Re: [Freesurfer] Anterior Temporal Lobe / Pial Reconstruc​tion Troubles - part 1

2014-07-18 Thread Las Blawimo
Dear dr. Fischl, I was wondering if you've had any chance to look at our images (image 3 and 4 are attached to a second e-mail with the subject: Anterior Temporal Lobe / Pial Reconstruction Troubles - part 2)? Sincerely, Las 2014-07-11 16:06 GMT+02:00 Las Blawimo : > Dear Dr. Fischl, > > Than

Re: [Freesurfer] selxavg3-sess error in ==> fast_selxavg3 at 434

2014-07-18 Thread pfannmoelj
Thank you for your Help. I figured out that it was a problem with the data which caused this error. On Wed, 04 Jun 2014 12:00:08 -0400 Douglas N Greve wrote: > > This is a strange error that I cannot figure out from the terminal > output. What version of FS are you using? Here's something

Re: [Freesurfer] mni152reg error

2014-07-18 Thread
Hello Doug, Ideally, I am trying to take subject tstat maps from FsFast (stable3 environment) and register these native structural space maps to the MNI152_2mm standard brain. The t_000.bfloat file is what was generated relative to my contrast that was set up in FsFast stable3. There are a series

Re: [Freesurfer] Errors in Mapping of Brodmann Areas

2014-07-18 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi pfannmoe this is a bug in mri_label2label that we fixed a while ago. Zeke: can post a new version and let people on the list know where it is? thanks Bruce On Fri, 18 Jul 2014, wrote: > Dear Experts, > > I am working with freesurfer 5.3 on Mac OSX. I applied re

Re: [Freesurfer] Errors in Mapping of Brodmann Areas

2014-07-18 Thread pfannmoelj
It would be very helpful for me. On Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:18:15 -0400 (EDT) Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi pfannmoe > > this is a bug in mri_label2label that we fixed a while ago. Zeke: can > post a new version and let people on the list know where it is? > > thanks > Bruce > > On Fri, 18 Jul 2014,

Re: [Freesurfer] Anterior Temporal Lobe / Pial Reconstruc​tion Troubles - part 1

2014-07-18 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Las it's tough to tell from just those images. Can you upload the entire subject directory? cheers Bruce On Fri, 18 Jul 2014, Las Blawimo wrote: Dear dr. Fischl,   I was wondering if you've had any chance to look at our images (image 3 and 4 are attached to a second e-mail with the subj

[Freesurfer] Thickness measurements on longitudinal data set

2014-07-18 Thread Bastian Cheng
Dear Freesurfer-Experts, I am currently trying to measure Cortical Thickness of a Volume-defined ROI in a patient measured at 4 timepoints. Basically, I am interested in a ROI resulting from fMRI activation measured on Timepoint 1. I would then like to get thickness values in the same ROI for all

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_convert

2014-07-18 Thread Douglas Greve
You can use mri_convert to change the orientation in the header. If you run mri_convert without options it will give you lots of documentation doug On 7/18/14 9:17 AM, Fan, Qiuyun wrote: > Hi Doug, > > I think I figured it out. It's the angulation of the image plane. > ImageOreintation (should

Re: [Freesurfer] Spatial smoothing in Matlab

2014-07-18 Thread Douglas Greve
not that I know of. When I have to do this, I save the data to a file, then call mri_surf2surf with a system call, then load the result back into matlab On 7/18/14 1:12 AM, Reza Rajimehr wrote: > Hi, > > For a simulation purpose, I want to load a surface into Matlab, assign a > random value (ta

[Freesurfer] Global mean FA

2014-07-18 Thread Alshikho, Mohamad J.
Hi Fs Experts, In order to calculate the global white matter fractional anisotropy FA I used (wm.mgz ) the output of recon-all as a mask in the following command line mri_segstats --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/015601/mri/wmparc.mgz --ctab $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --mask wm.mgz --i fa.anat

Re: [Freesurfer] Spatial smoothing in Matlab

2014-07-18 Thread Reza Rajimehr
Thanks Doug! I need to do this procedure 100 times, so I have to automate it. Do you have an example C-shell script for this? Or is there a way to call mri_surf2surf inside a "for loop" of Matlab? Thanks, Reza not that I know of. When I have to do this, I save the data to a file, then call mri_s

Re: [Freesurfer] retinotopic mapping using selxavg3-sess

2014-07-18 Thread Alan Lee
Hi Arman, Thanks for your suggestion. Sadly, the command source /usr/share/fsl/5.0/etc/fslconf/ doesn't work and I've got the error: FSLDIR=/usr/share/fsl/5.0: Command not found. POSSUMDIR=/usr/lib/fsl/5.0: Command not found. Bad : modifier in $ (/). Do you think removing FSL altogether

Re: [Freesurfer] Spatial smoothing in Matlab

2014-07-18 Thread Anthony Dick
Hello, This shell script may do close to what you want it to do, so you could modify it. It does it within AFNI using converted freesurfer surfaces. If you see any errors please let me know. Anthony On 7/18/14, 12:39 PM, Douglas Greve wrot

[Freesurfer] Converting volume to label

2014-07-18 Thread Weiss, Sarah
Dear Freesurfer experts, We are trying to convert a volume created in SPM and saved as a .nii file into a label to overlay on a Freesurfer surface. We are using a template surface found online, colin ( We are able to display our .nii in freeview successfully. T

[Freesurfer] Tracula trac-all -stat flag -stat unrecognized

2014-07-18 Thread Cat Chong
Hello Anastasia, I have just converted pathstas.overall.txt files to a table for group analyses. Now, I am trying to convert pathstats.byvoxel.txt files to a table for group analyses using the command: trac-all -stat -c  I am receiving the error message: ERROR: flag -stat unrecognized I am work

Re: [Freesurfer] Group differences in pc1 (longitudinal stage2)

2014-07-18 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Tudor, yes, it can of course happen that neither group is significantly different from zero, but the groups are different from each other. For example one group mean is slightly above zero, the other slightly below, then they would not differ from zero, but maybe the distance is large enou

Re: [Freesurfer] repost: transforming Base surfaces to Cross space for longitudinal data sets

2014-07-18 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Paul, yes, take a look here: should be similar to what you want to do (base and long are in the same space), you would not need the lta_convert command, I think as you are going to brainmask, not the rawavg. Best, Martin On 0

[Freesurfer] Tracula AD weighted average

2014-07-18 Thread Cat Chong
Dear Anastasia, Another quick question: We found significant differences in two subject groups for the AD_AVG as well as the  AD_AVG_Weight, which is stated as the "weighted average over the entire path distribution'. Could you tell me how the average weight is calculated and why it would be be

Re: [Freesurfer] Thickness measurements on longitudinal data set

2014-07-18 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Bastian, use the longitudinal base for it. Also, once your ROI is in that space you can simply apply it in each long as they are in the same space as the base. The registration of base >> TP1.long etc. probably only changes results very little. Best, Martin On 07/18/2014 10:45 AM, Bastian

Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula trac-all -stat flag -stat unrecognized

2014-07-18 Thread Chris Watson
Do you have the latest version of Tracula? There was an update posted after FS 5.3 came out. On 07/18/2014 04:48 PM, Cat Chong wrote: Hello Anastasia, I have just converted pathstas.overall.txt files to a table for group analyses. Now, I am trying to convert pathstats.byvoxel.txt files to a

Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula trac-all -stat flag -stat unrecognized

2014-07-18 Thread Cat Chong
Thanks Chris, I will try that right now! > On Jul 18, 2014, at 2:37 PM, Chris Watson > wrote: > > Do you have the latest version of Tracula? There was an update posted after > FS 5.3 came out. > >> On 07/18/2014 04:48 PM, Cat Chong wrote: >> Hello Anastasia, >> >> I have just converted path

Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula AD weighted average

2014-07-18 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Cat - AD_AVG_Weight weighs the AD value at each voxel with the probability value of the tract going through that voxel. So it's the proper definition of the expected (mean) value from probability theory. a.y On Fri, 18 Jul 2014, Cat Chong wrote: Dear Anastasia, Another quick question:

Re: [Freesurfer] Thickness measurements on longitudinal data set

2014-07-18 Thread Bastian Cheng
Thank you for clarification, Martin! Will do so and also try registration of base >> TP1.long etc. Does FS create registration files (.dat) for this purpose automatically? I found some *.lta files in the /mri/transfers folder of the base image but am not sure how to apply them (maybe tkregister2