On 9 Jun 2011, at 20:10, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> Michael,
> I agree that the ethical thing to do is to inform partners of such matters, 
> although I still don't know how to guarantee it.  And generally speaking, you 
> might want to treat the specifics of such matters in similarly sensitive 
> manner as to how you would carefully handle any potential security related 
> matters that might exist.

Surely now this has been flagged, we can and should proactively address it
in incubation.

I'd propose to create a "Patent Issues" bug report.  We can then call on all
participants with knowledge of patent issues to enter them as dependencies
of the meta-bug, so that Michael and other interested parties have a focus
for related activity at apache.org.

I would also suggest that it should be a blocker for graduation that every
known patent issue be resolved.  That is to say, either a full fix, or failing
that a discussion and executive summary sufficient to alert users.

Nick Kew

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