RE: I would like to join the Geronimo project

2004-01-26 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Welcome! The best place to start is Join the developer mailing list, get acquainted with the software, and find some work that needs to be done. It's that easy; no resume is needed. Regards, Alan > -Original Message- > From: Octavian Tanase [mailt

RE: [VOTE] Graduate Geronimo from Incubator and recommend as top-level project

2004-05-21 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
+1 Many thanks to Geronimo's resident nudniks Geir and Noel. > -Original Message- > From: Geir Magnusson Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:58 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: [VOTE] Graduate Geronimo from Incubator and recommend as

RE: Geronimo J2EE project

2004-06-20 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Bhanu, The mailing lists can be found in I'll fix the wiki. Regards, Alan > -Original Message- > From: Bhanu Vasireddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 7:40 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Geronimo J2EE project

RE: [Agila] assigning tasks to groups of users

2004-11-09 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
> -Original Message- > From: Jeremy Boynes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 1:54 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: [Agila] assigning tasks to groups of users > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > > On 8 Nov 2004, at 15:58, Jeremy Boynes wrote: > > > >> [EM

RE: [VOTE][release] [ApacheDS] 0.8

2005-01-14 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
> --- > [X] +1 I support this release and am willing to help > [ ] +0 I support this release but am unable to help > [ ] -0 I do not support this release > [ ] -1 I do not support this release, and here are my reasons --

Re: [VOTE] Directory exiting Incubator

2005-02-07 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
[X] Graduate the Directory Project [ ] Abstain [ ] Keep incubating the Directory Project - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Incubating java projects

2005-12-20 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Dumb question, is it a requirement that the incubating project move to the org.apache package? Regards, Alan - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Growth

2005-12-22 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/21/2005 7:22 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote: Folks, Right now any PMC can automatically ok projects into incubator. How about we change that rule? So that the only pmc that can approve a proposal is the incubator PMC. Without putting too much thought into my response I think that the I

Re: Incubating java projects

2005-12-22 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/21/2005 3:13 AM, Leo Simons wrote: On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 10:59:11AM +, James Strachan wrote: On 20 Dec 2005, at 19:33, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote: It's not actually a dumb question, but rather one that I always took for granted... I realized when asked by Alan that we never

Re: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-22 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/22/2005 10:34 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote: On Dec 22, 2005, at 12:56 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: I do understand your point, but as I also understand from the comments of both the current ASF Chairman and his predecessor, the Incubator's authority comes into play when we vote to release f

Re: Is the incubator out of control?

2005-12-22 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/21/2005 11:21 PM, Cliff Schmidt wrote: On 12/21/05, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ted Leung wrote: On Dec 21, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: I think that the incubation process is setting an incredibly low bar for access to the Apache brand name

Re: Corporations and the incubator

2005-12-26 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/25/2005 6:03 PM, Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote: On Sat, 2005-12-24 at 13:00 -0700, Martin Sebor wrote: Don't do a press release. An incubating project is not officially part of the ASF, and a press release will imply that the project is part of the ASF. This one really makes ASF membe

ActiveMQ and ServiceMix status

2005-12-26 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
The software grant forms have been completed and sent to the Apache Software Foundation. Can someone within ASF confirm that they have been received? The trademarks are in the process of being transferred. ETA for the transfer is about one week. Regards, Alan -

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-27 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/27/2005 9:17 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote: On Dec 27, 2005, at 11:13 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: There has been some discussion on creating a Java specs project which would hold all the specs jars from the various JSRs as well as other standards, e.g. CORBA. Often, there are many

Starting a java specs project

2005-12-27 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
There has been some discussion on creating a Java specs project which would hold all the specs jars from the various JSRs as well as other standards, e.g. CORBA. Often, there are many duplicate "copies" of the source code for the same JSR floating around in different Apache projects. It would

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-27 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/27/2005 3:50 PM, Brett Porter wrote: On 12/28/05, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Yeah, I've forwarded this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well so I can get feedback from both sides. The above meant 'the commons community way' rather than the exact people. ie) I'm expecting the origi

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-27 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
28/05, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I would think that given its very nature, specs, the community would not be very active at all. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-m

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-28 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/27/2005 4:25 PM, Brett Porter wrote: Discussion of upcoming specs, discussion of usage of the specs, a users list that helps people use the specs (this is necessary, but worries me about getting "how do I do servlets" type questions). I guess there is also scope to innovate in addition to

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-28 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/27/2005 7:12 PM, Henri Yandell wrote: On 12/27/05, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Seems like an oxymoron, community should be active, but the code may not, no? How can this be? Two ways: 1) The conversation that Brett mentions. General pan-apache Java thing

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-30 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/30/2005 6:54 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote: On Dec 28, 2005, at 11:26 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: On 12/27/2005 4:25 PM, Brett Porter wrote: Discussion of upcoming specs, discussion of usage of the specs, a users list that helps people use the specs (this is necessary, but worries me

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-30 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/30/2005 10:18 AM, Henri Yandell wrote: On 12/30/05, Thomas Dudziak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 12/30/05, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Reasons for not Jakarta: *) Java specific. I wonder why it has to be Java-specific ? Aren't there any standards that conta

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-30 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/30/2005 10:29 AM, Craig L Russell wrote: 2. There is no reason that I know of to restrict commit privileges on the javax code to expert group members. The TCKs typically include signature tests that verify that the interfaces and classes contain exactly what they are supposed to. I agr

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-30 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Looks good to me. Guys, should we not begin to create a specs project in Jakarta? It seems that we have a consensus. What are the next steps? Regards, Alan On 12/30/2005 6:14 AM, James Carman wrote: Why not do like we do with the commons? spec-javamail -Original Message- From

Re: Starting a java specs project

2005-12-30 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/30/2005 1:27 PM, Craig McClanahan wrote: On 12/30/05, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Looks good to me. Guys, should we not begin to create a specs project in Jakarta? It seems that we have a consensus. Well, maybe ... I have a couple of concerns abo

Re: Starting a java specs project

2006-01-01 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 12/31/2005 1:12 PM, Craig L Russell wrote: I haven't been involved in any history here, so please forgive my naivete. I think I understand the rationale for developing spec jars here at Apache. Please correct me if I'm wrong. In order to use a spec jar from the JCP, you have to click a li

Re: Starting a java specs project

2006-01-02 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 1/1/2006 5:23 PM, Henri Yandell wrote: On 12/31/05, Craig L Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I haven't been involved in any history here, so please forgive my naivete. I think I understand the rationale for developing spec jars here at Apache. Please correct me if I'm wrong. In order t

Re: Starting a java specs project

2006-01-02 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 1/2/2006 10:20 AM, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote: Alan D. Cabrera wrote: There are plenty of non-JCP specs, e.g. CORBA. Do they have the same kind of "independent artifacts" like some of these JCP specs do? I've been thinking about this too - what other specs have a

Re: [VOTE] approve a milestone release of ActiveMQ?

2006-01-30 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
+1 Release the binary as 4.0-M4 Regards, Alan On 1/30/2006 12:06 AM, James Strachan wrote: On the developer list the committers voted to create a milestone release of ActiveMQ... 200512.mbox/[EMAIL PROTECTED] then the committe

Re: [VOTE] approve a milestone release of ActiveMQ?

2006-01-31 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Noel J. Bergman wrote, On 1/31/2006 7:43 AM: -1 * The paperwork has not been recorded by the ASF Secretary. If necessary, an ASF Officer can be used as an intermediary, e.g., if Ken wants to accept and ACK a FAX, we can operate on his ACK. * I don't see a Software Grant for

[VOTE-RESULT] Yoko - A CORBA Server Sub-Project Proposal - PASSED

2006-01-31 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Results of the vote [1] on Yoko - A CORBA Server sub-project proposal [2]: +1 David Blevins +1 Jacek Laskowski +1 John Sisson +1 Alan Cabrera +1 Jeff Genender +1 Davanum Srinivas +1 Matt Hogstrom +1 David Jencks +1 Dain Sundstrom +1 Bruce Snyder +1 Greg Wilkins +1 Jan Bartel +1 Jason

Re: [VOTE-RESULT] Yoko - A CORBA Server Sub-Project Proposal - PASSED

2006-01-31 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Noel J. Bergman wrote, On 1/31/2006 7:27 PM: Alan, Could you folks turn up some additional Mentors? We have not adopted a formal policy to require more than one --- yet --- but I'd like to see more than one. Sure, good idea. Regards, Alan --

Re: $project.xml files for ServiceMix and ActiveMQ

2006-02-01 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote, On 2/1/2006 9:29 PM: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Bruce Snyder wrote: Thank you very much for making us aware of this issue, Ken. I know that it was a learning experience for me. At any rate, I've fixed up the list of committers in each $projec

Re: [VOTE] approve a milestone release of ActiveMQ?

2006-02-02 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/2/2006 8:57 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote: On Feb 2, 2006, at 7:29 AM, Hiram Chirino wrote: On Feb 1, 2006, at 5:42 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: How should the disclaimer be associated? Well, this is a bit of an issue. Why are the plain jars available? To allow automated downloads by

Re: Let's rewind!!! (Re: [VOTE] accept donation of a business process engine into the ServiceMix project)

2006-02-02 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
If I understand correctly, this will be a code donation like Regards, Alan On 2/2/2006 1:12 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote: Cory, Could you please get James' help and draft a complete proposal? Please see

Re: Let's rewind!!! (Re: [VOTE] accept donation of a business process engine into the ServiceMix project)

2006-02-03 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Are there risks to making this a TLP, i.e. do we know that there will be enough traction to get it out of the incubator on its own? Wouldn't it make sense to incubate it in an existing project and if the community grows, graduated it to a TLP? I think that we've seen many TLP projects strugg

Re: [VOTE] accept donation of a business process engine into the ServiceMix project

2006-02-03 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Cc'ing the incubator list since Dims is no longer on the Geronimo and ServiceMix lists. Regards, Alan On 2/3/2006 2:05 PM, Aaron Mulder wrote: Holy crap! What a mess this thread is! I'm not used to being like the cool voice of reason. :) For my 2 cents, a JBI container without BPEL is a

Re: [VOTE-RESULT] Yoko - A CORBA Server Sub-Project Proposal - PASSED

2006-02-03 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 1/31/2006 8:23 PM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: Noel J. Bergman wrote, On 1/31/2006 7:27 PM: Alan, Could you folks turn up some additional Mentors? We have not adopted a formal policy to require more than one --- yet --- but I'd like to see more than one. Sure, good idea. The

Re: Starting a java specs project

2006-02-07 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/7/2006 7:23 AM, Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote: On Tue, 2006-02-07 at 14:54 +0100, Jochen Wiedmann wrote: What happened to the "Starting a java specs project" thread? Um, probably the same thing that happens to many threads- like a firework .. goes up with heat, blows up in great colo


2006-02-07 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
The requirement for iCLAs is pretty straightforward. What is the rule for requiring CCLAs? How do I, on the Apache side, perform due diligence? Do I just point the candidates to the license page and ask them to carefully read the material? Regards, Alan

Re: [VOTE] approve a milestone release of ActiveMQ?

2006-02-07 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Noel, I think that these issues have now been addressed. I have gathered up the information from subsequent replies in this thread below. Noel J. Bergman wrote, On 1/31/2006 7:43 AM: -1 * The paperwork has not been recorded by the ASF Secretary. If necessary, an ASF Officer can be u

Re: OFBiz - next steps

2006-02-08 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/5/2006 2:32 PM, David N. Welton wrote: Leo Simons wrote: *) IP clearance checklist - I need to make a copy of that in SVN here, /incubator/site-author/ip-clearance. I'll try and get that done over the weekend. Ok, I added /incubator/site-author/ip-clearance/ofbiz.xml - althou

CORBA Incubation setup procedures

2006-02-08 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
I think I need: * SVN o * Jira * Mailing lists o [EMAIL PROTECTED] o [EMAIL PROTECTED] o [EMAIL PROTECTED] Regards, Alan

Re: [VOTE-RESULT] Yoko - A CORBA Server Sub-Project Proposal - PASSED

2006-02-08 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/8/2006 5:16 PM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alan D. Cabrera wrote: The only person who's stepped up and volunteered is Geir. Is there anyone else? Are two mentors enough? I'm there also. Yep. Thanks Ken! Regards, Alan

Re: [VOTE-RESULT] Yoko - A CORBA Server Sub-Project Proposal - PASSED

2006-02-08 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/8/2006 5:50 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: Alan, Please note that this is not a Geronimo sub-project. Incubator projects are just that: Incubator projects whose final destination will be determined at graduation. Amongst other issues, we want to be inviting and inclusive of whomever wants

Re: CORBA Incubation setup procedures

2006-02-08 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/8/2006 5:41 PM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alan D. Cabrera wrote: I think I need: * SVN o * Jira * Mailing lists o [EMAIL PROTECTED] o [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: CORBA Incubation setup procedures

2006-02-09 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/8/2006 7:27 PM, Roy T. Fielding wrote: ALL incubator requests for infrastructure MUST be reflected in an appropriate status file under before they are requested. There are no exceptions. Roy I shall do this. Regards, Alan -

Re: [VOTE] approve a milestone release of ActiveMQ?

2006-02-09 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On Feb 8, 2006, at 2:56 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: Noel, I think that these issues have now been addressed. I have gathered up the information from subsequent replies in this thread below. Noel J. Bergman wrote, On 1/31/2006 7:43 AM: -1 * The paperwork has not been recorded by the ASF Se

Re: IP clearance page broken

2006-02-13 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/13/2006 11:04 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote: The all of the links on index.html seem to be broken. I'll try to figure out what is wrong, but if someone has an idea or is already working on it, please let me know. Fixed and released. Regards, Al

Re: BPEL contribution from Sybase

2006-02-13 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/13/2006 6:43 PM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: Dain Sundstrom wrote: Sybase wants to donate to the service-mix community In other words, they *don't* want to contribute it to Apache. They want it to go into a specific and particular niche *at* Apache. Why the specificity? Why d

Re: [VOTE] approve a milestone release of ActiveMQ?

2006-02-13 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/13/2006 6:26 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: Alan, * I have no problem with the tarballs, but the plain jars do not have the disclaimer associated with them. Any current user of ActiveMQ will have to modify their Maven project descriptor to change the groupId of activemq to

Ode Proposal

2006-02-13 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Ok. Here's the proposal Please feel free to comment. Bill Flood, can you provide us with the list of Sybase developers that wish to work on this project? Can you get the Software Grant paperwork faxed in? Any other ASF committers want to jump

Re: Ode / BPEL Donation of BPEL 2.0 Engine

2006-02-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Done. Feel free to amend. Regards, Alan Davanum Srinivas wrote, On 2/15/2006 2:15 PM: Welcome aboard Alan, James, Could you please update the wiki proposal? thanks, dims On 2/15/06, Ismael Ghalimi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Good afternoon, My name is Ismael Ghalimi, and I am the CEO

Re: Ode Proposal

2006-02-16 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
t and become actively involved. Bill Flood Sybase [EMAIL PROTECTED] On 2/14/06, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Ok. Here's the proposal Please feel free to comment. Bill Flood, can you provide us with the list of Sybase deve

Re: Ode Proposal

2006-02-17 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
IIUC, you must be a made man to be a mentor. Regards, Alan Paul Fremantle wrote, On 2/17/2006 1:26 AM: Folks I have added myself in the wiki as a mentor and committer. I hope thats ok with everyone. Paul On 2/17/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: really. I thought he was jo

Re: Ode Apache licensed source(Sybae donation)

2006-02-17 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
cory wrote, On 2/17/2006 9:05 AM: Hello All, An Ode Apache licensed tarball is available at: The grant was faxed in on 2/9. The package name is org.apache.ode, all the source files have an Apache license and an Apache LICENSE file is i

Ode proposal

2006-02-17 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
I've placed a tentative version of the proposal up onto the incubator site. The Software Grant has been received. There is obviously a lot of good discussion that still needs to take place. I think we should move this to the new mailing lists. I think that we need to create: - mailing lists

Re: Ode proposal

2006-02-17 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Davanum Srinivas wrote, On 2/17/2006 12:01 PM: Hmm...Can we apply the same criteria to *ALL* committers (including those listed in the status page now?) One more question, Since Noel (as the PMC Chair) talked about Incubator pmc sponsoring this, can we please reflect that and ask for a ppmc mail

Re: Ode proposal

2006-02-17 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Sorry, that's what I meant. What are the domains for the lists? Davanum Srinivas wrote, On 2/17/2006 1:19 PM: harmony-ppmc...Also dont' forget to change the domains for the lists.. -- dims On 2/17/06, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Davanum Srinivas wrote, On 2/

Re: Ode Resources

2006-02-17 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Davanum Srinivas wrote, On 2/17/2006 1:49 PM: Alan, I've set up the following. Mailing listdev [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mailing listcommits [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mailing listppmc [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bug trackingJIRA Source code SVN

Re: Ode Proposal

2006-02-18 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/17/2006 9:26 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: IIUC, you must be a made man to be a mentor. Actually, Paul is on the Incubator PMC, so he's on the Ode PPMC, and has chosen to actively participate. ASF Members are automatically eligible for the PMC, others, such as Paul, are elected. D

Re: Ode proposal

2006-02-18 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/17/2006 8:12 PM, Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote: On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 11:42 -0800, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: One thing that should be resolved as soon as possible is how we will bring in new members. At the moment there are 17 proposed new committers for a total of 37 committers. I think

Re: Mentors, PMC, and oversight.

2006-02-18 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/18/2006 10:24 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: Alan D. Cabrera wrote: Noel J. Bergman wrote: [X] is on the Incubator PMC, so he's on the Ode PPMC, and has chosen to actively participate. ASF Members are automatically eligible for he PMC, others [can be] elected.

Re: Unsorted projects in the "Currently in incubation" list

2006-02-19 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Jacopo Cappellato wrote, On 2/18/2006 10:44 PM: Hi all, just a side note... I've noticed that the projects recently accepted into the Incubator (Ode and Yoko) have been added to the top of the list of "Currently in incubation" projects ( I thi

Re: Ode proposal

2006-02-19 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Craig McClanahan wrote, On 2/18/2006 11:46 PM: On 2/18/06, Berin Lautenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Alan D. Cabrera wrote: OT: I dislike the current trend of people using +1, -1, for simple conversations. It confuses people and should be reserved for votes. The use of +1/

Re: [Incubator Wiki] Update of "GrandCentralProposal" by AlanCabrera

2006-02-22 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/22/2006 7:39 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: Grand Central, a home for Java Specs. I'd suggest that we just use Jakarta for this purpose. And I don't believe that we need anything more than a map, and a package distribution point. What about the issue w/ project names in jars, e.g.

Re: [Incubator Wiki] Update of "GrandCentralProposal" by AlanCabrera

2006-02-22 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/22/2006 8:11 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: On 2/22/2006 7:39 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote: Grand Central, a home for Java Specs. I'd suggest that we just use Jakarta for this purpose. And I don't believe that we need anything more than a map, and a package distribu

Re: Account requests for Incubator projects

2006-02-23 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/23/2006 9:16 AM, Upayavira wrote: Niclas Hedhman wrote: On Thursday 23 February 2006 15:46, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote: Why not just modify incubator procedure to make it clear that 1) Mentors make the requests and 2) They sign the email w/ the title "$PODLING_NAME Mentor" Now #2


2006-02-23 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
I think that Yoko is good to go. ASF Infra has set up the mailing lists, SVN, and created accounts for our new committers as well as adding the existing interested ASF committers to the proper Unix group. I will notify the new committers of their new accounts. There are some stragglers and t

Re: Yoko

2006-02-23 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On 2/23/2006 11:32 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alan D. Cabrera wrote: One question, do we need a PPMC? I think that we should start one since this project has a very real possibility of becoming a TLP. It's not really a matt

[VOTE] Proposal for Apache Ode

2006-03-03 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Where are we with this vote? Can we form the PPMC? Regards, Alan - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Yoko

2006-03-06 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Alan D. Cabrera wrote, On 2/23/2006 12:59 PM: On 2/23/2006 11:32 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alan D. Cabrera wrote: One question, do we need a PPMC? I think that we should start one since this project has a very real possibility of

Re: Thoughts on Umbrellas, Federations, and Communication

2006-03-08 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Noel J. Bergman wrote: ASF projects are supposed to be about a community managing a project. So the warning signs include large disjoint communities, e.g., Jakarta, the old XML project (which, itself, was a Jakarta spin-off), etc. So, good project boundaries are considered to be administrative


2006-03-08 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Thomas Dudziak wrote: Mhmm, I have one major problem with this (as much as with Cayenne), and this is that IMO we (will) have too much ORM engines in Apache (with JPA and Cayenne it will be 6 or 7 ?) with little to no cooperation (esp. on the code level) between the ones already here. So in short

[VOTE] Proposal for Apache Ode PASSED

2006-03-10 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
+1: Jim Jagielski, Noel J. Bergman, Davanum Srinivas, Paul Fremantle 0: none -1: none Regards, Alan - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Incubation Process and PPMCs

2006-03-14 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
IIUC, they all contributed code to the AMQ project. Regards, Alan Davanum Srinivas wrote: What i'd be interested to know is how many of the 17 Non-Apache Committers noted on the proposal[1] got Apache id's and of them how many of them actually made any commits to the Apache SVN repo. [1] http

Re: Incubation Process and PPMCs

2006-03-14 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: Noel J. Bergman wrote: -- Once established, the PPMC shall -- work to make sure that the other resources are put into place. - -0. Mentor's job, not a PPMC one. While I think that the mentors should be ultimately responsible for this, it

Incubator PMC membership

2006-03-14 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
I'm curious, how does one get into the Incubator PMC? Regards, Alan - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [doc] Incubation Policy -> "Acceptance of Proposal by Sponsor"

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Justin Erenkrantz wrote: On 3/14/06, Jean T. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm resurrecting the thread that fell off into /dev/null after[EMAIL PROTECTED] So this sentence in

Re: ActiveMQ Graduation From Incubator

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Noel J. Bergman wrote: Alan D. Cabrera wrote: This is not a vote, but simply a discussion about the graduation of ActiveMQ from the Incubator. Personally, I do not consider ActiveMQ ready. And I do believe that it should be targeting TLP status. It has its own community, is

Re: Incubator PMC membership

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote: Alan D. Cabrera wrote: I'm curious, how does one get into the Incubator PMC? It's open to all members now with a simple ping - ack - short wait cycle. All members interested in contributing to this effort are welcomed if they would help provide the men

Re: [doc] Incubation Policy -> "Acceptance of Proposal by Sponsor"

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Justin Erenkrantz wrote: On 3/15/06, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I have a concern about item 2. It has been my experience that the Incubator PMC can be a bit tardy in replying to emails. May I suggest that the 72 hour window starts w/ item 1? Given that, then item 2

Re: Incubator PMC membership

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Alan D. Cabrera wrote: So, ASF corporate members can become members. That fits in with my understanding as well since, IIUC, ASF corporate members can join any PMC that they wish. Correct. Although the

Re: ActiveMQ Graduation From Incubator

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Davanum Srinivas wrote: Alan, There is something going on that i can't really put my finger on. - The large # of committers who don't really commit This is a perennial issue w/ incubation, IIRC. Do we give commit to all original committers and take it away from inactive ones or do we go

Re: ActiveMQ Graduation From Incubator

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Noel J. Bergman wrote: James Strachan wrote: What other issues are there? A number of infrastucture issues. Votes from the Incubator PMC and Geronimo PMC. To do that responsibly, I'd say that we would want to see communities having demonstrated that they understand how to practice a

Re: ActiveMQ Graduation From Incubator

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Noel J. Bergman wrote: Alan D. Cabrera wrote: I only see infrastructure issues in your list of concerns that would prevent the graduation of ActiveMQ. Look again, but also at comments from Dims, Henri and others. At the moment, only Dims has taken the time to enumerate a list of

Re: ActiveMQ Graduation From Incubator

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Henri Yandell wrote: On 3/15/06, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Davanum Srinivas wrote: - The presence of ActiveCluster/ActiveIO which were separate projects in codehaus (is the active cluster code inside the milestone? i don't see a separate jar). Th

Re: ActiveMQ and ServiceMix reports

2006-03-15 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Henri Yandell wrote: Interesting reply - I'd been assuming that when an incubatee graduates into an existing project, it's PPMC automatically get added to the PMC. So I was a bit confused as to why Noel was even aski

Re: ActiveMQ and ServiceMix reports

2006-03-16 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
This is my understanding as well and what was communicated to me by Incubator PMC people. Regards, Alan Davanum Srinivas wrote: I think he is talking about having/needing a separate download for ServiceMix irrespective of whether an incubating jar is in Geronimo or not. Basically if one nee

Re: Preventing exclusionary practices in Incubating projects

2006-03-16 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
James Strachan wrote: On 3/16/06, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Alan/James dredged up a thought process which i want to ask all of you about. For a concrete example, I know for a fact that WADI, ActiveIO and Trifork guys have been talking about coming up with a single framework

Re: Non-final materials in final ASF materials

2006-03-18 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Henri Yandell wrote: On Sat, 18 Mar 2006, James Strachan wrote: BTW we are currently calling all the artifacts incubator-activemq-*, the jars are all called incubator-activemq*.jar, we include disclaimers in the distro highlighting the incubator status and also include these inside the manife

Re: [VOTE] Incubator PMC to approve the 4.0-RC1 release of ActiveMQ

2006-03-30 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
James Strachan wrote, On 3/30/2006 5:46 AM: On 3/30/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: James Strachan wrote: ERROR BrokerService - Failed to start ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker. Reason: at

AcitveMQ and ServiceMix trademark assignment

2006-04-07 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
I believe that these forms were sent in a while back. Has this been accepted and signed by the ASF? Regards, Alan -- Alan D. Cabrera VP Engineering Simula Labs - The Open Source Venture Partners p: +1 510 225 5588 f: +1 800 822 0471 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AcitveMQ and ServiceMix trademark assignment

2006-04-07 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Great. Thanks. Should LogicBlaze get a copy of the signed document? Regards, Alan Noel J. Bergman wrote, On 4/7/2006 7:30 AM: Yes, it appears so from the trademark-assigns.txt file. On or before February 18th. --- Noel -Original Message- From: Alan D. Cabrera [mailto

Re: AcitveMQ and ServiceMix trademark assignment

2006-04-07 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
assignment the day it was logged in the file (Feb 3rd). On Apr 7, 2006, at 3:04 PM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: Great. Thanks. Should LogicBlaze get a copy of the signed document? Regards, Alan Noel J. Bergman wrote, On 4/7/2006 7:30 AM: Yes, it appears so from the trademark-assigns.txt file. On or

Re: AcitveMQ and ServiceMix trademark assignment

2006-04-10 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Sounds good. Many thanks! Regards, Alan Jim Jagielski wrote, On 4/10/2006 7:50 AM: It was sent via postal mail. I can make another copy and send it out. Most likely later on this week. On Apr 7, 2006, at 5:17 PM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote: Thanks Jim. It seems that LogicBlaze may have

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache Curator as an Apache Top Level Project

2013-08-29 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
+1 Regards, Alan On Aug 28, 2013, at 10:44 AM, Jordan Zimmerman wrote: > Please cast your vote: > [ ] +1 Graduate the Apache Curator podling from Apache Incubator as a TLP > [ ] +0 Indifferent to the graduation status of Apache Curator podling > [ ] -1 Reject graduation of Apache Curator podl

Re: [RESULT] [VOTE] Graduate Apache Curator as an Apache Top Level Project

2013-09-02 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
uciano Resende > Mahadev Konar > Ioannis Canellos > Henry Saputra > Ashish Paliwal > Ant Elder > Andrei Savu > Alan D. Cabrera > Evaristo Josec > > +0 (none) > > -1 (none) > > I will send an email to the

Re: [PROPOSAL] Storm for Apache Incubator

2013-09-04 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Are we voting? Regards, Alan On Sep 4, 2013, at 8:33 AM, Ted Dunning wrote: > +1 binding > > > On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Suresh Srinivas wrote: > >> +1 (non-binding) >> >> Sent from phone >> >> On Sep 4, 2013, at 1:07 AM, Nathan Marz wrote: >> >>> Hi everyone, >>> >>> I'd like to

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Jake Farrell joins the Incubator PMC

2013-09-05 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
Congrats! Regards, Alan On Sep 5, 2013, at 5:54 PM, David Nalley wrote: > Hi Folks, > > The IPMC has VOTEd to add Jake Farrell as an Apache Incubator PMC. > > Welcome Jake! > > --David > > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: genera

Re: [VOTE] Accept Storm into the Incubator

2013-09-12 Thread Alan D. Cabrera
On Sep 12, 2013, at 12:19 PM, Doug Cutting wrote: > [ ] +1 Accept Storm into the Incubator > [ ] +0 Don't care. > [ ] -1 Don't accept Storm because... +1 - binding Regards, Alan

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