just state it more clearly. Thanks for clearing that up guys... Colin Rainey

KR> Buying KR parts

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
our creation, so it needs to fit YOUR BILL, not someone else's. Happy building Colin Rainey

KR> Diehl Case

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
local supplier for the exact right parts if needed. Call him first. He designed and built it. Colin Rainey

KR> Flight report

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ut off, or with an inexpensive thermac vacuum sensor that responds to temp, directly blowing on the carb to warm it, or duct the intake air that way full time, just like a car has for cold startup cold running. Even today alot of fuel injected cars have it. Gotta be a reason, and this seems like a good

KR> Engines

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
! Colin Rainey

KR> header tank

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
the center from full to reserve). I will be using my fuel return line with a "Y" in it for the rear tank refill, with a check valve to prevent back flowing into the rear tank, since I will be using fuel injection. But I know LOTS of planes still use and will use carbs and gravity flow C

KR> Spar bolts at WAFs

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
allow the WAF from the outer wing panel just enough room to insert form connection. It is harder to align for one bolt top and one bottom, but I feel better about the fact that it IS aligned with one bolt. Colin Rainey

KR> Fuel pumps

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
l dissipate the heat a little bit better but will still die... Colin Rainey

KR> ARP bolts

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
The only place that I have seen ARP bolts used is in rod bolts. WW does recommend that the rod bolts get this treatment when they are reconditioned. Like Mark said block mounting studs stay in Colin Rainey

KR> Summit header tank

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
be removed. Specifics on lengths and exact procedures will be difficult because no two KR's have the exact same dimensions... Colin Rainey

KR> WW manual

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
s, on Page 38. He definitely DOES NOT recommend removing studs if making a 2700 into a 3100 due to clearance issues. Unless this has been edited since then, my manual #6528says NO! Colin Rainey


2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
they want to be vague on purpose. I have worked closely with FSDO 15 in Orlando Florida for a number of years and I still get the I don't know or I am not sure from an ASI or SPM, if it is something they are no schooled on or a division they don't handle. Colin Rainey

KR> Flight report mixtures, hhhhhmmmm.

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
d use, and overall make our flying safer and more reliable. JMHO.... Colin Rainey

KR> weight and speeds

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ly). Be careful... Hope this helps some.... Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Home Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax

KR> N202RH sometimes they don't fly right out of the box

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
! Sorry for getting on a soap box.. Colin Rainey <> ___ Search the KRnet Archives at to UNsubscribe from KRnet, send a message to plea

KR> Certifications

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
. Let us know how it goes, because there is a definite interest on building LSA compliant if it can be done AND approved... Colin Rainey

KR> aileron weight

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
break up in flight (maybe the slower speed helped with that at 100 mph). Hope this helps some builders at this stage or later on their building/inspections... Colin Rainey

KR> Props

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
problem of ground clearance, so the answer? Multi-blades... I too will be running a 3 blade Warp Drive once I settle on which engine I will install (already have the prop). Colin Rainey

KR> Props

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
on, computer controls, re-drives, and multi-bladed props. I am not knocking anybody here. I am just saying, if there are good solid ideas that other flyers are proving, maybe we should give a hard look to how they could benefit us as well Colin Rainey N96TA

KR> New Prop

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
Sensenich (though they are pricey). It never hurts to check Ebay either. I got a good prop from another builder there, and was very happy with it. Best of all the price was great! Colin Rainey

KR> Merry Christmas

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
I know this is not Kr stuff, but Merry Christmas to all netters! Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. This is not meant to start a rash of Goodnight Bobby Joe, etc... emails Colin Rainey

KR> vacuum

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
drive, but turning the correct rpms. You will need to use a vacuum regulator, but should find it ALOT easier to get installed and setup. Colin Rainey <> __

KR> Mag Compass

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
is the spin training of Private Pilots. "In the day" all students were required to be taught and demonstrate spins. Later it was found that spin awareness, and avoidance was better; actual spin training encouraged exploring spins on their own. Colin Rainey

KR> retracts

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ights, the fixed gear is 10 to 30 mph faster, depending on how clean the fuse is. It is lighter, yielding once again greater speeds capable (and lower stall speeds), better climb, and longer range. AND don't forget that annual maintenance (if it lets you get to the year end) to keep up the retrac

KR> Retracts

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
benefits, but that is a whole 'nother story... Colin Rainey

KR> Spins and training

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
schools that if you wanted to have an accident, take a CFI along. So you are MUCH better off taking an orientation ride in a fellow KR pilot, than taking a CFI along in your plane! Colin Rainey

KR> blades

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
why I will run a 3 bladed Warp Drive. I have read of two netters already that have run first a 3 bladed Warp Drive then a Sterba with no appreciable increase in speed, but probably a drop in climb rate. Colin Rainey

KR> Need opinions

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
eel, I was able to lap the pattern, and land without incident. Built correctly, a KR2 or S is a great little plane. Keep that CG right and have fun.... Colin Rainey N96TA KR2 taildragger

KR> In a pinch

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
n Nav mode to verify the CDI reading, and a useless DG and AI. A month later I found that ALL the paperwork had been forged for IFR. Would not have helped me if I didn't know how to use what I have. Be careful netters... Colin Rainey

KR> VFR operations

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
t may be a big sky, but we are not alone, and it can get crowded... Colin Rainey

KR> Carbs

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
you can just bolt on an EFI System Colin Rainey

KR> Carbs

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
Here is a link to one system that I found that looks very complete and well tested. Proven on VW/Porsche engines: Colin Rainey <> Colin, that brings up a very good question, who makes an EFI

KR> Alternators

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey Colin Rainey

KR> Fuels

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
t the problem. It is some of its properties that make it unsuitable for aircraft, unless special precautions are taken to prevent problems. Alcohol is also very corrosive so fuel components must be made compatible to it, or short term use will result in problems... Colin Rainey Independent Loan Of

KR> hiccupping

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
o add one or two. Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Home Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax

KR> Landings

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
n one another; each though he had the right of way. Doesn't matter who was right; both are now talking to the NTSB and FAA. Plan on the other guy to be Gomer; Besides, I need you to be around to take an air to air shot of my KR at the next Gathering.... Colin Rainey

KR> turbos

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
t function. HOWEVER, these are generalizations, and there are more combinations of props engines, and turbos than can be discussed here (I think). My personal opinion is to decide whether the engine will be full time turbo, and adjust the entire setup, or no turbo... Colin Rainey

KR> turbos

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
they are selling them to the unwary. Do NOT take the advice of the counter guy at Autozone or Advance or Central Auto Parts or NAPA when it comes to the aftermarket performance parts. If they knew as much as they think they do, they would not be working there... Colin Rainey

KR> (Ignition)

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
The old lawnmower ignition is called "magneto" ignition. Try this on for size for a modern spin on the "old lawn mower" ignition. Ready to install for VW guys, and I am sure not too hard to adapt to other engines.

KR> Right of way

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
en aware of aircraft, but you definitely were aware of him. One of those nasty catch 22's that you can't win IF anything goes wrong. Good choice to go around! :) Colin Rainey

KR> Glasair on news

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
armon Rocket kit for the RV6/7 or 8... Colin Rainey

KR> Props

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
tle or nothing. Also, get the book "Speed with Economy" to evaluate your plane better for better cruise numbers and get that climb rate up. Then you will have a fast and low risk 2 seater Colin Rainey

KR> Flox

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
and sanded and primed easy. Colin Rainey

KR> Fuselage mods

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
nd compare. Just my humble opinion.... Colin Rainey

KR> Engine compression loss

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
, especially when you ran the auto pump gas. JMHO... Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Home Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax

KR> Tach hook up question.

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
fter the y closest to the coils, solder in the diode paying attention to the provided diagram on the package for direction of current flow allowed. ALL DONE! Now the tach will read on both coils. The selector switch already in the system will choose the coil and the tach will read correctly. Co

KR> correction

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
al and the possibility of the tach grounding out the coil due to tach failure. Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Home Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax

KR> Tach drives

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
sures against total failure, and should last a lifetime of flying anyhow. Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Home Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax

KR> Corvair motor

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
-Original Message- DID YOU SELL THE CORVAIR MOTOR? OR DO YOU STILL HAVE IT? THANKS MAX BUTLER CHEYENNE WYOMING Sorry net I believe that he intended this just to me, but for any who are curious, yes the engine is sold. Thanks, Colin Rainey <mailto:broke

KR> Tach drives

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
not run a tooth counter, unless you like the same unreliability you say the Tiny Tach has. Colin Rainey

KR> KR Parts

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
I hate to be a bad sport about this one but buy the book from WW. It has the mount for the KR2 and S in it. Colin Rainey <> -Original Message- From: []On Behalf Of ol

KR> Pushrods

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
nk next to the stick assembly, slot in the spar, and bellcrank for side to side movement at the rear spar. Attach to the existing bellcrank of the aileron (clearance may need to be made for ends depending on connection type). Just my 2 cents... Colin Rainey

KR> Corvair engine for sale

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
For those of you that need an engine and want a BIG head start, here is an engine on Ebay: Item number: 220033618930 Won't last long Sorry gang but no more chances at the plane; not for sale any more. Colin Rainey

KR> Tach hook up question.

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
the other and the tach grounding the whole system if it failed. Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Home Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax <> -Original Message- From:

KR> Tach hook up question.

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
Because those are for mags with p leads that get grounded to shut them off instead of coils that receive power to turn them on. Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Home Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax

KR> Engine for sale

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
engine from his site in the same condition is $7900, so this is a great buy, and a big jump start on the firewall forward of a KR2 or S model. Contact me offline if interested. Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260

KR> QC of certified planes

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ry, was still not holding tight. No QC person compared the new bolt to the old bolt on such a critical assembly. No thank you, but no, I am no believer that ANY certified plane is safer or better built, or better maintained than an Experimental. On the contrary I tend to go the other way.... Your opin


2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
d in order to plan or estimate, you will need to get very specific about your plan configuration and then talk to the owners who have that... Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax brokerpi...@bel

KR> Corvair engine

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
Hey gang Just a quick note that if anyone is looking for an engine, I have a Corvair using WW parts, etc... and manual, and mount for KR2 tailwheel. $4500 Contact me off net. Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260

KR> Landing KR's

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
hort final, and was safe all the way, with full control. I would NEVER have considered a 3 point landing in that wind (and I did 10 circuits that day). Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Office 407.739.0834 Cell 407.557.3260 Fax

KR> Landings

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
It is just easier in my opinion to ride on the mains to well below flying speed, and then have the tail drop slowly around 40 mph with no fear of lifting back off and good control already established. To borrow Larry F's phrase:"as always your results may vary..." Colin Rainey Indepe

KR> Re: Nat and the Franklin

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
It is also a recommended engine for use by the Velocity crowd, and I understand from the owners that several are in use in different models there... Colin Rainey <> -Original Message- From: [mailto

KR> Weather Gods

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
presentative of the KR community at large.... Colin Rainey N96TA

KR> KR model for microsoft flight sim

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
I had one years ago but it flies just like the Extra 300 already in the flight sim database. Just use it. Also it is only good as a reference of performance and control, nothing like the real thing. Colin Rainey Independent Loan Officer Branch 2375 Apex Mortgage Company 386.615.3388 Office

KR> tailwheel landings

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
withstanding aircraft differences the general concensus is that one should be proficient in both types of landings. Colin Rainey

KR> lifters

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
My type one had bored out lifter galleys so that Chevy hydraulic lifters could be used. Locate your local VW high performance shop and they can tell you all the mods practical for your engine type. Colin Rainey

KR> WAF free wings

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
it puts the fuselage lower relative to the main point of lift, adding a small pendelum effect (more pronounced in high wing planes). The diehedral has a leveling effect on the plane when upset by winds/updrafts etc... Colin Rainey <mailto:brokerpi...@bellsouth.

KR> Solid wings

2008-10-12 Thread Colin Rainey
ilure of a KR yet.... Colin Rainey

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