r incubator documents.
Note that a prerequisite for incubation is that there should be a
viable developer community around the project. Does Amaya have that?
[1] http://incubator.apache.org/guides/proposal.html
Nick Kew
uot;ASF committer enrolment process" which
in turn automatically signs everyone's keys. Were it not for the risk
of rather serious misunderstanding, I should advocate such a key.
Nick Kew
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of Apache folks - some of whom surely know Benson Margulies
well - to reassure me.
Nick Kew
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nough not to sign keys willy-nilly.
PGP/GPG support different levels of trust, so the model helps there.
Nick Kew
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> (assume secure Infrastructure)
You have to extend that assumption not only to our infrastructure but to
every proxy that might come between us and a user, and that might
substitute a trojan along with the trojan's own SHA1.
Nick Kew
ns) to take advantage of
the PGP/WoT infrastructure. Including supplementary resources like
Apache Keys.
Nick Kew
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On 11 Oct 2012, at 09:57, Noah Slater wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Nick Kew wrote:
>> You have to extend that assumption not only to our infrastructure but to
>> every proxy that might come between us and a user, and that might
>> substitute a
t might be necessary to recall a release.
> This assumes that the exploit is by exploit against the read-only
> distribution material in Apache custody.
> If the exploit is by tampering with a release prior to its approval, that is
> a
cture in which a terabyte is no longer
a mindblowing amount of data to manage), but I hope my background
might still serve to kick-start an involvement!
Nick Kew
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Hypothetically if this donation had happened before the
OOO/ODF split, can I assume that you would you have regarded it
as a solution to the underlying problems and never have split?
Nick Kew
Available for work, contract or permanent
re are ASF's infra folks in this discussion?
This is going to put more burden than ${average-project} on them.
Nick Kew
Available for work, contract or permanent
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who are new to and maybe undecided on
ASF participation!
Nick Kew
Available for work, contract or permanent.
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On 5 Jun 2011, at 09:25, eric b wrote:
> Apologies, the most up to date information is here :
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/External/Modules (the previous link
> looks outdated)
Thanks for that.
Looks like there's some LGPL stuff but no strong copyleft.
ue be resolved. That is to say, either a full fix, or failing
that a discussion and executive summary sufficient to alert users.
Nick Kew
Available for work, contract or permanent
individuals who are absolutely key to OOO
yet incompatible with ASF, so we can neither take them on
nor exclude them.
* It's outside our core competence. This kind of takeover has
been damaging for many ambitious corporations.
Having said all that, if we do accept it for incubat
uot;podlet". It might be an over
> eager spell checker, or a simple mistake if you've seen it used.
That "now" looks like an unfortunate typo.
Where has "podlet" ever appeared in an Apache Incubator context?
Nick Kew
be able to improve the surveillance
that leads to any bogus key getting rapidly noticed!
Anyone from infra reading this? Has this kind of discussion already
Nick Kew
Available for work, contract or permanent
h warning: pointing firefox at it just crippled my mac :(
Nick Kew
Available for work, contract or permanent
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hich you can, after all, search for whatever string you'd enter
into the form). If KEYS is guaranteed 100% secure then we're safe,
but what I'm thinking of is additional safeguards against the danger
of someone smuggling in bogus keys purporting to be ours.
As of now, how would you
-known semweb libraries such as
Redland & family? Your proposal lists a couple of users: did they
develop it to meet a need for which there was previously no solution?
Nick Kew
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e enough mentors already, but put me down for also interested!
Nick Kew
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Hehe. Not actually what I meant, and I'm not sure whether you
should change the proposal after voting has started. But I'm
fine with it either way.
It's a while since I've been involved in either semweb or java
projects, but this one looks interesting!
Nick Kew
n't bother anyone then let's
go ahead. Though I won't be around much in the next week or so
to get concerned with setup.
Nick Kew
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I'll be interested in this.
Would it be useful for me to don an ASF hat and offer to
help mentoring this? I'll also (naturally) be looking from
httpd/proxy eyes.
Nick Kew
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Leif Hedstrom wrote:
On Jun 30, 2009, at 9:09 AM, Nick Kew wrote:
I'll be interested in this.
Would it be useful for me to don an ASF hat and offer to
help mentoring this? I'll also (naturally) be looking from
httpd/proxy eyes.
Just say the word, and I'll add you to the
he proposal. I want this project to happen,
whether or not I have a formal role mentoring it.
But obviously I don't speak for anyone else, so that's -1 on any
proposal that involves arbitrarily excluding two prospective
mentors just to get the numb
a genuine free-for-all to sign up and play? And what would be a good
time of day to find life there?
Nick Kew
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watch with
From your POV as king of infra, what uses of this might you
envisage @apache.org?
Nick Kew
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peers to make it more deserving of
apache's attention? It's not even the most open of mobile platforms!
Something I could be interested in is a lab for cross-platform
mobile development. But I don't have a proposal that would
work as an apach
-1 to a project that could end up being called "Apache Validation" or
just "Validation". That's too big/general a word for a project name.
No objection under a changed name. I'd suggest ad
mewhere completely different (Tax return validation,
Fire Safety Compliance Validation ...). A project called "Validation"
will turn up when they google - especially if someone's successive blog
entries are about "[this] Validation" and "my tax return". So th
On 26 Feb 2010, at 19:01, Kevan Miller wrote:
> On Feb 23, 2010, at 4:03 PM, Nick Kew wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 12:51:35 -0500
>> Donald Woods wrote:
>>> I'm open to suggestions BeanValidation, OpenValidation, Validera, ..
over the lifetime of the project so you can expect to be able to contact
What about the required OSS-licensed components? You mention
MySQL - you'd (probably) want a specific exception for that, in the
manner of the APR
On 18 Aug 2010, at 13:59, Benson Margulies wrote:
> My understanding is that for a 'category A' license like BSD you just
> add it to NOTICES.
Indeed. We have precedent on bundling of third-party code,
such as expat and pcr
Strong +1 in principle. I'd offer to mentor, but I see you now have plenty.
One niggle: have you clarified somewhere that all the dependencies
licenses are Apache-compatible? The openjena.org page referenced
relies on references that are broken lin
; [ ] -1 Reject for the following reason:
+1, as indicated in my post on the first thread.
Nick Kew
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e folks when I was doing related research work at
Sheffield. They were doing good work, and I hope to find time to
renew my acquaintance with it at apache!
Nick Kew
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ons of "embrace and extend"?
- If no, why should we want another, competing framework/standard?
- If no, where is it in fact supported in the real world?
I think we should see these issues properly addressed in the proposal!
Nick Kew
out a toggle for a private list? Or is that determined on name alone?
Nick Kew
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I've seen a couple of recent references to "Apache OpenOffice" appearing
in public places. Places for which Apache committers are responsible.
Have I missed a graduation, or a change in practice concerning use of
the Apache trademark in the context of incubating projects
ache.org at this moment. None of those three are
qualified with any hint at its incubating status.
Nick Kew
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e they need reviewing?
I was just pointing out usage that seems at odds with my understanding
of the incubator rules.
If a blog gets aggregated, then readers will see what appears in their
aggregator, as I did. That's without the context of the page title in your
Nick Kew
On 23 Jun 2012, at 19:37, Nick Kew wrote:
> Nor what appears on planet.apache.org, featuring the article that first
> struck me
> as using the name in a way I wouldn't expect when I read it in my feed reader:
> http://www.robweir.com/blog/2012/06/pache-openoffice-34-download
The political circumstances (Oracle vs LibreOffice)
were a concern for some.
Nick Kew
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expect many disengaged mentors could tell
similar stories.
Nick Kew
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I'll attach the full draft proposal here, and upload to the
wiki once I've sorted access there.
Nick Kew
# Project Proposal: OpenMiracl
## Abstract
OpenMiracl is a distributed cryptosystem for cloud computing. Its purpose is to provide an open source alternative to p
On Tue, 2015-11-10 at 01:33 +, Nick Kew wrote:
> [chop]
I need to declare my own interest here.
I first approached Certivox in search of solutions to the
problems of online identity, and made some suggestions.
They welcomed my interest, and I am now undertaking
development work for them
I have a incubator-wiki account "niq", but no current
write access. Can someone with the relevant karma
please enable me?
Nick Kew
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On Tue, 2015-11-10 at 01:33 +, Nick Kew wrote:
> I should like to propose that we consider OpenMiracl for incubation.
This proposal is now at
Nick Kew
On Wed, 2015-11-11 at 00:35 +, Niall Pemberton wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Nick Kew wrote:
> > On Tue, 2015-11-10 at 01:33 +0000, Nick Kew wrote:
> > > I should like to propose that we consider OpenMiracl for incubation.
> >
> >
eresting. The suggestion was floated that our
project could be Apache MIRACL (sharing the name), but I
thought ASF wouldn't be happy with that. Overcautious? :)
Nick Kew
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Office is clear and distinctive, despite an altogether more
complex situation of a name sharing a root with both related and
unrelated projects!
Nick Kew
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storic continuity through the linguistic association with
the miracle.
Nick Kew
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Nick Kew
> A Milagro is a charm that is used to bring about a miracle, so the subtext
> hopefully will carry the day.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milagro_(votive)
> Alex, thanks for getting the ball rolling
On Wed, 2 Dec 2015 14:53:03 +
Jan Willem Janssen wrote:
> Hi,
> > On 10 Nov 2015, at 10:29, Nick Kew wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, 2015-11-10 at 01:33 +, Nick Kew wrote:
> >> I should like to propose that we consider OpenMiracl for
> >> in
On Thu, 2015-12-03 at 19:36 -0800, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
> Thanks for working with us, Brian. As far as I'm concerned, the name
> "Milagro" sounds great -- a clearly distinct brand, yet evoking its
> origins.
I've updated the proposal to use the new name. It's now at
hink we're overdue submitting this for a [VOTE].
I'll get on with it right now!
Nick Kew
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n Mccusker - Cryptographer
. Stanislav Mihaylov - Architect
. Simeon Aladhem - Developer
=== Existing team at NTT: ===
. Go Yamamoto - Cryptographer
. Kenji Takahishi - Developer
=== Existing ASF Member: ===
. Nick Kew - Developer
== Alignment: ==
Whereas Milagro has no track record of
On Tue, 2015-12-15 at 08:56 +, Nick Kew wrote:
> I should like to call a vote to accept Milagro into
> the Incubator. The full proposal is available at
> https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/MilagroProposal
> as well as below.
The vote passes:
+1: 12 votes (9 *binding)
0: No v
to a forthcoming software grant?
Nick Kew
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efore graduating?
Nick Kew
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ing I'd consider is replacing that mention of
CREDITS with a URL for the original.
But I'm not a lawyer, nor do I even subscribe to legal@apache.
Don't take my word as even remotely informed.
Nick Kew
To uns
nfusing URIs used as invariants in RDF with URLs you
dereference on the Web, as W3 annotea was?
Nick Kew
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looking for ...
well, I guess your reply and the links in it.
Lots more reading to do, but I see it's moved from RDF and
pie-in-the-sky to JSON and some more realistic expectations.
Nick Kew
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On Tue, 2016-05-31 at 13:46 +, Benjamin Young wrote:
> Lastly, we have a Champion (Daniel Gruno), but are still in need of Mentors.
Is that still the case? I've given it some more thought:
if you're short of mentors, you can put me down.
any more diverse.
Is there a risk of this remaining a company project in all but name?
Nick Kew
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ural bias to +1, even if you'd reversed the options!
(this was a big issue in gerrymandering our referendum -
there have been academic studies on how the question
affects how people vote).
Anyway, -1 (binding), at least until my points above about
potential for misleading have been answered.
e canonical
address and list admin addresses (which I think it does).
But this belongs in a [DISCUSS] thread. When did I miss it?
Nick Kew
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For additional
ition to the Traffic Control CDN. "
To me that raises a couple of questions:
- Would association with ATS really hold you back?
- How much overlap is there between the dev communities?
I'm wondering if the experience of separating HTTPD and APR
ving one in APR, even to the point of "we need a new APR
release that'll support [new HTTPD feature]". At the same time, the
original reason for the separation - that APR has applications outside
httpd (Apache SVN being one such) - works well.
On reflection, you probably have a cleaner
those messages that persuaded me to stitch to using
my @apache.org address when I sign up to an apache list
(10+ years ago). Delivering to an @apache.org address
triggers them too.
Nick Kew
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Not everyone does that. But since you're asking, I guess you
don't already have a clear alternative idea.
Nick Kew
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in the Strong Set,
but you should make all efforts to avoid that. A key that
can't be verified adds no more security than an MD5 checksum.
Nick Kew
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ntial to be a great Apache project.
Let's make it happen!
Nick Kew
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't the alternative medium of communication?
- Are decisions that should have a public/archived trail being
taken off-list in ephemeral media?
> Rather, they prefer to use a forum on QQ communicating in Chinese.
Language is an important question, but isn't it orthogonal
to that of
the answer is very likely Yes.
Nick Kew
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> in real time:
Looks interesting. Echoes of AI of old, in a context of
much more data?
Commit activity looks like virtually a one-man project.
Your issue tracker shows some signs of healthy interest,
but is there anywhere else I could see evidence of your
e there, from the
academic communities of MIT and Harvard to your own company.
Within Apache, take a look at the committer map at
people.apache.org to find Apache folks in your area.
Nick Kew
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On Wed, 27 Sep 2017 19:04:32 +
Otto van der Schaaf wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to start a VOTE to bring the PageSpeed project in as an
> Apache incubator
> podling.
Nick Kew
To u
iumph. It has demonstrated that Apache policy
is to confuse an issue just enough to cause the scholars
to debate at length how many angels can dance on the pinhead
of a release.
I'll get me coat.
Nick Kew
n doing battle with the docs, maybe
you might have ideas on how to improve them?
(my recollection is of figuring out details like that
largely by looking at a previous release - obviously
not so useful for a new project!)
Nick Kew
holding it back, and us all to determine whether it
makes sense to resolve at apache or retire it to its
prior home at github.
Would folks be happy for me to set up a page for this purpose
under wiki/incubator? I would propose a skeleton (mainly a
set of headings) and look to the
On Thu, 12 Apr 2018 16:35:25 +0100
Nick Kew wrote:
> Posting to both dev@milagro and general@incubator.
> Would folks be happy for me to set up a page for this purpose
> under wiki/incubator? I would propose a skeleton (mainly a
> set of headings) and look to the community to
’m sure something like that could be templated for new podlings?
Nick Kew
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roject within Apache, and submit a proposal.
Romain wrote:
> Also it will let Graphviz time to handle the license switch.
That's the kind of issue that could be quite big. If it has a long history
under another
license, you may have lots of contributors with a stake
pressure, I should
mention that mentor signoff date is next Tuesday (sept 11), so no hurry.
I expect I'm not the only one to have looked at one or more report and
paused to decide whether anything in it merits mentor comment.
Enough to provoke an "I won't be bullied" reaction.
I will sign off (and I still need to raise one podling separately),
but surely it could be better accomplished by a non-confrontational
> Assuming the mentors are missing
... might look fa
to mentors: signoff is due by Tuesday if you haven't already"
would have spared me that moment of panic and done the job.
> I'm also curious to know if you hadn't seen the reminder would you have
> remembered to sign off the reports by the due date?
A fair question
ct community.
> I think my questions should be common. If you agree, I volunteer to
> contribute the answers to the website to help others boarding on the
> incubator.
That's a Very Good Way to earn goodwill around here, if you come out of the
with a clear vision for bett
ference than for individual projects to
replicate KEYS?
Especially for the many folks who are involved with multiple projects!
Nick Kew
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ontrol is not Apache -
if the site contents are managed by a community that differs
from the Apache community (maybe a subset of the project
committers, or - far worse - a contributing *company*) -
that would seem to suggest a less-than-open community
around the site
e-incubation site.
But this was the wrong context for that. I apologise for the intrusion.
Nick Kew
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the report on the browser
that's logged in!
Nick Kew
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ssume you were going to sign off PageSpeed? It currently has no signs off
> and will be asked to report next month if doesn’t get one. I can sign off the
> report for you if you want, and I assume you have read it and can confirm
> here that you were going t
ed with the project will have better ideas than my
cultural blundering!
Nick Kew
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lihood of a contributor being new to Apache and getting
with possible rights or claims of a third-party - such as an employer under a
"we own
everything you do" clause. Doesn't hurt to sign it over explicitly!
Nick Kew
e visible from the download page?
(2) I wasn't able to establish a chain of trust.
Henk's tool https://pgp.cs.uu.nl/ thinks it's not
in the Strong Set at all.
Nick Kew
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d page at github, where it was
No complaints about the Apache pages.
I've got some minor comments that belong not here but on the dev list - bug me
if I
haven't posted something within a week or two: reminders, including the one you
recently sent me, always welcome.
But based on this
a@ about taking control.
Thank you!
[1] But I could be talking nonsense. It wouldn't be the first time.
Nick Kew
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ng my +1 from the vote @annotator.
Nick Kew
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