On 2/17/2006 8:12 PM, Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 11:42 -0800, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
One thing that should be resolved as soon as possible is how we will
bring in new members. At the moment there are 17 proposed new
committers for a total of 37 committers. I think that this list might
rival that of Geronimo in terms of size; it seems excessive. I propose
that people are brought in using the standard method of submitting patches.
-1 .. given that only a handful of the 37 committers (from Sybase and
Intalio) have touched that code, I see one of two possible paths:
- start with *just* those people as committers
- start with everyone who wants to be a committer at this stage as
The latter has been the traditional starting point for incubating
projects. What you're proposing is some weird middlepoint which biases
towards the few who signed up in the first few days/whatever. IMO that's
not a good model!
OT: I dislike the current trend of people using +1, -1, for simple
conversations. It confuses people and should be reserved for votes.
With that said, I disagree with your proposal Sanjiva. It has been my
experience that on occasion corporate people who are listed w/ a
donation frequently do little or nothing to build the community or the
product. Sometimes, corporations see a donation as a quick and easy
means to get their people ASF committer karma.
I trust the mentors on this project. I trust the Incubator PMC that is
ultimately charged with the oversight of this project. In a few days,
the the ranks of the commitership will be filled with active developers.